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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. What is *wvaves*? The trophyless banter is rubbish btw. All the best with your mid-table to lower-mid-table finish this season again.
  2. Every season vikingTon pushes Morton's chances and sets himself up for inevitable goading when they once again scrape survival. I rather enjoy it. Falkirk FC are a far, far bigger team than Greenock likely ever will be.
  3. If Sloan's track of thought was about 5 minutes quicker he'd never have been near Raith Rovers.
  4. Check out young Lee Evans on the left hand side. The big Togo international in the middle looks thoroughly pissed off. Probably fed up after a night of swatting away wee fannies who are trying to bully his daft pals.
  5. At least it means he'll be having breakfast with some new 'uncles'. Every cloud and all that.
  6. Cheers, man. I know that I'm being daft but this job is a significant payrise, would be great for my family life and I'm pinning a lot on it hence the over-worrying. May phone them come Thursday if I've not heard anything but I don't want to come across as an annoying, needy pain in the arse.
  7. Passed an initial telephone interview on Thursday past for a new job and the company told me that they'd call me back soon with a date for a face to face interview. Paranoia gets the beter of me in these situations and I'm already letting my mind think that they've lost my details etc. How long do you think it'd take a company to get back with further info?
  8. That's a bit shite, like. All the best Keith. I'm sure things will work out for the better one way or another.
  9. Great work by Forfar if they manage to sign Wilson but, like others on here, I reckon he should still be plying his trade in the 1st.
  10. Plenty of fun to be had with these... So u ask....do I work? No, I don't work because I'm a lazy b*****d... I just can't be arsed! I don't have an alarm clock, I don't cook, can't afford a maid, can't be bothered teaching my 9 kids how to read or write. I'll never become a nurse, handyman, security officer, photographer, counselor or a referee and I just have no sympathy when my kids hurt themselves as I can't even remember most of their fucking names. I don't get holidays, sick pay or days off, that's what people who actually get out of their beds to go to work get. I sit on the couch through the day and night on my mobile phone at tax payers expense and get 'paid' twice weekly when I sign on. ♥ Re-post if u are a lazy, good for nothing sponger too...xxx ♥
  11. I've carried a cock on my body, slept with a hardon on my stomach, I've kissed munters and it's gone soft. I'ts been puked on, peed on, pooped on and spent most of it's life in the dark, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. My cock isn't porno perfect, but when I look in the mirror I see a shagging machine and there is no greater honour or blessing♥ There you go.
  12. Just saw the P&B 5's photos. Offftt!! Sorry I didn't come along and make the place a bit better looking.
  13. I only had three hours sleep last night due to signing Eremenko and some daft named striker for my Master League team and going through about 5 games at the end of the season and then pre-season just to see what they were like in the first game of the new season. Eremenko is quick footed if a little slow and the new striker, Heochans or something, is rapid and scored two headers if anyone is looking for different signings.
  14. How bored must you have been to come in to a Raith based thread to type that?
  15. Don't think they're allowed to shout but I reckon he did this for a few weeks before collapsing...
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