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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. We knew that at the time didn't we? Rangers had a rep present at the meetings and I'd be very surprised if he didn't tell McCoist who the committee were. McCoist wanted the people outed through sheer devilment, nothing else. It's an absolute disgrace that this has conveniently been painted over and that McCoist or Rangers haven't been made to be accountable for his actions. He has a legend to protect. If that means that he endangers other people's life whilst in the process of pandering to the RFC supporting neanderthals then so be it, so it would seem. Terrible conduct. I hope we can get his shitey Newco in a cup at home so I can tell him exactly what I think of him.
  2. Agreed. A positive outcome on the 200 Club situation would further enhance that from my perspective.
  3. I reckon he'd be a good asset with a full pre-season's training behind him. Hopefully McGlynn still regards him as an option.
  4. Backtrack? Ok then! Nice to see you heed my advice though. If you were as good at staying dry as you are at doing what I tell you, you might not be the laughing stock of P&B.
  5. Could he not post the amount of posts bigging up QotS in comparison to the apparent lack of posts bigging up Morton's chances, like? Asking for evidence when clearly wound up by someone on the internet is almost as cringeworthy as peeing yourself and posting the evidence for all to see on the WWW.
  6. Is there anything more embarrassing than seeing some fandan getting so wound up on the internet that they demand evidence from another to hopefully prove their point. Find it and post it yourself, ya fanny!
  7. Aye. Just wouldn't be vikingTon if he didn't snap up any sort of opportunity to make out that he is intelligent.
  8. Appreciate where you're coming from, Wardy but with current events I'd enjoy a few wee laughs at Rangers' expense today.
  9. Stark's Park has the potential to be electric tomorrow with the team having the chance to secure 1st Div fitba, the possible impromptu cheering if Dundee go ahead against Ayr and hopefully some anti Rangers songs on the go. "Ice Cream and Jelly..."
  10. Let's get a few things out of the way... Oh no! Not another tatoo thread. I was going to get 'Supercalifragilisticexpeealidocious' tatooed on my cock but there wasn't enough room for the last 's'. Hahaha! Your tatoo is shite, man! Ok, carry on.
  11. Captain America 3D. Really enjoyed it and I'm not usually one for comic book films. 7/10.
  12. I like to annoy my workmates by saying, "Hiya folks, nearly the weekend, eh!" when I go in at 4pm on a Monday. Never gets old.
  13. I'll follow folk back when I'm on the computer in the morning. I tweet very insightful stuff about what would happen if i saw a Spinosaurus.
  14. Life is Beautiful. 9/10. Straight in to my top ten favourite films that I've ever watched. Brilliantly funny in parts and incredibly sad in others. Amazing film. A total must watch film that I can pretty much guarantee you will enjoy.
  15. I usually leave my wife to sleep for a wee bit* after I've given her a good pelting. Recovery time and a' that, eh. Give yer bird a few hours and she'll be grumpin' fur a pumpin' again. *A day or two.
  16. I can think of only one quite bad thing that was shouted at me in 6 years of working on the phone. I'd taken an escalated call and the woman was getting more and more frustrated as the call went on as she was questioning the T's & C's and I was countering her to the stage that she knew she didn't have a leg to stand on. Anyway, I finished with my standard, "Is there anything else I can do for you today?" and she said quite calmly, "Yes, you can come down here and suck my husband's cock!" and then slammed the phone down.
  17. It's probably just small team syndrome but what you have explained above is what I imagine most OF supporters to feel like when yet another trophy is won. The only thing I think enhances the feeling of triumph for OF fans is if they win it against the other half. I can never imagine supporting a big team that expects to win things all the time. Give me hope over expectation any day when it comes to football.
  18. Another Morton supporter going to Uni to make pals. As unbearable as it would sound to a 'University of Lifer' like myself, why don't you become pals with McKee and save you both the hassle of going to Uni?
  19. I always thought that the primary reason that you went to university was to gain qualifications that would one day see you compete for top jobs or at least a job that you really wanted to do. The social aspect being an everyday occurence just like life outside a university course. Silly me!
  20. I feel sorry for you more than anything that your main reason for going to Uni is to make pals.
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