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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. Vt, remember how you used to put down our second place finish, saying that we were nowhere near the Pars etc? Can I point out that we were closer to the Pars at the end than Morton were to Thistle. Now that is a fun fact!
  2. I scored a header from a corner in the Live the Dream game at Starks Park. Followed it up 5 minutes later by lobbing the 'keeper for my second.
  3. Devastated that a brilliant and not boring at all poster like yourself would write that. For the record, both Raith and QotS will comfortably finish above Morton next season.
  4. Had a dream last night that myself and Gaz from P&B were watching a football match in America. There was an airport nearby and a place where they made all of America's money. An airplane came in to land, did a couple of loop the loops and crashed causing a great commotion. Instead of getting away from the site, we saw this as an opportunity to rob the place where they printed money and found a machine that had been making thousands of 100 pound notes. Chucked loads of them in to some hold-alls and then woke up with that horrible disappointment that I couldn't retire. Didn't spare a thought for the dreamt up crash victims.
  5. I think a lot of those threads were created to try and discourage P&B's resident trolls from ruining threads with their tedious, repetitive shite. You know who to thank for them now.
  6. Refreshing to see a wee jibe taken in good humour on P&B nowadays. Good on you, man. Hope your lot have a good season.
  7. The vast majority of female drivers I've encountered are laughably bad. The most recent one asking me if I was, "Having a laugh?" When I was parked about 2 metres away from blocking her drive. She had a ridiculous amount of space but thought she'd be wide about it anyway. Erse.
  8. That post isn't embarrassing. Not at all. "Gummy wingless midges chewing on a oil rig" (sic) Lay aff the turpentine, neebur!
  9. Hibs are pish. Even more so now Leigh Griffiths has gone. Hibs and glamour don't belong in the same sentence! Like your good self, I'm more looking forward to the Sheffield United game.
  10. Saturdays are more glamorous than Fridays IMO. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what the folk updating the OS are doing but Hibs aren't glamorous.
  11. Fair enough. Calling it a glamour friendly is booting the arse out of it though.
  12. I'm happy that Dougie has re-signed. Closest thing to a Sparky style obliterator that we have, just needs to work on his timing.
  13. Convinced my wee girl that the hazard lights button in the car is an ejector seat. Anytime she's playing up, all I have to do is reach towards the button and she suddenly becomes a good wee girl again.
  14. Peppa Pig and George are in the Mercat in Kirkcaldy tomorrow. As if Kirkcaldy town centre wasn't torturous enough.
  15. Are any of the parents on here subjected to Mr Tumble on a daily basis? I reckon his goodbye song sounds like he's asking a successful one night stand to leave his house. Around 44 seconds in... http://youtu.be/7UsD4G3CrEw Goodbye, goodbye It's time to run Goodbye, goodbye I hope you had good fun I say goodbye I'm happy that you came I say goodbye Please come back again
  16. I appreciate that the Pars are a huge part of people's lives but that is verging on emotional blackmail. "Give up your holiday money and savings to maybe save the Pars." Mis-quote surely?
  17. Did I imagine this or has Leishman asked Pars supporters to hand over savings and holiday money to keep the club afloat?
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