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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. I either heard or read earlier that these aircraft have a fail safe when the rotors kick in to lift the craft when it is close to the ground to minimise impact. This might be the whooshing noise that Grace heard and may have been the difference between it barrelling through the roof and just dunting it before falling through.
  2. If they had any control over the landing they'd have tried to ditch it in the Clyde surely?
  3. I'd be amazed if everyone gets out of that alive. Can't see it unfortunately.
  4. How on Earth can folk look at those and conclude that they've done a good job?
  5. I find myself thinking about what advice my Dad would give me when I'm missing him. I can guarantee it'd be along the lines of, "Stop moping about and get on with it ya big fanny!" Refreshingly straight to the point, my Dad.
  6. Just had a wee read of this thread and it's great to see such human spirit with the support that folk who are suffering/have suffered depression are receiving/giving. I've never been there fortunately. When my auld man passed away unexpectedly in April I went in to what I would describe as 'Robot mode'. Things have never seemed so clear even though I kinda switched off. All the best, folks.
  7. On This Day: 1994 Scott Thomson made 30,000 Glasgow Celtic supporters disappear by diving to his right.
  8. Got three free games of Deal or no Deal on the Sky Vegas app and turned them into £15. Not sure if offers are user specific but have a wee look and see if you have the chance of free money.
  9. Cleared out my attic earlier on and came across these from the P&B 5's in a box...
  10. I've honestly never heard of Orc as an abbreviation and always presumed it to relate to the ugly creatures from LotR too. Happy that I was unaware of that to be honest.
  11. I think you're right as you can see a wee hint of paps under that bonny red and black striped shirt.
  12. The Way Way Back Coming of age film about a young lad whos Dad has moved to California leaving him stuck with his Mum (Toni Collette) and her arse boyfriend (Steve Carrell). They head down to Carrell's holiday home and the young lad ends up working at a water park beside Sam Rockwell. Rockwell's dialogue is fantastic at times and Carrell was convincing as a total tube even though I always imagine him as loveable idiot, Brick Tamland. 7/10
  13. Those photos with size 14/16 mannequins and the text saying that they are more representative of "real" women's sizes. Who fucking decided that you are more of a woman because you eat more food or are 'bigger boned'? My wife is a relatively tall size 8/10. Does that make her less of a woman?
  14. I had a dream last night that my cock was 32 centimetres long and I was explaining this to people as, "Two centimetres longer than a shatterproof ruler!"
  15. On a positive note: She seems to have steered her boy away from the OF.
  16. Busta Nut's Vine, 'Cat on a leash' is one of the funniest things I've seen on Twitter. Check it out ya tweeting messes.
  17. Dundee have a very catchy song relating to their club as well. I don't know the lyrics as I'm not fluent in gadgie but I hum it for a while after I've heard it.
  18. These two should make up the left hand side. I'll support any player in a Rovers shirt who I feel is giving everything that they have. That's why I never supported Kilgannon. Mark Humphries was literally laughably bad. Me and my pals were in knots after the 15th time that he tried to punt the ball up the wing but yet again conceded a throw in. Didn't know he was Sinky's pal though.
  19. Happy with the date change as I'm back shift for 7 days starting on the 23rd and would have missed the game.
  20. I'm of the opinion that it was the right time for Walker and RRFC to part company. As mentioned above, he is responsible for moments watching the club that I'll remember all my days but he had stagnated and the replacement midfielders we've brought in are of a different calibre altogether. It's a bit shite that he's parted on bad terms but the impression I got on the few occasions that I spoke to him is that he probably couldn't care less about the reaction his comments were going to get.
  21. I can't believe that the mighty RRFC were held to a draw by this rubbish. Highlight of Morton's season so far?
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