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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. The BTB bid involves the 800k going directly to the club to provide funds for the team. If the MSG take that as payment for their shares there would be nothing available to strengthen.
  2. He'd have 62% of the shares so, aye, he'd have control.
  3. Don't do twitter so, FFS, would someone who does please ask him if he's the son of the former Bexley councilor, Colin Campbell? Ta.
  4. I think that they'd have to make those assumptions TBH.
  5. Would you be able to point me in the direction of your fan's forum? Cheers
  6. It's all him, no consortium involved apparently.
  7. Aye, very good. I think you may be missing the point somewhat.
  8. So the Wheel and the Kelpies don't exist then? You ever been outside of Greenock?
  9. This is it for me. The guy buys and sells real estate. I think his main aim is to build on the land and sell on later. He said last night that he wouldn't be taking any money out of any developments and that this would be going back into the club. IF that is true then the only way that he could make money would be the profit on selling it on in the future. Also, who would own these developments? Would it be the club or his company and would he be borrowing against the club to fund these ventures? Last thing we want is to amass a load of debt then be left in the shit when he decides it's time to sell.
  10. Hard to remember everything that is said at these events but that summary does confirm that he's dodged a couple of questions.
  11. Well he did say that he and his wife had split, at which point Brian Stewart asked him if her name was Lucille!
  12. Surely SA will just donate the SS to the club??
  13. A couple of people tonight skirted around the issue of 'what's in it for him'? His reply was to also skirt around it by reiterating his plans for the club and in getting us to the Premier. That's his motivation apparently. A rather handsome, slightly older gentleman then asked outright: 'do you plan to make money from the club, either for you personally or for your company'? He gave a resounding no. I have to say that this concerned me a wee bit as I just can't see why he would do all of this out of the goodness of his heart. I would have been much happier if he said something like; 'Of course we're here to make money, but we aim to do this by making the club richer too, so just enjoy the ride.' or words to that effect.
  14. Could you point me in the direction of your club's fans forum? Cheers.
  15. As the MSG claim to have the interests of the club at heart then I'm sure the phone call to Sunderland has already been made!
  16. Shouldn't take too long. Apart from Sammon I think every player in the squad has played with at least one other at some point. Some more than one.
  17. Well, the injury didn't happen on a 4G pitch if that's what you're implying? Whether it was subsequently exacerbated by them is open to debate.
  18. Depends what you mean by quality? He's not and never was a ball playing type of centre back. Good in the air and tackle though and dominated most forwards that he played against which is what you want in a defender of course. Remember that Gasparotto boy that we both had? Peter Grant was 63,000,000 times better!
  19. Great big guy who'll give everything he's got, whether that's enough now is another question though. Top centre half with us until his injury which he just couldn't get over and may have been Houston's fault as he picked up the injury at Livingston but Houston played him the following week at Ibrox when he was clearly struggling. Was out for ages after that and didn't come back the same player. Hope he's managed to put it all behind him though and does well for you because we can just take him back if he does.
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