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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. 3 cup finals for me as well. I was an embryo in 1957 but I don't think that counts as my mum wasn't at the game. Kilmarnock was a bummer as we were robbed by a non existent offside, R@nger$ was harder to take because we played them off the park but lost to a fluke goal and, again, were denied by an offside decision (correctly this time). ICT was sickening because we were on the front foot after big Peter scored and looked like we were going to win it as they were fucked at this point. McCracken should just have pulled the guy down. There was one very prominent P&B poster who was part of our group that was in tears at the end which was made all the harder too when I met some ICT fans after and congratulated them only to be met with their moans that they had such a long journey to get back home!
  2. Snap and this is the 1st season in many many years that I haven't bought a season ticket!
  3. I think you're getting confused. I heard this was a new type of mobile catering unit that the club is trialling.
  4. Always a difficult time. I assume your wife's having to wash his sheets most days?
  5. Depends how you look at it. If he's considered as a main striker then 1 goal every 5 games isn't great (although I'd expect this ratio to increase in L1 considering a lot of his games were in the EPL and Championship), if as a second striker making room and chances for others then I think he'll do ok. As good as we could expect given our circumstances I would say.
  6. That's the point though. He's not liked because he's been posting the same sort of shite since he started maybe a year or so ago? It may look and sound innocuous to an outsider in isolation but it's not. It's designed to hit the same nerve every time and, to be fair to him as a troll, he's good at it. Many posters who know what he's up to now simply respond with a 'f**k off' rather than offer any kind of reasoned response because they know they would be wasting their time. Can't agree about VT being entertaining though. I feel that he's a self-important individual who gets some sort of weird gratification by responding in the way that he does and it doesn't sit very well with me. Even when trying to agree or offer any reasonable debate he still tries to twist his his wee knife.
  7. You're quite correct, Bairnardo does not speak for everyone, however and for example, I consider myself a fairly level-headed and tolerant individual and generally post on here to talk about football/Falkirk and have a laugh. Edibairn/Latapybairn/Londonbairn and however many more aliases he's posted under generally comes on here to troll, making posts that he knows are going to be met with derision and ultimately some verbal abuse from some. He does it on purpose because,IMO, he's not even a Falkirk fan (most probably a Hibs fan as his original user name may indicate). As an intelligent individual, if a Queens 'fan' was doing similar I'm fairly sure you would react in a similar fashion.
  8. Quite agree and I'm already concerned about having to play Peterhead away on the opening day. McAllister will be bursting a gut to impress and we've got to be fully aware of that. I watched Forfar against Stenny at Ochilview last season and they looked very handy however, Baird and Easton, who are both away, ran the show that day so it may depend on who they've replaced them with.
  9. We have a vacancy up front so I am happy to let Sammon Fill it......... Do you think Sammon would be Inn every week?
  10. I concur. Edit to say that I'll be quite happy if it is him too. Not prolific but is very powerful and would bully defences. Hopefully a different type of striker (or 2) to follow.
  11. Anybody seen the new squad numbers? 1-11 taken with the exception of 9 (for obvious reasons) and 10. Tidser's #12, which makes me think that he's been asked not to take 10 but leave it to help entice DKD!
  12. Obsessed? Don't know about that. Hasn't posted on the Morton thread since the middle of June but has managed 13 on ours in that time.
  13. Well, my memory's not the best either, in fact it's crap so I apologise if he didn't mention it in the interview although I genuinely thought that he had. He did make the allegation however which I see was passed on by his brother. Seems a bit dodgy to me that his brother was the only person in the stadium that heard anything though!
  14. Lewis claimed that he was abused by Falkirk fans during the cup tie at Ochilview. Despite this alleged abuse nobody in the stand reported it and that included both Stenhousemuir and Falkirk fans. I know some Stenny employees who were present at the game and they have told me that they heard nothing and hadn't heard of any other Stenhousemuir fans claiming otherwise. Indeed, as far as I'm aware, none of the Stenny fans who post on here have claimed that they heard anything either. I find it hard to believe that Lewis could have heard this 'abuse' if nobody else did and how he could have claimed that it was a Falkirk fan who was the perpetrator. It was then suggested that a relative of another player heard the abuse and told Dennon later, which is also hard to fathom as Lewis made the accusation during an after-match interview. It's unlikely that this other player's relative would have told the story before the interview either. Additionally, if this person heard abuse, why did nobody else? It was all ifs, buts and maybes and unfound allegations but this didn't stop our BOD from immediately condemning the 'perpetrator' and tarring the rest of us with the racist brush!
  15. I would have gone far in the game if it wasn't for my dodgy knees. I feel your pain brother.
  16. Don't think El Bak is a 'leading the line' type TBH and we'll need that kind of striker because he's going to be up there on his own.
  17. I feel we've missed the boat with Blair Henderson. Could have offered him a part-time deal as we'll need 3 strikers probably.
  18. Oh, I don't know. They loaned Andrew Dallas to Stenhousemuir and Rudden would surely score loads in L1 which would boost his confidence and give them back a hungrier player?
  19. Guess how many posts stenny lad has made on his 'own team's' forum? Correct!!
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