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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Plus the fact that Houstie failed to introduce any cardboard Shakies. Unforgivable!
  2. This is just a wild wild guess but maybe they were just having a laugh?
  3. Congratulations in out-fudding the other Morton fuds that post on here.
  4. Mocking the brave souls that died fighting for their country is pretty abhorrent TBH.
  5. Dunno mate. All I can tell you is that I sat with the parents of the wee lassie who designed the mascot at hospitality and was told that they weren't allowed to use it.
  6. Considering that the guy who created them wouldn't let us have a Kelpie mascot, that would be a likely outcome.
  7. Absolutely. The BOD and MSG surely have an obligation to ensure that the club is left in the hands of people who have the best interests of the club at heart and I don't think that includes a group of foreign 'investors'. If any of you read these pages then: FOR f**k SAKE, DO THE RIGHT THING!
  8. Are you sure they don't get Saturdays off too?
  9. Id prefer a now change to a later change, but I suspect he means no change. Aye, I think we'd be struggling if we could only shift 1500 with new owners in place.
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