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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I had already been watching Falkirk for nearly 30 years at that point and obviously knew how long a game of football lasted. For some strange reason though I remember watching the clock click round to 85 minutes and thinking 'f**k, still 15 minutes left!' 3 minutes later it reached 88 minutes and I realised that there were only 2 minutes left at which point I near shit myself! which of course made the time added on completely unbearable as, like everybody else, I fully expected Celtic to score!
  2. TBF to Shadwell, I think all of the goalkeepers that he lists will be better in goal than Sibbs would be. Don't think any of them could play in midfield though! FFS!
  3. If it goes to a tribunal and the Mark Stewart fiasco is anything to go by, Sibbs will be back up the road and watching his grandson in the academy by the time we get the dosh!
  4. I think he's referring to a debate that one of your guys had with a Morton fan? about the actual value of hee-haw and, no, Loy's wages are not being paid for us although I believe that there was some financial imput by a business group.
  5. Donaldson, Gibson, Latapy, Crunchie, Stainrod. Wouldn't need a sixth but maybe Cadette or Jocky Whiteford?
  6. Was the only Camparison I could think of. OK, that was pish!
  7. All joking aside, I think there's a real opportunity for him with this. He would still be our best player and, thinking about other players in the championship now, nobody really stands out elsewhere. I think he would have a big chance of proving himself as the best in the league, a standout that would have bigger clubs than Luton looking at him. I was though speaking to a pal of his this morning who reckons that he's all but ready to sign for Luton!
  8. Saw him and his faither, first thing in the morning, training at Ochilview the other week.
  9. Aye, but by all accounts Harris is a confidence type player. It may just take one or two clowns getting on his back to make him retreat into his shell? I think we need to get behind this guy big time to get the best out of him!
  10. As I've said before, I don't think Shadwell explains himself very well. Either that or he's making an early bid for the worst poster of the season title thingy that they have!
  11. I think it's probably harsh to say that Farid only played well with us too. He was doing well and scoring with Brentford despite coming off the bench a lot. Remember his career almost ended completely with that injury at Brentford plus I feel that it was very important that he played in a formation that suited him best, i.e good crosses into the box. I hadn't before and haven't since seen anyone play for Falkirk that could attack a cross like he could!
  12. Falkirk won and I'm proclaiming that friendlies mean nowt and not to read anything in to it.
  13. Harris played well. If he had played badly you would have been all over this! Give him a chance for fuks sake!
  14. I don't think you explain yourself very well. Maybe if you'd said that to start with I may have agreed with you?
  15. How's he going to prove that if he's not playing? Surely game time v the likes of Stirling would be the best time to play him?
  16. Thompson Muirhead, Watson/Luca, Grant, Gallagher Harris, Taiwo, McKee, Hippo Loy, Austin Mitchell, Finlayson, Watson/Luca, Kerr, Craigen, Miller, Shepherd/O'Hara
  17. Did Magennis not play outside right at our place last season? Thought he was brilliant out there (if it was him). Hope he's not too badly hurt and he manages to get back in time for the Morton game!
  18. Aye and every Bairn in the ground knew it was going to happen apart from Garry fuckin Holt!
  19. Having said that we still have DU in the league who, all things being equal, are probably the 6th 'biggest' club in the country and really should be miles ahead of the rest in terms of budget and players they can attract. We've probably already seen that to an extent with their signings of Scobbie, King and Keatings as I'm sure they will be paying more than any other club in this league would be prepared to offer. Hopefully McKinnon gets it way wrong!
  20. He seemed generally decent any time he got a chance however, the one thing he'll be remembered for was conceding a goal at Morton by dropping a ball at a forward's feet then screaming for a foul when it was anything but!
  21. Think there was a guy by the name of Houston too...
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