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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. You really want me to name the players that he's brought in that will disprove that particular theory?
  2. So, you'd have preferred that we brought in total unknowns? Could have worked, but I can imagine your melt down when it all went tits up! It's not so very long ago that that's exactly what happened!
  3. I suppose you could counter that argument by taking the likes of Biabi as an example. Can't remember how much we got for him but it was decent money for a guy that we all knew didn't really have it. Tony Gallagher's another, although they both did play some first team games TBF. I completely agree though, I'd much rather see these laddies give us a good couple of seasons before moving on.
  4. Surely the guy in the 2nd and 3rd photos are the same person? Or am I being wooshed?
  5. I'm going back a good number of years but I got free hospitality at FB (can't remember why) but gave it to a colleague because it clashed with a FFC fixture and he raved about it, thought it was brilliant! Was a while ago now so may not be up to the same standard?
  6. Do you boys not own your ground and make decent money renting it out for weddings and stuff?
  7. I wouldn't have been overly upset if we'd managed to get decent money for Morrison in this window. I think I'm right in saying that this is the last season of his deal so he'll likely walk for nothing at the end of it. I think things were going a wee bit stale for him too last term. Having signed Agyeman, I wouldn't be surprised if McGlynn was expecting him to be away too?
  8. The fact that McGlynn definitely, definitely decided to extend Nesbitt's contract rather than sign a right back.
  9. Aye, can't see him scoring many playing at RB tbh.
  10. So you've decided not to answer the question, therefore admitting that you have an agenda. Fair enough!
  11. The strikers won't score goals if they're not on the park. My biggest fear for the coming season is the probability that McGlynn will use one up front rather than getting strikers into the box that may actually have an effort on goal!
  12. Right Mr red dot Pedro. Tell me what I said there that is inaccurate or just allow us all to recognise that you do indeed have an agenda. You choose.
  13. Aye, but you said that McGlynn prioritised giving Nesbitt a new deal over signing a right back which is quite clearly a load of pish, unless, of course, you are indeed using a crystal ball?
  14. Here we go again. How do you know that a RB was not his priority? He said himself that it was in fact. The fact that we haven't signed one doesn't mean that he hasn't tried.
  15. I think he'll chop and change in the LC games, but if we run out against Annan with Oliver up front on his own and MacIver, Ageyman and Allan all on the bench am goan hame!
  16. Not your fault mate. It's what you do with it that counts!
  17. If nothing else, I've learned what tifos and jumbotrons are over the last few pages!
  18. We may get a 20 goal a season striker for £30k a year, but he certainly wouldn't have been one before he arrived.
  19. That would by my fear also. I've supported the club for about 55 years so I'm not about to stop because of someone hitting a drum, however, I really, really dislike opposing fans using them so I can only imagine that the feeling will be intensified if the drum is much closer to me! I can envisage a lot of walk-ups of my generation that may decide 'nah, I'm not listening to that fuckin drum again'. It would be a real shame if it actually cost us money rather than making it. Only one way to find out I suppose, but drums are a definite no-no for me.
  20. I took my shag to games a few times but it all stopped when, near the end of a game, she asked me if Falkirk were the ones in blue?
  21. I hope the FSS run a poll on whether drums are acceptable or not. Might even get one or two more to join?
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