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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Exactly this. MacIver is pivotal to the way McGlynn wants to play, which is why he signed him. Just because he doesn't score loads of goals doesn't mean he isn't good at his job.
  2. I've voted for Leon McCann's 30 yard screamer against Alloa on May 4th. Absolute belter.
  3. Alloa aren't guaranteed anything at this point.
  4. Thanks very much, but it wasn't me that was asking originally. Isn't the Bog beautiful though!
  5. Ah, just the way you worded your sentence saying that he said 'he was after a few players that are quality' that made me think he had players in mind rather than saying he had space left for more signings.
  6. I've missed that. When did he say that and was there any indication of possible names?
  7. Just watched the highlights and I'm not convinced that MacIvor's 'second' was offside. Camera angle maybe wasn't the best but it must have been really close.
  8. So you want us to bin Spencer the season after next? Cause that's when he'll be paid for the extension, it won't come out of next season's budget.
  9. Think we should change it to Garry, Garry O
  10. Is Fulton still injured? He's been on the bench for weeks now.
  11. Canny make up my mind what team I'd like to see here. I think Donaldson looked a wee bit tired last Saturday and deserves a wee rest, but we don't really have a replacement, unless Hendo's comfortable using his right foot (which he's not). Tait's the man in form and will be busting a gut to show Accies what they're missing, however I can see some of their players trying to wind him up, which could be problematic. Miller hasn't been just quite as effective recently, so maybe a chance for Ross? Feck it - unchanged team!
  12. They've already hit 65 points which is only two below our total last season and match the current totals of Dundee Utd and Stenny (who've already won L2), with 4 games still to play! Hamilton fans may not like Rankin's style of play, but I feel that they've got a similar sense of entitlement that some of our fans had when we first came down! It's not as easy as they seem to think it should be.
  13. Unsure if that would be allowed? I'm sure there's a rule that states that clubs must charge both sets of fans the same amount.
  14. MacIver was offside unless Miller headed the ball backwards toward him?
  15. I agree with pedro in as much as it shouldn't be no.1 priority currently, however, it would be folly not to keep our ear to the ground in the event that something may come up that could be explored. Our immediate priority has been achieved, so we need to look further ahead now to consider ways that we could make the club stronger long term. Just building another stand, terracing or anything else should be a non-starter however unless it's also an income generating facility.
  16. it doesn't surprise me in the least that these are the conclusions that you've drawn TBH.
  17. And if Cove's owner was on the same level as McGregor, Cove would be at the same level as RC (probably). The point stands as it's all relative.
  18. It wouldn't surprise me if our average away attendance was under 100 when you take into account the numbers that EC, Annan, Cove, Kelty and Montrose have brought. Certainly under 150 I would think.
  19. How do you think Ross County have been able to pay the wages they've been paying to the players they've attracted?
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