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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I thought Annan looked absolutely fecked after about 20 minutes or so due to the high tempo we were playing at and really thought it would be a second half walkover. It didn't happen due to a combination of us taking our foot off and them finding a second wind. I felt that McGlynn made a mistake taking Spencer off as we lost control of centre midfield to an extent. I was wondering also if McGinn's appearance was to ensure that he qualifies for a medal? Don't know how many appearances are needed for that though? He can only have made three or four so far.
  2. Accies seem to be better when they haven't as much pressure on them. They maybe relaxed a bit today thinking the league was already lost?
  3. Aye, I'm not saying they were 'bad' per se but thought Donaldson dithered on the ball a wee bit at times. For me, the difference in a poor Nesbitt performance or a good one is wafer thin. He puts in more effort than anyone else, that never changes, but, if it doesn't come off for him it can look like he's playing poorly. There's a nugget that sits near us that would moan about him if he scored a hat-trick every week!
  4. Aye, three less than acceptable performances (for parts of these games) and we've taken 7 out of 9 points from them. Imagine what'll happen when we actually start to play well!!
  5. I feel almost as bad after that as I would have with a defeat! First half was like a training game but we just never got in to a position to capitalise on the numerous crosses into the box. Annan's time wasting was grim, but they took advantage of a poor referee to do it. If Morrison had headed the ball rather than try to control it, we would have been 1-0 up inside 20 seconds and I think we would have won comfortably. As it was, we got more and more frustrated as the game went on and started snatching at chances, culminating in a poor second half. There were a few players that I thought were a wee bit off it, Donaldson, Nesbitt and MacIver in particular. Lang, McCann and Miller were great in the first half. We'll just need to beat Cove on Tuesday now. As a footnote; I hope the idiots that were booing at the end are thoroughly ashamed of themselves, they must think our players are superhuman and incapable of doing any wrong!
  6. Oh aye, if there are injuries or knocks, that's a different story. Only change we could make that wouldn't otherwise make a major difference would be Tait for Henderson I think.
  7. Aye, he should be starting with the strongest, then bringing subs on as soon as is practical IMO.
  8. As others have said, there would be no point in building a stand for the sake of it. It needs to be a revenue making facility that can be used through the week as well, otherwise we'd spend £millions on a stand that probably wouldn't be used 90% of the time.
  9. They've been a common occurrence at TFS over recent seasons too!
  10. I agree. I think something different there would give the place a bit of character.
  11. Wouldn't just be seats though would it? In fact, seats are probably a secondary consideration.
  12. Why is it full of Sellick fans when it's not even been built yet?
  13. Whilst this is undoubtedly true, any new facility should take into account the possibility that another stand may be needed at some point, I.e. shouldn't need to be demolished to make way for it. Shouldn't just be a stand anyway, should be some sort of money making facility with terracing pitch side.
  14. Aye, me too mate. The Watneys was awful and may well have put me off beer, if I hadn't discovered lager!
  15. Haud oan here! That disco was Doc Dickens, run by none other than FFC's Gordon McFarlane. I well remember a brawl starting out and the wee barmaid rattling someone over the head with a tray. The shape of his head was left on the tray afterwards! Re first pints, my first was in some non descript pub in London following a school trip abroad. I had a pint of Watney's Red Barrell, which was absolutely horrible! This would be circa 1973 when I'd be around 16. My first underage pint locally was in the Afton Lounge, wee pub next to the Burns Bar on the corner of Vicar and Glebe streets. I can't actually remember where my first legal pint was, but suspect it may have been in Hardies in Bonnybridge.
  16. Hope the laddie makes a full and speedy recovery, horrible thing to happen.
  17. I thought at the time that it was a bullet header by the defender. It also looked to me that Montrose should have had a penalty. It looked like the ball had hit Lang's arm.
  18. Yes, and as you can see, these people are being stopped from exiting the stadium due to the stewards fearing that the Hamilton fans may be able to attack them. When you consider the size of their support, they really do have a much more thuggish element than most teams. This footage should be sent to Hamilton and the SPFL so that the appropriate steps can be taken in order to ban the perpetrators!
  19. You must have some size of an arse if godzilla can get into your underwear!
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