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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I assume you're not referring to me saying that people making FSS subs are morally superior, because I didn't say that? Of course there's more certainty of income from FSS subs, because folk aren't going to suddenly stop their contributions en masse, so we know roughly how much is going to be donated each month. Obviously there will be the odd cancellation and odd new member which will change the figure slightly (although, hopefully, that'll be increasing each month), but the club really have no idea how much is going to be raised from the other routes. They will, of course, budget on expected numbers, but they can't really depend on how accurate that may be.
  2. I don't like using the word 'burden' because it's not a burden to those that are contributing to the FSS. It is, however, a commitment and it is very valuable to the club because we know how much (near enough) that is going to be raised each month. The purchase of merchandise, sponsorship etc is, of course, extremely valuable to the club too, our budget would be severely impacted without it, however, I think that if the club could magically convert all of that income into something that they knew was going to come in every month they would jump at the chance. I also had the understanding that my subs would become donations once the share target was reached and have no problem with that at all.
  3. Maybe Paisley, TNS fans can fly from Liverpool.
  4. Haud oan. We won't know if any of our fans were involved until the investigation is complete (although it's obviously possible that they were). Similarly, we didn't know if any of our fans were involved in the Lewis thing until after the investigation was properly carried out. Turns out there was nothing to investigate.
  5. I think MacIver gets caught on his heels quite a lot and, for his size and strength, seldom seems to be rampaging into the box to get on to the end of things. I think good coaching can improve this though and I'd be happy enough to keep him.
  6. Aye, I think we would need a more experienced goalie and a RB (I think Finn may struggle against better wingers) and probably a striker. I wish we could have the 2030 version of Sam Long just now though, because I think he's going to be a top 'keeper!
  7. Mackie's defensive strength? I give you his attempt at out jumping Dunfermline's 5ft 4in winger last season, which lead directly to a goal. Add that to his extremely rash play and yes, I'd rather have McCann at LB.
  8. From a defensive point of view I think McCann's every bit as sound as Mackie (for example) but is far, far better going forward. He doesn't make many mistakes defensively and I actually think that some folk are a bit unfair when assessing this.
  9. McCann's an integral part of our success this season, no way I'd be getting rid. He's actually very good in the air too, despite his height.
  10. Yea, contact the mods on here and they'll sort you out.
  11. Jeez, that's bad. Where did you hear that?
  12. Pretty much how I see it too. Having said that, I do think they were probably the best team we've faced this season, certainly at the basics. The notion that we could go through a full season unbeaten was fanciful though, so, if we need to lose I'd rather it was in the cups than the league. I knew it wasn't going to be our night when Henderson missed that back post header, the type that he would normally bury! Lang too had a good chance that he should have got on target and Morrison was very unlucky with the drive that went a couple of feet wide. I felt that Nesbitt was good in the first half, not so much second, Miller was poor (again, hopefully reserved for the cups) and MacIver wasn't at it, hasn't been the last few games IMO, seems to get caught on his heels a lot. Donaldson was excellent. On the Ultras thing; I'm afraid this type of behaviour could be seen coming a mile away. Most teams seem to have them now and the behaviour leaves a lot to be desired. I was talking to a Stenhousemuir fan recently who told me that the Peterhead neds were throwing chips at them, before lobbing bricks at the supporters bus. I mean, Peterhead v Stenhousemuir FFS!! We need to find a way to stamp it out because, if we do go up, it's only going to get worse. That would be a real shame because they've certainly improved the atmosphere.
  13. I know what you mean mate. Personally I'm totally raging about it, completely ruining the experience of an unbeaten league season combined with some excellent football. It's about time they got it sorted out!
  14. I get that we've got cover, but I wouldn't want Henderson moving away from midfield as he's a crucial part of that now and I feel Mackie's a bit of a hit or miss at times. I wouldn't want to rely on Bisland either. I'd rather we had a ready made replacement, just to give us a bit more security.
  15. I think the main thing that could see our title tilt derailed would be an injury to one of (or both, which doesn't bear thinking about) our centre halves. We've been lucky in this regard so far, but I really think that McGlynn should be looking to bring in some decent cover in that area. Other than that, we're hunky dory I would say.
  16. I think McCann's a terrific player, especially from an offensive point of view. I'd be gutted if we lose him as he's more than capable of performing well in the Championship IMO.
  17. Can't agree with that bit. Honeyman and Walker have both shown up well in their cameos, and Carroll was excellent in the game time that he had.
  18. I see that Tom Jones plays for them. I suppose that's not unusual.
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