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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Cove fan(s) raving about their goalie earlier in the season, but I thought he was fairly shite. Very weak at the three 2nd half goals.
  2. Thought yer auntie was supposed to have baws nowadays??
  3. I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I suppose we could start tonight instead.
  4. Can't agree. I think Long is a good keeper and, given he's just turned 20, is likely to get better. Goalie mistakes tend to get magnified, he's made 2 bad ones that I can recall. Tom Lang's been brilliant for us, but I can think of two glaring, almost identical, mistakes that he's made. One he got away with because Donaldson baled him out and the other cost us a defeat to Dundee Utd. I wouldn't, for one minute, think of replacing him though.
  5. That would have made sense if it wasn't for the fact that Hogarth isn't on loan.
  6. I don't think we should let Mackie leave unless we're sure of getting someone else in as we're very short on CD options, I think that we should let McKay go on loan though and he really should consider that as he needs to get himself in the shop window. Again though, we should really try to get a replacement for him. Ideally I'd like Allan to go to a Montrose or Kelty so that he can do some damage to Hamilton!
  7. Aye, that was a scary moment. I think it's crucial that both Lang and Donaldson stay available, God forbid if both were to pick up an injury! Same with Henderson and Spencer to a lesser extent. We've plenty of options in the forward areas though. I thought we deserved a lot more than one goal today, but I suppose maybe Queens are this year's bogey team, so a win against them is fine. Miller's wee passage of play leading up to the goal was sublime and, along with Spencer, Henderson and particularly Nesbitt was amongst the best players on the park!
  8. Whilst I agree with what you're saying, I remember the Phil Roberts sending off at Alloa when everyone in the ground could see what was about to happen except for Gary feckin Holt!! Roberts then went on to taking reaction to a sending off to a new level!
  9. reminds me of the time our announcer called them 'Sevco'!
  10. Would you be able to post the announcement mate?
  11. I think he's trying to lull them into a false sense of security?
  12. I think Martindale would be a good fit for Accies.
  13. Aye, but if we're loaning players out that will release funds to bring some in.
  14. I was thinking the same thing myself. Allan in particular will want to show McGlynn what he can do as he's got another season on his contract (I think).
  15. Aye, I must have. Both the Met Office and BBC sites forecast sleet turning to rain, certainly no mention of an inch of snow.
  16. No it wasn't. The forecast was sleet in the morning, turning to rain. The snow caught everyone out.
  17. I don't do twitter so, when did the request first appear? Also, the snow wasn't forecast and didn't start until late on in the morning.
  18. Forecast was sleet for a couple of hours in the morning, then turning to rain. This has taken everyone by surprise I think and the conditions in getting to the ground will be bad because there's been a heavy frost overnight.
  19. Aye, what really tends to annoy me is folk alluding to the possibility that the BOD are somehow being neglectful in not bringing in external investment. It's not like there's a queue of millionaires at the door waiting to invest!
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