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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. You think we changed ends in the PL? I have no recollection of this at all. Fans could certainly be segregated inside the stand by locking the internal doors (although I wouldn't be surprised if that would now be disallowed due to fire safety regulations) but I can't see it being allowed in the stand itself. We saw at Hamilton that if you get a few nutters on either side that want to cause trouble, the stewards aren't going to do much to stop them. (Quite rightly)
  2. Aye, one of the issues that the H&S guys raised was the possibility of folk tripping on the stones that are laid on that area.
  3. I don't think we'd be looking at the full capacity moving, auld guys like me may want to stay put, so possibly more like 1000 or so. As long as those that want to move know that they need to do it as soon as the half time whistle blows, I think it could be done fairly easily. I agree, nothing wrong with this idea, however, for games where the opposition bring any more than two or three hundred, I don't see it happening due to segregation issues. That would mean it would be a non-starter if we go up and would be on Saturday because of the trouble previously.
  4. I raised the possibility of us changing ends a few years ago with Craig Campbell. He thought it was a good idea but that the H&S guys had a fit when he approached them with the idea. Can't happen on Saturday anyway, particularly after the trouble at their place, because their fans will be in there.
  5. Aye, Mr McGowan. He was there in the early seventies, as I was myself.
  6. That's Zombie. Cannae imagine him playing football, may well have done though.
  7. I hope your finances get a bit easier for you mate and that you manage to sign up next season. Every tenner counts!
  8. Just what I was thinking. It's one thing buying a main stand season and swapping to the cheaper KM stand, but quite another to do it the other way round.
  9. For all their pessimism and premature towel throwing in, if Accies beat us on Saturday, it'll be 'we're only 5 points behind and they've still to come to us and, if they lose on Tuesday...' It's down to Falkirk to make sure they can't say any of that!
  10. Don't know, best phoning the club. Tickets for the main are dearer though I think, so probably not.
  11. Aye, I remember that and thinking that he had got a wee bit mixed up at the time.
  12. Aye, a good few Hamilton fans spring to mind! (just a joke guys, don't get upset.)
  13. Aye, I was meaning before or after the game. I'm wondering if they may bring through some extra casuals given the twats that were at our game and the fact that they were nowhere to be seen yesterday, makes me wonder if they're purely there for the trouble.
  14. I really hope there's no trouble at this given the behaviour of the Hamilton fans at their place, especially the 30/40 something woman who was wading in with the rest! There's sure to be a police presence which, presumably, we've got to pay for?
  15. IF we beat Hamilton and Montrose, then I think it's done. I just don't see us dropping 14 points, or indeed Hamilton making them up, and that's coming from a glass half empty type. This comes with the proviso that we don't lose Donaldson or Lang to injury or lengthy suspensions.
  16. I think to do that we'd need a decent travelling support and I can't see them bringing very many TBH.
  17. No sitting back next week John, get them pumped!
  18. BBC now deleted the penalty post, so they must have got it wrong.
  19. Scratch that. They reported that you'd been given a penalty but have now deleted the post.
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