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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Yea, how dare he provide the assist for the winner!!
  2. Serious question folks: would you want us to really skelp you next week in order to hasten his demise, or maybe scrape a draw that he and your board may see as progress?
  3. Just wait until next season (if we get up) when we're not winning all the time. The roasters will get louder, both at matches and on here. Some folk seem to see players like robots and can't accept that they have human frailties. For example, Nesbitt was quite wasteful yesterday, one of the poorer performers on the day, but his commitment and energy can't be questioned. He's an important cog in the wheel but some folk will continue to slag him irrespective of performance. There's a guy that sits behind me that gives him it tight, brilliant or pish, doesn't matter to him. What this team have achieved this season is remarkable, yet still they come with their whining. You're right, some of our 'supporters' don't deserve the success that we're currently experiencing!
  4. Incidentally, did anyone else notice that the grass was too short today?
  5. If Lang is fit, I'd move Hendo back in to midfield and give Spencer a rest for this.
  6. 3 Albion fans posted. One thought you would finish 5th, one 6th and the other one thought you would win it!
  7. That was true though, and I didn't think there was anything arrogant in the way he said it either. He was asked the question after all. I think most folk were quite excited about him coming in at that point, what transpired though was a completely different story. As someone said before, it wasn't so much his poor management of the team that scunnered me, more the way he treated people. He turned out to be an arrogant, ignorant, abusive little shit. Funnily enough, he seems to be a little more humble in his interviews now. Maybe he's learned a lesson?
  8. Nah, he said additional quality. I don't think he's suggesting that the guys already signed should be replaced or aren't good enough. It would be great if the positions that he quoted were replacing the likes of Yeats, Lang, Henderson, MacIver etc if that meant those players sitting on the bench, because the replacements would be top class!
  9. Generally did a good job, I liked him and would probably have kept him. He certainly had an eye for goal (as you've discovered), however, he wouldn't have fitted in to McGlynn's system this season so was probably let go for that reason. I think he would have been a good option off the bench for us this season though if chasing a goal because his best performances for us tended to be as a substitute.
  10. They're hardly the 'punching bag' of the league. Surely that title is Edinburgh's?
  11. I seem to remember him winning a MOTM award in one game, saving us from an even bigger hiding? Or maybe I'm just making that up?
  12. I think we've got 11 signed at the moment? So I hope they're all capable of cutting it at L1 level.
  13. I think the only Plan B we could have would be a change in system, otherwise you're replacing like for like. That would probably mean bringing Shanley on to partner MacIver meaning that we would need to lose either a defender by going 3 at the back, a defensive mid or a winger. I'm not sure that we should consider moving away from the system that's served us so well, unless we're chasing a game late on?
  14. Although I haven't viewed the highlights yet, It's very hard to say from that photograph as the ball is well in the air rather than just leaving the player's foot. It's entirely possible that Burrell has taken a step forward from an offside position as the ball was being kicked.
  15. We're playing on grass on Saturday, so will be playing on different surfaces in the space of a week. Which is what he said.
  16. Why don't you whine about us losing our first game now? It'll save you time later.
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