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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. If I'm allowed a mixture, I'd have more of M&Ms squad than McGlynn's TBH. I also think McGlynn would have got more out of them.
  2. Nah, not having that. Certainly wouldn't be respectfully.
  3. Aye, but why the feck would you bother trolling through a Falkirk thread when you're watching your team winnington he leauge at a canter?
  4. Maybe you should go and watch them today rather than boring us?
  5. I don't think there's any chance that they'll cut McGlynn's budget by that figure if there's money available to sustain it, certainly won't be funding the academy to that extent at the expense of the 1st team. The only infrastructure that I could see them improving would be the pitch simply because it's nearing the end and (I believe) there's a substantial grant available if we install a new one soon.
  6. So what are we going to do with the money that we make from getting to Hampden?
  7. Save me trying to work it out; was the podcast before or after we beat Ayr?
  8. Just watched the highlights. Kennedy is not offside and it's a stonewall penalty.
  9. So, if the recruitment has been better then our present 'predicament' must be down to poor coaching and management? IMO the league has better teams in it now than at any time since we were relegated, with only the obvious two coming anywhere close to some of the shite that's gone before. Yes, I would obviously love us to be in Dunfermline's position just now, but we're not, however, that is no great surprise considering where we've come from. Some people (not neccessarily you) seem to think that we're in the same state as we were when Houston had us challenging for promotion or when Hughes had us competing well in the Premier and expect an instant improvement. We were relegated to the third tier of Scottish football FFS then have had to put up with all of the shit that's happened since. That was never going to be an easy fix. I now believe though that we've got a management team that know what they're doing and has us on the up. The whole place, not just the team or squad, seems to be a lot more professional, the fans seem to be more invested and most of us can now look forward with some hope and expectation for the future.
  10. I don't think he'll get the chance, much like Burrell. McGlynn's kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place in that our better results tend to have been when we start with Oliver up front on his own before being replaced. I don't see him doing anything radically different now.
  11. You're just being incredibly silly mate. We don't think refs are against us but we do think that the standard of refereeing in this league is very poor. So do the fans of most other clubs evidently. We're also most definitely not the biggest club in the world.
  12. 'Coast' is correct. We didn't move the ball quickly enough and Kelty were happy to let us have it and get everyone behind the ball. Too many players wanted to be clever with the ball rather than move it forward at pace, Morrison, Kennedy and McGuffie being the main culprits IMO.
  13. What one do you mean? Morrison was pushed over in the box and (what I thought was a stronger claim) Oliver (I think) was pulled to the ground by the throat.
  14. Absolutely! As soon as we drew Wick we should have refused to play the game and forfeited the tie!
  15. If I was you I wouldn't be too happy with your team tonight. I couldn't understand why Kelty consistently wanted to waste time (the goalie in particular was chronic) rather than have a go at us. Our defence wasn't troubled at all really and I think you may well have got the win if you'd just been a bit more adventurous.
  16. Aye, I think the 'running on empty' bit is the journalists as McGlynn mentions the rest of it in his FFC interview. I don't buy in to the 'his legs have gone' chat at all though. He's not a box to box type, it's his job to sit deep and take the ball from the defenders but he still gets forward regularly when necessary IMO.
  17. Any chance you could post a link to this? I can't find it in the FH anywhere.
  18. I wasn't at Dumfries so can't comment on that game, however, I agree that he hadn't been at his best for the 2 or 3 games prior to Ayr, but I thought he did well against them.
  19. If Burrell could work on being able to hold the ball up rather than look for it over the top then we'd have a real asset. Oliver links the play with the wingers so much better IMO. I would agree that the wingers are pretty much key for us though.
  20. Thing is tough, if he changes the team he'll probably need to change the system, which has worked in most games for us. Wright didn't look like he was mobile enough to play as a lone striker and it's just not Burrell's game. So, does he change to a two up front, which means dropping one of McGinn, Henderson, Kucheriavyi, Nesbitt or Kennedy, or stick with Oliver on his own?
  21. Naw wes wurny because we kens wes are shit and yous wid win the league.
  22. You're ancient, I was born in the September! We were both embryos or a fetus or something at the time so we almost made it!
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