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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Do you happen to know if there will be a cash gate for away fans?
  2. I'm honestly not trying to rubbish the lad here, but he's really not a defender. He's not going to solve any defensive problems that you may have on the right side of your defence. Honestly can't remember him ever winning a 50-50 header for example, despite him being over 6ft and his positioning is bad too. If he stays fit (which would be really unexpected) and you play him as a wing-back, you'll have a big asset however.
  3. Could be a bit of a lottory and may not be enough room in the house.
  4. Both boards will be praying that we both go up and that QP and Inverness are promoted with Dundee Utd and Kilmarnock or Motherwell coming down.
  5. Aye, but they could possibly still be working on a settlement.
  6. I wonder if Williamson may be another 'by mutual consent' as presumably he's going part-time with Montrose so might have a job lined up? Could maybe save us a few bob.
  7. He'll be injured when he arrives and injured when he leaves. However, he'll only be injured for approximately 75% of the time in between. I hope I'm wrong and that he does well for you as he seems like a good lad.
  8. Good man/woman/boy/girl/both/either/horse/cat/etc, etc... Get your pals telt as well!
  9. It's huge and could be, pivotal. If we win, whilst also getting this years 'bogey team' off our backs, and Dunfermline drop anything against Montrose, I reckon the momentum changes and it would definitely be game on!
  10. Looks like we'll be facing a certain Mr Robbie Leitch on Saturday who's joined Kelty on loan.
  11. Burrell is ours and we should be extending his contract pronto as he's obviously an asset and would be in the Championship too IMO. Doesn't really matter if he's playing just now or not.
  12. Possibly somewhere around 95% of OF 'fans' follow them due to either glory hunting or bigotry. Some of the individuals may not be glory hunters or bigots in themselves but their father, grandfather etc etc will have been. There will be a tiny minority that support them for other reasons.
  13. Hopefully neither he nor Williamson will ever feature again for us. I don't mean that it a bad way, rather that Rowe, Donaldson, McKay and Mackie avoid suspension and injury and perform to a level that means Watson and Williamson aren't required. Let's face it, it's highly likely that both are going to be released in the summer anyway.
  14. Would be difficult to get anyone chunkier than Bairdy TBF.
  15. I think we should be trying to extend Lawal and Burrell's contracts now if we can. I appreciate that it may be difficult to commit funds at the moment because we don't know what level we'll be playing at next season, but we should certainly be exploring the possibilities.
  16. Can't see McGlynn abandoning the one up front system now and neither he should as it's been working well. Given that Oliver is seen as a better option than Burrell in the role it would seem that it's between Allan and Wright to play there. I've no idea who the better choice would be TBH.
  17. Noticed earlier that this post had 4 red dots which later reduced to 3. I knew who had given the greenie before I looked!
  18. Canny believe that was nearly 9 years ago! Considering what had gone before, there was only one man in the ground that couldn't predict that Roberts would get sent off. Guess who? Roberts could have had a decent career if it wasn't for his attitude; don't think the guy was wired up right! IIRC too, I think his brother was regularly bumping his gums blaming Falkirk for ruining him?
  19. That would be brilliant! Keena would score hunners playing in this team!
  20. This is Burns night, not April Fools day mate!
  21. That should be a reasonably significant figure I would think?
  22. No, that's ok Uncle Albert. You told us about it once...
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