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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I thought Nesbitt was possibly the best man on the park, although there were a few who could make that claim. Definitely not Alegria though, despite his goals. I sometimes think the sponsors let their weans pick the MOM?
  2. TBH, the only change I would make would Lawal in for Oliver to give us a bit more physicality in there. I think Nesbitt, Oliver and McGuffie are a bit too samey and I'd rather Kennedy was available to change things up if needed.
  3. Aye, completely agree. I wasn't at the game but, like you, thought that he'd tried some really difficult attempt at goal rather than a simple square ball to an unmarked team mate.
  4. I'd be absolutely gob smacked if complacency was to creep in with McGlynn in charge and McGinn on the pitch!
  5. Morrison wouldn't or certainly shouldn't have been slaughtered if he'd passed the ball. Kennedy possibly would have been because he was in a very good position to score however. I think Morrison was caught in two minds as there was a defender in close proximity and he may have felt that a pass would have been intercepted. Remember he's only got a second or two to think about it. Despite the fact that he's clearly a greedy player, I'm sure if there was simple pass on for a Kennedy tap-in he would have squared it.
  6. Ooft, wrong side of the bed buddy? Just having a laugh FFS.
  7. Dougie Hill was a youth player that season so I assume he would have been involved in youth/reserve games. He's still playing for Kelty.
  8. I think there was contact although he certainly dived. Much like the incident with the Clyde goalie. I think South Americans are coached into it, or maybe it's in their DNA although I'm shocked that Sevco haven't managed to get him to stamp it out!!
  9. Thanks for the summary. I for one would be happy to see them invest but on the condition that they let the BOD get on with reviving our fortunes. Don't think I would want Mr Lidl involved though as he clearly would have no interest in me!
  10. Cheers Interesting that he sees fit to give you a green dot but not to reply to my post right enough
  11. In the unlikely event of Latapy and Stainrod being available we could have a legends half time crossbar or beat the goalie challenge. Crunchie, McWilliams, McGivern, Baptie, Geordie Watson, etc, etc. I'm getting all excited!
  12. Fantastic idea. Could get Crunchie to do the crossbar challenge while he's out there!
  13. Hi Stuart, I've been doing a bit of 'pressganging' in an effort to get folk signed up and I spoke to a guy this morning who had no idea of our financial situation despite the fact that he attends nearly all home games. Would it be possible to get something on the official site? Maybe something with red flashing lights that describes the situation exactly! He doesn't do twitter etc, so assume the main site is his only source of info and I think there will be many others in the same situation. I believe the last update on the OS was September 2nd so now may be a good time to put something up.
  14. I've got the fear for this game. I've got the fear for every game.
  15. Which (or is it all) of the current BOD described SA as not being a 'fantastic fan of the club' or, as you allude to, describing him as something much worse? I'm not having a go here as I honestly don't know. I'm obviously aware of the clamour to get rid of them, especially by some on here, due to them being seen as the culprits in appointing past failure but would be interested to hear why you think there's been a 'turnaround' by the BOD. Personally I would never be against a wealthy fan or fans of the club that are willing to invest as long as they're not looking for full control or want to treat the club as some sort of vanity project and I would certainly want that investment to run alongside the FSS involvement. I hope that some sort of deal can be sorted to allow that to happen.
  16. I'm not entirely sure that fans wanted rid of the MSG, they wanted them to relinquish their power. There were of course many people who, not only wanted rid of them, but would have happily seen them hung drawn and quartered however! I don't know either MR or SA personally but, as I understand things, both have come to our rescue in the past so I can't personally see any reason why they couldn't be considered as 'another leg of the stool'? I'm sure there will be a queue of people that will tell me why that would be a bad idea though.
  17. The difference being that the previous board would have given Rennie a two year deal.
  18. Looked like there was contact me but I did think that Alegria ‘made the most of it’.
  19. Two things we won’t see again this season. McGinn scoring twice and giving the ball away twice! I got quite excited after the 2nd went in cause I was thinking that ‘Burrell and Morrison etc haven’t scored yet so we’re going to score a barrow load’. We took our foot off the gas instead though. Defence was good as were McGinn and Burrell, the rest were various degrees of just ok. Was a bit frustrated at his substitutions too. No problem with taking Oliver and McGuffie off but I would have loved to see Alegria up front with Burrell. No need to bring Hetherington on either. Could understand it if it was an away game where we were in danger of conceding but not under yesterday’s circumstances. Lawal should have been on then instead. Can’t really complain though. Three well deserved points and a goodish performance. Would do me every week.
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