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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Can we afford not to? I take your point but we still need to get the money to do it. I have absolutely no idea if we would have access to the necessary to do it though.
  2. I honestly think that Falkirk are going to hammer some poor buggers at some point. Probably a number of years away, but it will happen!
  3. Anyhoo, for the simple reason that we can't afford to pay Sheerin off, just promote Grainger and hope for the best. Hopefully he's as frustrated as the rest of us at the on going shitwittery and can do some sensible things to change it.
  4. Nonsense, he's a crabbit b*****d. Not as crabbit as his sister TBF, but still a crabbit b*****d!!
  5. Don't be silly. Michael Ruth is built like a brick shit house and is brilliant in the air. Just ask Paul Sheerin.
  6. It was absolutely the correct decision by Sheerin to go to a back 3. Problem is, he should have done it before the start of the fucking game!! Surely leaving a winger on to play as a wing-back is a better idea than leaving on our best LWB, who was probably our best player today? Well, not really Paul. I felt that Telfer and Nesbitt were poor today and Ruth was completely ineffective up there on his own. Williamson looks a class act and the goal was so simple; get in behind the defence and pick someone out. Wouldn't be surprised if we don't see him again this season though as I don't think I've ever seen a more injury prone player!! I don't agree with the majority on here who say that we have a shite squad. We do indeed have some shite players in it, Hall, McKay, Hetherington spring to mind but I think Telfer, Nesbitt, Krasniqi, McCann, Williamson, Dixon, Morrison, Keena are all decent players but the manager can't inspire, motivate or kick them up the arse hard enough to get the best out of them!!
  7. See when you look at the first choice 11, it's actually not too bad. If only he would use them fucking properly! If he changes his system, plays a 3-5-2 and it works, it could totally turn the season around. He won't though.
  8. No worries. I can only hope you don't enjoy it though!
  9. Phone the ticket office and ask for Laura. If she can't sort it nobody can!
  10. Aye, you may be right with Miller, not much to draw between them. Mutch was dropped after the Montrose away game which was bizarre as he performed well in that game including saving a penalty. There were rumours at the time that there had been a fall out although he then picked up an injury in training which was described as a 'routine goalkeeper injury' (or words to that effect) which led me to assume that he wouldn't be out for too long. If he's fit I'd certainly have him back in as Martin wasn't very convincing last week.
  11. I'm assuming McGuffie at wing-back is a mistake? Surely you'd play McCann there instead? Other than that I agree with the formation but would possibly have Hall instead of Miller and definitely have Mutch in for Martin (who had a shocker on Saturday) if he's fit.
  12. Christ Shadwell, we're starting to agree on things! No blame attached to Ruth at all because he's doing his best but, as you say, he's not good enough to be leading the line, at least not on his own. He's not a bad player so I would agree that he would be a good option off the bench. Sheerin watches this on a weekly basis though yet he refuses to change his formation or line-up.
  13. That's a very interesting and possibly accurate deduction.
  14. That's got a very loud ring of truth to it for me!!
  15. Aye, I think there could well be something in that. Keena needs to buckle down and run his arse off when he gets the chance though, rather than look like he would prefer to be somewhere else. I do wonder sometimes though if some players are giving what they can for him. Robbie Mutch, for example, was dropped when he shouldn't have been and I wonder if there's some conflict there too? Then there was the episode when Hetherington got sent off against Airdrie and Millar refused to take the arm band and his refusal to give Krasniqi a decent chance. Sheerin comes over as a nice, placid kind of guy but maybe that's not the case in the dressing room?
  16. I can see the sense in that but would leave us with the manager dilemma. TBF, most full-time managers will take in midweek games regularly, so maybe a couple of nights training with part-timers instead of doing that?
  17. Wouldn't think it'll be most of the squad that'll be part-time, surely? Would envisage maybe 12-15 full timers with the rest part-time. If it's the other way round we'd be as well going the whole hog.
  18. If Sheerin sticks with the same line-up and formation I can't see us picking up anything in the next 3 games at least. Might shitfest a point at East Fife but that's about it. He really needs to use the Raith game to change the formation and bring in Williamson, Lemon, Krasniqi and Keena IMO. Won't happen though because he's too feart!
  19. Don't think so. Manager/head coach needs a relationship with his players which he wouldn't have if he's potentially only seeing them on a Saturday.
  20. Aye, I believe that managing Arbroath is basically his hobby because he has a successful business with his brother. Something along those lines anyway.
  21. Our only hope here is if Sheerin decides to try something different. We genuinely have two of the best attacking wing-backs in the division (don't laugh) but they don't get used properly. If he starts a back 3 of Hall, Dixon and Lemon, brings Krasniqi in to replace 'Ooh, what's that round thing' Hetherington and plays 2 up front (Morrison and Keena would be my choice) then I think we could have a chance. None of the above will happen though.
  22. Aye but there's a charge of, I think, £4.
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