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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Not too shabby. The sale of Turnbull is mentioned, although obviously that will appear in next year's accounts. https://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/2021/01/20/club-financial-results-for-year-ending-may-2020/
  2. Similarly, Lennon and fans on Superscoreboard etc complaining because the Govt had the temerity to tighten restrictions after Dubai was booked, then also not hand-hold them. How dare the Govt not have a football club's travel plans at the top of their priority list. To be fair, alot of it is the culmination of 9.5 years of gloating, pointing and laughing at Rangers about 10IAR, only for them to spectacularly manage to shit the bed at the last hurdle.
  3. Whether it was illegal or not is beside the point. The FM has been continually advising around essential travel only and that people shouldn't be looking to exploit loopholes or beat the system. Its not for the Scottish Government to babysit and handhold individual clubs either. Celtic have gone abroad acting the big man - look how big a club we are going to Dubai - Its come back to hit them in the face.
  4. Think yer man Frank has just been on Talk Sport as well
  5. Why is Tom English talking about Squirrels and Rhinoceros?
  6. Celtic back in their element it would seem. Poor downtrodden victims.
  7. As usual against Rangers, hope for the best, expect the worst. Will probably either be a pumping, or we'll hold on until about 70 mins.
  8. It says anyone who travelled back from Dubai since 3rd.
  9. ...Or do they get away with it under a Sporting exemption?
  10. That'll be Celtic's 1st team self-isolating then
  11. I reckon a referendum at the moment would fail, so arguably WM could agree to one and No would win. Its one thing polling coming out with Yes in the lead, but its easy to answer stuff like that when there's nothing riding on it. Until there are detailed proposals on currency, economic projections etc (and other things - much of which can't be answered pre-Independence) many people (inc soft Yessers) will be reticent. FFA is the middle ground, but there are obvious reasons why WM wouldn't put that on the table.
  12. Hearing rumour that you are looking to interview Ian Holloway for the position. Ian Holloway would give me the fear as much as some of the other names mentioned. We need a manager not a comedian. It would become (more of) a circus. ETA: That accent as well.
  13. Being a 'Simp' is essentially sucking up in order to gain approval. Usually used in the context of guys doing it to lassies.
  14. Galloway is the definition of a career politician. When I was younger I used to agree with him on a few things, but over time its become apparent that his contrasting views on similar issues are contradictory, inconsistent and therefore lack credibility. He aligns himself with whatever cause he thinks will gain him publicity. He'd be all for Scottish Independence if he thought he'd be at the forefront of it.
  15. ... On a side note, a massed pipe band on the pitch, just before kick-off, playing Scotland The Brave should be compulsory at the Scottish Cup Final.
  16. This all suits George Galloway perfectly, he's absolutely desperate for attention and relevance. He'll find some way to turn this into something political. I'm sure his travel to and from the game was essential though.
  17. Lots of chances missed, but again, bewildering sub. If you're taking Lang off, who was fairly mobile and creating chances (albeit missing them as well), why replace him with White and change our game to essentially long balls to the target man at the corrner flag?
  18. It is a bit of a farce, but in the SPFL's defence they had to make a decision and St Mirren and Killie were also within their rights to appeal. There isn't any real middle ground - They couldn't say 'We'll maybe award 3 points, but it depends if there's an appeal' and St Mirren and Killie couldn't appeal a decision if it hadn't been made yet. Word salad... Anyway, the best solution as a Motherwell fan is for us to get our finger out, start picking up points and just win the games if they are to be replayed.
  19. I guess that depends on how vaccinations go. If roll-out goes as planned then those most likely to be hospitalised if they catch it will be protected, so by Summer/Q3 the risk of hospitals being overwhelmed should be lower. Of course it doesn't help the ports are now closed and the Pfizer vaccine comes from Belgium. As you say though, next couple of months seem pivotal now.
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