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Everything posted by Richie

  1. I guess that depends on how vaccinations go. If roll-out goes as planned then those most likely to be hospitalised if they catch it will be protected, so by Summer/Q3 the risk of hospitals being overwhelmed should be lower. Of course it doesn't help the ports are now closed and the Pfizer vaccine comes from Belgium. As you say though, next couple of months seem pivotal now.
  2. I used to think that due to his on field antics, but he comes across as a thoroughly decent bloke on Super Scoreboard, Open Goal etc.
  3. Yeah, I'm at the point where I'm absolutely scunnered as well. Been working from home since March and with the exception of the Halcyon days of Aug and Sep when things repoened, have only really been to local shops, to the gym to keep some sanity and have been in my own (physical) company every day, bar a few. Was clinging to things returning to semi-normality by Apr, but reckon that''s very ambitious now... The vaccine roll-out will probably have a fair few hiccups along the way. Reckon we're probably talking Q3, by which time we'll have missed summer and it will be dark nights again etc. Hopefully things turn up though.
  4. There's only so long sitting with a 5-5-0 will hold out for. That said, I wouldn't change it. Have a feeling we'll eventually make subs, lose our shape, then concede. Seen it many times before.
  5. This is a common frustration and time after time we've sat in etc and invited pressure, which demonstrably doesn't work. It's difficult though to be fair, given the gulf. Even at 2-0 up we've conspired to lose. Get the feeling a certain Mr Turnbull may turn up tomorrow. Ccertainly got it in us to get a result and in decent form, but how many times have we felt semi-optimistic.
  6. Baraclough was a laugh. From saying we'd win the league, to the epic play-offs. Remember this image fondly.
  7. Looked like he stood on Campbell's calf as well
  8. Not sure there are apps on sky, but its on the BBC sport app on Virgin Media
  9. The Motherwell '86 Umbro home top, Andy Walker era is probably my fave. Very few decent photos though, although think there were replicas recently
  10. Take-aways from last night. Gallagher is indespensable, not just in terms of his defending. His distribution from the back sets us up going forward. Donnelly is a DMC, not a Centre-Half Turnbull was encouraging - Was fairly quiet, but could see him dropping to collect the ball, looking to create etc Pleasantly surprised with Hastie - looks as if he'll be strong for us. O'Hara will do a job Need to get out and stop crosses - been saying that for decades though. Some silly mistakes and comical defending, but we'll put that down to sharpness. Reckon Watt, Long and White will be a decent enough front 3.
  11. Stewart Hosie clarified the Indyref stuff (After Torcuil Crighton raised in the Q&A). Apparently the interference was after the referendum had taken place. The aim being for Russia to discredit the actual result (and therefore UK Gov) Primarily to its own domestic audience via its various news channels.
  12. So the report is saying the Government in essence didn't care about intereference and made no attempt to investigate it.
  13. Bit of a moot point given the UK media were pretty much blanket pro-Union anyway. Any pro-Indy output was very limited.
  14. Another highlight: 'Big Business ramming Marxism down peoples throats'
  15. Couldn't see the Hearts fixtures - Anyone know who they're playing first?
  16. Its always been that way. Its only now that certain teams aren't getting what they want/winning things that the toys are being thrown about
  17. https://soundcloud.com/richiestephen/richie-stephen-stuck-home-syndrome-004
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