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Any ideas for a 3 year old's party - other than the obvious bouncy castle? We have a hall booked for a couple of hours but are short of ideas to keep the tykes happy...

We hired animal man mini zoo for our middle ones fourth birthday last year, we had a hall for two hours and he brought out loads of reptiles and small animals, it was a great hour that all the kids loved, we then did games and shit for the other hour.

Sure he does from 3rd birthdays up.


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We hired animal man mini zoo for our middle ones fourth birthday last year, we had a hall for two hours and he brought out loads of reptiles and small animals, it was a great hour that all the kids loved, we then did games and shit for the other hour.

Sure he does from 3rd birthdays up.


Ooh that looks interesting. f**k the insects and shit but there's a cuddly one for toddlers.

Cheers, we'll give them a call tomorrow.

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My lad who had always been a bit behind developmentally has now, after stepping out with Nhs, been confirmed as having neuro pyhsiological delay. Nothing that can't be fixed. Not a big shock as speech therapy been ineffective and they have no other ideas, he still has issues with soiling (paediatrics useless and basically blamed parenting) and his coordination isn't great.

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My lad who had always been a bit behind developmentally has now, after stepping out with Nhs, been confirmed as having neuro pyhsiological delay. Nothing that can't be fixed. Not a big shock as speech therapy been ineffective and they have no other ideas, he still has issues with soiling (paediatrics useless and basically blamed parenting) and his coordination isn't great.

How will they treat it, Rowan?

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The missus is over by 3 days and went for a sweep on Monday there, said it was excruciatingly painful :unsure2: so she's hoping she doesn't need to go back for another.

Her friend had to go for a section on Sunday there, she'll be glad somewhat as the wean weighed 10 pound 11 ounces!

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My daughter is 8 and half months old and that's her pulling herself up to standing (with the assitance of the couch!). I'm thinking it's not going to be too long before she's on the move, wrecking the place!

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My son is in Ninewells with a broken femur after a unit fell on him at home last night. Thankfully they don't have to operate, but seeing him in so much pain is heartbreaking :(

It's a grim feeling - ended up there with my daughter when she was four or five. Broke her arm falling off a log. She's normally so tough and never cries but I heard the bone snap and the poor wee thing was howling.

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My son is in Ninewells with a broken femur after a unit fell on him at home last night. Thankfully they don't have to operate, but seeing him in so much pain is heartbreaking :(

We've had 4 broken bones through sports injuries (and one mashed finger when a door was slammed on it) and it's horrible to see. The upside is that wee yins are resilient.

Hope your son bounces back quickly.

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The wee man is a month old already! He's been doing well, although he took a bit longer to get back to his birth weight, but he's piling it on now.

We had one massive fright when he was a week old when he threw up a couple of 10p sized clots of blood. A ride in an ambulance to the Southern later and the Docs assured us he was fine and it was just mucus that had mixed in with blood from my wife's cracked nipple due to the breastfeeding. Absolutely terrifying at the time though.

He was sleeping fairly well, but over the last week or so, he's been screaming the place down at night, he appears to be in a lot of discomfort and we think that it might be colic or acid reflux, which we've seen in a couple of my nephews. He had a better night last night, so fingers crossed.

Our daughter is generally really good with him and she just loves showing off her wee brother to people, but there has been a notable increase in tantrums over nothing, which is probably understandable. She was having a bit of a meltdown in her cot last night and we heard a thump. On going upstairs to investigate I found her sitting on the floor next to the cot. Time for the sides to come off!!!

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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I had the blood thing with my Wee boy when I was feeding him, tears on phone to gp who said the same. Frightening though.

With reflux, raise head end of cot/Moses basket.

NHS 24 weren't much help. My wife was on the phone and the woman fucked off to speak to someone and then came back with "do you want to phone the ambulance or shall we do it?". Pretty upsetting.

We'll try lifting the head end of the Moses basket up. Thanks :)

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There's nothing more frightening the blood coming out of your kids mouth.

My middle one got her tonsils and adenoids removed when she was three and recovered well, four days later she was eating her dinner and blood started trickling down her chin which then stopped. I phoned the GP who said it was likely a clot from surgery and not to worry.

An hour later blood started running down her chin, a steady flow and a considerable amount so I phoned the consultant who performed the surgery and she told me to take her back into hospital to be checked out, again suggesting it was just a clot but we should check for infection.

On the way to hospital it started again and it was worse again so I pulled over and called an ambulance.

In the end it was all good, we got to hospital much quicker in the ambulance, I wasn't panicking while driving and after a night in for observations it was confirmed there was no infection and the blood was coming from the surgical scarring she was let out and has been fine since.

Scary though.

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