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The missus is getting induced on Saturday, this is our second and my anxiety over the situation is wild just now. The the first one, the labour and birthing took about 3 days, eventually a forceps delivery, then her and the wee one spent 5 days in hospital on sepsis pathway. The first time I was just tired and it was a bit of a rollercoaster so I didn't feel too worried about it. This time I feel so much more aware and have a greater understanding of it all, so subsequently feel really worried for the missus and unborn child. I can't tell her that though as I don't want her to worry, so I'm just putting a brave face on it and telling her "aye it'll be grand this time" when under the surface I am shitting it.  

Anyone else get this? Any suggestions or positive stories greatly appreciated. 

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2 hours ago, thistledo said:

The missus is getting induced on Saturday, this is our second and my anxiety over the situation is wild just now. The the first one, the labour and birthing took about 3 days, eventually a forceps delivery, then her and the wee one spent 5 days in hospital on sepsis pathway. The first time I was just tired and it was a bit of a rollercoaster so I didn't feel too worried about it. This time I feel so much more aware and have a greater understanding of it all, so subsequently feel really worried for the missus and unborn child. I can't tell her that though as I don't want her to worry, so I'm just putting a brave face on it and telling her "aye it'll be grand this time" when under the surface I am shitting it.  

Anyone else get this? Any suggestions or positive stories greatly appreciated. 

I’m sure #2 will be much much easier!

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2 hours ago, thistledo said:

The missus is getting induced on Saturday, this is our second and my anxiety over the situation is wild just now. The the first one, the labour and birthing took about 3 days, eventually a forceps delivery, then her and the wee one spent 5 days in hospital on sepsis pathway. The first time I was just tired and it was a bit of a rollercoaster so I didn't feel too worried about it. This time I feel so much more aware and have a greater understanding of it all, so subsequently feel really worried for the missus and unborn child. I can't tell her that though as I don't want her to worry, so I'm just putting a brave face on it and telling her "aye it'll be grand this time" when under the surface I am shitting it.  

Anyone else get this? Any suggestions or positive stories greatly appreciated. 


1 minute ago, mathematics said:

I’m sure #2 will be much much easier!

Was going to say the same thing. With our three the delivery got easier each time. Our first was induced and Mrs JB needed an epidural, second was also induced but once the crochet needle did it's job, things moved quickly. By our third it was almost a case of having to keep her tights on until we got to the hospital. 

Having said that, we didn't have the complications you described with the first but it should be easier this time. Try to spend this week looking forward to seeing the wee one. It's worrying but women are incredibly strong and get through these things so well. All the very best, pal. Excited for you tbh.

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1 hour ago, mathematics said:

I’m sure #2 will be much much easier!

I hope so, thanks! 

1 hour ago, jimbaxters said:


Was going to say the same thing. With our three the delivery got easier each time. Our first was induced and Mrs JB needed an epidural, second was also induced but once the crochet needle did it's job, things moved quickly. By our third it was almost a case of having to keep her tights on until we got to the hospital. 

Having said that, we didn't have the complications you described with the first but it should be easier this time. Try to spend this week looking forward to seeing the wee one. It's worrying but women are incredibly strong and get through these things so well. All the very best, pal. Excited for you tbh.

Thanks JB, appreciate the encouraging words and positivity! Almost everyone I know has said the next one is easier, so that's encouraging as well and really hope it goes that way. 

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4 hours ago, thistledo said:

The missus is getting induced on Saturday, this is our second and my anxiety over the situation is wild just now. The the first one, the labour and birthing took about 3 days, eventually a forceps delivery, then her and the wee one spent 5 days in hospital on sepsis pathway. The first time I was just tired and it was a bit of a rollercoaster so I didn't feel too worried about it. This time I feel so much more aware and have a greater understanding of it all, so subsequently feel really worried for the missus and unborn child. I can't tell her that though as I don't want her to worry, so I'm just putting a brave face on it and telling her "aye it'll be grand this time" when under the surface I am shitting it.  

Anyone else get this? Any suggestions or positive stories greatly appreciated. 

Both ours were induced and the first was an ordeal - it became very clear early on that the doctor hadn’t bothered his arse reading the birthing plan he’d asked us to do and just wanted to cut the Mrs, because we’re in the US, and more procedures means there’s more they can bill you for. We found out later that the c-section rate in Miami for all live births is 65% which is mindblowing. If we hadn’t had a doula, I’m convinced to this day #1 would have been a c-section my wife didn’t want or need. Also to this day I really hope I don’t run into that doctor again because I will at the very least verbally assault him. 

Number 2 actually took longer but the hospital staff were all magnificent - midwife unit rather than doctors and it was night and day. Mrs did the whole thing naturally; no epidural and gas and air isn’t common in the US. I would never spill my Mrs’ pint. Everyone from friends to medics told us the second one is quicker, but he took a wee bit longer - what eventually transpired was the water bag was right above his head so when he was trying to get down into position it was hitting her pelvic bones and stopping him. Waters broken, he appeared 4 and a half hours later. 

I was the same as you, apprehensive, and gearing up to have to fight the medics given the experience of our first time. Couldn’t have been further from what happened. 

Here’s the two of them




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Scott was 11 days late. My wife was due to go to the hospital at 9am to get induced. Went to bed the night before, alarm all set and so on. In bed 10 minutes and her waters broke. He was born about 4 and a half hours later. 

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33 minutes ago, thistledo said:

I hope so, thanks! 

Thanks JB, appreciate the encouraging words and positivity! Almost everyone I know has said the next one is easier, so that's encouraging as well and really hope it goes that way. 

Yup I had over a day of labour and forceps with first. Second I was induced mid Saturday morning and out before full time results. Third was similar just a through night induction due to some concerns around heartbeat. Down about 11pm out by 5am.

Just went a bit pear shaped after she was out 🙈

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18 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

Both ours were induced and the first was an ordeal - it became very clear early on that the doctor hadn’t bothered his arse reading the birthing plan he’d asked us to do and just wanted to cut the Mrs, because we’re in the US, and more procedures means there’s more they can bill you for. We found out later that the c-section rate in Miami for all live births is 65% which is mindblowing. If we hadn’t had a doula, I’m convinced to this day #1 would have been a c-section my wife didn’t want or need. Also to this day I really hope I don’t run into that doctor again because I will at the very least verbally assault him. 

Number 2 actually took longer but the hospital staff were all magnificent - midwife unit rather than doctors and it was night and day. Mrs did the whole thing naturally; no epidural and gas and air isn’t common in the US. I would never spill my Mrs’ pint. Everyone from friends to medics told us the second one is quicker, but he took a wee bit longer - what eventually transpired was the water bag was right above his head so when he was trying to get down into position it was hitting her pelvic bones and stopping him. Waters broken, he appeared 4 and a half hours later. 

I was the same as you, apprehensive, and gearing up to have to fight the medics given the experience of our first time. Couldn’t have been further from what happened. 

Here’s the two of them




Wee belters mate, congrats. Worth all the hassle in the end, I actually don't feel shocked by the c-section percentage since it's the US as there is money to be made, sad that's the way of the world and I'd probably be feeling similar to you afterwards. Fair play to your partner for going naturally, mine had the intention of doing that, but after the issues we had she was like f**k it, epidural please.

The missus was maybe just a bit unlucky throughout labour to birth part of it, I think she had something described as "hind waters" where it's not like it breaks, but more like a slow leak and a nurse questioned whether she just went for a pee or waters broke, which seemed a bit dismissive considering she was 12 days overdue. At this point it was Saturday night and waters broke at 5am, we'd went into the hospital as they had to ask us to come in since we'd phoned three times that day and were about to leave again when another nurse mentioned it could be this "hind waters" thing and off we went to the labour ward. 

I kept thinking back to that Friends episode where women were coming in, giving birth and leaving and we're still there, we out lasted 3 different midwife shifts! They gave me free sandwiches and rolls though (was during covid, everywhere was closed) I could feel the glare from my missus while tucking into a roll as she wasn't allowed to eat. The missus got an epidural, part of the way through labour the bag burst and I could see the pain returning, I had to try and alert the midwife without letting the missus know, hoping some placebo effect would work until a new bag arrived, then she managed to break the epidural delivery system as well and one of the anesthetists managed to re-connect it, hero of a guy tbh. It was just a sequence of unfortunate events really. 

I finally ended up having to say she's knackered, been awake for about 3 days straight, this isn't coming naturally and they prepped for something beginning with an E and forceps birth. I'm just standing there like a zombie wearing very ill fitting scrubs looking like some Madness tribute with the size of the breechs they gave me, trying to offer some words of encouragement to my missus, who by this point is basically out her bonce. 

Utterly surreal feeling to hold your child after all that, big relief. 

18 hours ago, RH33 said:

Yup I had over a day of labour and forceps with first. Second I was induced mid Saturday morning and out before full time results. Third was similar just a through night induction due to some concerns around heartbeat. Down about 11pm out by 5am.

Just went a bit pear shaped after she was out 🙈

Out before the full time results is what I like to hear! We're going in at kick off on Saturday, I'd take missing Morton away even if we win, for this just to go smoothly this time. 

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46 minutes ago, thistledo said:


The missus was maybe just a bit unlucky throughout labour to birth part of it, I think she had something described as "hind waters" where it's not like it breaks, but more like a slow leak and a nurse questioned whether she just went for a pee or waters broke, which seemed a bit dismissive considering she was 12 days overdue. At this point it was Saturday night and waters broke at 5am, we'd went into the hospital as they had to ask us to come in since we'd phoned three times that day and were about to leave again when another nurse mentioned it could be this "hind waters" thing and off we went to the labour ward. 

I wouldn’t read so much into that mate; to me it just sounds like the system; in the UK they’ll let you go to 42 weeks, that’s unheard of over here. Also the process is much quicker in the UK, the US they’re keeping you in for 48 hours minimum post birth even if everything’s fine. We were in from the Monday night to the Friday morning this time, which just wouldn’t happen on the NHS (and it’s basically because they can bill you for it). If there’s no need to go to hospital at 5am on a Saturday when it’s likely full of pished up roasters, then don’t.

46 minutes ago, thistledo said:

I kept thinking back to that Friends episode where women were coming in, giving birth and leaving and we're still there, we out lasted 3 different midwife shifts! They gave me free sandwiches and rolls though (was during covid, everywhere was closed) I could feel the glare from my missus while tucking into a roll as she wasn't allowed to eat.

If she’s allowed ‘clear liquids’ then chicken bone broth might be covered in that; it’s not much, but it is at least a few calories and some electrolytes. We can get it in wee 250ml cartons here and the nurses were quite happy for her to have them and microwave it for her. There seems to be this in the UK but there might be more - https://www.ocado.com/products/borough-broth-24hr-organic-chicken-bone-broth-406487011

46 minutes ago, thistledo said:

I finally ended up having to say she's knackered, been awake for about 3 days straight, this isn't coming naturally and they prepped for something beginning with an E and forceps birth. I'm just standing there like a zombie wearing very ill fitting scrubs looking like some Madness tribute with the size of the breechs they gave me,


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1 hour ago, thistledo said:

Wee belters mate, congrats. Worth all the hassle in the end, I actually don't feel shocked by the c-section percentage since it's the US as there is money to be made, sad that's the way of the world and I'd probably be feeling similar to you afterwards. Fair play to your partner for going naturally, mine had the intention of doing that, but after the issues we had she was like f**k it, epidural please.

The missus was maybe just a bit unlucky throughout labour to birth part of it, I think she had something described as "hind waters" where it's not like it breaks, but more like a slow leak and a nurse questioned whether she just went for a pee or waters broke, which seemed a bit dismissive considering she was 12 days overdue. At this point it was Saturday night and waters broke at 5am, we'd went into the hospital as they had to ask us to come in since we'd phoned three times that day and were about to leave again when another nurse mentioned it could be this "hind waters" thing and off we went to the labour ward. 

I kept thinking back to that Friends episode where women were coming in, giving birth and leaving and we're still there, we out lasted 3 different midwife shifts! They gave me free sandwiches and rolls though (was during covid, everywhere was closed) I could feel the glare from my missus while tucking into a roll as she wasn't allowed to eat. The missus got an epidural, part of the way through labour the bag burst and I could see the pain returning, I had to try and alert the midwife without letting the missus know, hoping some placebo effect would work until a new bag arrived, then she managed to break the epidural delivery system as well and one of the anesthetists managed to re-connect it, hero of a guy tbh. It was just a sequence of unfortunate events really. 

I finally ended up having to say she's knackered, been awake for about 3 days straight, this isn't coming naturally and they prepped for something beginning with an E and forceps birth. I'm just standing there like a zombie wearing very ill fitting scrubs looking like some Madness tribute with the size of the breechs they gave me, trying to offer some words of encouragement to my missus, who by this point is basically out her bonce. 

Utterly surreal feeling to hold your child after all that, big relief. 

Out before the full time results is what I like to hear! We're going in at kick off on Saturday, I'd take missing Morton away even if we win, for this just to go smoothly this time. 

I think with my second Brora Rangers had a cup tie in south Scotland somewhere that dad went to..... but she was April so bit late in year. 

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2 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

If she’s allowed ‘clear liquids’ then chicken bone broth might be covered in that; it’s not much, but it is at least a few calories and some electrolytes. We can get it in wee 250ml cartons here and the nurses were quite happy for her to have them and microwave it for her. There seems to be this in the UK but there might be more - https://www.ocado.com/products/borough-broth-24hr-organic-chicken-bone-broth-406487011

A question for Saturday when we get in for sure, last time they were quite strict, maybe get a different response. Have to say the consultants we've spoken to so far have all been absolutely brilliant so far. 

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Ours has his first day at nursery today. Just a "settling in day" so only there for 1.5hrs, but im more nervous than i should be.

Definitively took his first steps yesterday. Combined with a long unassisted stand. We've long suspected he could do both and just enjoyed contact with us so pretended he couldnt as when you werent paying attention youd catch the end of him standing/walking.

As im typing ive just realised hes tearing f**k out a NHS letter hes somehow found, so thats fun.

Ended up crying when getting taken away from nursery, which is promising i think.

Edited by RandomGuy.
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Definitely getting to the fun stage i think.

First 6 months are fine etc., but i found it kind of a slog. Personality appears at some stage after that and its great.

Made a point of standing in front of me this morning, staring me dead in the eyes, and shitting himself right there. Spent ages afterwards grinning to himself and laughing, happy with what he'd done.


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20 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Definitely getting to the fun stage i think.

First 6 months are fine etc., but i found it kind of a slog. Personality appears at some stage after that and its great.

Made a point of standing in front of me this morning, staring me dead in the eyes, and shitting himself right there. Spent ages afterwards grinning to himself and laughing, happy with what he'd done.


Nothing more satisfying than a good shite.

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16 minutes ago, thistledo said:

Arrived on Monday afternoon at 8lb 9oz. After all my worry about how it would go this time, missus got induced and it was practically text book delivery from the midwives. Amazing. 


Already pished all over me twice, learning curve for me changing boys nappies. Also has taken to doing shit at 3:30am last two nights. 

Yasss. Fantastic news pal! So glad to hear it all went so well and he's a smasher.

Aye, you have to watch with wee boys. It's like staring down the barrel of a gun. The second the air gets to it's away.

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23 minutes ago, thistledo said:

Arrived on Monday afternoon at 8lb 9oz. After all my worry about how it would go this time, missus got induced and it was practically text book delivery from the midwives. Amazing. 


Already pished all over me twice, learning curve for me changing boys nappies. Also has taken to doing shit at 3:30am last two nights. 

Put a bib over the top of it so it pushes it down. Source - angle was such that he pished on his own head and I had a beer sitting close enough to him that I wasn't going to trust it any more. Also put kitchen roll underneath from bum to feet to absorb any downward spray. 

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