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Adam, have you tried him on a single bed? We couldn't get Ruairidh down anywhere apart from out bed, move him to the cot and all hell broke loose. I was keen to put him on a single bed about 4 months back but everyone kept saying it was too soon. Well that was rubbish as I moved him onto his own full size single bed just after Christmas and he's sleeping great. Decided against a toddler bed as everyone I spoke to said it'd been a waste of money so his Gran and Grampa got him a single bed and I've put a bed guard on it.

Anyway, I was in the attic in the pitch black looking for my nappy wraps tonight after the sillica burst out his disposables overnight due to the heavy nappy. We'll see how the washables go tonight.

He can now proudly show you were his tummy is, where the planes go and where his willie is!

Nope. He moves about so much in his sleep, he ends up curled up in a corner of his cot most nights! Plus, on the odd occasion he's been brought into our bed to see if he'll settle, he gets worse and seems to think it's play time! I don't think for a minute he'd actually go to sleep if there was a chance he could get out. Little monster that he is.

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Is he teething, LM/Adam? Could be some molars coming in that are causing him some pain? Or maybe it's a growth spurt?

I think he is, he's pulling at his right ear a lot during the day. Well, I say pulling at it, he crawls along, stops, flicks at his ear like a puppy for a couple of seconds and then carries on again. He's also releasing some noisy and stinking trumps, the little charmer (he even lifts his leg to do them sometimes), so I don't think he's altogether feeling himself at the moment.

He had his spoonful of Calpol tonight though, and I don't know if it's that, if he's worn himself out or if it was the second bottle, but he's finally settled down for the night - the second time he was put to bed. I hoped that now he's walking everywhere he can he'd tire himself out that bit more, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Still, we've had worse nights with him, so that's something!

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Just want to share 1 piece of wisdom with you all from my own experiences.

If your child has a particular toy / comforter etc.. that they take to bed with them or use to make them feel better please please buy more of them to have as spare.

Our youngster takes 'raggit' to bed with her and she is a rabbit comforter we got from Mothercare when she was born. We bought two and have lost one.

We have repeatedly lost the one we have left and it is a total nightmare if they are screaming for their best pal in the world and you cannot find it. We once lost it in Brighton and got a phone call to say it had been found when we were halfway back up the road.

Cannot for love nor money find another one as they have gone out of stock although now she is 3 it is about time we try to wean her off it but it may prove too tough.

When my daughter was a baby she had a blanket that she used to take everywere with her. It used to get really dirty and when I had to wash it I had to do it when she was at nursery,even after washing it she knew that it had been washed and refused to have the blanket to go to sleep untill it was all messy again. I think I still have the blanket somewere.

I'm going to be a granny! :ph34r:

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Our 1st baby arrived yesterday, a little girl called Cailin Morgan Currie. She was a week overdue then decided to treat the wife to a near 30 hour labour!! In the end they had to do a section as she had turned and got a bit stuck.

Alls well though, both mum and daughter are fantastic.

Simply the best feeling everytime I see and hold Cailin.

SD, knew you said you had another on the way just not this close!! Good luck to you for when it comes

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Our 1st baby arrived yesterday, a little girl called Cailin Morgan Currie. She was a week overdue then decided to treat the wife to a near 30 hour labour!! In the end they had to do a section as she had turned and got a bit stuck.

Alls well though, both mum and daughter are fantastic.

Simply the best feeling everytime I see and hold Cailin.

SD, knew you said you had another on the way just not this close!! Good luck to you for when it comes

Congrats. It is a lovely feeling when you first hold them.

Enjoy the sleepless nights, they are just the best.

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Our 1st baby arrived yesterday, a little girl called Cailin Morgan Currie. She was a week overdue then decided to treat the wife to a near 30 hour labour!! In the end they had to do a section as she had turned and got a bit stuck.

Alls well though, both mum and daughter are fantastic.

Simply the best feeling everytime I see and hold Cailin.

SD, knew you said you had another on the way just not this close!! Good luck to you for when it comes

Congratulations Billy! :D

Cailin? Never heard that one before. I thought you'd missed a "t" in it but I presume not when you typed it that way twice.

All the best.

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Our 1st baby arrived yesterday, a little girl called Cailin Morgan Currie. She was a week overdue then decided to treat the wife to a near 30 hour labour!! In the end they had to do a section as she had turned and got a bit stuck.

Alls well though, both mum and daughter are fantastic.

Simply the best feeling everytime I see and hold Cailin.

SD, knew you said you had another on the way just not this close!! Good luck to you for when it comes

Aw how lovely, congratulations :)

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Congratulations Billy! :D

Cailin? Never heard that one before. I thought you'd missed a "t" in it but I presume not when you typed it that way twice.

All the best.

Cheers!! Its a name we'd both heard on some programme from America, although they spell it with a K. I wnted to go a bit more Celtic with it so googled the name and got that spelling.

Just been told that both can get home tomorrow, not friday as originally thought. Over the moon!! Now, do queens to baby gear!!

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Congratulations Billy! :D

Cailin? Never heard that one before. I thought you'd missed a "t" in it but I presume not when you typed it that way twice.

All the best.

I saw it for the first time recently too and thought the same.

Congratulations, you Queens fans are fair reproducing!

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I saw it for the first time recently too and thought the same.

Congratulations, you Queens fans are fair reproducing!

We're taking over the world, slowly but surely. We're on a mission from God you know. He says in his book that we'll be the ones on the rise at the judgement of man. :D

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Cheers!! Its a name we'd both heard on some programme from America, although they spell it with a K. I wnted to go a bit more Celtic with it so googled the name and got that spelling.

Just been told that both can get home tomorrow, not friday as originally thought. Over the moon!! Now, do queens to baby gear!!

Your wife forces you to watch Americas Next Top Model? ;)

There was a girl on that with that name.

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Your wife forces you to watch Americas Next Top Model? ;)

There was a girl on that with that name.

You would be correct!!! IIRC hers was spelt with a K, the more common spelling of the name.

Just got them both home, absolutely buzzing.

Plenty more young Queens supporters on the way, I know of at least another half dozen due in the next few months!!!

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You would be correct!!! IIRC hers was spelt with a K, the more common spelling of the name.

Just got them both home, absolutely buzzing.

Plenty more young Queens supporters on the way, I know of at least another half dozen due in the next few months!!!

Well, there's nothing else to do in Dumfries. :P

Congratulations Cargen. Hope mum and Cailin are both feeling fine. Mrs MB had a section after what appears to have been a similar experience to what your other half had to endure. She'll need a lot of help over the next few weeks in particular. Just make sure she takes it easy.

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She was 37 weeks on Friday and is measuring 40 weeks apparently (so it's big!). We're presuming, though possibly entirely wrongly, that this means sooner is more likely than later.

If he or she is not here by next Saturday morning I've a decision to make about whether or not to go to Dunfermline. If she's not actually IN labour though I'll probably go. Unlike Dingwall the week before it's not almost in a different country! I can be back in two hours. We'll see how things develop.

Humph! I did go. Needn't have bothered <_<

No sign of Baby 2 yet. I'm thinking the rearranged game on Tuesday night might be a no-no though. Not that Dunfermline is any further away by Tuesday of course! Just I have Thomas to bath etc in the evenings which Mrs SD struggles to do with her size at the moment. I'll see. Maybe my mother would lend a hand. :unsure:

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Humph! I did go. Needn't have bothered <_<

No sign of Baby 2 yet. I'm thinking the rearranged game on Tuesday night might be a no-no though. Not that Dunfermline is any further away by Tuesday of course! Just I have Thomas to bath etc in the evenings which Mrs SD struggles to do with her size at the moment. I'll see. Maybe my mother would lend a hand. :unsure:

You must have a very understanding wife! There is no way my partner would let me travel to see us play when she is about to burst!

And I certainly know what my Mother's answer to that question would be as well. She would most likely tell me to bugger off. :lol:

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SD obviously has his priorities right.

My wife is away at a training course all day next Saturday, and I've had to double-negotiate with my mother and sister to do shifts of babysitting to allow me the pleasure of an all day outing at Dingwall for our cup game.


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