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SD obviously has his priorities right.

My wife is away at a training course all day next Saturday, and I've had to double-negotiate with my mother and sister to do shifts of babysitting to allow me the pleasure of an all day outing at Dingwall for our cup game.



My Mum would tell me to fuck off. As for my sister, she can barely look after herself, let alone her nephew. :lol:

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You must have a very understanding wife! There is no way my partner would let me travel to see us play when she is about to burst!

And I certainly know what my Mother's answer to that question would be as well. She would most likely tell me to bugger off. :lol:

SD obviously has his priorities right.

My wife is away at a training course all day next Saturday, and I've had to double-negotiate with my mother and sister to do shifts of babysitting to allow me the pleasure of an all day outing at Dingwall for our cup game.


Yeah, I'm lucky and I know it. Though I do actually work at the football (albeit unpaid) so it's not quite the same as going for a social day and leaving home responsibilities aside.

The wife knew I was committed to football (virtually) every week when we met. Both families are always happy to help out though and my mum only lives right across tghe road. She usually gets Thomas on a Saturday afternoon anyway. If we're at home Mrs SD usually goes to the game. If we're away it gives her a few hours break.

No question if there was actually a problem with Thomas's care then I wouldn't go to the football but as long as there isn't, and she's not actually in labour, then I'm ok to go to football on a Saturday. At the moment though midweek games are an issue as he needs his nightly bath, she can't do it in her present condition (or can't do it very easily anyway) which means me being away is a problem. Haven't had to cross the bridge yet because we haven't played any yet but we now have SIX upcoming. Most will be after baby two arrives so it'll be a different problem for those, just a question of her coping with two more than coping whilst pregnant with one. Dunfermline game is provisionally this midweek though. If I have to miss it then I'll miss it. We'll see how she feels nearer the time.

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Nightmare last 24 hours.

Mrs SD, now almost 39 weeks pregnant, has caught the novovirus bug going around (her folks had it last week) and has spent most of the last two days throwing up and on the toilet with the scoots. We packed the wee man off to his other granny's the minute she showed signs of it but to no avail. Tonight he started projectile vomiting all he'd eaten all day at 20 minute intervals over everyone. She was up at the after hours at the hospital last night, he was there tonight. I'm a hopeless nurse but have had to take time off work to keep an eye on both of them and get other things done round the house.

Thankfully Mrs SD appears to be on the mend now (she's at least keeping liquids down at the moment) and it doesn't appear to have induced No 2 to appear. Now have to hope the wee man is ok. His wee face was awful to see tonight as he was throwing food up everywhere and didn't know why. :( And yet once he'd calmed down and vomited everything he had he was smiling away and playing happily enough. He's staying with his granny tonight to keep him and his mummy away from one another though that's probably a bit pointless now.

All it needs now is me to get it to complete the hat-trick. Just about exactly when she goes into labour would be about the worst timing possible so about then is most likely. <_<

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Mrs SD much improved today. She hasn't tried a full meal but she's eating and drinking ok and hasn't been sick since yesterday afternoon. She's still a bit weak and tired though.

Thomas is looking better today and hasn't been sick at all (and his one dirty nappy was a normal looking one, not liquid). He's obviously not right though, a bit "gurney" and generally miserable looking. He's slept off and on all day and wants held and walked about all the time. It's wearing. He's had some plain biscuit though and has been drinking a bit of water which he won't normally do. No sign of him throwing it back up yet. He's staying on at his granny's at the moment so Mrs SD can rest properly.

The good news is I'm showing no signs of getting it yet. The bad news is I twisted my ankle today. Heard a loud crack so for a short time I thought I'd broken the bloody thing but it appears not. I'm wary it'll swell up overnight though. <_<

We'll see how everyone is tomorrow. I might go back to work, even if for a short while if Thomas is ok (and presuming I can actually drive).

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Mrs SD much improved today. She hasn't tried a full meal but she's eating and drinking ok and hasn't been sick since yesterday afternoon. She's still a bit weak and tired though.

Thomas is looking better today and hasn't been sick at all (and his one dirty nappy was a normal looking one, not liquid). He's obviously not right though, a bit "gurney" and generally miserable looking. He's slept off and on all day and wants held and walked about all the time. It's wearing. He's had some plain biscuit though and has been drinking a bit of water which he won't normally do. No sign of him throwing it back up yet. He's staying on at his granny's at the moment so Mrs SD can rest properly.

The good news is I'm showing no signs of getting it yet. The bad news is I twisted my ankle today. Heard a loud crack so for a short time I thought I'd broken the bloody thing but it appears not. I'm wary it'll swell up overnight though. <_<

We'll see how everyone is tomorrow. I might go back to work, even if for a short while if Thomas is ok (and presuming I can actually drive).

Its murder when something is wrong with your child I think you feel so powerless and frustrated.Aiden had three jags today and he is a bit crabby.Theres so much now that you read about that can go wrong with a child that it just heightens your anxieties.But they are resiliant wee mites.

I hope everything works out fine and it will.

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Yeah I know. He was tried on a wee bit jelly later on and has since thrown that back up. He's actually gotten more miserable as the day wore on. He looked ok this afternoon. He's not actually as ill as he was yesterday but he appears more miserable about it, maybe because he's hungrier? And he's not sleeping properly now. Instead of his usual hour in the afternoon he's had a few ten minute cat naps. He also woke twice tonight when we thought he was away to sleep properly. That isn't like him. Neither is the fact he didn't enjoy his bath. He has finally gone to sleep about 8:30 and we've left him with his gran. She may have a long night........

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Yeah I know. He was tried on a wee bit jelly later on and has since thrown that back up. He's actually gotten more miserable as the day wore on. He looked ok this afternoon. He's not actually as ill as he was yesterday but he appears more miserable about it, maybe because he's hungrier? And he's not sleeping properly now. Instead of his usual hour in the afternoon he's had a few ten minute cat naps. He also woke twice tonight when we thought he was away to sleep properly. That isn't like him. Neither is the fact he didn't enjoy his bath. He has finally gone to sleep about 8:30 and we've left him with his gran. She may have a long night........

Maybe you will be supriesd that he will have a good night as his gran will be full of beans.Sometimes when me and my partner are at our wits end and his gran looked after our first they both had a great time.We were perplexed.She liked looking after him but liked giving him back too.A wee break does you good.

Edited by seamus
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Maybe you will be supriesd that he will have a good night as his gran will be full of beans.Sometimes when me and my partner are at our wits end and his gran looked after our first they both had a great time.We were perplexed.She liked looking after him but liked giving him back too.A wee break does you good.

On the contrary, he was no better at all this morning so Mrs SD decided he was going to the doctor just for a wee check up and rather than the expected, "aye he'll be miserable for a day or two, just keep an eye on him" they actually decided to have him whisked up to the paediatrics ward at the Infirmary where they opted to admit him! :o

To be honest, I think they were just being better safe than sorry. They checked him over, ruled out anything else, took his temparature, pulse and oxygen levels, all of which were fine, and then put him on a "little and often" liquid diet as well as giving him some biscuits and calpol which is basically what he'd have gotten at home. He was a bit brighter at tea time and and drank a few ounces of milk so they've let him home again and he is much brighter back in his own surroundings now. He's scoffed a whole banana just half an hour ago and is heading for bed shortly so thankfully he appears on the mend. :D

What a crappy week it's been though.

a new apprentice shall be joining the clan early august :D

Congratulations :D

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100+ pages. It'll take me months to get through all this. can somebody summarise it all for me. tongue.gif

The wife's due on April 2nd and I might need some pointers.

For instance is it true that you're not allowed to tie them up while you go out to the pub anymore?

(Mother and baby together of course)

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100+ pages. It'll take me months to get through all this. can somebody summarise it all for me. tongue.gif

The wife's due on April 2nd and I might need some pointers.

For instance is it true that you're not allowed to tie them up while you go out to the pub anymore?

(Mother and baby together of course)

just remember to stay up the head end when its delivery time :ph34r:

wife is going for 20 week scan on tuesday. :D

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100+ pages. It'll take me months to get through all this. can somebody summarise it all for me. tongue.gif

The wife's due on April 2nd and I might need some pointers.

For instance is it true that you're not allowed to tie them up while you go out to the pub anymore?

(Mother and baby together of course)

She'll be so knackered all the time that such practices become redundant, it's a bit of a b*****d when you've become totally proficient in knot tying and no longer have a use for it. My wife used to go mental when she found the cat hog tied in the middle of the living room floor.

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Mrs SD still not popped yet? :unsure::o

Mrs cabbage had the 20 week scan today. Got a trainee today so it took ages but that was ideal. The scan was terrific, even better than the first time. I forgot how clear it was. Thankfully everything hunkey dorey. Watching the heart beating and seeing the four chambers of the heart was amazing.

Time is flying in now :D

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Mrs SD still not popped yet? :unsure::o

No. Still waiting. Officially due Friday. She was getting a "tightness" and cramping this morning that may or may not be the early stages of contractions. She's not really sure. As she was induced last time she's never gone into labour naturally so isn't sure what to look for. I'm at work and there's been no panicking phone calls yet though. Today would be a good day for it all to happen actually. Hope it does. :)

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No. Still waiting. Officially due Friday. She was getting a "tightness" and cramping this morning that may or may not be the early stages of contractions. She's not really sure. As she was induced last time she's never gone into labour naturally so isn't sure what to look for. I'm at work and there's been no panicking phone calls yet though. Today would be a good day for it all to happen actually. Hope it does. :)

Good luck when the time comes SD.

Our girl was born within an hour and a half but the wife said it was a lot worse than the 16 hours she took for our boy.

Apparently the second birth is notoriously fast. Fingers crossed for you if today is a significant date.

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