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Well most of the "Poirots" on here guessed from my line of questioning, but I wasn't going to confirm anything because, well, it was far too early.

Anyway, many thanks.

Congratulations Mr L :D

Coming back home for the birth or planning on raising an Aussie?

Well, it did plant seeds of suspicion, of course, but then I wasn't about to take it any further than that! Grand stuff. I'm going to start recommending P&B to anyone having trouble conceiving. It seems to do wonders for fertility.

Didn't plant any seeds of suspicion here. I was pretty certain exactly what it meant and waiting for something further.

Home from hospital. Midwives wouldn't send us so I went over their heads to the GP who arranged for us to see a Peadiatrician on Wednesday afternoon. Just as well as she was, as I thought, dehydrated from vomitting most of her feeds up. She hadn't put much weight on and was very lathargic. She spent 18 hours on IV fluid drip rehydrating her and had blood and urine tested. Her urine has come back negative for infection after inital bugs were detected (I've no idea what this meant but the admitting Dr was concerned enough to start antibiotics) and we are still awaiting her blood culture results. The consultant thinks it's probably just viral as she has a cough and snotty nose too. Staff were fabulous, couldn't do enough to help. She's feeding better and tipped the scales at just over the 7lb mark this morning which is also progress.


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Well most of the "Poirots" on here guessed from my line of questioning, but I wasn't going to confirm anything because, well, it was far too early.

Anyway, many thanks.

Congratulations, hope it doesn't grow up with an Aussie accent though :P

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Thanks all for the congrats messages. We're now excited and by that I mean sh!tting ourselves. She's now 12.5 weeks gone and we had a proper scan this morning, checking for Downs etc. Clean bill of health and we got some good 2D and 3D pics as well as hearing the heart beat :eek:

Congratulations Mr L :D

Coming back home for the birth or planning on raising an Aussie?

Ta, nah he/she'll be born here. I'll be insisting that he/she represents Scotland at any sport though!

Congratulations, hope it doesn't grow up with an Aussie accent though :P

Ta , rack off ya dobber :P

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Congrats, how many weeks gone are you? We had our 10 week scan about a week and a half ago. All looks good and today we 'celebrate' the end of the first trimester. We're having another scan on Monday so will hopefully get some photos.

Sorry just realised I never answered this! We're currently 12+4 and have so far been given a provisional EDD of 10/11/11 (provisional as they only go by the the EDD given at the NHS 12 week scan). From what I can deduce it sounds like we're approximately due around the same time?

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Sorry just realised I never answered this! We're currently 12+4 and have so far been given a provisional EDD of 10/11/11 (provisional as they only go by the the EDD given at the NHS 12 week scan). From what I can deduce it sounds like we're approximately due around the same time?

Indeed, which conversely must have meant we were "at it" at the around the same time as well :ph34r:

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Sorry just realised I never answered this! We're currently 12+4 and have so far been given a provisional EDD of 10/11/11 (provisional as they only go by the the EDD given at the NHS 12 week scan). From what I can deduce it sounds like we're approximately due around the same time?

Indeed, which conversely must have meant we were "at it" at the around the same time as well :ph34r:

Congratualtions guys!

We're just waiting on the midwife for another weigh in. Hopefully we'll be discharged today if Naimh's gained again.

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I've been reading various bits and pieces and I am just wondering if there is any truth in the theory that the woman will always be bigger when carrying a boy and not quite so big when carrying a girl....any experts out there with the answers?

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I've been reading various bits and pieces and I am just wondering if there is any truth in the theory that the woman will always be bigger when carrying a boy and not quite so big when carrying a girl....any experts out there with the answers?

None whatsoever. I've heard all sorts - bump all up front is a boy, carrying weight all over is a girl, and vice versa. I've had all boys so far and I've looked completely different with all three of them. The old wives tales start off as a bit of fun but end up just becoming annoying when someone says "Ooh, I've never been wrong yet!" and you want to punch their smug, smirking faces in the 1000th time of hearing it... or is that just me? :unsure: Either way, without the proper tests/scans, you don't know until you find out on the day.

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None whatsoever. I've heard all sorts - bump all up front is a boy, carrying weight all over is a girl, and vice versa. I've had all boys so far and I've looked completely different with all three of them. The old wives tales start off as a bit of fun but end up just becoming annoying when someone says "Ooh, I've never been wrong yet!" and you want to punch their smug, smirking faces in the 1000th time of hearing it... or is that just me? :unsure: Either way, without the proper tests/scans, you don't know until you find out on the day.

It's got the stage where family members are making small wagers on the sex simply because of her size :rolleyes:. I'm tempted to find out and up the stakes, purely to teach them a lesson of course ;)

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I was bigger with my girl than my boy, but she was 2lb 4oz bigger than her brother at birth and I had my son at 37 weeks so that probably had more to do with it! :lol:

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It's got the stage where family members are making small wagers on the sex simply because of her size :rolleyes:. I'm tempted to find out and up the stakes, purely to teach them a lesson of course ;)

My sister was so huge with her first we were all convinced that she was going to go early, but she was a rake before and went straight back to being a rake after, was 3 days late and had a 5lb 12oz boy. The size of the bump isn't even necessarily a good predictor of the size of the baby, let alone the sex! I'd be inclined to find out and make a bit of cash if I were you ;)

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Oh and don't go by the estimated size from scans either, Niamh was meant to be little. Doctor stood at end of my bed and told me they were inducing me as she was small....6.5 hours later I had a 7lb 11oz baby! By myself...no epidural no forceps, no stiches..........my 5lb 7ozer, epidural forceps and 15 stiches! :lol:

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Oh and don't go by the estimated size from scans either, Niamh was meant to be little. Doctor stood at end of my bed and told me they were inducing me as she was small....6.5 hours later I had a 7lb 11oz baby! By myself...no epidural no forceps, no stiches..........my 5lb 7ozer, epidural forceps and 15 stiches! :lol:

A similar story here. We were told Oliver would be no more than 7lb. However, he weighed in at 9lb and the first thing I said when I held him in my arms was "his hands are massive".

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A similar story here. We were told Oliver would be no more than 7lb. However, he weighed in at 9lb and the first thing I said when I held him in my arms was "his hands are massive".

Niamh's got huge feet!

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My sister was so huge with her first we were all convinced that she was going to go early, but she was a rake before and went straight back to being a rake after, was 3 days late and had a 5lb 12oz boy. The size of the bump isn't even necessarily a good predictor of the size of the baby, let alone the sex! I'd be inclined to find out and make a bit of cash if I were you ;)

I would do, but I really don't want to know beforehand :P, although everyone is on at us to find out so they can start buying stuff.

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Oh and don't go by the estimated size from scans either, Niamh was meant to be little. Doctor stood at end of my bed and told me they were inducing me as she was small....6.5 hours later I had a 7lb 11oz baby! By myself...no epidural no forceps, no stiches..........my 5lb 7ozer, epidural forceps and 15 stiches! :lol:

This story is not being passed onto Mrs Swarley. 15 stitches, ouchy! :(

Here are a couple of photos from Monday's scan of the Little Bean as he/she has been temporarily christened. 3D scans always freak me out!

post-101-0-39681700-1304482916_thumb.jpg post-101-0-80941500-1304482927_thumb.jpg

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