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My wee one Spends her day on her feet cruising around the furniture and is pretty close to progressing to the drunken sailor!

How old is she shuggie?

She's just over 10 months now.

She can manage a couple of seconds standing up, and likes to pull herself up on the couch only to fall back on her backside again. She usually like a bloody snake around the livingroom, crawling all over the place!

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Our one is 7months and has started waking in the night going mental soon as you pick her up and bounce her she's fine soon as you lay her flat to put her back in her cot she goes Tonto last night we just left her to it an hour later she gave in. As for morning naps forget it you can't even put her down. What causes this it's a recent thing

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I waited until 6 months and did baby led weaning, mostly. He's a fussy wee shite now though, so don't take my advice... Seriously though, there's a massive growth spurt around four months and a lot of people (mistakenly?) assume they need to start giving them solids. Maybe ride it out for a week or so and if he's still starving, then go for it?

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At what age did everyone start weaning their wee ones? We were hoping to hold off to 6 months but Jack has other ideas.

You'll know when he's ready...he'll take such in interest in watching you eat etc. We started at four and a half months, just with a little baby rice for breakfast and a taste of a yoghurt with his lunch..very gradually built up over time.

I think the 6months is there as a guideline really.

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I waited until 6 months and did baby led weaning, mostly. He's a fussy wee shite now though, so don't take my advice... Seriously though, there's a massive growth spurt around four months and a lot of people (mistakenly?) assume they need to start giving them solids. Maybe ride it out for a week or so and if he's still starving, then go for it?

Cheers for that. My wife has stronger resolve on this matter than I do. On growth spurts in general I am sure he was alot bigger on Sunday morning than he was on Saturday night!

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Cheers for that. My wife has stronger resolve on this matter than I do. On growth spurts in general I am sure he was alot bigger on Sunday morning than he was on Saturday night!

Ours started at 20 weeks, he was bottle fed and was taking a ridiculous amount of milk everyday so it was a natural step. All we're talking about is a spoon of baby rice at first so I wasn't concerned. In a polar opposite to Reina, I used this book as a rough guide but we all know how popular that lady is. From the age of 1 Baggio Jr got pretty much exactly the same as we did for dinner and I think that has gone a long way to avoiding him being a fussy eater. As I'm not working everything was home cooked so no salt etc for the wee man.

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At what age did everyone start weaning their wee ones? We were hoping to hold off to 6 months but Jack has other ideas.

I waited until 6 months and did baby led weaning, mostly. He's a fussy wee shite now though, so don't take my advice... Seriously though, there's a massive growth spurt around four months and a lot of people (mistakenly?) assume they need to start giving them solids. Maybe ride it out for a week or so and if he's still starving, then go for it?

Ah, weaning. My favourite subject! :lol:

Mine were all different ages. My first was very early - he was such a hungry baby, was never satisfied with a full bottle, hungry baby mixes just made him throw up and then sleep for eight hours at a time. He ended up actually losing weight because we just couldn't keep him full without feeding him every hour at least. He was barely three months old when he had his first taste of baby rice, one spoonful, which was so sloppy it was liquid, but still caused more problems than it solved. He ended up with eczema, most likely as a result of having solids too early. It's definitely not something I would do again and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

My second was four months, as was the advice at the time. No problems at all with him, took to it just fine. Third was nearly five months and again, no problems, but it took him an age to feed himself with a spoon. He can still be a lazy bugger now when it comes to eating, but he will eat almost anything you put in front of him, as long as it's not a tomato or bit of cucumber.

Youngest was five and a half months. I'd ideally have liked to hang on until he was six months and tried baby led weaning. Most of the information I've read about it focuses on breastfed babies. The extra work they put in to suckling on the breast rather than the bottle means stronger jaw muscles and makes them better able to chew, with or without teeth, but a few articles do mention that bottle fed babies can and do manage just as well. Harry wasn't up for waiting at all. All the signs were there that he needed solid food for a few weeks before we tried it, so it didn't seem right to hold him off any longer. I'm still interested in baby led weaning with him, but he's not got the strongest back when it comes to sitting and the risk of him choking is too great if he can't sit well. Once he's mastered that (which I think he'll manage fairly soon actually) I'll look at it again and maybe give it a go, but it'll depend on him. It may be too late and he'll be too used to the purees and rice by that point, in which case we'll carry on as we are, but from the information I've read, it does seem to be very positive.

To summarise though, I think it's very subjective. My personal advice would be not to rush at the first signs of being ready to wean (waking in the night to be fed after a long period of sleeping through, wanting to be fed more frequently, etc.) because, as Reina says, there's a chance it's a growth spurt and it will settle back to normal before long. The first part of weaning is all about getting baby used to textures and flavours, rather than actually fulfilling their dietary needs. Their main source of sustenance should still be milk at this stage, so holding off on solids and giving extra milk isn't going to do any harm.

I read this article, which has a link to a leaflet at the bottom that was written by the health visitor that introduced baby led weaning. Might be of interest.

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The signs Jack has been showing is more of an interested in what we are eating and trying to knock cups/glasses out of my mouth. He is still sleeping through the night (with a rare exception the night before last).

Fairly confident about what to do it was just the when I was trying to gauge.

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I did pretty much what Reina said! Ruairidh was 6 months and I did mix of baby led and purees. By around 8/9 months I just dished up what we were having. All homecooked mainly as the jars are sodding expensive and rank. If I was using the ready made stuff I used the Organixs or Ella's kitchen stuff. Ruairidh is a great eater now and will dimolish most fruits and veg.

Niamh I also waited until six months but it rapidly became clear that she had multiple food allergies so it's been a whole different ball game. She has a diary, egg, soya, berry, pea, allergy and has shown signs of chicken intolerance. So basically root veg, beef and tatties diet!

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I should have added to my post, though, that all babies are different and I find parenting is all trial and error. Just wanted to say don't be too hasty to get on with the solids, when it could just be that they're having a growth spurt. The interest in food and the like can be a developmental thing, rather than an "I'm starving, feed me!" thing.

Food is a constant headache in this house, but I think things are improving. I've been quite tough with him over the last month or so and he is eating a bit more variety. If he turns his nose up at something, he doesn't get anything else and has gone to bed hungry a few times. He still wont touch veg, but last night, for example, he ate a huge bowl of chilli con carne, including the kidney beans. Unheard of previously. :)

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I've always just cooked one thing and he eats it or nothing. But now that we are having to be careful with Niamh we've had a couple of "I can't eat x cause it gives me a sore tummy" nonsense. Beat it shorty I'm not playing that game!

Niamh suddenly at the weekend discovered that if she moved what was in her hand to her mouth she could then eat it. We've also introduced pitta breads and crumpets to her diet with no issue this week so looks as if gluten and wheat are ok. Just have to check all the ingredients on things first.

I also discovered that in the 'free from' range they may be dairy/soya free but they will have egg white in them and if egg free will have soya in them so not much from the free from ranges she can have either.

She also got given a white chocolate easter egg!!

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