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Cameron Norman William mcnicoll x born 5/4/12 at 6.48am weighing 8lb 7oz x


Aw, he's lovely! Congratulations! Did everything go ok?

We had a wee girl on Saturday and I'm bloody knackered. But I don't care she is perfect. smile.gif

Congratulations to you too!

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Got a call at 5:05am to say waters have broke and then baby was born 6:48am so really good that way, just gas n air so very proud of her. She got a second degree tear however so that wasnt so good so walking about is pretty slow the now. Baby not feeding so well the now but other than that everything else he has had done today has been fine.

It'll come in time. None of mine fed particularly well on their birth days, but it wasn't a massive cause for concern because of the brown fat that all babies are born with and they burn it off early on. Sometimes they just take a little time to get used to the fact that they have to put a bit of effort in to getting fed instead of it being delivered direct! They pick it up soon enough. I think there's an added concern of hypoglycaemia in babies of diabetic mothers, but I'm sure you'll remember that from first time around. All the best. He's a little sweetheart!

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Had blood tests taken more or less straight away when in labour ward, taken three times throughout the day and they are fine with him regarding that, the wife has 6 weeks of taking nothing (i think) then she gets tested again to see if she is gonna be diabetic or not

You know what you're doing. You'll be an expert by now ;)

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Its been such a learning process, however only downside i have of this experience is the lack of nurses, really been short last few days, They have did an excellent job but just so much is going on :(

I can only see that getting worse too. :(

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Yep, I was the one that wanted to have a second child, although that was mainly because I didn't want Charlie growing up on his own.

Congratulations G, he's a stoater!

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Charlie went to bed at 5.45 this afternoon. He was being a bit of a pain in the bum, answering "no!" to everything he was told to do, or to stop doing. Jumping and running around on the bed while Harry was lying on it, throwing temper tantrums and just generally making a pest of himself. He was told several times that if he didn't behave, he would get sent to bed and would stay there until the morning. I put his pyjamas on him (under much protest) and he calmed down and we had a chat about how he needs to do as he's told, that it was dangerous to jump on the bed while the baby was lying on it and that, as he's going swimming with his Gran tomorrow, that he should behave to make sure he stays safe. He did settle down a bit, only to start up with "no!" when he was told to stop putting remote controls in his mouth. So, he went to bed. He tried getting up a couple of times, saying "I'm a good boy now!" but he was put back to bed and he's not made a sound since 6pm. I feel like the worst person in the world!

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Just catching up on a few bits and pieces:

Did you know that the Fireman Sam Rocks Pontypandy live show is in Dumfries in April?!

Thanks for the tip. Four family tickets now purchased and an afternoon of Welsh firefighting entertainment surrounded by screeching kiddies awaits. :D

So er that went well then! T'was this afternoon. Boys have been looking forward to it and talking about "Going to see Fireman Sam" all week. It's been a great behaviour bribe actually and for that alone it was maybe worth it!

As per usual though once he got there Steven didn't want to know. Fortunately the show started just before he seriously kicked off and he watched the first half, albeit under protest and without giving any hint that he was enjoying it. Thomas on the other hand fell asleep in his mother's arms within five minutes of it starting. <_<

Intermission after 40 minutes or so and that's it for Steven. Insisted on crawling up and down the stairs constantly getting in everyone's way and had a full on temper tantrum when made to go back to his seat for the re-start. Asked him if he wanted to go home and he said he did so I walked out with him just after the second half started, leaving Thomas and mum to see the rest of the show (Thomas having woken up during the interval). Tried to walk home with Steven which may be the worst half hour I've ever spent in my life. He was happy enough to leave but presumably just wanted to stand outside or wait in the car (which I had no keys for). He resisted walking home either himself or being carried every step of the way for the three quarters of a mile it was. I'm sure some passers by thought I was kidnapping him! Absolute bloody nightmare he was until we got to about 50 yards from home, whereupon be became quite happy again. By the time he'd been half walked / half dragged home we'd only been in 10 minutes when Thomas returned too. Apparently he really enjoyed the second half, not that I was able to see it and take pleasure from it.

£50 for four tickets and Thomas saw and enjoyed the second half of it whilst Steven saw and whined through the first half. It will be awhile before I try taking Steven to anything again. He's the same with fairground rides, etc. He's desperate to go, drags you right up to them and then point blank refuses to get on them and screams about it.

So we are down to one fish then. Thomas' one died today. Hope it wasnt something I have been doing wrong but fear it might be. Took me about three weeks to kill one off.

Now to replace it or not? I think we probably wait and see if he wants one once he finds out...

Been down to zero fish for a week now. 'George' died a week or so behind 'Dino'. Tanks thoroughly cleaned out and properly prepared in advance this time we've promised them new fish this weekend. If these die early as well I'll probably give it up. :ph34r:

Charlie went to bed at 5.45 this afternoon. He was being a bit of a pain in the bum, answering "no!" to everything he was told to do, or to stop doing. Jumping and running around on the bed while Harry was lying on it, throwing temper tantrums and just generally making a pest of himself. He was told several times that if he didn't behave, he would get sent to bed and would stay there until the morning. I put his pyjamas on him (under much protest) and he calmed down and we had a chat about how he needs to do as he's told, that it was dangerous to jump on the bed while the baby was lying on it and that, as he's going swimming with his Gran tomorrow, that he should behave to make sure he stays safe. He did settle down a bit, only to start up with "no!" when he was told to stop putting remote controls in his mouth. So, he went to bed. He tried getting up a couple of times, saying "I'm a good boy now!" but he was put back to bed and he's not made a sound since 6pm. I feel like the worst person in the world!

We were always told not to send them to bed as a punishment because they shouldn't associate bed with being a bad thing if you want them to sleep properly. I've been sorely tempted on a few occasions. In fairness now they are both such good sleepers that it probably wouldn't make any difference now.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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We were always told not to send them to bed as a punishment because they shouldn't associate bed with being a bad thing if you want them to sleep properly. I've been sorely tempted on a few occasions. In fairness now they are both such good sleepers that it probably wouldn't make any difference now.

I can understand that point of view, but we're limited on where we can put him where he can throw his temper tantrums and not get in the way of anyone. I wouldn't have put his pyjamas on and put him to bed if it had been earlier in the day, but we normally start the bedtime routine around 6 anyway, so it wasn't drastically early. Once he realised his brother was getting ready for bed too, he couldn't be bothered arguing and just settled down anyway. He only got up 3 times after being sent early, which is a drastic improvement on a usual night. It's at least double that normally! This was the first time we've ever actually put him to bed, rather than just in his room for a "time out". We'll find out tomorrow if it's worked or not! He has no fear whatsoever of being told off. I could stand and shout until I was blue in the face and it's like water off a duck's back to him. A stern talking to gets so far, but he's normally back doing the same thing ten minutes later. When he's a mind to be naughty, he just is. The strange thing is, he can be the nicest boy in the world at other times. He takes his own plate and cup to the kitchen after his dinner, he loves helping to load the washing machine or tumble drier, he'll do anything to help. He's just a bugger the rest of the time!

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SD, I was going to frop you a PM in the morning to see what the show was like! Ruairidh's friends mum has booked them through her bank account and got 25% off so I'm £15 for the two of us so not a total disaster if he hates it!

LM, I put Ruairidh to bed early one night last week, same as Charlie, everything was no and generally defiant. He was exhausted and asleep in minutes.

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So far its 0805 and already Connie (aged 4) has had a spell in the 'naughty corner' for being cheeky at breakfast time towards her mum. Danny (aged 18 months) has totally destroyed our living room and my wife has gone upstairs to hide from it leaving yours truely to deal with them.:unsure:

Wouldnt change them for the world though!:D

Congrats to the new fathers on here - despite the tantrums etc I think being a dad is the best feeling in the world.

Edited by Addie
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My little boy was helping his sister walk last night by holding her hands, I have to say it brought a tear to my eye. It made me not want any more and broody for another all at the same time!

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