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Not every new baby girl gets it though.

Just my daughter being flipping awkward then.* <_<

No change there then! :rolleyes::lol:

*NB: She decided to make her appearance at 03:58am - two minutes to four in the morning FFS! :angry::(

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My nearest NCT group is in Aberdeen or Inverness, so both about 65 miles away. :(

According to the NCT site there's one here...


Distance : 35.6Km (22.12 miles) (from Elgin)

Although when I clicked on the Moray link I got a blank page! :huh::(

You're a teacher - why not start your own branch?! :D;)

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My nearest NCT group is in Aberdeen or Inverness, so both about 65 miles away. :(

I was about to give you pelters then for wasting taxpayers' money posting from work. Realised just in time that your Easter holidays have started already up there. Our schools finish this Friday for two weeks. Just as well I remembered that. I mean, look how stupid I'd have looked if I'd thought of contacting your employers to let them know how you were wasting the time they pay you for... :rolleyes:

Anyway, did you say you had an appointment with the midwife today? I used to love hearing the heartbeat when my midwife came round. :D

Edit to add: Kilt, to the best of my knowledge the Moray branch is actually Highlands and Moray and covers such places as the Western Isles. I'm reckoning the classes in that branch could be a sight further than the others Debbie found! (and no, there are no classes run on the islands currently, I'm using it as an example to take the piss :P.)

Edited by HGG
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We don't finish until Friday either (some authorities finished last week though). I'm not in school this morning though because of my appt. I still haven't heard the baby's heartbeat. :( I've seen it on the scans, but never heard it. I didn't like to ask at my last appt. I maybe will today though. Also going to be asking for a prescription for Gaviscon! :lol:

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We don't finish until Friday either (some authorities finished last week though). I'm not in school this morning though because of my appt. I still haven't heard the baby's heartbeat. :( I've seen it on the scans, but never heard it. I didn't like to ask at my last appt. I maybe will today though. Also going to be asking for a prescription for Gaviscon! :lol:

A friend of mine used to drink the stuff from the bottle while she was pregnant!

Enjoying some extra time off sounds great! And really, you should ask them about hearing the heartbeat, it's great. I was lucky in that I knew my midwife anyway so she just used to call at mine for a brew and to do my appointments at home when she was passing.

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And really, you should ask them about hearing the heartbeat, it's great.

We only heard the heartbeat (as opposed to seeing it on screen) once before we actually went in for the birth. There was one scan they put Maureen on a monitor with the straps and listened to it for about half an hour to check for anything irregular. It was well late on though. Might have been the 30 week scan or something like that?

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We heard it quite a few times during Pamela's second pregnancy as she has a slight complication with bleeding. I think we went about four times over a two week period, where she got all strapped up to various monitors to make sure the baby wasn't in distress and we heard the swishy 'kepucchh, kepucchh, kepucchh, kepucchh' sound of baby's heartbeat. Magical! :)

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Heard it! :D It was sitting about 130bpm which is another 'boy sign' apparently...

That's what I was told as well! Did it sound like a train or a horse, train means a boy, horse a girl.

I looked into the NCT classes but at £250 I couldn't justify the money.

I thought about going on the tour of the hospital and maybe if I'd been CMU lead and had the waterbirth/aromatherepy etc option I may have done but as it was I was consultant lead and had to have a heart monitor on the baby and antibiotics via drip due to Strep B so I knew I'd be in whatever room the put me in on a bed.

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Guest The Phoenix
train means a boy, horse a girl.

I take it The Queen had a herd of stampeding wild horses thrashing around in her tummy whilst pregnant with the lovely Anne? :unsure:

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A friend of mine used to drink the stuff from the bottle while she was pregnant!

Enjoying some extra time off sounds great! And really, you should ask them about hearing the heartbeat, it's great. I was lucky in that I knew my midwife anyway so she just used to call at mine for a brew and to do my appointments at home hen she was passing.

I used to drink Gaviscon by the bottle when I was pregnant.

I was spoilt for listening to heartbeat as I was working in the Labour ward at the time. If it was quiet they would put me on the monitor so that the students could practice finding the heartbeat and reading the CTG.

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What's all this not listening to the heartbeat all about??? :o All three of my babies' heartbeats were checked at every one of my appointments from the point at which they were first detectable. I thought that was standard everywhere!

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What's all this not listening to the heartbeat all about??? :o All three of my babies' heartbeats were checked at every one of my appointments from the point at which they were first detectable. I thought that was standard everywhere!

It's actually part of routine ante-natal check.

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What's all this not listening to the heartbeat all about??? :o All three of my babies' heartbeats were checked at every one of my appointments from the point at which they were first detectable. I thought that was standard everywhere!
It's actually part of routine ante-natal check.

Can they not be checked by the midwife / consultant without us actually hearing it on a speaker though? I can assure you in the whole pregnancy we got to hear the heartbeat once at any hospital appointment. I think possibly the wife got monitored with sound at the midwife surgery appointments in between but I didn't attend those.

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Can they not be checked by the midwife / consultant without us actually hearing it on a speaker though? I can assure you in the whole pregnancy we got to hear the heartbeat once at any hospital appointment. I think possibly the wife got monitored with sound at the midwife surgery appointments in between but I didn't attend those.

Ah but we were talking about midwife appointments which are usually at your GP surgery. Although we listened in at hospital appointments when I was in clinics as a student midwife albeit that was a while ago.

The only way to listen without you hearing would be to use one of the above but they are seen rarely nowadays.

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