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neither of us were looking particularly glamorous so we just let them take a picture of our wee girl. Happy to promote the unit though, I'm really surprised people seem reluctant to go there.

It's incredible to be honest. When we were there there was only one other couple in. Undivided attention, calm atmosphere, quiet in the aftermath.

Compare that to ninewells, which is a bit of a madhouse and where mum and baby are expected to try to get some sleep in a ward with 20 other mums and screaming newborns within earshot and a limited supply of staff to attend to them. It's not even a choice really.
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The other half has to now see the doctor every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to get traces done and blood pressure checked along with various other things. Pain in the arse really. Quicker she's here the better.

Over the weekend we got bunk beds built. Wee man will go on bottom bunk in a few months time hopefully. They both seem happy with it!


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My first post in here since finding out I'm going to actually be put in charge of a child.

I'm strangely not scared, we've been planning/preparing for this for a while.  I'm sure as I get closer to the time I'll start to panic a bit.  Had a 16 week appointment today and heard the heartbeat and stuff which was brilliant.

Missus is (even more of) a psychopath (than usual) though. 

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47 minutes ago, Dindeleux said:
My first post in here since finding out I'm going to actually be put in charge of a child.

I'm strangely not scared, we've been planning/preparing for this for a while.  I'm sure as I get closer to the time I'll start to panic a bit.  Had a 16 week appointment today and heard the heartbeat and stuff which was brilliant.

Missus is (even more of) a psychopath (than usual) though. 


Congratulations to the mother and the father if you ever meet him.

It's a piece of piss mate. Don't drop the kid too often and remember to feed it.


Edited by keithgy
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2 hours ago, Dindeleux said:

My first post in here since finding out I'm going to actually be put in charge of a child.

I'm strangely not scared, we've been planning/preparing for this for a while.  I'm sure as I get closer to the time I'll start to panic a bit.  Had a 16 week appointment today and heard the heartbeat and stuff which was brilliant.

Missus is (even more of) a psychopath (than usual) though. 

My girlfriend had our boy 4 weeks ago and is still a bit nuts.

But during her pregnancy from about 7-9 months she was a proper fruit loop, would just flip for no reason and was constantly looking for arguments.

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22 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:



I'm guessing you have boys? :-P

6 days overdue now. She's being swept tomorrow afternoon.



My ex was overdue and was swept a week before our other child's birthday as we didn't want them having the same birthday. No such luck, don't count on it having an immediate effect.

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It's brilliant apart from never sleeping again TBH.

It gets better after six weeks. Not brilliant, but better.

We are six months in now and probably 2 out of 3 nights she sleeps well, waking up once or twice for a quick feed then back to sleep, and 1 in 3 nights can be quite tough and a struggle to get her down. Once she's down she's usually fine but last night for example she first fell asleep around 7:30 but it wasn't until about 11 that she was properly asleep and not waking herself up as soon as we left the room. But left a soundly sleeping wife and daughter when I left the house this morning.

What did other people do regarding moving babies to another room at night? At the moment if Beatrix wakes up and she's on her own she gets really upset so we are unsure how we are going to manage getting her used to sleeping alone.

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Can't agree with the comment regarding ninewells. We had 1 other couple in our unit and staff there was plenty. Maybe just lucky on both occasions but they were brilliant. All be it that's now 4 years ago so maybe changed.

Was that the midwife unit? If you're in there it's fine. The main labour unit is jam packed at all times though.
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3 hours ago, jmothecat said:


It gets better after six weeks. Not brilliant, but better.

We are six months in now and probably 2 out of 3 nights she sleeps well, waking up once or twice for a quick feed then back to sleep, and 1 in 3 nights can be quite tough and a struggle to get her down. Once she's down she's usually fine but last night for example she first fell asleep around 7:30 but it wasn't until about 11 that she was properly asleep and not waking herself up as soon as we left the room. But left a soundly sleeping wife and daughter when I left the house this morning.

What did other people do regarding moving babies to another room at night? At the moment if Beatrix wakes up and she's on her own she gets really upset so we are unsure how we are going to manage getting her used to sleeping alone.


You'll get you're own bed back once she's about 8.

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Our wee one was a great sleeper from 3-4 months on. The wife listened to the hospital staff when they said just follow the baby, it will sleep when it wants, eat when it wants etc. she then got sick of this an followed a routine she saw in one of her many baby books, 1 week later and Julia was sleeping at regular intervals during the day and through the night. we felt awful getting her up for the 2am feed but it wasn't long before she was sleeping through that too.

shes 4 next week and with the exception of when she was teething and had chicken pox she has slept through the night about 85% of the time. Thankfully we got her a double bed when we were selling our flat so the other 15% of the time we have a comfy bed to cuddle her back to sleep.

she refuses to come into our room as 'mummy snores too much'

i know every kid is different but the one bit of advice i would give to a new parent is try and get your wee one into a routine. It worked wonders for us and Julia thrived with it.

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