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Mo Wonderboy

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Terry Funk is hugely underappreciated. Truly up there as one of the top wrestlers ever. And then became a true hard-core legend in his later years.

WWE packaging him as Chainsaw Charlie was a pity.

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I think when all is said and done and the dust settles on his tragic death, folk in years from now are going to look at Bray's body of work in the same way they do with legends of the business. He was that good from a story telling perspective. I always loved and was intrigued by Waylon Mercy as a wee guy and even more so as an adult... the terrifying nice guy and that got cut short by injury. So it stands to reason that Wyatt who picked the bones of that character and turned it into the swamp dwelling cult leader is one of my absolute favourite wrestling characters ever.

He was truly a one-off, a guy who had whatever 'It' was in absolute spades and then some and a mind for storytelling that was really second to none. There was always criticism and a lot of it merited. He didn't need a title... his character was so overpowered that it made whoever he worked with automatically look weak... he didn't have any proper creative focus on his character and the latter stuff especially was rambling.

But there's absolutely no denying that the guy was 100% box office. One of the top guys in the world whose mere absence and reappearances generated buzz like no other except perhaps CM Punk or prime Y2J.

Folk will truly appreciate what he was and what they had now that he's not here. The Wyatts vs The Shield through 2016 was one of the only things keeping me tuned into WWE at a time where overall, the product was fucking dire and Bray was the key factor in that. A character with so much potential, so many layers. It's tragic that you feel he never got the chance to tell the Bray Wyatt story that he wanted to on his return, that pales in comparison though to the devastation of leaving behind four children and a fiancé who will only ever tell them stories of their daddy as he was gone in his mid-30s.

Honestly fucking awful. You'd think having been a fan of wrestling for over 30 years, you'd be somewhat desensitised to the tragic death of people long before their time - it's happened often enough - but you never truly are. Bray and Brodie are two of the genuinely sorest ones I've felt since Eddie Guerrero. Especially when you hear how genuinely good a human being he was and that's not anyone blowing smoke - enough folk like Taker, Amanda Huber, Strowman, Cena, HHH etc spoke glowingly of his character whilst living that you know nobody is just paying lip service to the dead.

His legacy, in ring at least, will be absolutely talked about for years, decades to come. He was far ahead of his time but that's scant consolation to anyone right now.


Edited by djchapsticks
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