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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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He's been completely Benoit'd on both WWE and TKO websites too. Not even on the alumni.

As if he never existed.

We all knew that one day when he was gone, the Vince story would be a Dark Side of the Ring and then some but I don't think anyone could have predicted a downfall of this magnitude.

Just waiting on him or his tango-coloured mate linking it to a Biden run Deep State witch hunt going after Donald and his close pals. Watch this space!

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I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot more to come out, and it wouldn't surprise me if pretty much every single female wrestler and on screen talent until a few years ago has a story.

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This isn't about wrestling tribalism or getting one over WWE, this is about a woman (women) who has been treated appallingly and used like a disposable commodity.

This is surely only the beginning and anyone with even an inkling this was going on and didn't speak up should at the very least never be anywhere near the wrestling industry ever again 

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3 hours ago, TheGoon said:

Lordy. Ronda was treated well there too. Imagine what some others will have to say 


Bruce will be out on his ear. He has what, about 35 years of Vince stink on him?

Even if he had nothing to do with it, and there is no suggestion that he did, he's still far too close a confidante of Vince for him to be there.

Fair play to Ronda for saying something, as you said, easy route is to say f**k all if you personally were treated well but I always had the impression she was more a Steph/HHH baby so there might be a bit of method to her statement if those two want to distance themselves as far from father as possible.


Edited by djchapsticks
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If Bruce isn't out on his ear, then Vince still has a massive influence.

I suspected that Vince had lost a lot of power when Dunn was 'retired' but the old c**t will still grip on for dear life.

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I will never not see Meltzer as a complete gimp.  By all accounts, his wrestling knowledge is extremely strong, and seems like he writes a good article when it calls for it, but he can't seem to contribute beyond that without making himself look like a complete dildo.

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There’s Punk out injured again, reports it’s a bad one but not confirmed at this stage. 

One of my favourites but he’s going to have a decision to make soon.

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