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Mo Wonderboy

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Watched iMPACT! for the first time in a few weeks last night and so much has changed in such little time.

1) The Pope is now heel and with Sting/Nash?

2) Generation ME are heel?

3) Eric Young and Orlando Jordan are a team?

4) Don't even get me started on the wumins division and the Beautiful People

Thats my problem with TNA, it's too choppy changey. Miss a few weeks of WWE and the same feuds are still running jus the story has evolved. Miss the same if TNA and have the roster has changed from heel to face and vice versa.

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1) I kinda understand The Pope being heel. He's been face for so long and his momentum was fading, so a heel turn and a shot with big names might well be a shot at freshening things up and giving him another shot, which I'm all for.

2) Generation ME turning was the right move. They're fairly bland as babyfaces and just have MOVEZ~~!! while their heel work is top notch and they have some brilliant aggression going for them in that role.

Don't have much of an opinion on the other two things. OJ/Young are one of them teams that get knocked up by all promotions from time to time and the Knockouts have been shit for ages.

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1) I kinda understand The Pope being heel. He's been face for so long and his momentum was fading, so a heel turn and a shot with big names might well be a shot at freshening things up and giving him another shot, which I'm all for.

2) Generation ME turning was the right move. They're fairly bland as babyfaces and just have MOVEZ~~!! while their heel work is top notch and they have some brilliant aggression going for them in that role.

Don't have much of an opinion on the other two things. OJ/Young are one of them teams that get knocked up by all promotions from time to time and the Knockouts have been shit for ages.

I don't particularly care about the decisions they have made, it's more the number of changes in such a short space of time.

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Like I said, I've not watched in quite a few weeks, but from last nights promo it appeared to me as though they were the heels.

That's what it appears like at the moment, after tonight though? who knows........

BTW Nash is done with TNA after tonights PPV

Edited by RussellV1
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Cena's done alright. wink.gif

Granted, but I was thinking more of guys like Rey Mysterio, MVP, John Morrison, Mr Kennedy, Matt Hardy etc. who are more on Punk's level. They've all moved shows & done f**k all before being punted back to Smackdown.

Raw is like a Smackdown midcarders graveyard.

Edited by RussellV1
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Buzzing for BFG and can't wait to get in an watch a replay tomorrow after work.

Watched iMPACT! for the first time in a few weeks last night and so much has changed in such little time.

1) The Pope is now heel and with Sting/Nash?

2) Generation ME are heel?

3) Eric Young and Orlando Jordan are a team?

4) Don't even get me started on the wumins division and the Beautiful People

Thats my problem with TNA, it's too choppy changey. Miss a few weeks of WWE and the same feuds are still running jus the story has evolved. Miss the same if TNA and have the roster has changed from heel to face and vice versa.

You've named every heel turn within the past month of TNA so 2 heel turns within a month is not half the roster. And GenMe didn't just suddenly happen, well it did but they have drawn out the storyline so that it is personal for BFG.

or you could just tune in every week.....

I've been enjoying Nash recently, would be gutted if he left. If Hogan/Bischoff turn then he needs to stick around for a bit.

Yeah Nash's time is up after 10/10/10, Shawn Michaels tweeted it and so did big Kev as well.

You know, I had been enjoying Nash as well, his role was prefect in Stings little faction.

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There is a few here.

I've been trying to catch up on TNA tonight. The last thing I seen was Hardcore Justice so I've been skimming episodes of Impact in the last few hours. Havent seen any of the last 2 impacts before Bound For Glory though so if someone could let me know of anything big happening let me know.

Also, I havent really been following the Sting/Nash/Hogan/EB story at all, whats going on there?

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