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Mo Wonderboy

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WWE know how good Daniel Bryan is. They have taken AGES to push the indy darlings before. Daniel Bryan is an exception that got thrown into PPV main events, given an important title and made to take top stars to the limit. He is probably the best in the world right now.

Kaval was at his best probably around 2002-2003, and then forgot that storytelling and psychology was important, and focused on just kicking and stomping. For as great as he's been, Kaval wasn't even the best wrestler on Smackdown, nevermind on Daniel Bryan's level.

Maybe I've got too much of a TNA fan mindset (enjoys too much of the high impact stuff) but Kaval was the reason I would check Smackdown out, although I've not done so for the past few weeks.

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TNA in the UK

and also this about Hardy's future

This is a link to North Carolina penalties for illegal possession and drug trafficking. According to the charges levied, Hardy is facing a MANDATORY sentencing of 45 days at least. There is no getting around this... regardless of plea agreement or not. The question is whether this will be 45 days in the hole... or possibly 6 months!
Edited by forehead7
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I reckon he'll do half of the six months, and get out early from that.

I said I'd give Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns, 2/3 Falls Match a go. Sweet mother of christ. Now, this match got a LOT of hype, and pretty much every match of the year list is including it. Apart from mines. Well it comes in at #2 in mines now, scoring a ***** rating and is the best match any of these four men have ever been involved in.

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I reckon he'll do half of the six months, and get out early from that.

Wonder when it'll happen and what they're gonna do regarding the belt. Probably drop it to Anderson after Genesis(I can only see an Anderson win unless they do a no-finish). At least it better not be Morgan, he can't have three title shots in a row.

I usually give TNA a better rap than most on here, but impact this week was pretty shite.

the only shining light was the interactions between Shark Boy and Eric Young. Orlando Jordan is a fud and Kendrick didn't really do it for me this week.

The Kazarian bit was reasonably funny, mostly just when he was insulting Lethal family.

The MMA thing was actually quite decent, glad that they mixed it up a bit.

Didn't really like either of the tag matches.

Madison insulting Mickie James raised a chuckle as well.

From TNA President Dixie Carter: "UK fans, here is how you don't miss an episode of iMPACT! while we wait for our new timeslot from Sky. Log on to TNAondemand.com, click the launch button, then click on the iMPACT UK button on the bottom left of the page. This free service is only available for the UK."
Edited by forehead7
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Isi it just me or has this concussion storyline completely killed all momentum Anderson had? I could think of a few storylines in 2010 that could have been played out a lot longer but this is certainly one that just isn't necessary. Yeah I get the whole shoot style stuff they are going for these days but this storylin is just boring quite frankly especially when it involves all your main event guys.

Kazarian is an excellent heel character at the moment and i hope he wins at Genesis. His promo insulting the gimmickless one was witty and it drew heat at the same time. Good work.

RVD's mystery opponent at Genesis, any ideas??

And was the Impact Zone this week a lot less smarkier than usual? That crowd every week will do.

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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I was thinking that since it's a special "Challenge Match", it'd be Jerry Lynn so as they could put on the match they were gonna have at Hardcore Justice. I know it's a longshot, but it's a possibility.

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I was thinking that since it's a special "Challenge Match", it'd be Jerry Lynn so as they could put on the match they were gonna have at Hardcore Justice. I know it's a longshot, but it's a possibility.

+1 for logic. Although they've dropped the whole friends being opponents that was going on with EV 2.0, that's a great shout.

I do agree that the momentum has been lost, well done Hardy. Made the best out of a bad situation. Can't see the storyline with Hardy been decent until the prison sentence has been canned or done.

Kaz is doing well, can't see him winning the title but I wouldn't be unhappy if their feud carried on for another month.

Headlining Wrestlemania, Otunga laugh.gif.

I could see Punk/Cena. Edge and Christian would be good but I'm not sure it'll be headliner. I think the Taker will be headlining, if the Lesnar rumours come true then that has to be top billed.

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I thought that he only had one more match to fight in, or is there a clause that denies him from going on tv?

He also has a long medical suspension stopping him from fighting untill March. If Brock Lesnar is at Wrestlemania, he could pay for it. And since Brock is a money grabber, I don't forsee him taking that chance.

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Possible spoilers about the Rumble onwards, just a rumour I read:

The title match at the Rumble will be a Fatal 4 way match between Miz-Morrison-Orton-Lawler. The title will be put on the King. King will then lose the title at Elimination Chamber to CM Punk. That would give us the following matches at Mania:

Punk-Cena for the title



It would also presumably mean Cena wins the Rumble or it will be someone from Smackdown, possibly Del Rio.

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Possible spoilers about the Rumble onwards, just a rumour I read:

The title match at the Rumble will be a Fatal 4 way match between Miz-Morrison-Orton-Lawler. The title will be put on the King. King will then lose the title at Elimination Chamber to CM Punk. That would give us the following matches at Mania:

Punk-Cena for the title



It would also presumably mean Cena wins the Rumble or it will be someone from Smackdown, possibly Del Rio.

Lawler wrestling at Mania .......WHY!?

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