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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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It's becoming more of a "Who?" Tour rather than the "Woo" Tour. A couple more withdrawals and Shannon Moore could be main eventing.

I dunno about that. I'm still goin to enjoy myelf either way, You still have RVD, Beer Money, Hardy, Anderson, Jarrett, Pope, the Knockouts and Morgan who have been wrestling week in week out since BFG. It's hardly a B class roster but it's also very unfornute and TNA itself can't be blamed for any of this.

Angle has had to rush home understandably, Shelley and AJ are injured. And Naitch is being Naitch.

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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Also I think it would be a good idea to contribute some classic Royal Rumble moments in the week leading up to it.

So I'll get things started, the single best moment in RR history; Austin's entrance in 98. When has the ring ever came to a stand still for that one superstars entrance? And no Scotty to Hotty in 01 doesn't count.

Skip to around the 4 min 30 secs mark for awesomeness.


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I dunno about that. I'm still goin to enjoy myelf either way, You still have RVD, Beer Money, Hardy, Anderson, Jarrett, Pope, the Knockouts and Morgan who have been wrestling week in week out since BFG. It's hardly a B class roster but it's also very unfornute and TNA itself can't be blamed for any of this.

Angle has had to rush home understandably, Shelley and AJ are injured. And Naitch is being Naitch.

As you know Ric is my all-time favourite. I've seen him on a show before but I haven't seen him wrestle a match. I also appreciate him a lot more now than I did when I saw him before.

The top 5 things for me in TNA are:

1. Flair

2. Guns

3. Anderson

4. AJ

5. Angle

4 of those aren't going to be there. It'll still be a good night as you say.

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From the article, My link, on the TNA website.

I don't know what it is, since I didn't really watch TNA when it was on Bravo, but I'm geniunely excited about it being on freeview. It's just like when I discovered WCW was on Channel Five.

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According to the Cathouse facebook group some of the wrestlers are in the Garage or are expected to be, didn't say which ones though. I've posted asking which ones if the Catty replies then I'll put it in spoiler tags(for Marshmallo's sake)

Nah just post it, I'm unable to restrain myself from reading the Flair stuff

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Reviews of the Supposed Top Matches

I'm going back to them reviews of the big matches from over the years to try and add stuff to my list of the best matches to happen. Again, these were listed by PWT as among the 100 best ever and they come from two polls of 100.

Wargames Match - NWA Great American Bash 31/07/1987 ( **** )

Mr. Perfect vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart - WWE King of the Ring 1993 ( ****1/2 )

Kane vs. The Undertaker - WWE Wrestlemania XIV 03/1998 ( **1/2 )

Triple H vs. Ric Flair, Last Man Standing Match - WWE Survivor Series 2005 ( **** )

Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles - TNA Sacrifice 08/2005 ( **** )

Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles, 30 Minute Iron Man Match - TNA Bound for Glory 10/2005 ( ****1/2 )

Wargames Match - NWA Great American Bash 31/07/1987

I'll admit, I don't know much about this match going into it. Anderson and Rhodes are going to open the match for each team. Dusty is of course in the babyface team and Anderson is a Horseman. Anderson goes for the leg early and then they lockup and Rhodes knocks down Anderson who backs into the corner. Both men now into the other ring and Rhodes is walking the ropes and then he swings and lands a Dropkick. Into the other ring now and Anderson gets some cheap shots in on Rhodes, but then Rhodes turns the tide around on Anderson with jabs and then a low blow. Knee to the gut from Anderson and a Headbutt. Rhodes then lands a DDT. Into the corner they now go and they get dragged up. Rhodes then rakes the head of Anderson into the roof of the cage and then rams it into the wall and Anderson is busted open. Kick to the knee from Anderson and Rhodes gets into the other ring and now Anderson has his eyes on Rhodes. Rhodes sends Anderson into a wall of the cage again though. Arn Anderson wants out of the cage and that's not going to work. Low blow from Anderson and then a Snapmare, but he misses a Knee Drop. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM RHODES !!! This is a shot at Ric Flair. Anderson is in trouble. Rhodes with a stomp to the leg of Anderson. The bell rings and we're gonna have a coin toss. The Horsemen get the advantage, and into the ring goes Tully Blanchard. The Brainbusters now have Rhodes, but Rhodes lands his elbow strikes on both men. Tully goes to the knee of Rhodes. Anderson with right hands to the face of Rhodes. Knee Drop from Tully and then Anderson holds him down for more punishment. Rhodes has been busted open as they work on the leg. Road Warrior Animal comes in for the babyfaces to a MASSIVE pop. LOADS of Catapults into the cage from Animal to Tully and obviously he's injured now. The audience is LOVING this at the moment. Tully gets his face raked into the cage. Animal and Rhodes now work over Tully who is on the apron. Anderson is heading into the ring but he jumps right into the Clothesline of Animal. Elbow Drop from Animal to Anderson and now Tully gets launched into the cage. Anderson takes the same. The Horsemen send in Ric Flair. The Horsemen are getting the advantage. Chops from Flair to Animal. Animal then gets sent face first into the cage. Ric Flair then taunts the crowd. Animal gets launched into the crowd again, as The Brainbusters work on the bad knee of Rhodes as well. Andersom seems to be working between both beatings, and that gives Rhodes a chance to get back into the match. Flair with kicks to the knee and chops. Flair then rakes the head of Animal. Nikita Koloff is now into the ring and he lands a Double Clothesline. Tully gets sent face first into the cage, while the babyfaces are getting the advantage back in the other ring. Animal with a Gorilla Press Slam on Flair. Rhodes and Koloff are now working on the leg of Anderson as revenge for earlier in the match. Koloff with right hands to Tully in the corner. Flair with a rake to the eyes and he chops Koloff and that doesn't seem like it was a good idea. Koloff then sends Flair into the cage face first. Dropkick from Rhodes and now Lex Luger into the ring to represent the Horsemen and he lands a Powerslam on Koloff. Low blow from Flair to Koloff. Rhodes still has the advantage on Anderson in the other ring and then Luger goes into that ring. SPIKE PILEDRIVER FROM THE HORSEMEN TO KOLOFF !!! Animal with the elbow strikes. ANOTHER SPIKE PILEDRIVER TO KOLOFF !!! Rhodes is trying to protect Nikita and he's getting a beating as a result. Road Warrior Hawk is the next man in. He goes right after Luger and lands a Clothesline and then gives Tully the Snake Eyes and then launches Flair into the other ring. Flair launched into the cage again. Right hands from Hawk to Luger in the corner and this is a good and proper beating. Hawk with a Body Slam on Luger. Koloff is somehow standing after the beating he has taken in this match. FLAIR HAS RHODES IN THE FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK !!! JJ Dillon is the next man for the Horsemen. He lands an elbow on Hawk and that is not going to work for the manager and Hawk goes to work on Dillon and then Flair alongside him. Animal charges down Luger elsewhere. Anderson and Rhodes collide. Flair raked against the cage. Koloff is getting launched into the cage. Luger with a running kick to Hawk, and that doesn't end well as Hawk winds up landing a Shoulder Breaker. Paul Ellering with the Atomic Drop on Dillon and now we have the match beyond.

Hawk with a Clothesline to Tully. Ellering has busted open Dillon and he's now gaugung the cut. Koloff with a big Clothesline to Luger. Rhodes is climbing the buckles in the corner. The Road Warriors land a Double Clothesline from Dillon. Noggin Knocker catches the Brainbusters. Road Warriors with the battering ram and they send him into the cage wall. MODIFIED DOOMSDAY DEVICE FROM THE WARRIORS TO DILLON !!! Flair manages to get there and do some help but this isn't going well right now. DILLON QUITS !!!

This was a pretty good match. It wasn't an all time classic. Infact there was a lot better from many Wargames matches in the future. It was a good bloodbath though and a lot of stuff made sense through it. ****

Mr. Perfect vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart - WWE King of the Ring 1993

This is pretty much a rematch of the match at Summerslam 1991. Of course, they had plenty of matches before that point as well, but these are the high profile matches worth noting. Lockup and we have a clean break. Lockup and Perfect goes behind and Hart gets into the ropes. We have a clean break. Lockup and a Headlock from Hart. Hart gets sent into the ropes and he charges down Perfect and then a Hiptoss from Hart and then the Headlock Takedown countered by Perfect to the Head Scissors. Hart rolls through and gets the Side Headlock. Into the corner they go and Perfect with a big chop. Perfect into the corner and Hart with the Body Slam but Perfect kicks him down and then we get vice versa, and Hart with the Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock. That was a cracking exchange there. Perfect battles to his feet and then sends Hart to the ropes, but Hart comes out with the Crucifix which distracts Perfect to the point that he takes another Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock. Perfect then battles to his feet. Hart once again to the ropes and he gets a Cross Body. Perfect throws Hart to the floor. Hart comes back in with a Sunset Flip, and then Hart goes back to the Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock once again. Perfect battles back to his feet yet again and goes to the hair and then the referee spots this and then Perfect gets in a cheap shot and the fans aren't happy with that. Stomp to the gut from Perfect and that was a very Hartesque move. Standing Dropkick from Perfect and Hart winds up on the floor. Perfect lets Hart into the ring and then gets another cheap shot in and he's clearly frustrated by how the match has gone. Perfect then lands some more chops and then strikes. Kick to the gut sends Hart to the floor as well and then Perfect with a chop and then he smashes the face of Hart into the ring apron. Right hands from Perfect. PERFECT THROWS HART FROM THE APRON TO THE RAILING !!! That was nasty bump right there! Hart hurt his knee on that bump. Back onto the apron with Hart and then Perfect brings him back in and lands a Knee Lift and that gets a two count. Hart now comes back into the match, but Perfect has too much for him at the moment and heads for the top rope. Missile Dropkick off the top and that gets a two count for Perfect. Into the corner and Perfect with a chop and then Hart gets sent chest first into the buckles and that gets a two count. Right hand from Perfect and then he heads back to the top rope. Hart stops him up there and then catches him. SUPERPLEX FROM HART !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Both men now battle to their feet and now Hart is working on the leg of Perfect. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM HART !!! Perfect manages to find the bottom rope, but the point is that the damage has been done to the leg of Perfect. Hart sweeps down Perfect and then grapevines it. Perfect goes to the eyes of Hart to escape from that move. Head first into the top buckle and then Perfect shouts in the face of Hart and then gets a Hairtoss Takedown. Hart into the ropes and Perfect now locks in the Sleeper Hold. Hart has now found his way into the ropes. More chops from Perfect and then he locks in another Sleeper Hold. Hart is now battling to his feet and then sends Perfect face first into the top buckle. European Uppercut and a HARD one from Hart and then into the top buckle goes Perfect again and then he gets a Hairtoss Takedown of his own and Perfect gets crotched on the ringpost. Manhattan Drop and a Russian Legsweep gets a two count. Leg Drop from Hart. Backbreaker from Hart and then he goes to the middle rope and lands his Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. SHARPSHOOTER ... Perfect grabs the fingers of Hart and that is the damaged hand of Hart and then he stomps on it. PERFECT PLEX FROM PERFECT ... countered. SUPLEX FROM HART AND BOTH MEN WIND UP GOING OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Both men into the ring. PERFECT WITH A SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... HART TURNS IT AROUND !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was a great two sided match. Both guys were great here. Mr. Perfect tried to be ruthless, but Bret Hart showed that he was willing to take it to the next level in that respect. He took everything that Perfect had to give and then gave it right back to him. A superb match. ****1/2

Kane vs. The Undertaker - WWE Wrestlemania XIV 03/1998

The Undertaker's entrance for this show is the stuff of legend. Right hand from Taker and then again and Kane isn't budging. Kane is just standing there taking all of this but then Taker runs into an elbow. Into the corner, but again Taker avoids Kane and lands a bunch of right hands and kicks. Kane lands a Short Arm Clothesline and Taker sits up and goes right after Kane again. Taker into the ropes and he runs into the shots of Kane who traps Taker in the tree of woe and then lands a bunch of stomps and kicks in the corner. Right hands from Kane against the ropes and then Taker into the corner. Taker into the opposite corner and then Kane lands a Clothesline. Kane with knees to the head of Taker. Front Suplex drops Taker over the top rope and then Kane to the top rope and he drives a shot over the head of Taker. Taker gets back into the ring and then right hands from Kane in the corner. Kick in the stomach from Taker and then he gets sent into the ropes and then Kane lands the Front Electric Chair Drop on Taker. You know, that one that Edge did on the WWE games? To the floor and Kane drops Taker on the railing. Head first into the steps goes Taker. Kane then drops the steps over the back of Taker and then repeats this. Kane then stomps on the face of Taker. Kane gets back into the ring now and then Bearer heads over and he gets in his cheap shots. Back onto the apron and Kane beats on Taker. Kane then lands the Suplex to bring Taker back into the ring. Into the corner and then Kane with some right hands. Clothesline from Taker and then he kicks the stomach and then hits the ropes. He runs right into Kane. THE CHOKESLAM FROM KANE !!! The fans actually sound worried after that and then gets a two count. Chinlock from Kane. Taker is battling back to the match and he fights out of the Chinlock with rights and lefts and then a big uppercut. Clothesline from Kane. Elbow Drop from Kane follows that and then he goes back to the Chinlock. Taker battles to the feet again. Taker crotches Kane on the top rope and then Kane winds up on the apron. Right hands from Taker and then he boots. Kane off of the apron. THE UNDERTAKER WITH THE PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE ... KANE MOVES AND SENDS TAKER THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE !!! That remains a hell of a bump. Back into the ring they go and Kane heads for the top rope. Flying Clothesline from Kane off the top rope. That gets a two count for Kane. Right hands from Kane and then more of the same. Taker is now coming back with some right hands. Taker into the ropes. THE TOMBSTONE FROM TAKER ... KANE COMES THROUGH AND GETS ONE OF HIS OWN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kane almost goes after the referee and thinks better of it and then lands a bunch of right hands in the corner. Taker now comes back with the right hands of his own. Taker is rocking Kane with rights and lefts and then a Clothesline. THE CHOKESLAM FROM TAKER !!! THE TOMBSTONE FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE TOMBSTONE AGAIN FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTTTT !!! Flying Clothesline off the top and Kane sits right back up. THE TOMBSTONE FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The crowd were lost in a big way midway through this match when Kane went Chinlock crazy. Before that, the crowd were mental for the match. As for that moment, by the time it came to the demolition of Kane at the end, the crowd didn't care enough. Disappointing. **1/2

Triple H vs. Ric Flair, Last Man Standing Match - WWE Survivor Series 2005

HHH attacks Flair on the aisle and sends him into the railing and then lands a series of right hands. HHH sends him back into the railing again and then more right hands. Flair still has his belt and his robe on. HHH mounts Flair and lands a load of right hands. HHH takes the belt off and then lands a Back Elbow to take down Flair. Stomps from HHH and then Flair heads for the floor. HHH then heads to the floor and he's looking for a chair. Kendo stick shots from Flair to come back into the match and then into the crowd we go and Flair lands chops and right hands through the crowd. Flair with rights and lefts. HHH back in control, but Flair then comes back with more chops. Neither man is willing to give an inch here. HHH sends Flair over the barrier to the ringside area with a Back Body Drop. HHH then gets over the barrier to deal with HHH and then lands a Suplex on the floor and that sounded like a hard landing there. Flair onto the apron and then HHH brings him back into the ring with the Suplex and HHH is now being very methodical at the moment. Elbow Drop across the back of Flair from HHH and he seems to have found his target area. More elbows to the back from HHH. Right hands from HHH and then Flair comes back with chops and then jabs as well. Knee to the gut from HHH and he sends Flair to the floor. Flair with a right hand to the gut and then he lands more right hands. Flair then gets sent face first into the ringpost. HHH goes under the ring and he goes into a toolbox and then he brings out a screw driver. HHH SENDS THE SCREWDRIVER INTO THE HEAD OF FLAIR !!! Flair is now busted open. More of the same and Flair seems to be in absolute agony at the moment. Into the ring and more of the same from HHH. HHH then lands a Knee Drop and then lands another. Flair then kicks his way out of the corner and he lands some more chops. HHH sends Flair to the floor again knowing that he's in trouble and then some right hands. HHH then gets the Spanish announce table ready. HHH then gets sent into the steel steps. Flair with a chop but then HHH with a poke to the eyes. SPINEBUSTER ON THE FLOOR FROM HHH !!! That one managed to wow the crowd. HHH then gets the mic and then taunts him. "Stay down or I'm gonna put you down for good!". Flair gets up. TESTICULAR CLAW FROM FLAIR !!! MICROPHONE TO THE HEAD FROM HHH !!! They then get the RAW announce table ready and everyone gets onto it. THE PEDIGREE ON THE RAW TABLE ... HHH GETS HIT WITH THE BACK BODY DROP THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE !!! Jerry Lawler's commentary has been MAGNIFICENT in this match btw. Flair is up in the ring and then HHH beats the count as well. HHH grabs a chair. Into the ring and Flair lands some chops and then right hands. Knee 2 Face from HHH. HHH battles to his feet and then he lands a right hand on Flair and then grabs a chair. HHH then has the chair and he lays it down and he's decided he's gonna land a series of right hands. Flair gets to his feet and then HHH gets the better of a right hand exchange. PEDIGREE ON THE CHAIR FROM HHH ... FLAIR WITH THE LOW BLOW !!! CHAIR TO THE HEAD FROM FLAIR TO HHH !!! Flair then bites HHH and lands some jabs and right hands and then into the corner and Flair lands chops and then a straight right hand to the balls. Flair then drags HHH to the ringpost and then crotches him and then smashes the leg into the ringpost and then the other leg. Flair is just punishing HHH badly using the ringpost and crotches him over and over again. Christ. Flair gets back into the ring and then he gets the chop block and then he bites the leg. Flair unloads on HHH with stops and then a Knee Drop. Flair with a chop and then he goes to the chop block. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK ... Flair kicked down and then he gets sent to the floor. Flair then into the corner and the knee gets rammed into the ringpost. CHAIR SHOT FROM FLAIR TO THE KNEE AGAINST THE RINGPOST !!! FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM FLAIR !!! Flair is using the ropes as well and nobody can do anything about it. He lets go and HHH still somehow manages to beat the count. HHH got onto both feet and then lands a Clothesline and both men are down. HHH then heads for the floor and he grabs the steps and then sends them into the ring. THE STEPS FROM HHH AND HE ALMOST BEHEADS FLAIR !!! Flair is just not wanting to stay down here. DROP TOE HOLD SENDS HHH FACE FIRST INTO THE STEPS THERE FROM FLAIR !!! Flair pulls himself to his feet as does HHH. Flair then comes back with big chops and then HHH with right hands of his own. HHH into the ropes. THE PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! FLAIR GETS ONTO HIS FEET !!! HHH WITH THE PEDIGREE AGAIN !!! FLAIR GETS TO HIS FEET AGAIN !!! THE PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! RIC FLAIR IS BATTLING LIKE A CRAZY PERSON !!! FLAIR GETS TO HIS FEET !!! SLEDGEHAMMER TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! FLAIR FINALLY STAYS DOWN !!!

The match was hella messy at times. This was a dramatic match though and Ric Flair brought every bit of fight he possibly could to this match. Ric Flair came out of this match looking like an absolute hero. Triple H comes out of it looking like the biggest arsehole on the planet. ****

Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles - TNA Sacrifice 08/2005

It was about time these two guys had a match on PPV because they have superb chemistry with each other. They lockup and nothing comes of it. They lock hands and Styles goes to the leg and then we have nothing from that too. Kicks from both men now. Might not be the best idea for Styles to do that. Styles sweeps down Joe and then into the corner. Shoulder Charges from Styles and then a Body Slam and then a Knee Drop. That gets a one count. Into the corner and Styles then with the Snapmare and then a kick to the back from Styles. Forearms from Styles and then he spins into a jab. JOE KICKS STYLES THROUGH THE ROPES AND TO THE FLOOR !!! JOE WITH THE ELBOW SUICIDA !!! Styles jumps over the apron. Leaping Forearm off of the apron from Styles. Styles with a chop and then he sends Joe back into the ring. Snap Suplex from Styles and that gets a two count. The Muta Lock is then applied by Styles. Kip Up Rana then comes from Styles. Rebound Dropkick is avoided by Joe and then a knee and forearms. Clotheslines and he tries to send Joe to the floor. S-T-Joe catches Styles coming in. High Knee in the corner from Joe and then he has Styles set. THE BOOTSCRAPES AND THE FACEWASH FROM JOE !!! Leg sweep from Joe. Snapmare from Joe and then the chop, kick and Knee Drop combo from Joe. That gets a two count. Chinlock from Joe and then he sticks a knee in the back. Styles fights out and then he gets charged down. POWERBOMB FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... INTO THE SAMOAN CRAB FROM JOE WITH STYLES KICKS OUT !!! JOE SWINGS OVER INTO THE STF !!! Styles eventually finds the ropes. Styles then lands the Rebound Dropkick. QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Styles is now heading for the top rope. Joe then gets a headbutt to stop Styles. They do battle on the top rope. SPRINGBOARD SWANTON BOMB FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! PELE KICK FROM STYLES !!! Jacknife Pin from Styles. THE STYLES CLASH ... blocked. The Rolling Cradle from Joe and that gets a two count. Styles misses the Pele Kick. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Mocking kicks from Joe and Styles isn't happy with this and he comes back into the match. Styles goes mental with the rights and lefts. JOE COMES BACK WITH THE FLURRY AND THEN STYLES CATCHES JOE WITH A BIG KICK RIGHT ON THE FOREHEAD !!! THE MUSCLE BUSTER FROM JOE ... countered. THE TORTURE RACK FROM STYLES INTO THE RACK BOMB !!! The referee is bumped and Daniels is heading for the ring. THE STO FROM DANIELS TO STYLES !!! Joe spots Daniels in the ring now and he isn't impressed. Styles sends Daniels to the floor now. Palm strike from Joe. MUSCLE BUSTER FROM JOE !!! THE CHOKE FROM JOE !!! IT'S GAME OVER !!!

The match might have been scored a bit higher if they decided to take out the pointless Daniels interference. The two guys showed their experience with each other though as they just played out a nifty wee match. ****

Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles, 30 Minute Iron Man Match - TNA Bound for Glory 10/2005

This is the rematch. I'll be getting around to the first match at some time during this run of reviews I think. Daniels attacks before the bell and this thing is underway. Styles into the corner and Daniels with the Dropkick. To the feet and into the corner and Daniels with chops and right hands. Styles into the ropes and then Daniels with the Gorilla Press Slam. Stomp to the back of the head from Daniels and then he clubs at Styles. Forearms from both men now. Daniels into the ropes and he gets over AJ but then Styles with right hands and chops. LOVELY Arm Drag from Styles and then a Backbreaker. Running Back Elbow and Daniels heads for the floor. Styles charges into a forearm. Jabs from Daniels and then Styles into the ropes and then he lands a Dropkick and Daniels back to the floor. Styles to the apron and he sends Daniels into the front row. Forearms from Styles. STYLES LAUNCHES HIMSELF OFF OF THE STEPS AND OVER THE RAIL ONTO DANIELS !!! Styles then sends Daniels back over the railing. Back into the ring we go now. That gets a two count. Side Headlock from Styles. Daniels battles to his feet and then Styles takes him back down to one knee. AJ holds onto the move when Daniels tries to send him into the ropes. Styles with a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock. Styles avoids a Back Drop Suplex and then goes right back to the Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock. Styles into the ropes but he charges Daniels down and gets the Side Headlock again. Daniels now gets out eventually and he works on the arm of Styles. Styles fights out and gets the Arm Ringer, and then when Daniels tries to kip up, Styles goes to the Side Headlock. That has to be frustrating. Daniels misses a Dropkick and then Styles lands the Knee Drop. Styles then comes back with chops. Into the corner and Daniels is getting beaten around the ring here. Daniels then gets sent face first into the top buckle again and that gets a two count. Forearms from Styles and Daniels gets into the corner. Styles with a kick to the gut and then some kicks to the back and then he locks in a Chinlock. Styles then pulls Daniels into a kick to the gut. The Muta Lock from Styles now and he's really putting on a clinic. Daniels bites his way out of the move. Into the corner goes Styles and then Daniels onto the apron. Both men on and Styles sends Daniels back into the ring. Styles heads for the top rope. Styles jumps right into the Exploder Suplex from Daniels. Styles into the ropes and Daniels lands a Clothesline. Right hands from Daniels and then a Snapmare and then the Neck Twist. Remember when The Giant did that to Hogan and it was seen as the worst thing ever? Another Neck Twist from Daniels. That gets a two count. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker gets a two count for Daniels and he thought he had it. Neck Crank from Daniels. Styles fights out of that. Victory Roll gets a two count for Styles ... Daniels catches Styles in the Koji Clutch! Styles uses his strength to find his way to the bottom rope. Body Slam from Daniels. Arabian Press from Daniels and that gets a two count. Don West calls it a Backwards Moonsault? Is there any other kind of Moonsault? Styles into the ropes and he avoids a Backbreaker. QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! Styles is now up at the half way point of the match. Spin Kick there from Styles and that puts me in mind of X-Pac! HAMMERLOCK BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! That was a brutal move there. Pump Handle Gutbuster from Styles and that gets a two count. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM DANIELS OUT OF NOWHERE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Palm Strike from Daniels. CROSS ARM ICONOCLASM FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SUPLEX INTO THE NECKBREAKER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! This is becoming a very two sided match at the moment. QUEDABRA DDT ... Daniels counters. BLUE THUNDER BOMB FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Styles fights out and then hits the ropes. THE TORTURE RACK FROM STYLES INTO THE RACK BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and then Daniels in. Charge misses. Running knee sends Styles to the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM DANIELS TO STYLES !!! Into the ring they go. PELE KICK SENDS DANIELS TO THE FLOOR !!! SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM STYLES !!! Daniels now onto the apron. BACK DROP SUPLEX OFF OF THE APRON FROM DANIELS TO STYLES !!! Daniels into the ring and he kicks Styles in the face. Styles looks like he's in fucking agony here. Daniels and Styles are now going at it in a big way. Forearm from Styles and now he's taking control of the match. DANIELS WITH A ROLLUP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Body Slam ... COUNTERED BY STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! PELE KICK FROM STYLES ... MISSES !!! Both men now going for the quick rollups. WHEELBARROW ... INTO THE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM DANIELS !!! DISCUS LARIAT FROM STYLES !!! BOTH MEN ARE DOWN !!! Styles battles to his feet and the fans are right into this. Styles into the corner and Daniels misses a charge. CROSS BODY BLOCK ... DANIELS ROLLS THROUGH AND GRABS THE TRUNKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Both men now doing battle here. Roundhouse Kick to the back of the head from Styles and that gets a two count. Jawbreaker from Daniels. Enziguri from Daniels. THE ANGELS WINGS FROM DANIELS ... COUNTERED FROM STYLES !!! JACKNIFE PIN ... INTO THE STYLES CLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEE !!! IT'S OVER !!! THE TIME RUNS OUT !!!

That was fucking amazing. These two guys were always incapable of a bad match. These two guys took some unbelievable punishment in this match and since it was an Iron Man Match they managed to fit in a couple of nearfalls and nice wee touches that they couldn't throw into other matches. Good effort.

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