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Mo Wonderboy

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How are WWE "fucking assholes" for wanting to protect an investment? Why do you think WWE use the name Daniel Bryan? Why do you think that hardly ANYONE uses their real name in WWE anymore? They are well within their rights to do what they do.

That would be fair enough if they had given CM Punk a new name at the very start of his tenure on the main roster ala Bryan Danielson / Daniel Bryan, but they didn't, they kept the same name that HE built prior to signing with them and that a large number of people already knew him by. To then try and take ownership of the name that he spent years prior to his affiliation with them building is ridiculous regardless of how much awareness of that name has increased since his WWE tenure.

Edited to add: It'd be like you developing computer software, selling it nationally, hooking up with Microsoft as a third party and selling it internationally and them trying to claim ownership. Just because they've grown the brands awareness doesn't give them a right to ownership of the product you developed.

Edited by J_Stewart
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That would be fair enough if they had given CM Punk a new name at the very start of his tenure on the main roster ala Bryan Danielson / Daniel Bryan, but they didn't, they kept the same name that HE built prior to signing with them and that a large number of people already knew him by. To then try and take ownership of the name that he spent years prior to his affiliation with them building is ridiculous regardless of how much awareness of that name has increased since his WWE tenure.

I'm sorry, but to most wrestling fans, CM Punk was just that jobber that hung around with Raven on TNA untill he signed for WWE. So don't hit that "regardless" nonsense. The only reason he is a name right now is because WWE gave him the ball, put him in main events, shoved title belts on him, gave him loads of mic time and two factions to lead. WWE have decided that since he has become a big name, they don't want other promotions to be able to use the name CM Punk when he goes, and they are more than entitled to do that. After all, THEY are the ones that did the hard work of making him a name to the mainstream.

It'd be like you developing computer software, selling it nationally, hooking up with Microsoft as a third party and selling it internationally and them trying to claim ownership. Just because they've grown the brands awareness doesn't give them a right to ownership of the product you developed.

Yeah, except Microsoft would be more than entitled to do that too. I'd be more than welcome to tell WWE or Microsoft where to go and if I'm good enough, I can make good money elsewhere anyways, and CM Punk has enough name value to do so.

WWE are only looking after their own interests. As well they should. They are a business, not a charity.

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Didn't they try the same thing with the Dudleys & RVD as well. I think RVD ended up leaving WWE due to not agreeing to it.

probably going to go to SWA at the Paisley Union tonight, only a fiver for us studenty types :D

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I'm sorry, but to most wrestling fans, CM Punk was just that jobber that hung around with Raven on TNA untill he signed for WWE. So don't hit that "regardless" nonsense. The only reason he is a name right now is because WWE gave him the ball, put him in main events, shoved title belts on him, gave him loads of mic time and two factions to lead. WWE have decided that since he has become a big name, they don't want other promotions to be able to use the name CM Punk when he goes, and they are more than entitled to do that. After all, THEY are the ones that did the hard work of making him a name to the mainstream.

Yeah, except Microsoft would be more than entitled to do that too. I'd be more than welcome to tell WWE or Microsoft where to go and if I'm good enough, I can make good money elsewhere anyways, and CM Punk has enough name value to do so.

WWE are only looking after their own interests. As well they should. They are a business, not a charity.

I think more people would have known him as one of the major stars in ROH as opposed to 'that jobber that hung around with Raven in TNA' prior to signing with WWE as TNA weren't exactly the internationally known brand they are now in 2004. Regardless of that though, as far as I'm aware, WWE wrestlers aren't contracted as direct employees, but rather 3rd party contractors (or whatever the American variable is, that's why there has always been rumblings about not having an official wrestelers union, etc) which gives WWE certain benefits, with that in mind, as CM Punk created the name he alone is entitled to ownership of the name.

Also, it's pretty rare for WWE to continue to push anyone to the level Punk has been unless they work their ass off and have the talent to back it up, so although they may have given him the mic time and titles, it's because he's worked his ass off to deserve it under the name that he himself created.

If you're working with someone as a third party, they have no right to ownership over your products or services unless you explicitly say otherwise (wouldn't have thought it'll be wholly different to that in America). I can understand what you're saying about WWE looking out for their best interests (it wasn't me that said they were assholes or whatever the insult was, just backed up Punks case) but it's Punks image that is associated with the name, not the WWE logo, therefore he's got to look out for his own best interests and not giving them ownership of his name is definitely in his best interests.

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I'll go backwards since the last part is the one I find more important.

If you're working with someone as a third party, they have no right to ownership over your products or services unless you explicitly say otherwise (wouldn't have thought it'll be wholly different to that in America). I can understand what you're saying about WWE looking out for their best interests (it wasn't me that said they were assholes or whatever the insult was, just backed up Punks case) but it's Punks image that is associated with the name, not the WWE logo, therefore he's got to look out for his own best interests and not giving them ownership of his name is definitely in his best interests.

And WWE have to look after theirs as well. They ask. He says no. Everyone has looked after their own interests. I don't think there's anymore to it than that and I don't think anyone is wrong. WWE have no right to ownership, but they DO have the right to try and attain it. They can fail and CM Punk can go elsewhere and continue to make a shitload of money.

Also, it's pretty rare for WWE to continue to push anyone to the level Punk has been unless they work their ass off and have the talent to back it up, so although they may have given him the mic time and titles, it's because he's worked his ass off to deserve it under the name that he himself created.

Obviously CM Punk was worked incredibly hard for WWE and has done everything asked of him. I won't dispute that, but I still maintain that WWE gave him the chance to perform at that level.

I think more people would have known him as one of the major stars in ROH as opposed to 'that jobber that hung around with Raven in TNA' prior to signing with WWE as TNA weren't exactly the internationally known brand they are now in 2004. Regardless of that though, as far as I'm aware, WWE wrestlers aren't contracted as direct employees, but rather 3rd party contractors (or whatever the American variable is, that's why there has always been rumblings about not having an official wrestelers union, etc) which gives WWE certain benefits, with that in mind, as CM Punk created the name he alone is entitled to ownership of the name.

TNA were still heard of in most circles though. At least in the US. I'd actually say internationally, it'd be more of a mixed bag, and in Japan he'd probably be the ROH guy. You're right about WWE guys being third party contractors, which has caused all sorts of shenanigans as you've mentioned. Isn't it Raven that has been the main one going against WWE on this? CM Punk created his name and such things, and is entitled to the ownership. All I say is that WWE are entitled to have a go at owning it, and CM Punk is entitled to say f**k off, which he is doing. Nobody is in the wrong here.

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They can ask all they want but the balls entirely in Punk's court. He's a name now and if he goes to TNA or back to ROH the only people that's going to benefit is either of those companies. If they pursue it too far and Punk leaves then the egg is only on the face of WWE.

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WWE can ask all they like, legally the name is Punks until he gives explicit permission for it to become WWE's. Personally, I would hold onto it if I were Punk. Idon't reckon WWE will take too much of an issue with him for turning it down. And if they did then the "brand" CM Punk is a big enough draw to work anywhere else in the world. WWE would be mad to let him go, who else would put over their top talent for so long? Obviously Punk is unhappy about his current status in WWE, but he has done everything asked of him and for that WWE would be wrong to punish him for holding on to HIS creative property.

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Didn't they try the same thing with the Dudleys & RVD as well. I think RVD ended up leaving WWE due to not agreeing to it.

The Dudleys didn't own their name. It was ECW who owned it, as Tazz kept saying back when TNA had their ECW thing going on, it was him, Dreamer and some other people who thought of it but the trademark belonged to the company. So when WWE bought ECW they bought the rights to that name and whatnot. I guess the same who be said for WCW as well if there's anyone in there.

I have no idea about the RVD situation, I don't know why he left.

I guess they have made him more well known, but really only to kids and part time fans, I don't even watch ROH or the indies and didn't watch TNA when he was there but still knew him. So did WWE, I mean he went straight into the main event scene didn't he? That obviously shows that he has worked hard before he got to the big time.

I just think they're assholes for trying it because if Punk ends up having to leave, it means he has to start over, in terms of his brand. Why? Because he sold the product that he made big on his own to them and then communications broke down.

The only way I'd sell it, if I were Punk, would be that there'd be some clause wherein if I left the WWE I'd retain most of the rights to it after they parted ways.

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I see Skidmarks got eliminated from Tough Enough, about time too I reckon. He was a bit too soft, always writing to his gf etc. He may blame the whole skidmarks name threw him off but he should have worked hard to earn the respect of the trainers to get his own name back like Martin did.

Luke seems to be too arrogant, I don't see him winning because of it. I think Jeremiah will win in the end.

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John Cena was spotted backstage at TNA tapings this week on Tuesday with RAW being as close in Miami. Presumably to catch up with Kurt Angle, RVD and a few others...


I'd like to see him do a run-in, joining Fortune. He would end up jobbing to Matt Hardy the next week.

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I have decided I am going to base my life around the teachings of this promo from now on.

You're going to go around insulting other wrestlers?

You're going to walk around with the NWA heavyweight title? (Colt Cabana had it last I heard)

And can you really get any woman in the world that you want?

Frankly, I have my doubts.

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You're going to go around insulting other wrestlers?

They're all playing catch up ball to Marshmallo.

You're going to walk around with the NWA heavyweight title? (Colt Cabana had it last I heard)

I won't be walking anywhere - I will be using either jet airplanes or long limousines.

And can you really get any woman in the world that you want?


Just like that.

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They're all playing catch up ball to Marshmallo.

I won't be walking anywhere - I will be using either jet airplanes or long limousines.


Just like that.



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