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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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ROH Wrath of the Wracket

This is one of the early shows that I haven't seen. Probably because there isn't much worth watching on it.

Fast Eddie and Don Juan vs. The Carnage Crew vs. Special K vs. The SAT, Scramble Match ( **1/2 )

Chet Joblonski vs. Nigel McGuinness ( *3/4 )

Chris Sabin vs. Homicide ( *** )

Alex Shelley and Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jimmy Jacobs and Alex Shelley ( ***1/2 )

Matt Stryker vs. Justin Credible ( *** )

Slyk Wagner Brown vs. Hotstuff Hernandez vs. Scoot Andrews vs. Michael Shane ( **3/4 )

Slim J vs. Jimmy Rave ( * )

Samoa Joe © vs. BJ Whitmer - ROH World Heavyweight Championship ( *** )

AJ Styles and Homicide © vs. Christopher Daniels and Dan Maff - ROH World Tag Team Championships ( **** )

Match 1

Scramble Match

Fast Eddie and Don Juan vs. The Carnage Crew vs. Special K vs. The SAT

I can't see this one going very well at all. Loc wants some of Deranged but it's not a mutual feeling. In comes Hydro and he helps his partner. Deranged and Hydro both work over Loc. Arm Drag from Deranged and then an Arm Drag and then a BRUTAL Lariat from Loc. Loc with the chop and then Deranged into the ropes and he avoids a Gorilla Press Slam. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM LOC !!! In come Jose and Eddie and down goes Eddie. Jose goes behind and then he gets under and lands a big kick to the head. Forearms and chops from Jose. Dropkick from Jose and Eddie heads for the floor. In comes Masada and Don. Kick to the gut from Masada. Masada to the apron and he gets over Don and then winds up in an Atomic Drop. Rollup gets a two count for Masada and then a kick to the back and then a Dropkick to the face. T-Bone Suplex from Masada and then in comes Joel with a big kick to the head. Hydro into the ring and he gets over. Running Rana from Hydro. Springboard Arm Drag from Joel and then into the corner. Hydro runs into a boot. SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT FROM JOEL MAXIMO !!! BRUTAL LARIAT !!! Eddie now into the ring. Rana from Eddie and that gets a two count. DOOMSDAY DDT FROM JOSE AND HYDRO !!! Masada and Don now in the ring. Deranged in there. CODE RED FROM DERANGED !!! BRUTAL DOWNWARD SPIRAL FROM LOC !!! In comes Eddie now. Backbreaker from Masada. NECKBREAKER OVER THE KNEE !!! Special K in the ring now. Knees from Lethal and a Flying Forearm and Special K are laying on a beating. DOUBLE STOMP TO THE FACE FROM DERANGED !!! Joel and Deranged in the ring. Deranged onto the apron. THE WASHING MACHINE FROM THE SAT !!! HE LANDED RIGHT ON HIS FOREHEAD !!! Swinging Neckbreaker from Don and then into the corner goes Joel. Kick to the forehead and then everyone goes up. FALLAWAY SLAM/SOMERSAULT NECKBREAKER !!! BELLY 2 BELLY INTO SOME GUYS IN THE CORNER !!! Brutal Neckbreaker from Masada. Loc gets sent to the floor and then a Rana sends Masada down to the canvas and that gets a two count. Swinging Neckbreaker on Deranged. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM HYDRO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Hydro then heads for the top rope and Joel stops him. THE SPANISH FLY FROM THE SAT !!! Eddie and Don take out The SAT. Eddie heads for the top rope. FAST EDDIE WINDS UP ON THE FRONT ROW WITH A MOONSAULT !!! Dixie trips. REWIND RANA FROM DERANGED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Special K

Match Rating : **1/2

Match Comments : I thought this was going to be a bit of a shitfest, but it was yet another "more fun than it should be" scramble match.

Match 2

Chet Jablonski vs. Nigel McGuinness

Nigel has sure came a long way since then. Lockup and a Snapmare from Nigel and Chet goes to the Arm Ringer. Nigel then gets taken down again. Nigel goes to the Hammerlock, but Chet goes right back to the Arm Ringer. Nigel is getting frustrated as it happens again. Nigel rolls through and then uses an elbow to escape. Forearms from Nigel against the ropes and then into the ropes and a Spinebuster from Chet and that gets a two count. Right hands from Chet and then a chop. Flying Shoulder Tackle from Chet gets a two count. Chet runs into a boot and then Nigel with European Uppercuts. Nigel into the corner and Chet takes him out with the T-Bone Suplex. They now lock hands and Nigel rolls back and gets the advantage and then gets a Springboard Arm Drag and then gets an Arm Bar. Hammerlock from Chet and then a nice escape from Nigel and then a European Uppercut and then a brutal kick to the back. Nigel is now looking for a submission and then he locks in the Border City Stretch. Brutal Lariat from Chet. Nigel with the Drop Toe Hold and he goes right back to the Border City Stretch and Chet finds the bottom rope for a second time. Nigel takes down Chet and goes to the Chinlock. NIGEL GETS LAUNCHED INTO THE CORNER !!! Chet runs into a boot and then Nigel runs into a knee. Northern Lights Suplex and that gets a two count for Chet. Nigel into the ropes and he gets behind Chet. O'Connor Roll and then a pin gets a two count. LEG GRAB CURTAIN CALL FROM CHET !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Chet is heading for the top rope. SENTON SPLASH OFF THE TOP ... MISSES !!! ROLLUP GETS THE THREE FOR NIGEL !!!

Match Winner : Nigel McGuinness

Match Rating : *3/4

Match Comments : It was basically just two guys doing a bunch of moves, which is alright I suppose, given that it was basically a showcase and both guys did a decent job.

Match 3

Chris Sabin vs. Homicide w/ Julius Smokes

This should be nice. Homicide goes to the leg and that doesn't get him anywhere and then he goes to the Front Facelock. Sabin then goes to the Hammerlock and then he lands a knee to the head. Homicide then with repeated Arm Breakers and he goes to the Arm Ringer. Sabin then goes to the Arm Ringer and Homicide finds the ropes and we have a clean break from that. Lockup and Homicide with the Headlock and then he gets sent to the ropes and charges Sabin down and then he gets under him and lands a pair of Arm Drags and goes to the Arm Bar. Homicide then reverses an Arm Drag and keeps the Arm Bar locked in. Acid into the ropes and he runs into a Hiptoss that gets countered and then he gets an Arm Drag and Arm Bar of his own. Homicide goes to the Head Scissors now and Sabin is trying to find his way out and then does a headstand and then goes to the Side Headlock and gets a two count from that. Into the corner and we have a clean break once again. Kick to the leg and then he chops him and lands a headbutt and then another Headbutt and down goes Sabin. Forearms from Homicide and then a Monkey Flip out of the corner. Sabin runs into an elbow but then he reverses a Tornado DDT. CRADLE SHOCK FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Homicide and Sabin now exchange forearms and Homicide with the big Yakuza Kick and that gets a two count. Chops from Homicide and then he gets sent to the ropes and gets over Sabin and lands a nice Enziguri. Baseball Slide misses but he gets under Sabin in the ring. Flapjack from Sabin. SHINING WIZARD FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Homicide in the corner and Sabin lands a big knee and then lands a Brainbuster and that gets a two count. Forearm from Sabin and then heads for the top rope. Cross Body from Sabin and then he rolls through and gets the Drop Toe Hold. STF FROM HOMICIDE !!! Sabin escapes and lands a Swinging Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. Sabin to the top rope and he gets crotched up there. Top Rope Rana from Homicide and that gets a two count. Sabin catches Homicide. REVELATION BACKBREAKER FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! KUDO DRIVER FROM HOMICIDE ... countered. KUDO DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Homicide

Match Rating : ***

Match Comments : I have to admit, I expected these two guys to give us a lot more than they did. Once again it was a decent showcase, but these aren't exactly new guys so what's the point in them having a match like this.

Match 4

Alex Shelley and Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jimmy Jacobs and Alex Shelley

I can only hope that they give these two teams the chance to have a good and proper match out there as they are more than capable. They should all be familiar with each other though with the IWA:MS history. Some fans even chant "IWA" for this. Steel and Shelley to get the match going. Lockup and into the corner they go and we have a clean break from there. Lockup and then Steel with the Headlock and then the Drop Toe Hold and then the Front Facelock and then Shelley with the Hammerlock to take control back. Steel pulls himself up but Shelley with the Arm Ringer. Steel sweeps down Shelley and gets a two count from that and that gives us a stalemate. Lockup again and Steel with a nasty looking Hammerlock and then Shelley with the Headlock. Hammerlock from Shelley and then Steel sends him down and then Alex Shelley kips up and gets an Arm Drag and Arm Bar on Steel. Forearms from Steel and Jacobs with the blind tag and a nice Bulldog gets a two count. Steel into the ropes and he charges down Jacobs and then runs into the Satellite Head Scissors and then a Flying Forearm and that gets a two count. Steel gets over Jacobs and then lands a big chop and then more of the same. Cabana then comes into the ring and lands a big chop. Jacobs tries a boot and Cabana catches it. Dropkick from Jacobs and then a forearm and then he bites Cabana. Into the corner and in comes Shelley and we have a Double Half Nelson Bulldog for a two count. Kick to the gut and then a Dropkick to the head from Shelley gets a two count. Shelley runs into a cheap shot from Steel. Steel then comes in with a Springboard Dropkick and that brings in Jacons and Colt Cabana works on Shelley on the floor. Steel then with a Slingshot Suplex and then he gets another cheap shot on Jacobs before getting another two count. Steel with the stomps to the head. Shelley now comes back with chops and then a Small Package gets a two count, so Steel takes his head off with a Clothesline. Into the corner and then Steel with shoulder charges to the gut and then a chop and in comes Cabana. CRADLE FULL NELSON/DROPKICK COMBO FROM THE SAINTS !!! Cabana then crotches Shelley on the bottom rope. He then does a Neck Snap using the knees. Cabana then tangos Shelley and brings Steel back in. Knees in the corner from Cabana. Steel then chokes Shelley with the boot. Jacobs attacks and the referee keeps him out. Backbreaker from Steel and then he stretches Shelley and then gets a two count from that. Body Slam from Steel and then he brings in Cabana. AIR RAID CRASH ... countered. SHELLSHOCK ON BOTH STEEL AND CABANA !!! Shelley gets the tag and in comes Jacobs with the Double Dropkick. Falling Neckbreakers on both men. Chops on both men now. Big boots on both men. Both men with kicks and neither man goes. Stomps to the feet and then they knock them down with boots and that gets a two count. High Knee on Steel in the corner and then he sets Steel on the top rope. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM CABANA !!! The fans love that obviously but Jacobs is back in. RANA COMES OFF OF STEEL WITH THE RANA ON CABANA !!! Steel stops a move. THE SUPER SPINAL SHOCK FROM STEEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SHELLEY SAVES !!! Shelley with a Short Arm Clothesline and that gets a two count as Cabana comes in. CROSS ARM EDGE-O-MATIC !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SHELLSHOCK ... stopped. COLT 45/NECKBREAKER COMBO FROM THE SAINTS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : Ace Steel and Colt Cabana

Match Rating : ***1/2

Match Comments : That was a cracking wee tag team match and a good way to showcase Jacobs and Shelley to ROH fans. Some great double teaming from Cabana and Steel in this one as well.

Match 5

Matt Stryker vs. Justin Credible

Stryker gets the fans excited just by heading for the ring which is a nice ability to have. We have the handshake but it's aggressive between them. Credible then gives Stryker the fingers. Credible heads for the apron and we have a bit of stalling between the two men now. Credible is looking for something and Matt with the Arm Drag. Lockup and Matt goes behind as does Credible. Hammerlock from Matt and then Credible with the same, but Matt with a reversal and Credible gets into the ropes. They lockup again and an Overhead Wristlock from Matt and then he takes Credible down to a knee and Credible gets into the ropes. Credible acts as if Matt got in a cheap shot. That's actually a nice wee thing there. Lockup and into the corner they go again and Credible then with a cheap shot and then he beats down Matt in the corner. He then gets in the face of Matt. Matt comes back with right hands and and sends Credible to the ropes, and he bails out. Stryker is livid with what's going on here. Credible pushes the referee and the ref is having none of that shit. Credible decides that he's leaving but Matt is having none of that and he sends him into the ring and Credible cuts him off and then lands chops in the corner. Matt with his own chops in the corner. Credible onto the apron and then he gets sent flying into the railing. Matt now goes after him and sends him into the railing again. Credible heads for the front row and they now battle through the crowd. Matt unloads with right hands all over the place and Matt gets sent over the barricade and then Stryker into the railing again. Credible then gets sent into the ringpost. Matt then heads back into the ring and lands a number of chops and then Credible gets out of the way and sends Matt to the floor. Credible was busted open when he went into the ringpost. Body Slam on the floor from Credible and then back into the ring and he stomps on Matt. Matt into the ropes and a Back Elbow and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Credible and he looks to wear Matt. Matt now fights back and sends Credible crotch first into the ringpost. Matt back to his feet and he lands right hands. Back Elbow and Clotheslines from Matt and then a kick to the gut from Credible but he runs into a big boot. LIONSAULT FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Matt then heads for the top rope. MATT LEAPS INTO THE SUPERKICK FROM CREDIBLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Credible now heading for the top rope and a Cross Body and Stryker rolls through and that gets a two count. Some counters from both men. BIG ROLLUP FROM STRYKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THAT'S INCREDIBLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Matt Stryker

Match Rating : ***

Match Comments : The early tactics of Credible are brilliant to watch. Credit to both men giving us a really heated match and we seen the hatred just build and build. Especially from Stryker who was getting fed up with the tactics of Credible.

Match 6

Slyk Wagner Brown w/ April Hunter vs. Hotstuff Hernandez vs. Scoot Andrews vs. Michael Shane

I don't expect great action from this match, I have to admit. Hotstuff and Shane are going to get this match going and Shane with some right hands and that doesn't get him very far. Andrews avoids a tag in and Shane is forced to continue the right hands. Brown doesn't want the tag either. Hotstuff chops down Shane now. Shane in the corner and a Gorilla Press Slam is avoided and then Hernandez with the Spinning Heel Kick. Another chop in the corner. Shane into the corner and Hotstuff charges into a boot and then he lands right hands on him. Shane into the ropes and he gets a Sunset Flip but then is picked up. CHOKE SUPLEX FROM HERNANDEZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Shane into the ropes and he gets a low blow and then lands a Flying Forearm and that gets a two count. Shane manages to tag in Andrews. Brown is now in the ring. Lockup and Andrews goes to the arm and then Brown goes to the arm too. Andrews with forearms and then Scoot into the ropes. Arm Drags from Brown and then he goes to the Arm Bar. Into the corner they go and we have chops from Scoot and I suppose he did Flair proud with that one. Monkey Flip and then Brown with an Arm Bar. Scoot with a poke to the eyes and then he tags out. Brown with chops on Hotstuff in the corner and then we have some vice versa. Clothesline from Hotstuff and then a Snapmare and a Slingshot Splash and that gets a two count. Arm Ringer from Hotstuff and in comes Scoot and he works on the arm and gets an Arm Bar. Scoot takes down Brown and gets a Leg Drop to the arm. Head Scissors from Brown and Scoot manages to get away from that. Into the corner and in comes Shane and Scoot now works on Shane and sends him into the corner. Alabama Slam from Scoot and that gets a two count. In comes Brown now. Shane with the Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count and then Shane gets a Head Scissors. Shane then tags out and in comes Hotstuff. Camel Clutch from Hotstuff now. In comes Scoot and we have a Japanese Stranglehold from Scoot. The action hasn't been awful at least. Brown kicks his way out of that and then Scoot just works over him and rakes the face on the top rope. Vertical Suplex from Scoot and that gets a two count. Brown then clubs away on the back and then in comes Shane. Shane takes over Scoot and locks in the Chinlock. Brown is fighting his way back into the match and then he gets a Headlock. Shane goes to the Headlock of his own and charges down Scoot. Tilt-a-Whirl Face Buster from Scoot and that gets a two count. Shane then into the ropes. POWERBOMB FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Hotstuff is now in and he runs into a Drop Toe Hold and Scoot heads for the top rope. SPIRAL BOMB FROM HOTSTUFF !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! A Modified Rikishi Driver from Hotstuff gets a two count and Scoot is out of it. Low blow from Scoot and he tags out. Brown to the top rope. BLOCKBUSTER FROM BROWN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner now and Brown into the corner. Hotstuff runs into a boot and then a Head Scissors over the top rope. Scoot adds a Chinlock and then Shane adds a Boston Crab. That's actually a really nice spot right there. Brown to the top rope and he misses the Missile Dropkick. DOMINATOR DDT FROM HOTSTUFF !!! We've now got a tag and Shane and Scoot now go at it. Shane into the ropes and he goes for the Sunset Flip. Scoot with a Reverse DDT. Fameasser added to that and that's more decent stuff. MOONSAULT FROM BROWN ... MISSES !!! Hotstuff misses a charge and then London gets sent to the floor onto Scoot. Brown and Hotstuff is now in the ring. Brown to the apron. ASAI MOONSAULT FROM BROWN !!! You know what's coming from Hernandez next. HOTSTUFF WITH THE PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO THE MASS OF BODIES !!! Back into the ring we go with Brown and Hotstuff now. Forearms from Brown and he takes a kick in the gut. BORDER TOSS FROM HERNANDEZ !!! Shane comes off the top rope with a Dropkick. SPEAR FROM HOTSTUFF TO SCOOT !!! This gives Shane some sort of leeway for something. SUPERKICK ... blocked. THE BORDER TOSS ... ducked. SUPERKICK FROM SHANE TO HOTSTUFF !!! Brown heads for the top rope. Something happens and we have a two count. THE FORCE OF NATURE ON BROWN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SHANE MAKES THE SAVE !!! Reversals. FISHERMAN DDT FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Michael Shane

Match Rating : **3/4

Match Comments : Given the limitations of all four men, this was an entertaining free flowing four way. Slyk Wagner Brown was actually shite which made the whole thing even better as well.

Match 7

Slim J vs. Jimmy Rave

Wow, this really IS a b-show isn't it? Waistlock from Rave and then he goes to a Cobra Clutch and then a Snapmare and a Sleeper Hold and now a Hammerlock from Slim. Rave now with a Northern Lights and then a Side Headlock and Slim finds the bottom rope. Lockup and then Slim goes to the Cross Armbreaker and Rave avoids a submission and then Rave goes through and gets behind Slim. Slim goes behind too and then an Arm Ringer from Rave. Head Scissor from Slim and then he goes to the Headlock. Rave tries to hit the ropes and Slim gets the hair and goes back to the Headlock. Clothesline from Rave and then Slim heads for the floor. Low blow from Slim and then a forearm and then he kicks Rave against the railing. Slim gets stopped from doing the springboard dive. Slim charges into the Belly 2 Belly Suplex and that gets a two count. Slim blows a move. CRADLE DDT FROM SLIM J !!! That should make up for it. ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Climbing kick to the back of the head and then a Flipping Neckbreaker and then another kick. This is pretty bad so far and that gets a two count. Rave into the ropes and then he takes Slim down with the Reverse DDT and that gets a two count. Kick to the head misses but a second connects and that gets a two count. Swinging Neckbreaker from Slim. Slim then with a low blow. Kick from Rave. Slim gets a Sunset Flip. SHINING WIZARD FROM RAVE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! BRIDGING BACK DROP DRIVER FROM RAVE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Slim into the corner and then he heads to the middle buckle. Shitty Double Underhook Piledriver and that gets a two count. MODIFIED MUSCULAR BOMB FROM SLIM J !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RAVE !!! POWERBOMB FROM RAVE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Rave avoids a move. TILT-A-WHIRL CROSSFACE FROM RAVE !!! SLIM J TAPS !!!

Match Winner : Jimmy Rave

Match Rating : *

Match Comments : The match finds it's feet in the latter stages but it was an absolute mess. Especially thanks to Slim J who was busting out finishing moves for fun.

Match 8

ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Samoa Joe © vs. BJ Whitmer

Lockup and Joe goes to the Arm Ringer and then he takes down Whitmer and then Whitmer with the reversal. Joe just takes the control back and then Whitmer and then he takes Joe over and gets the Wristlock. Joe takes down Whitmer and then locks in the Half Crab and then he sits down on it and that is just horrible stuff. Whitmer finds his way to his feet. Kick to the leg from both men now. Repeated kicks from Joe and then one to the chest, but Whitmer fires back with a forearm, and BJ Whitmer is now really showing what he can do. Slap to the face from Joe and Whitmer removes the mask and now both men exchange slaps. CHOP TO THE FACE !!! Whitmer into the corner and Joe misses a charge and takes chops to the back. Back Drop Suplex from Whitmer and that gets a two count. More chops in the corner from Whitmer. Into the corner goes Joe and then the High Knee from Whitmer. S-T-JOE !!! That will change the momentum of the match in a hurry. Chop, Kick, Knee Drop combo and that gets a two count. Chops against the ropes from Joe and then Whitmer misses a shot. EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM JOE !!! Whitmer then heads for the floor and Joe has his sights set on the challenger. Joe then gets sent into the railing. Joe then gets sent into the railing. They brawl around the ring and Joe gets sent into another section of the railing. Joe then fires back with a chop. HEAD FIRST INTO THE RAILING GOES WHITMER !!! Joe then puts Whitmer on the chair. THE OLE KICK FROM JOE !!! That is brutal stuff and then into another corner on the outside and we are gonna have more of the same. THE OLE KICK !!! Back into the ring they now go. Whitmer is in big trouble at the moment. ISLAND DRIVER ... avoided. SUPERKICK FROM WHITMER KNOCKS DOWN JOE !!! Whitmer is now heading for the top rope. Flying Forearm to the back of the head from Whitmer and that gets a two count. Suplex from Whitmer and then a Northern Lights Suplex. Joe into the ropes and a Forearm from Whitmer and then he picks up Joe and lands some kicks to the back. Running kick to the chest gets a two count for Whitmer. WRIST CLUTCH EXPLODER ... countered. KNEES TO THE HEAD AND THE CHOKE FROM SAMOA JOE !!! WHITMER REACHES THE ROPES !!! Joe with the Sunset Flip. ROLLING CRADLE FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BACK DROP DRIVER FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! High Knees from Whitmer. Kick from Joe. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM JOE !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM JOE !!! CROSS ARM GERMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Samoa Joe

Match Rating : ***

Match Comments : They made BJ Whitmer look like a guy with some real fight in him. I like how they had him survive everything and Samoa Joe had to absolutely kill him dead in the end.

Match 9

ROH World Tag Team Championships

AJ Styles and Homicide © vs. Christopher Daniels and Dan Maff

All four men now brawl to the floor and this is going to be some heated stuff between these four men. Homicide with right hands and then he rips at the face. Daniels and Maff then get sent into the front row and Styles and Homicide have a look. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA/TOPE CON HILO STEREO DIVES FROM THE CHAMPS !!! CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF MAFF !!! Homicide and Styles back into the ringside area and Cornette gets away from Homicide. Danger and Cornette now collide with each other and they now have both of them. ROW BOAT ON BOTH CORNETTE AND DANGER !!! Daniels now back into the ring and he's sent to the ropes and the Double Back Elbow takes down Daniels and he gets sent into the ropes and a Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Homicide and in comes Styles. Styles now into the ring and a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Body Slam from Styles and then a Knee Drop and in comes Homicide with a kick to the gut. Suplex from Homicide gets a two count. Homicide with a judo takedown and Maff comes in and takes the same move. Right hands from Styles and then a Powerslam and that gets a two count. Maff then just rams the head of Styles into the canvas and back in comes Daniels. Kip Up Rana from Styles. Forearm from Styles and then in comes Homicide with a chop. Double Back Body Drop from the champs and then Homicide locks in the Chinlock. Snap Suplex from Styles and that gets a two count. Homicide now comes back into the ring and a Headbutt and then Daniels winds up taking a T-Bone Suplex and that gets a two count. Danger now gets involved and Maff lands a T-Bone Suplex of his own. Kick to the gut from Maff and then a Running Knee and a Senton Splash and that gets a two count. Maff then chokes Homicide and the referee is getting angry. BOOTSCRAPES FROM MAFF !!! THE CANNONBALL IN THE CORNER ... MISSES !!! RUNNING KNEE TO THE HEAD FROM HOMICIDE !!! Headbutts from Maff and then into the corner and in comes Daniels. Kicks in the corner from Daniels and then he jaw jacks with Styles and a Running Dropkick to the face with the assist from Maff. Dropkick again from Daniels and that gets a two count as Styles isn't happy. In comes Maff now. Maff with a shot and then he rips at the face of Homicide and Daniels helps out in the corner. In the corner again and a Clothesline from Maff. CANNONBALL IN THE CORNER FROM MAFF !!! Maff then with a low blow before going for the pin and back in comes Daniels and Homicide into the ropes and a Double Flapjack from The Prophecy and that gets a two count. Abdominal Stretch from Daniels. Cornette now helps out on the floor to give Daniels the leverage and the referee spots it and a Hiptoss from Homicide. Homicide runs into the boot and then Maff tagged back into the match. Elbow to the leg from Maff. Maff then stomps on the face and then rakes the back with the assist from Daniels and then Danger chokes Homicide over the bottom rope. Daniels now back in the ring and Homicide ducks a shot and lands some right hands. DOWNWARD SPIRAL INTO THE KOJI CLUTCH FROM DANIELS !!! Maff is doing his best to keep AJ Styles at bay. Homicide finds the bottom rope. Body Slam from Maff and then Daniels comes into the ring. ROCKET LAUNCHER FROM THE PROPHECY ... MISSES !!! Styles then tags in and he's the house on fire. Spin Kick sends Daniels to the apron. Rana from Styles to Maff. DISCUS LARIAT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! AJ then sent into the ropes. QUEDABRA DDT ... COUNTERED TO THE HALF NELSON SUPLEX FROM MAFF !!! Styles appears to be going for the Styles Clash but that is countered. QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Styles into the ropes. HE RUNS INTO THE BLUE THUNDER DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Daniels then knocks down Homicide. Standing Rock Bottom from Daniels. BME FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Into the ropes goes Styles. PELE KICK FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Maff now into the ring and they appear to be in complete control. CRADLE X-FACTOR FROM MAFF !!! THE ROCKET LAUNCHER FROM THE PROPHECY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... HOMICIDE SAVES !!! Daniels and Homicide doing battle. SUPER ACE CRUSHER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE STF FROM HOMICIDE !!! Maff walks over to Homicide and clubs on him. Back Elbow from Maff. Big Boot from Maff and then he heads up. Counters now. HALF NELSON SUPLEX FROM MAFF TO HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Maff gets sent over the top rope and Smokes is laying it in. HOMICIDE WIPES OUT HIS OWN MANAGER WITH THE SUICIDE DIVE !!! Maff then gets sent into the barrier and then back into the ring and Daniels is now in there. THE KUDO DRIVER FROM HOMICIDE ... blocked. ANGEL'S WINGS FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... STYLES MAKES THE SAVE !!! Jawbreaker on Styles. We now have a ref bump and now Daniels has the racket. STYLES CLASH ON THE RACKET !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : AJ Styles and Homicide

Match Rating : ****

Match Comments : That was a cracking match to close the show right there. Maff and Daniels were doing some cracking wee nods to the Midnight Express.

It was mainly a showcase show for ROH so they weren't doing their own deal. Which is a shame because if they just did their usual kinda show they would have really wowed the new audience. Still, it's a decent show.

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Raw was alright, nothing too great but a decent watch.

Obviously the start was terrible, after hearing it later on it was actually a pretty decent promo from Truth.

Kingston and Ziggler was shite, two or three times it looked like they didn't know what to do and ended up just kicking one another to get to the next spot. I have faith in them and if they're feuding for the US Title then it will be good enough but this one was a stinker.

Did they forget that Riley got drafted to Smackdown? Or was that a mistake? I'm sure I saw his name in the draft but apparently he's not going anywhere. Massive pop, perhaps it was just because he was beating up the Miz but he could be good in the future. They should've had him feud with Morrison after he cost Morrison in the three way US title match between him, the Miz and Bryan ages ago. (falls count anywhere IIRC) I hope they won't let Riley fade away like McIntyre or DiBiase jr,

Punk and Rey was pretty good. I'm not liking that Punk's beating people by a kick to the head, especially when he's got two pretty good finishers in the GTS and the submission, anaconda vice?

Swagger getting buried again. I don't really care. I am not a fan of his.

Bit of a shit match at the end. It was never gonna be a classic right enough. I do like how the father and son got more air time than Swagger though.

edit: the Del Rio promo was alright but I think he's lost something as of late. Not as entertaining as he was on Smackdown, IMO.

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For the gamer's out there, THQ are moving forward with the WWE games and are rebranding from the usual Smackdown vs Raw to just WWE 12 (etc). Major changes expected. Good stuff, SDvR was becoming stale with the same system for years! :)

Doesn't show anything from the game but

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For the gamer's out there, THQ are moving forward with the WWE games and are rebranding from the usual Smackdown vs Raw to just WWE 12 (etc). Major changes expected. Good stuff, SDvR was becoming stale with the same system for years! :)

Doesn't show anything from the game but

Saw that on their twitter. Orton's on the cover! No Cena?!?! ohmy.gif

I just hope it's got a decent roster, with some of the legends and just the good create a mode. November 22nd, only a couple weeks after MW3 so I might need to pre-order one soon so I don't need to scramble for cash in November.

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Fucking hell, you're right. Looking through the TNA Champs(which Christian never was) and the NWA (which Christian was) and it looks to be done to R Truth to complete it as well! Since I doubt Sting, RVD, Anderson or Angle will ever be back in WWE and I can't see anyone like AJ or Samoa Joe being either of the major title holders there.

Found this as well, could come true!

Couldn't find anything about EWR so if anyone has the links I'd appreciate them being posted. I had a look up to about April but thought they were posted more recently than that.

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Is RAW worth watching? I was shattered and as soon as it came on and the sound was fucked I just switched off.

Missed this post. I'd say yes it's definitely worth watching.

There are two very good matches, Ziggler looking very good again, as well as the continuation of the Miz-Riley and Cena-Truth from last week. Riley's new entrance is worth watching it alone, and there's a cracking promo from Truth. Swagger-Bourne also continued from last week.

The only thing which was crap about Raw this week was Kharma's comedown, and Michael Cole - as per.

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Missed this post. I'd say yes it's definitely worth watching.

There are two very good matches, Ziggler looking very good again, as well as the continuation of the Miz-Riley and Cena-Truth from last week. Riley's new entrance is worth watching it alone, and there's a cracking promo from Truth. Swagger-Bourne also continued from last week.

The only thing which was crap about Raw this week was Kharma's comedown, and Michael Cole - as per.

You love him really.


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Missed this post. I'd say yes it's definitely worth watching.

There are two very good matches, Ziggler looking very good again, as well as the continuation of the Miz-Riley and Cena-Truth from last week. Riley's new entrance is worth watching it alone, and there's a cracking promo from Truth. Swagger-Bourne also continued from last week.

The only thing which was crap about Raw this week was Kharma's comedown, and Michael Cole - as per.

Cheers. I saw Truth and was gutted when the sound wasn't working!!!!

I wonder when Riley will have an actual match!

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Missed this post. I'd say yes it's definitely worth watching.

There are two very good matches, Ziggler looking very good again, as well as the continuation of the Miz-Riley and Cena-Truth from last week. Riley's new entrance is worth watching it alone, and there's a cracking promo from Truth. Swagger-Bourne also continued from last week.

The only thing which was crap about Raw this week was Kharma's comedown, and Michael Cole - as per.

Ziggler and Kingston was shite!

You missed the only good match on the show, which was Punk and Mysterio.

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Ziggler and Kingston was shite!

You missed the only good match on the show, which was Punk and Mysterio.

Ziggler-Kingston was far from shite! It's obvious those two guys have good chemistry together.

I meant Punk-Rey as the other of the two good matches.

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Desmond Wolfe lives! He's now the 'commissoner' of Xplosion. Calling Robbie E a 'Helen Hunt' and talking about Cookie's 'Bristol City's' made me laugh. Not sure if he's going to be wrestling again though.

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Ziggler-Kingston was far from shite! It's obvious those two guys have good chemistry together

Aye, I'm not sure that they are capable of a "shite" match anymore. They're capable of boring or by the numbers, but not shite.

So Averno might be going to WWE to help Sin Cara develop in the ring? As if the proof was ever needed that he should never have started as soon as he did, this is it. I can't remember WWE ever hiring someone because someone was shit and they needed him to look better.

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Right, finished watching PWG Card Subject to Change III and as usual brief thoughts before I get do the full review some point in the future.

* Willie Mack has finally proven himself to be the super wrestler I've always suspected he was. He definately had markout value but he was kinda unproven when it came to a proper match, but he had an absolute beast with Roderick Strong.

* Low Ki vs. Akira Tozawa would have stolen the show on most nights. In Tozawa, PWG have the #1 babyface in the US indies to date. He's got so much charisma and charm that everyone loves him right off the bat. The fact that he's a rookie and is already an amazing wrestler only adds to it.

* THE YOUNG BUCKS~~~!!! Match of the Year 2011? I'll need to do the PBP to get a proper handle of the match but I think 2011 has seen it's first 5* match. Just an unreal match with heat that goes beyond the usual molten heat of a Bucks PWG main event, as the fans were genuinely SCARED that they were going to win the titles back. The action was fucking lunacy and some of the nearfalls had the crowd almost doing moshpits. The ending is just surreal and the reaction of the audience is one that will live with me.

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