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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I don't think Melina and Gail helped themselves after their childish behaviour in the Battle Royal on Monday night.

I have been very impressed by Masters whenever I seen him on Superstars, he had greatly improved in the ring from his first WWE stint and he always seemed to get a decent pop from the crowd. He could be a big star in TNA if they used him right. That is a big if when TNA are concerned though!

I could see TNA taking on all these released folk, except for DH Smith as he was a bland waste of space.

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It's amazing that when he was first in WWE, he was crap. Nowadays, he's pretty much almost universally recognized as one of the most consistant performers in WWE. He dragged some right belters out of some right shit over the last 12 months on Superstars. It's a real shame to see that he's been kicked out.

PWG Guitarmageddon 2: Armoryageddon

Right, I'm gonna watch everything from 2007 onwards from PWG that I can find.

Scott Lost vs. Ronin ( **1/2 )

Karl Anderson vs. Disco Machine ( * )

Joey Ryan vs. Frankie Kazarian ( 3/4* )

TJ Perkins, Zokre and Phoenix Star vs. Super Dragon, Bino Gambino and Rocky Romero ( *** )

Chris Bosh vs. Claudio Castagnoli ( ***1/2 )

Human Tornado © vs. Kevin Steen - PWG Heavyweight Championship ( **3/4 )

El Generico and Quicksilver © vs. Roderick Strong and Davey Richards - PWG Tag Team Championships ( **** )

Scott Lost vs. Ronin

Lost gets a cheap shot in and they head for the floor where Ronin puts the hard hitting shots in at Lost. Chop in the fans from Ronin and then he stands on Lost and then he goes after Jade Chung. Off comes the t-shirt from Ronin. He then just slaps Lost in the face. More chops now from Ronin and back into the ring where Lost unleashes some stomps. Lost runs into a Back Elbow from Ronin and then a second. Cradle Suplex gets a two count for Ronin. Ronin then chops down Lost. More chops from Ronin and then into the ropes goes Lost and a Sidewalk Slam from Ronin and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Ronin now and he's in firm control of this match. Lost now battles back to his feet and hits the ropes and runs right into the Back Elbow and Lost heads for the floor. Forearms from Ronin and then he gets an Arm Drag. Chung sweeps Ronin and gets planted with a DDT from Lost. Forearms from Ronin and then he runs right into the Dropkick. Camel Clutch from Lost. Ronin battles back to his feet and hits the ropes but runs right into the Sleeper Hold but then he gets rammed into the corner. Dropkick to the face from Lost and then he circles Ronin and gets a two count. To the floor we go again where Lost manages to keep control of the match. BRAINBUSTER INTO THE RING FROM LOST !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back into the corner goes Ronin and then Lost misses a charge and Ronin with elbows. CODEBREAKER FROM MOST !!! BRUTAL ELBOW STRIKE FROM RONIN !!! T-Bone Suplex from Ronin and that gets a two count. Lost gets under Ronin but he gets planted with a Running Elbow Strike for a two count. Gutbuster from Lost. THE ACE CRUSHER FROM LOST !!! FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM LOST !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! TWISTER FROM RONIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LOST WITH THE SUPERKICK !!! SUPERMAN SPEAR !!! SPIN KICK TO THE FACE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LARIAT FROM RONIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM RONIN ... INTO A ROLLUP FOR HIM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I was always a bit iffy about Ronin. He looks like the kind of guy who you'd see on one of them shitty tribute shows and doesn't wrestle much better than that. Scott Lost as always is very good here. **1/2

Karl Anderson vs. Disco Machine

Karl Anderson would go on to team with Giant Bernard in NJPW in a team called Bad Intentions. Lockup and a Waistlock from Disco and then we have a Full Nelson from Anderson and then Disco goes to the Headlock and Anderson wants none of that. Disco with some dancing and I can't see that ending well for him. Anderson with a kick to the gut and then a chop. Disco rolls through and then does some dancing and Anderson sweeps him down and goes for the Boston Crab and Disco manages to get out of that and Anderson isn't happy with the shenanigans of Disco up to this point. Knee to the gut and then a right hand from Anderson. He charges down Disco. Anderson hits the ropes and charges down Disco again. Disco then sweeps down Anderson and lands a Dropkick and to the floor he goes. DISCO COMES OFF THE TOP ROPE WITH THE PLANCHA !!! Back into the ring they now go and Disco to the top rope. Top Rope Dropkick from Disco and that gets a two count. Right hands from Disco and then Disco with some dancing. Kick to the gut from Anderson. THE MONEY CLIP FROM ANDERSON !!! That gets a two count. Anderson puts his cap back on and then a Back Elbow from Anderson and he's done enough with that and that gets a two count. Elbows to the gut and then Disco runs into a Dropkick. Spear from Goldberg when the fans chant "Goldberg" which is a nice wee touch. Forearms from Disco and then he mocks Anderson. Huge chops now coming from Anderson. Sunset Flip gets a two for Disco and then he lands some kicks in the corner. Knee in the corner from Disco and then the dance and he runs into a Drop Toe Hold. Body Slam from Anderson and then he heads for the top rope. SENTON SPLASH OFF OF THE TOP FROM ANDERSON ... MISSES !!! CHOKESLAM FROM DISCO ... countered. Snap Powerslam from Anderson and that gets a two count. Anderson misses a charge in the corner and Disco heads for the top rope. Cross Body off the top from Disco and that gets a two count. ANDERSON SPINEBUSTER AND THEN THE BOSTON CRAB AND DISCO TAPS !!!

This match was poor stuff for the most part. It had a sense of fun because of the characters involved so I'll give points for that but mostly this simply wasn't good enough. *

Joey Ryan vs. Frankie Kazarian

Kaz unloads to get us going and then sends Ryan to the floor and he's going mental on Ryan and then he sends him into a bunch of chairs. Kaz is not a happy man at the moment! Head first slammed into a chair from Kaz and then he gets the audience behind him. Back into the ring they now go and Kaz isn't looking like letting up here as he just unloads with right hand after right hand. Ryan then fakes the knee injury but then Kaz with a Dropkick to show that he isn't falling for any of that. Spinning Heel Kick from Kaz and that gets a two count. Kaz decides to just unload with right hands again. Ryan gets up and Kaz just unloads on him again. Ryan causes the ref and Kaz to knock heads. Snap Suplex from Ryan now. Double Axe Handle down across the back from Ryan. Abdominal Stretch from Ryan and he lets the fans know that it's what he's doing. Knee Drop from Ryan and this match has lost all of it's focus here. Kick to the head now from Ryan. Kaz moons Ryan. A second time and he gets a two count from a Rollup. Backslide gets a two count. Another two for him after that. Clothesline from Ryan and he finally pulls the trunks back up. The fans are getting behind Kaz. Rick Knox trips up Joey Ryan by accident when he goes down to tie his shoe. Forearms from Kaz and then a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Sling Blade from Kaz and that gets a two count for him. WAVE OF THE FUTURE ... avoided. Kick to the face from Ryan. Northern Lights Suplex from Ryan and that gets a two count. A kick to the gut from Ryan and then the Gibson Driver and that gets a two count. Kaz blocks a second attempt. WAVE OF THE FUTURE FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SUPERKICK SENDS KAZ ONTO THE APRON FROM RYAN !!! Kaz back onto the apron and he lands a Guillotine Leg Drop. THE SLINGSHOT DDT FROM KAZ !!! Karl Anderson is now heading to the ringside area. Anderson is on the apron and he gets knocked off. BICYCLE KICK FROM KAZARIAN !!! Anderson into the ring and the referee doesn't like this. LOW BLOW FROM RYAN !!! SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match isn't very good at all. 3/4*

TJ Perkins, Zokre and Phoenix Star vs. Super Dragon, Bino Gambino and Rocky Romero

I fully expect things to take a turn for the better with this match. There is a LOT of good talent in this match. Dragon wants to bring a chair into things and Romero throws the chair backstage. We start with Bino and Star. Lockup and Bino with the Headlock. Star with shots and then Bino into the ropes and he charges down Star. Bino into the ropes and then Star with the Springboard Arm Drag and a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors. Zokre then fakes the dive and Bino throws some chairs around and stamps on the chair as well. Perkins and Romero now come into the ring. Kick to the leg from Romero and then Perkins grabs a leg and sweeps down Romero. They now lock hands and a Drop Toe Hold from Perkins and he goes to the Headlock. Kick to the leg now from Romero. Series of kicks from Perkins and then a Spin Kick to the chin and he's really doing a number on him at the moment. Kick to the leg and then kicks to the back from Romero and in comes Dragon. Into the corner and Dragon unloads with the chops and then a Snapmare and a Chinlock. Into the corner and in comes Los Luchas and they beat on Dragon in the corner. Double Dropkick to the face. Star with a Snapmare and then a Chinlock. Leg Drop to the leg from Zokre and then he works the leg. Dragon manages to beat his way out and in comes Romero. Lockup and Romero with the Waistlock Takedown and then Zokre gers up and goes to the Hammerlock. Romero now twists on the arm of Zokre. Kick to the gut and then Zokre finds his way into the Cross Armbreaker and Romero finds his way to the bottom rope and Bino comes in and makes sure the referee breaks it. Right hands in the corner and then an O'Connor Roll from Romero into a Cross Armbreaker of his own and Perkins comes in and breaks that. Clubbing on the back and then in comes Perkins and he gets a Snapmare and a two count from that and then Perkins stretches on the arms of Romero. Arm Ringer from Perkins and then a Headlock. Perkins charges down Romero. Romero misses a Dropkick but avoids a Suplex. Nice Arm Drag from Romero and then he is on the apron. Dropkick sends Romero to the floor and then Perkins misses a move. ROMERO WITH A PESCADO TO THE FLOOR !!! Bino is in the ring but he takes a Dropkick. Dragon stops the Sky dive. Head Scissor Takedown. STAR WITH A SUICIDE RANA ON DRAGON !!! HOLY SHIT !!! ZOKRE WITH THE SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT PLANCHA !!! Chops now from Zokre and then back into the ring they go. Loads of people are now in the ring and Bino gets sent to the floor. Double Senton Bomb and a Dropkick from the faces and that gets a two count. Back into the corner and in comes Zokre. F-U from Zokre and then he works on the arm but Romero kicks his way out of trouble. In comes Bino now. Chop from Bino. More chops from Bino. European Uppercuts from Bino and then he's sent into the corner and Zokre with the Spinebuster. BLOCKBUSTER OVER THE KNEES AND PERKINS ADDS A SPRINGBOARD SENTON BOMB !!! Bino gets the hell out of there but winds up back in the ring. Dropkick from Perkins and that gets a two count. Perkins locks in a particularly nasty looking submission and then Bino comes back into the match. Knee to the head from Perkins. European Uppercut from Bino again and then into the corner and in comes Dragon and he's been waiting for this chance. Chops and forearms in the corner from Dragon and then a Snap Suplex gets a two count. Dragon then locks in something of a full nelson with the legs. Perkins comes in and lands a Leg Drop on Dragon but he doesn't let go. Bino now comes into the match and Romero is back in the ring for his team. Bino is tagged in right away. Zokre botches something. Wheelbarrow Suplex from Romero. Bino charges right into a Dropkick from Zokre and then right hands and forearms from Zokre. Body Slam from Zokre and a Slingshot Senton from Perkins. More chops now from Perkins and into the corner. Clothesline in the corner from Perkins. BRUTAL IRISH WHIP TURNS PERKINS INSIDE OUT !!! Dragon is now tagged back into the match and he lands a Knee Drop for a two count. In comes Romero again and he gets a Snapmare and a brutal kick to the chest. Knee Drop from Romero and that gets a two count. Right hands from Romero and then he chokes Perkins with the boot. Romero now to the middle buckle. Romero hits Bino with the Dropkick and then Perkins with a Stunner on Romero and in comes Zokre who is a house on fire. PELE KICK FROM ZOKRE !!! Bino is now in the ring landing some chops. FLAPJACK INTO A SPEAR FROM LOS LUCHAS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Star now comes into the ring. TILT-A-WHIRL INTO THE FINAL CUT FROM BINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Forearms but Romero kips up and lands a Spinning Heel Kick. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM ROMERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Suplex from Romero and then in comes Bino and that gets a two count. Dragon is now tagged into the match. High Knee in the corner and then Bino with a Monkey Flip. LIGER BOMB FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! PSYCHO DRIVER FROM DRAGON ... Star fights out. REVERSE RANA FROM STAR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I've always liked watching Los Luchas. They have some really good innovation when they wrestle. Bino looked a bit sloppy for the most part when he was in there. Super Dragon has nowhere near the intensity that he used to have. This was a decent enough match though. ***

Chris Bosh vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Claudio has a whole IRS thing going on here, as it looks like he's gonna wrestle in the suit. Lockup and Claudio takes down Bosh and goes to the Front Facelock. Bosh escapes and turns over Claudio and tries for a pin but doesn't get it and Claudio goes to the Headlock. Claudio then slaps Bosh. Headlock and into the ropes and he charges down Bosh. Claudio stomps on the face of Bosh and then into the ropes and he gets an Arm Drag and then a Springboard Arm Drag. Kick to the gut from Bosh and then some right hands. Bosh then goes to the eyes and into the ropes. Running European Uppercut to the back of the head. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM CLAUDIO !!! Bosh is then sent to the floor. European Uppercuts on the floor and some of the more cautious fans get moving. CLAUDIO THEN RUNS THE BACK OF BOSH INTO THE WALL !!! CLAUDIO SMASHES BOSH THROUGH A CHAIR !!! Claudio looks like an angry man at the moment. Claudio then shouts at some fans. So who's the heel here? Claudio takes off his belt and chokes Bosh with it. Into the top buckle goes Bosh a couple of times and then Claudio runs into an elbow but then Bosh gets caught and Claudio with a HUGE Fallaway Slam and that gets a two count. Bosh is fighting back into the match now with right hands but he runs into a knee. CLAUDIO TURNS BOSH INTO THE X-FACTOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Snapmare from Claudio and then he goes to the Chinlock. Claudio is putting some good and proper pressure on the Chinlock here. Bosh fights out of the move and into the ropes and he runs into the Back Elbow. European Uppercuts now from Claudio and he then charges but winds up on the apron. TORNADO DDT ON THE APRON FROM BOSH !!! Bosh is doing what he can to take a breather here. Bosh and Claudio now both in the ring and it looks like Claudio is up first. They exchange strikes now. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors from Bosh. Bosh into the corner and Claudio runs into a boot and then another. European Uppercut from Claudio but a Knee Lift. Claudio flips to the floor after a move. SUICIDE DDT FROM CHRIS BOSH !!! Right hands from Bosh. Claudio is sent to the ropes. Springboard European Uppercut gets a two count for Claudio. Bosh avoids the Waterslide and he looks for something. POP UP EUROPEAN FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Bosh is set on the top rope. THE SUNSET BOMB OFF THE TOP !!! THE BACK DROP DRIVER FROM BOSH !!! BACKBREAKER OFF OF THE SHOULDER FROM BOSH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Reversals from both men now. O'CONNOR ROLL IS STOPPED BY BOSH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Lots of big moves. Claudio wasn't quite the smart worker he is today at this point. He was still great fun though. He had mastered the power wrestler stuff. Chris Bosh was pretty good surprisingly as the underdog. ***1/2

Human Tornado © vs. Kevin Steen - PWG Heavyweight Championship

Steen gets the match going before the bell by totally laying into the champion. Steen looks like a desperate man for this one. Running Back Elbow from Steen and that gets a two count. Elbow to the back of the head and more of the same from Steen. Steen now with big chops and he's just throwing everything into that. More chops in the corner from Steen. Kicks in the corner and then he chokes Tornado with the boot. Body Slam from Steen is blocked and then an O'Connor Roll. Tornado sweeps down Steen from the floor and then lands a Springboard Dropkick and then he lands his jiving kicking. STEEN BLOCKS THE LAST ONE AND TAKES TORNADO'S HEAD OFF WITH A KICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Knee Drop to the back of the head and an Elbow Drop from Steen and that gets a two count. Shot to the back of the head again from Steen. More chops out there. Back into the ring and a knee to the head from Tornado. STEEN PLANTS THE HEAD OFF OF THE APRON !!! Shots to the back of the head and he is absolutely relentless here. Leg Drop misses and now Tornado with some punches and the fans are behind him here. More punches to the face from Tornado. More right hands on the floor but then Tornado gets sent into the ringpost. Back into the ring they go. That gets a two count for Steen. Neckbreaker from Steen and that gets a two count. Steen now rips at the face of Tornado and then drops the neck across the top rope for a two count. Back Drop Driver from Steen and that gets another two count for the challenger. Elbow to the back of the head gets a two count. Chinlock from Steen. Tornado starts to fight his way back into the match. Tornado hits the ropes and runs into the Drop Toe Hold and then Steen with the Somersault Leg Drop and that gets a two count. He gets two more nearfalls. Steen: "That was six!" :lol: Good arguement there lad. Steen then chokes Tornado with the boot. Knee to the back from Steen. Steen now works over Tornado a wee bit more. Tornado in the "Tree of Whoa!" :lol: Steen with a chop and then he heads to the floor and adds a Chinlock. Slingshot Dropkick coming in from Steen. Steen is sent to the floor and all of a sudden Tornado is feeling it. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM TORNADO !!! Back into the ring they go and Tornado and Steen exchange shots. Forearms from Tornado and then Steen comes back with shots of his own. THE POUNCE FROM TORNADO !!! THE SPLITS KICK FROM TORNADO !!! The fans are now right behind this. Tornado Avalanche into the Bulldog from Tornado and that gets a two count. Knee Lift from Tornado and then he is sent into the corner and a Clothesline from Steen. Steen: "My fucking nuts!". The commentators think his plans for the evening have been altered. ELEVATED REVERSE DDT OVER THE KNEE FROM TORNADO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Enziguri from Steen. MICHINOKU DRIVER FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Steen now heads for the top rope to try and end this. SWANTON BOMB FROM STEEN ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Tornado is heading for the top rope now. Steen then crotches him. Eye rake from Steen and he chops him. SUPER TORNADO DDT FROM TORNADO !!! JESUS CHRIST !!! Steen is somehow back on his feet. He looks like he's well out of it. PUMP HANDLE DRIVER FROM STEEN !!! JOEY RYAN GETS INVOLVED !!! The Dynasty come in and we have a DQ.

Kevin Steen did all he could in this one to make the title seem like a big deal. Human Tornado's comedy doesn't really suit the big prize especially when you consider how seriously Kevin Steen takes it. I hate the slow cover spots and there was a few in this match. This was a decent match before the ending. **3/4

The Human Tornado © vs. Joey Ryan - PWG Heavyweight Championship


Next. N/A

El Generico and Quicksilver © vs. Roderick Strong and Davey Richards - PWG Tag Team Championships

Kicks from the champs. Richards is dumped to the floor. CAPE FEAR WITH PLANCHAS OFF OF THE TOP ONTO THE CHALLENGERS !!! Should be noted that Davey Richards is actually a PWG original. Back into the ring now and Silver with chops on Strong. Do you wanna exchange chops with Strong? Forearms and then in comes Generico who probably COULD exchange chops. Shot down across the back from Generico and then some more forearms. Arm Drags from Generico and then in comes Richards and he takes an Arm Drag too. Short Arm Clothesline from Strong. Back into the corner and Strong with some chops. Snapmare from Strong and that gets a two count and then Strong goes to the arm of Generico. Generico pulls himself to his feet and Strong with shots. Generico then with punches in the corner. Richards comes in and gets sent to the floor. Springboard DDT is stopped by Richards and a HUGE chop from Strong. Strong has taped ribs. Richards is now tagged into the match. Davey with a series of chops and then he steps over and kicks the back and the chest and then he gets some stick from the fans. At this point he seems to revel in it. The fans get behind Generico and in comes Strong. Knees to the chest from Strong and then a Body Slam and that gets a one count. WHEELBARROW INTO A BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! That was violent. In comes Richards again and the fans are really on his case. The fans then say that he's over-rated. Body Slam from Richards and an Elbow Drop and that gets a two count and then he goes to the Headlock. Jawbreaker from Generico and then in comes Silver. Satellite Head Scissors and then he winds up on the apron. Forearm from Silver and then a Springboard Forearm. Snapmare Driver is blocked and then Strong catches him. Strong into the ring now. Gutwrench Suplex from Strong and that gets a two count. Stomps from Strong. Silver now comes back with more chops and Strong just rips at the face of Silver. Richards now into the ring. The stick he's getting from ringside is brilliant. Backbreaker from Richards and then he gets in the face of Generico and that brings him in. It turns out Richards just did that for giggles. STRONG THROWS SILVER AT THE RINGPOST ON THE FLOOR !!! That's crazy. Back into the ring they now go and that gets a two count for Richards. Snap Suplex from Richards and then he goes with the Head Scissors. Strong comes in and makes sure Generico can't come in. Generico gets in anyways and brawls with Richards. Strong with the Jackhammer and that gets a two count. Another Backbreaker from Strong. Japanese Stranglehold from Strong puts the pain into Silver. Richards adds a stomp to that and then Strong pulls him into the corner and in comes Richards. Silver now fights back into the match and then Richards with a big knee to the gut and then he knocks Generico off of the apron. Generico is not happy with that. Gutwrench Suplex from Richards and that gets a two count. Silver is then dumped to the floor where Strong decides to do some more damage. Strong then charges the back of Silver into the ringpost again. Into the ring. The Double Stomp to the chest from Richards to Silver. Kicks to the chest and the back from Richards and that gets a two count. Seated Abdominal Stretch from Richards. Crucifix from Richards and that gets a two count. Into the corner with Silver again and in comes Strong. Silver now tries to fight his way out of the corner. STRONG PULLS QUICKSILVER INTO THE BACKBREAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Strong then locks in what can only be described as a disgusting submission. Generico comes in and breaks the move. Strong then stands on the neck of Silver. Strong then clubs away at Silver and brings in Richards. Silver gets a School Boy for a two count. THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM RICHARDS !!! Generico comes in and makes the save. Body Slam from Richards and then the Knee Drop. Richards then poses for a pic before he makes the cover. Kicks to the chest from Richards and then in comes Strong. The fans start singing the Oompa Loompa song at Strong. Strong locks in a nasty submission again. STRONG TURNS THAT INTO A POWERBOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The fans are really making this match interesting as well as the wrestlers. Generico urges the fans into things. Falling Neckbreaker from Silver and now the fans are urging him to make the tag. HOT TAG !!! Cross Body on Strong and then a shot to Richards. LOW BLOW FROM GENERICO TO RICHARDS !!! LIONSAULT FROM GENERICO TO RICHARDS !!! Generico then heads for the floor and gets back into the ring and then Strong sees Generico heading for the top rope. Strong is busted open. Chops from Strong and then he clubs on Generico and he looks like he's out of it. SUICIDE DIVE FROM QUICKSILVER TO RICHARDS !!! BLUE THUNDER FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Strong is just out of it. DOCTOR BOMB OVER THE KNEE FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Generico drops behind. ONE MAN ALARM CLOCK FROM RICHARDS !!! FALCON ARROW FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! THE INVERTED CLOVERLEAF FROM RICHARDS !!! QUICKSILVER COMES IN AND RIGHT INTO THE STRONG HOLD !!! The fans are getting right behind the champs here. GENERICO FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Silver and Strong to the floor and Strong is sent into the ringpost as Richards heads for the top rope. SHOOTING STAR PRESS ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Springing Enziguri from Silver and Generico with the School Boy and that gets a two count. Strong is in some state, I'll tell you that. Strong then sends Generico to the floor. Strong is then set on the top rope. SUPER RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM DAVEY RICHARDS TO QUICKSILVER !!! HALF AND HALF SUPLEX FROM GENERICO AND THEN THE SAME AGAIN !!! STRONG COMES OFF THE TOP WITH THE SICK KICK !!! Strong comes in with the chops and then a kick to the face. Rana from Generico. THE YAKUZA KICK TURNED INTO A BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! Running Forearm in the corner. SUICIDE DIVE FROM RICHARDS ONTO QUICKSILVER !!! SICK KICK FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DOOMSDAY DROPKICK FROM THE NRC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... QUICKSILVER MAKES THE SAVE !!! Richards charges and winds up on the floor and we now have the champs in the ring with Strong. Running forearm from Silver and then he charges. YAKUZA KICK FROM GENERICO !!! CANADIAN DESTROYER FROM SILVER !!! THE BRAINBUSTER FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The heat segment on Quicksilver went on forever, but the characters involved in the heel team made it all worthwhile. Roderick Strong being busted open for the final stretch added a new dimension to it as it was hardway and he was clearly feeling the effects of it. It was a very good main event in a division that PWG always prided themselves in. ****

They were just coming off a major show so they were really looking to just settle things down here and they managed to do that. A great main event caps off a solid and unspectacular effort from the PWG crew.

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WTF is JTG doing with the New Nexus on SD? :lol:

They seem to be going about things the right way on SD and building decent feuds throughout the whole show which make sense. Sheamus and Henry is cracking and that's overshadowing the world title stuff atm.

It's amazing how much more interesting the Usos are just through them doing the Haka.

EDIT: Booker just said JTG likes to be known as "J T Jizzle" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by Marshmallo
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Am I the only one who has always liked Masters? Even during his first push?

New Years Revolution 2006 was the first WWE event I had watched since Wrestlemania 18 in 2002 and without knowing anything beforehand about most of the wrestlers on the show, I assumed Masters was one of the top guys in the company. His ring skills weren't the best but he had a good gimmick, a great look and his old entrance and music were awesome! I think he was ruined after DX ripped the piss out of him on TV after his return from a 'roids suspension.

I don't really know why I continued watching WWE after a PPV featuring Shelton Benjamin's momma and an 11 minute Diva's Bras and Panties match that was won by Ashley Massaro.

Edited by Sherrif John Bunnell
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Am I the only one who has always liked Masters? Even during his first push?

I've always loved him.

I one time tried to put a masterlock on my brother(who's about 7 years older than me). He was sitting down and I just didn't get it locked in and he stood up and grabbed my head, so it was in a stunner position. But because we're about the same height, his shoulder was digging into my sternum and he held me in the position too long and it really fucked it. I couldn't sneeze without being in pain for months cause of it!

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Hard to believe that he and Carlito have both competed in Elimination Chambers. I mean I always loved Masters but when you consider what he's done the last 2 years it's mental. Carlito on the other hand turned into a fat lazy b*****d whereas Masters got better and better with time.

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PWG Holy Diver Down

There's one match on this show which looks godly. Some other stuff that could go either way.

Joey Ryan vs. Top Gun Talwar ( *** )

Ronin vs. Ricky Reyes ( ***1/4 )

Karl Anderson vs. Frankie Kazarian ( ***1/2 )

Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin vs. Chris Bosh and Scott Lost ( **** )

Bino Gambino vs. Disco Machine ( * )

PAC vs. Kevin Steen ( ****1/2 )

Human Tornado © vs. El Generico - PWG Heavyweight Championship ( *** )

Joey Ryan vs. Top Gun Talwar

Lockup and Ryan goes right to the wedgie. Rick Knox isn't really sure what to do with that. Lockup and the same again and then an ass chop from Talwar. Kick to the gut from Ryan and then he gets sent to the corner and then a slap to the ass. Atomic Drop from Talwar and then he wipes his ass before sweeping down Ryan. More spankin' from Talwar and he gets charged into the corner. Ryan then slaps Talwar and he doesn't like this comedy. Talwar with a slap of his own and then he slaps the ass and then shows it on the floor. More of the same and then Ryan gets dropped ass first on the ring apron. Talwar asks fans if they want to slap the ass. Talwar winds up just dropping the ass on the ring apron. Running Headbutt to the ass and then another. This is ridiculous. In a good way of course. Ryan has had enough of this stuff and backs into the corner. Talwar runs into a boot and then gets poked in the eye. Ryan then just rakes the eyes of Talwar. He rakes Talwar with the boot. Camel Clutch from Ryan. Ryan then rubs the face of Talwar into the canvas. Talwar then starts headbutting the ass of Ryan. Well, at least he's consistant. Knee Drop from Ryan. Fantastic commentary for this one btw. Talwar comes back with an eye rake and they now exchange eye rakes. Big eye rake from Ryan but Talwar hits the ropes and lands a Running Eye Rake. :lol: Rick Knox then takes an eye rake. LOW BLOW FROM RYAN !!! LOW BLOW FROM TALWAR !!! RYAN FALLS INTO A LOW BLOW ON KNOX !!! Ryan is now set on the top rope. Ryan is then crotched on the top rope. Clotheslines to the ass from Talwar and then a big running Clothesline. RUNNING SHOULDER TACKLE FROM TALWAR !!! THE RUNNING SHOULDER TACKLE TO THE ASS FROM TALWAR !!! THE REAR NAKED CHOKE FROM TALWAR !!! RYAN STAYS IN THE MATCH !!! Ryan now battles back to his feet. Ryan tries to shake Talwar off. This is bizarro land stuff. Another eye rake from Ryan. Dropkick from Ryan appears to put a stop to the shenanigans. Body Slam from Ryan and the fans stand and applaud. FLYING LEG DROP ... MISSES !!! Eye rake from Talwar. SUPERKICK FROM RYAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Thank the lord for Top Gun Talwar. I love the comedy that they can do at times. Joey Ryan is simply not very good but when you have someone like Talwar at his best in there with him, it doesn't really matter. ***

Ronin vs. Ricky Reyes

Ronin is on an undefeated streak going into this match. Reyes gets in his face and we are ready for a match here. High Knee from Reyes right off the bat but he misses a big kick. Chops from Ronin and then more of the same. Reyes gets under Ronin and misses a Dropkick and runs into a Back Elbow. Chops now from Ronin. Judo DDT from Ronin and that gets a two count. Forearms from Ronin and then Reyes lands a big forearm to knock Ronin down. Neckbreaker from Reyes. Spinning Back Elbow from Reyes and that gets a two count for him. Jawbreaker from Ronin now. Forearm from Ronin and then a Body Slam and then a Running Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Back Elbow now from Ronin and that gets a two count. Dropkick to the knee from Reyes switches the momentum a bit and then he smacks the leg into the canvas. Stomp to the side now from Reyes and then he hits a big Suplex and then continues to work on the leg. Reyes then goes to the Half Crab and Ronin goes for the bottom rope and he finds it. To the apron with the leg goes Reyes and then he smacks the back of the leg into the apron and then into the ringpost. Reyes now has a chair and he misses the shot and the referee takes the chair. Reyes continues to stretch the leg. Reyes then works on the legs. Ronin comes back with some hard forearms and then he lands some chops. Kick to the head from Reyes puts a stop to the momentum of Ronin. Reyes then drops his weight on the leg of Ronin. More kicks to the leg from Reyes. Elbows to the leg from Reyes. Knee Drop from Reyes and then a right hand and then he lands some chops and then a kick to the ass and Reyes hits the ropes. POWERBOMB FROM RONIN !!! Reyes now comes back with forearms and then a brutal Elbow Smash. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM RONIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BASEMENT DDT FROM REYES !!! TWISTING NECKBREAKER FROM REYES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BRUTAL LARIAT FROM RONIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Enziguri from Reyes. TWISTER FROM RONIN !!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match did a great job of making Ronin look like a right fighter. He had had some easier wins but this made him look vulnerable and he still came out the other side looking great and the fans were more behind him than they had ever been. Two usually mediocre wrestlers have a good one. ***1/4

Karl Anderson vs. Frankie Kazarian

Anderson opens the match with the cap on and Kaz seems to be taking issue with this. The referee questions this but Anderson just shrugs. He then puts the cap on the ringpost before giving it a kiss. Lockup and into the corner they go and we have a clean break from there, but not for the lack of trying. Anderson goes behind and then they do a wee bit more of the reversals and it doesn't go anywhere. Arm Ringer from Kaz. He adds a rub to the face with the elbow. Overhead Wristlock from Kaz. Anderson with a Hammerlock on Kaz. Kaz then goes back to the Arm Ringer. Anderson flips but fails and lands on his arse. He heads for the floor to try and get over that wee episode. Kick to the gut from Anderson and then right hands and then a Headlock. Shoulder Tackle from Anderson and then he hits the ropes and he charges down Kaz again. Kaz kips up and Anderson craps his pants. Anderson now wants a handshake. Kaz wants to do a Dropkick and so he does a pair. To the floor Anderson gets launched. Kaz misses the Guillotine Leg Drop and Anderson with the Money Clip and that gets a two count. Anderson then with the face twist using the boot. The fans then chant "Gillberg!". KAZ WITH THE SPEAR ON ANDERSON !!! The fans liked that. ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Anderson manages to avoid the Jackhammer. Kaz into the ropes. SPEAR FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Anderson now has the cap and puts it on. Chops from Anderson. Sunset Flip from Kaz and that gets a two count. Anderson throws down the cap and then starts stamping on it and then Knee Drops it. SCHOOL BOY FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Clothesline from Anderson. He puts the cap back on. Snapmare from Anderson and then he works over Kaz. Kaz battles back to the feet and lands some right hands. He then slaps the cap off and lands some right hands. Kaz then gets launched all of the way to the floor. Kick to the head from Anderson and then he puts the hat on the ringpost. The Snap Suplex from Anderson. ANDERSON WITH THE TOP ROPE SENTON ... MISSES !!! The fans are behind Kaz and he puts the cap on. Anderson charges and he misses. SLINGSHOT GUILLOTINE LEG DROP FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Kaz punts the cap into the crowd. Swinging Neckbreaker and that gets a two count for Kaz. Kaz goes over Anderson. SPINEBUSTER FROM ANDERSON AND INTO THE BOSTON CRAB !!! KAZ FIGHTS OUT OF IT !!! Anderson winds up on the apron because of that. Kaz runs into a forearm. MONEY CLIP ... RIGHT INTO THE BICYCLE KICK FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! WAVE OF THE FUTURE ... stopped. Snap Powerslam from Anderson and that gets a two count. Anderson is now heading for the top rope and Kaz stops him. Anderson blocks the Flux Capacitor. WAVE OF THE FUTURE ... Scorpio Sky comes in and stops him. SCHOOL BOY FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

These two guys had good chemistry together. Kaz did well not to go too goofy while the Anderson character was eating up the match. Kaz was the serious glue holding it together. ***1/2

Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin vs. Chris Bosh and Scott Lost

We open with Lost and Sabin and lockup. Against the ropes they go and we have a clean break out of the corner from them. They lock hands and then Lost and then the takeover. Sabin with a kick to the arm and then he goes to the Arm Ringer and continues the work on the arm. Sabin lifts Lost up by the arm and this is some punishment going on here. Arm Breakers over the arm from Sabin and then Lost does some rolling about and gets the Arm Ringer. Sabin with some flipping about and then the Arm Drag. Sabin on the top rope. Sabin with a nice takedown and then Lost heads for the floor. Lost then slides back under Sabin. Manhattan Drop from Lost. Sabin with a nice Dropkick and the fans liked that little exchange as did I. Shelley now wants into the ring and he gets tagged in. He drops down on the arm and then in comes Sabin and it looks like we're gonna see quick tags between the Guns now. Double Stomp to the arm from Shelley and Bosh hasn't had a chance to be in the match yet. Lost now tags out of the match and in comes Bosh. Shelley with some rolling and flipping and then he goes to the arm of Bosh. Nice takedown from Shelley and then he goes and wrestles rings arounds Bosh there. Jade Chung seems to be a bit miffed with a fan at ringside. Shelley steps over the arm and then takes over Bosh and then slams the arm into the canvas. Shelley with the Arm Breaker now on Bosh. Shelley then kicks the arm much like Sabin did earlier in the match. Shelley uses the top rope to do more damage to Bosh. Bosh runs into the shot and then Shelley with a Springboard Back Elbow. SHELLEY GETS THE BORDER CITY STRETCH !!! SABIN WITH THE TEXAS CLOVERLEAF !!! The heels find the ropes. We're left with Shelley and Bosh in the ring again. In comes Sabin. Double Hiptoss and Double Fist Drop and then a double kick from the Guns and that gets a two count. Shelley with jabs and then a Snapmare and then a Dropkick to the back of the head. THE DREAM SEQUENCE FROM THE GUNS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Knee to the head from Shelley. Snap Leg Drop to the back of the head from Shelley and that gets a two count. Snapmare and then Sabin comes in with the Slingshot Senton and that gets a two count. Shelley then comes in with a Slingshot Senton of his own and that gets a two count. Bosh seems to have hurt balls from that second one. Arm Ringer from Shelley and then a kick to the gut and then more of the same. Shelley then stretches Bosh. Shelley then knocks Lost off of the apron and back into the ring comes Sabin. Double Japanese Arm Drag from the Guns and then they lock in a Double Half Crab. Lost comes in with a brutal Double Dropkick to the guns and now Bosh is in the ring. THE LOW BLOW FROM BOSH TO SHELLEY !!! Bosh finally comes out of his trance and tags in Lost. Gutbuster from Lost and that gets a two count. Lost then goes to the Body Scissors on Sabin. Someone throws a bottle of water into the ring and Lost decides to have a drink of it. Snapmare from Lost and then he stomps on the face. Sleeper Hold with the Body Scissors from Lost. Sabin fights out but then runs into a knee to the stomach and back into the corner and in comes Bosh. Backbreaker from Bosh and that gets a two count. Body Slam from Bosh and then the Million Dollar Fist Drop and that gets a two count. Lost doesn't want to be tagged in. Fisherman Suplex from Bosh gets a two count and then back into the corner. Bosh then chokes Sabin over the middle rope and then Chung and Lost get involved as well. Back into the ring comes Lost. Sabin gets sent into the knees of Bosh. Chung gets involved again allowing Lost to get the control back and in comes Bosh. Sabin gets over Bosh. Kick to the gut of Lost. Enziguri on Bosh and a Leg Lariat and in comes Shelley to a big pop. Bosh gets sent out of the ring and then a Spin Kick on Lost. Into the corner and Shelley catches a foot and then kicks low. CODEBREAKER FROM SHELLEY !!! TIGER SUPLEX FROM SHELLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Bosh comes jumping in. Manhattan Drop on Bosh and now he has both Lost and Bosh locked in a submission. SABIN WITH THE LEG DROP ONTO BOTH MEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Body Slam from Shelley and then he heads for the top rope. SENTON SPLASH OFF THE TOP FROM SHELLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SLICED BREAD #2 ... stopped. HURRICANE KICK FROM LOST !!! In comes Bosh now. Leaping Rana from Shelley. BOSH WITH THE POWERBOMB INTO A MODIFIED SHARPSHOOTER !!! LOST WITH THE SPEAR INTO THE SHARPSHOOTER ON SABIN !!! Shelley finds the bottom rope. Into the ring comes Lost again. SUPER MANHATTAN DROP FROM SHELLEY !!! HOT TAG !!! Sabin to the top. Missile Dropkick off the top. CRADLE SHOCK ... blocked. Kick to the gut now. SPRINGBOARD SWINGING DDT FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Shelley into the ring now. CROSS BODY ONTO THE SEATED LOST FROM SHELLEY !!! Bosh is knocked off of the apron. FLAPJACK INTO THE DOUBLE KNEE GUTBUSTER FROM LOST !!! THE STUNNER FROM BOSH !!! STUNNER FROM SHELLEY !!! Lost and Sabin now into the ring and we have chops from both men. ACE CRUSHERS FROM BOTH LOST AND SABIN !!! Both men with shots. ROARING FOREARM !!! STO BCKBREAKER FROM BOSH !!! ENZIGURIS ALL AROUND FROM SHELLEY !!! Everyone is down now. SUPLEXES SENDS OUT ALL FOUR MEN TO THE FLOOR !!! Bosh is launched into a bunch of chairs. The Guns then get back into the ring. THE GUNS WITH STEREO SUICIDE DIVES ONTO ARROGANCE !!! Into the ring now with Bosh and the Guns. SUPERKICKS AND ENZIGURIS FROM THE GUNS !!! STANDING SLICED BREAD #2 !!! LOST COMES IN WITH THE FLYING ELBOW DROP !!! Sabin runs into the boot. Running Dropkick from Lost. SUPERMAN SPEAR FROM LOST !!! SPIN KICK TO THE FACE FROM LOST !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SMALL PACKAGES FROM THE GUNS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

As always with the Guns, this is fluid as f**k tag team wrestling. Arrogance have always been fun to watch so this is good. ****

Bino Gambino vs. Disco Machine

Bino with chops and then into the corner and he goes with the uppercuts. Kicks to the gut from Bino. Disco into the corner. Arm Drag from Disco and then he gets the Tilt-A-Whirl Head Scissors and then he hits the ropes and lands a Rana and sends Bino to the floor. CANNONBALL OFF OF THE APRON FROM BINO !!! Disco heads for the top rope and then lands a Cross Body and that gets a two count. Right hands from Disco and then Bino comes back with some of his own. CHOKEBREAKER ... nope. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Bino and that gets a two count. Chops from Bino and then he rakes Disco into the top rope. Dropkick from Bino and that gets a two count and then he chokes Disco. Kick to the face from Bino. European Uppercut from Bino and then he's sent into the corner. Disco onto the apron and then he chops the chest of Bino and then the Missile Dropkick from Disco. Disco then slides out there and drags Bino to the back of the hall and throws him into the wall. Chops from Disco. Back first into the apron goes Disco. HIPTOSS INTO THE CHAIRS FROM BINO !!! Disco is then draped over the apron. Leg Drop and that looks like it might have hurt Bino as well! Back into the ring they go. Snapmare from Bino and then a Chinlock. Disco gets the fans behind him and then into the ropes and a knee to the gut and then Bino with the Perfect Neck Snap. Commentator: "He's like a rabid Joe Rogan." :lol: DARKEST DRIVER FROM BINO ... nah, he just drops Disco on his face and then lands an elbow and that gets a two count. Chop from Bino. European Uppercut from Bino and then he has words for more of the fans. Double Axe Handle off of the middle buckle and this match just isn't working for me. Disco with a shot to the gut now. Both men with Clotheslines. Snap Suplex from Disco and then he rolls through and hits some more. Gordbuster from Disco gets a two count. STUNNER FROM BINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Disco tries to get the fans behind him. Jacknife from Disco and that gets a two count. Enziguri from Bino. LIONSAULT FROM BINO ... stopped. Powerslam from Disco and that gets a two count. Chops from Disco and then Bino steps over. CHOKEBREAKER ... stopped. CHOKEBREAKER FROM DISCO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CHOKEBREAKER ... stopped. LEAPING BULLDOG FROM DISCO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match just wasn't great. Bino Gambino looks like he could be an interesting character but his offense is just dreadful and everything he does seems to be to the detriment of the heat of the match. *

PAC vs. Kevin Steen

Headlock from Steen and PAC goes behind. PAC then takes down Steen and goes to the Front Facelock. Steen then goes behind again and rolls over and takes down PAC and that gets a two count. Lockup and into the corner and then into the middle of the ring with the Headlock goes Steen. Steen works PAC down to the canvas with the Headlock and then really adds some leverage to that. Steen charges PAC down and he gets a two count. Side Headlock from Steen and then a Front Facelock. PAC works back to his feet and turns Steen over and then gets an Arm Drag into the Arm Bar on Steen. Steen: "I don't know any of this British shit!". Steen isn't amused by the stylings of PAC here. Hammerlock from PAC. Steen flips up and then goes to the Arm Ringer and then he takes down PAC. Arm Bar and a nasty one and then he adds some elbows. Arm Ringer from Steen. PAC goes over and takes down Steen. PAC goes back to the Arm Bar. Steen then comes back with the chops. Steen gets back to the feet eventually and now has the better of a Test of Strength. Steen then waves his dick in front of Pac. Monkey Flip from Steen and then he just kicks PAC right in the face and that gets a two count. Mexican Surfboard from Steen. PAC flips over to a pin and gets a two count. Nice Arm Drag from PAC. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors from PAC. WHEELBARROW BACKBREAKER FROM STEEN AND A SENTON SPLASH ON THE BACK !!! Steen is gonna do some damage here and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Steen with a chop. Steen then unloads with more chopping. PAC then gets launched into the corner and then to the floor and this isn't gonna end well for someone. Chops on the floor from Steen. Steen gets knuckle love from a baby at ringside. European Uppercut from Steen. PAC now comes back into the match so Steen with another chop. Back into the ring they now go. PAC comes back with right hands and then Steen with a forearm. LOVELY Springboard Rana and then a Dropsault. STANDING CORKSCREW MOONSAULT FROM PAC ... MISSES !!! Steen then lands a Somersault Leg Drop and that gets a two count. PAC kicks Steen in the face and just succeeds in annoying him. Back Body Drop and a beast from Steen and that gets a two count. Steen stands on the hair and then pulls PAC up by the arms. The fans are now getting behind PAC here. Kicks to the leg now from PAC so Steen just drops his weight on him for a two count. PAC comes back again and then misses a kick. BRUTAL LARIAT DROPS PAC ON HIS HEAD !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX DROPS PAC ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! That was just horrific there. Steen is wondering how PAC managed to survive that one there. Into the corner and Steen just gets in the face and lands a big chop. Headbutt from Steen. PAC tries to head up but then lands forearms. Leaping Rana from PAC. Steen misses a charge and winds up on the floor. PAC now heads for the top rope. PAC WITH THE BRITISH AIRWAYS OFF OF THE TOP ROPE ONTO STEEN ON THE FLOOR !!! PAC with chops now and then back into the ring they go. SPRINGBOARD SWINGING DDT FROM PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! POWERBOMB FROM STEEN KILLS PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! The fans are buzzing a bit now about what they're seeing and no wonder. It's pretty mad. PACKAGE PILEDRIVER ... PAC does what he can to make sure he stays in the match. Enziguri from PAC now. JUDO DDT INTO THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM PAC !!! REVERSE RANA DROPS STEEN RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Into the corner they go. THE ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM STEEN !!! HANGING DDT SPIKES PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Steen goes up and PAC stops him the first time. STEEN WITH A TOP ROPE SITDOWN POWERBOMB ON PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTT !!! The fans around the ring are standing and applauding this one. Steen is now going for the top rope. THE SUPER PACKAGE PILEDRIVER FROM STEEN ... COUNTERED TO THE SUPER RANA FROM PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTT !!! PAC TO THE TOP ... SHOOTING STAR SENTON FROM PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTT !!! PAC WITH THE BRITISH AIRWAYS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

Sweet... mother... of... f**k. You see a match on a card and you just know that they are going to steal the show with it. This was that match and no matter what way you shook it, you knew that this was going to be amazing. Absolute balls to the walls insanity. The timing of the spots, and there was a lot of them, was spot on and that's what seperates PAC from some of the other spot monkeys. This guy knows what he's doing. ****1/2

Human Tornado © vs. El Generico - PWG Heavyweight Championship

Second title defence against El Generico. El Generico was supposed to be in a team with Quicksilver to face the Guns, but the card took a reshuffle like always happens in PWG. TORNADO WITH THE SOMERSAULT PLANCHA RIGHT OFF THE BAT !!! Not making the mistake of letting the other guy strike first. Into the ring and that gets a two count for the champ and then he does the jiving kicks. Chops now from Tornado and then Generico with a big kick to the face and a School Boy gets a two count. Generico now with some forearms to the face of Tornado and then lands a big chop. Tornado into the ropes and a Sunset Flip gets a two count and Tornado with the big Dropkick and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Tornado with a big jab to the face. Generico Dropkicked into the ropes and then Tornado unloads with some stomps and then he wants to do something big. TORNADO JUMPS OVER THE TOP ROPE WITH THE GUILLOTINE LEG DROP !!! Tornado now into the ring and he has a Suplex blocked. Tornado now with a chop and then sent into the corner. Generico stops a shoulder block and then lands a big chop. Tornado onto the apron and a forearm. SLINGSHOT RANA SENDS GENERICO OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Back into the ring and then Generico hits the ropes. THE PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM GENERICO !!! Should be noted that Generico is wearing a Tito Santana t-shirt which a fan compliments. More chops from Generico now. More chops now from Generico. Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Backbreaker in the corner. SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Generico wants a quicker count from the referee. Forearms now from Generico. Generico into the corner and then he gets behind Tornado who gets over him. REVERSE DDT OVER THE KNEE FROM TORNADO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Tornado with the knees. Back Elbow and then the Bulldog from Tornado and that gets a two count. BLUE THUNDER FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! MICHINOKU DRIVER FROM GENERICO !!! Generico charges into a boot but so does Tornado. BOTH MEN WITH YAKUZA KICKS TO THE FACE !!! Right hands now from Generico and Tornado. Tornado gets the better of this. Tornado misses a charge. HANGING NECKBREAKER DROPS GENERICO ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! TIGER DRIVER FROM TORNADO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Stomp to the chest from Tornado. CRADLE SUPLEX FROM TORNADO ... Generico stops that. SUPERKICK FROM TORNADO !!! O'CONNOR ROLL FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! HALF AND HALF SUPLEX FROM GENERICO !!! PIMP SLAP FROM TORNADO !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM TORNADO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Tornado to the top and Generico stops him up there. YAKUZA KICK IN THE CORNER FROM GENERICO !!! THE CRADLE SUPLEX FROM GENERICO !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE YAKUZA KICK IN THE CORNER !!! ANOTHER YAKUZA KICK IN THE CORNER FROM GENERICO !!! THE BRAINBUSTAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH ...Tornado stops it. HE HITS IT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

I think because this was a thrown together match, they didn't really do as good a job as they could. The fact that everything felt a wee bit rushed didn't help matters at all. They put forward a good effort though. ***

This show had a lot more focus than the last one. There was one match which can rank as an all time great PWG match. A great tag team match from four guys you can expect it from and the start of some new issues.

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They need to get Cole and Booker of commentary on SD


Tyson Kidd and Daniel Bryan had a cracking match, and it was barely even mentioned on commentary ... ridiculous.

You wouldn't think it would make a huge difference but it really, really does. It takes so much away from great matches rather than enhance them.

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Tyson Kidd and Daniel Bryan had a cracking match, and it was barely even mentioned on commentary ... ridiculous.

You wouldn't think it would make a huge difference but it really, really does. It takes so much away from great matches rather than enhance them.

I like my commentary when the commentator acually knows the name of the moves we are watching rather than saying "Big move......high impact......he's in pain". Commentate on what's fucking happening FFS!!! Or wors yet I'll take for example Kidd vs Danielson and the commentators are talking about what Randy Orton is going to do to Christian later tonight. f**k off, you can talk about that when it happens, in the mean time talk about the match that's actually taking place.

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1. The Miz

2. Randy Orton

3. John Cena

4. Kane

5. Takashi Sugiura

6. Alberto Del Rio

7. Mr. Anderson

8. Rey Mysterio

9. Eddie Edwards

10. CM Punk

11. Rob Van Dam

12. Sheamus

13. Roderick Strong

14. Suwama

15. Daniel Bryan

16. Jeff Hardy

17. Dolph Ziggler

18. Kurt Angle

19. Wade Barrett

20. Jeff Jarrett

21. Sting

22. Hiroshi Tanahashi

23. Ultimo Dragon

24. AJ Styles

25. Davey Richards

26. Christopher Daniels

27. John Morrison

28. Dr. Wagner Jr.

29. Kofi Kingston

30. Bobby Roode

31. The Big Show

32. Matt Morgan

33. Christian

34. Kazarian

35. Cody Rhodes

36. Chris Hero

37. James Storm

38. Ricky Banderas

39. Jack Swagger

40. Bully Ray

41. Satoshi Kojima

42. Samoa Joe

43. Sin Cara

44. Claudio Castagnoli

45. Shinsuke Nakamura

46. El Generico

47. Alex Shelley

48. Chris Sabin

49. Adam Pearce

50. El Zorro

51. R-Truth

52. Drew McIntyre

53. Seth Rollins

54. Togi Makabe

55. Hernandez

56. D'Angelo Dinero

57. Mark Henry

58. Negro Casas

59. Gunner

60. Abyss

61. Justin Gabriel

62. Douglas Williams

63. Brother Devon

64. Go Shiozaki

65. Matt Hardy

66. Heath Slater

67. Robbie E

68. Ted DiBiase Jr.

69. Evan Bourne

70. Naomichi Marufuji

71. Shelton Benjamin

72. Tommy Dreamer

73. Prince Devitt

74. Jay Briscoe

75. Rob Terry

76. Austin Aries

77. Max Buck

78. Ezekiel Jackson

79. Charlie Haas

80. Jushin Liger

81. Mark Briscoe

82. Orlando Jordan

83. Jeremy Buck

84. Jesse Neal

85. Kenny Omega

86. Shingo Takagi

87. Carlito

88. Volador Jr.

89. Crimson

90. BXB Hulk

91. Shannon Moore

92. Vladimir Kozlov

93. Homicide

94. Colt Cabana

95. Yuji Nagata

96. Eric Young

97. David Otunga

98. Yamato

99. Tommaso Ciampa

100. Santino Marella

101. Kenny King

102. Dean Ambrose

103. The Sheik

104. Low Ki

105. The Great Khali

106. Alex Riley

107. Brian Kendrick

108. Jimmy Jacobs

109. Rhett Titus

110. Scott Steiner

111. Minoru Suzuki

112. La Parka

113. Tyson Kidd

114. Mike Bennett

115. Adam Cole

116. Johnny Curtis

117. Michael McGillicutty

118. Jay Lethal

119. Mason Ryan

120. Tyson Dux

121. MVP

122. Kevin Steen

123. Minoru Tanaka

124. David Hart Smith

125. Ryota Hama

126. Ultimo Guerrero

127. Hirooki Goto

128. Blue Demon, Jr.

129. Husky Harris

130. Giant Bernard

131. La Sombra

132. Michael Tarver

133. Chessman

134. Kaz Hayashi

135. Ryusuke Taguchi

136. Amazing Red

137. Yoshi Tatsu

138. Yoshihiro Takayama

139. Toru Yano

140. Zack Ryder

141. Delirious

142. Takuma Sano

143. Primo Colon

144. Karl Anderson

145. Wataru Inoue

146. L.A. Park

147. Averno

148. Kotaro Suzuki

149. Mohammed Yone

150. Hiram Tua

151. Joe Doering

152. Joe E. Legend

153. JTG

154. Kota Ibushi

155. Takeshi Morishima

156. Mephisto

157. Kono

158. Tayo Kea

159. Big Daddy Voodoo

160. Rhino

161. Steve Corino

162. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

163. Tyler Reks

164. Magnus

165. Chris Masters

166. Masato Tanaka

167. Anarquia

168. Yoshinobu Kanemaru

169. William Regal

170. Murphy

171. CIMA

172. Trent Barreta

173. KENTA

174. Heavy Metal

175. Curt Hawkins

176. Masakatsu Funaki

177. Paul London

178. Luke Gallows

179. Kensuke Sasaki

180. Ray Gonzalez

181. Akitoshi Saito

182. Atlantis

183. Yoshihiro Tajiri

184. Yuji Takahashi

185. Brodus Clay

186. Tetsuya Naito

187. Sami Callihan

188. PAC

189. Jimmy Uso

190. Jon Davis

191. Bo Rotundo

192. Jey Uso

193. Jun Akiyama

194. Bison Smith

195. Oliver John

196. Hector Garza

197. Masato Yoshino

198. Kory Chavis

199. Jack Evans

200. Arik Cannon

201. Perro Aguayo Jr.

202. Tim Storm

203. Electroshock

204. Taiji Ishimori

205. Darren Young

206. Richie Steamboat

207. Extreme Tiger

208. Xavier Woods

209. Masahiro Chono

210. Hartley Jackson

211. Brad Allen

212. Naruki Doi

213. Derrick Bateman

214. Johnny Vandal

215. Big E. Langston

216. Eric Escobar

217. Silver King

218. Chris Grey

219. Calvin Raines

220. Brodie Lee

221. Jerry Lawler

222. Tommy Taylor

223. Byron Saxton

224. Glamour Boy Shane

225. Peter Orlov

226. Drake Younger

227. Jado

228. Ultimo Gladiador

229. Michael Elgin

230. Raven

231. Matt Taven

232. Kyle O'Reilly

233. Necro Butcher

234. Chris Angel

235. Rasche Brown

236. Jon Rekon

237. Cibernetico

238. Keiji Muto

239. Sabu

240. Percy Watson

241. Keith Walker

242. Joe Lider

243. Gedo

244. Conor O'Brian

245. Metal Master

246. Martin Stone

247. Cody Hawk

248. Tim Donst

249. Titus O'Neil

250. Octagon

251. Vampiro

252. TJ Cannon

253. Dragon Rojo Jr.

254. Tiger Mask IV

255. Super Crazy

256. Jacob Novak

257. Blue Panther

258. Caylen Croft

259. Bruce Maxwell

260. Lucky Cannon

261. John McChesney

262. Ricky Reyes

263. Tokyo Monster Kahagas

264. Petey Williams

265. Akebono

266. Akuma

267. Cody Deaner

268. Johnny Gargano

269. Shawn Spears

270. Sterling James Keenan

271. Latino

272. Ryan Eagles

273. Mascara Dorado

274. Tozawa

275. Matt Cross

276. Derek Wylde

277. Damien Sandow

278. Joey Ryan

279. "Mr. 450" Hammett

280. Chuck Taylor

281. Jigsaw

282. Icarus

283. Ares

284. Ruckus

285. Jayson Cypress

286. Okada

287. Tito Colon

288. Eddie Kingston

289. Mike Quackenbush

290. Josh Daniels

291. Rocky Romero

292. Mason Beck

293. Sebastian Suave

294. Darin Corbin

295. Joey Mercury

296. Hunico

297. Robbie Heart

298. Rich Swann

299. Matt Riviera

300. Dragon Kid

301. Jason Bane

302. Dennis Rivera

303. Pepper Parks

304. Lance Bravado

305. Harlem Bravado

306. Dylan Kage

307. Kijimuna

308. Dan Lawrence

309. Matt Cage

310. Silas Young

311. Craig Classic

312. Shane Hollister

313. Brandon Locke

314. Sugar Dunkerton

315. Slyck Wagner Brown

316. Aden Chambers

317. Robert Anthony

318. Robbie McAllister

319. T.J. Perkins

320. Hallowicked

321. Cliff Compton

322. Don Paysan

323. Robbie Gilmore

324. Max Bauer

325. N8 Mattson

326. Brian Milonas

327. Mohamad Ali Vaez

328. Wes Brisco

329. Brandon Espinosa

330. Eli Cottonwood

331. Arick Andrews

332. Desean Bishop

333. Samuel Elias

334. Christopher Rockwell

335. J.D. Maverick

336. Jinder Mahal

337. Donny Marlow

338. Alexander Rusev

339. Ace Hawkins

340. Cole Callway

341. Jerome Hendrix

342. The Blue Meanie

343. Andy Ridge

344. C.J. Esparza

345. Mike Mondo

346. Ophidian

347. Diego Corleone

348. R.D. Evans

349. Amasis

350. Jake O'Reilly

351. Kirby Mack

352. Brett Gakiya

353. Steve Boz

354. Jake Crist

355. Tommy Treznik

356. DJ Hyde

357. Ryan Bisbal

358. TJ Mack

359. Paredyse

360. Vance Nevada

361. Shane Haste

362. Franky the Mobster

363. Lince Dorado

364. Dave Crist

365. Kyle Sebastian

366. Devon Moore

367. Asylum

368. Corey Hollis

369. Mike Sydal

370. Ryan Rush

371. Roman Leakee

372. Matt Burns

373. Russell Walker

374. Kevin Grace

375. Adam Revolver

376. Steven Walters

377. Sam Shields

378. Danny Havoc

379. Mike Rollins

380. Ted McNaler

381. Damien Slater

382. Jake Manning

383. Ryan McBride

384. Sinn Bodhi

385. Josh Alexander

386. Bloody Harker Dirge

387. RJ City

388. Alex Silva

389. Mega

390. Jonny Puma

391. Aaron Epic

392. Adam Windsor

393. Cobian

394. Chase Del Monte

395. Shiima Xion

396. Ricochet

397. Papadon

398. Josef Von Schmidt

399. Pat Buck

400. Dan Maff

401. Jason Static

402. Bazooka Joe

403. Bobby Shields

404. Grizzly Redwood

405. Breaker Morant

406. Scott Zenzen

407. Bobby Dempsey

408. Maifu

409. Kekoa the Flyin' Hawaiian

410. Kid America

411. Mathieu St-Jacques

412. Saifu

413. Bryan Logan

414. Sylvan Grenier

415. Crazzy Steve

416. Eric Cooper

417. Brandon Aarons

418. Matt Logan

419. Pat Guennette

420. Whipdog Johnson

421. Damian Dragon

422. Jason Jones

423. Cheech

424. Elvis Pridemore

425. Rastakhan

426. Mr. Fantastic

427. Matt Saigon

428. Player Uno


430. Sexxy Eddie

431. Benjamin Kimera

432. Stupified

433. Chris Wylde

434. Shaun Rickers

435. Jake Davis

436. Jimmy Cicero

437. Ernesto Osiris

438. Mike Posey

439. Gee Gee

440. Axl Rotten

441. Joe Gacy

442. C.W. Scott

443. Shorty Smalls

444. Noah Lott

445. Scott Wright

446. Mozart Fontaine

447. Cloudy

448. Jimmy Lee

449. Mike Dell

450. Tim Horner Jr

451. Vincent Vega

452. Leslie Leatherman

453. CUJO the Hellhound

454. Bill Collier

455. American Kickboxer II

456. Chrisifix

457. Scott Tytus

458. Outlaw J. R. James

459. Kevin Douglas

460. Tommy Mack

461. Rudy Switchblade

462. Steve Stasiak

463. Don Vega

464. Dennis Allen

465. Chris Cooper

466. Sabian

467. Vince Beach

468. Bodie Williams

469. Nick Fury

470. Brain Damage

471. Fred Flash

472. Biff Slater

473. A.J. Istria

474. Abraham Washington

475. Shockwave the Robot

476. Marc Mandrake

477. Martin Stanley Fuqua

478. Pee Wee

479. Damien Kass

480. Will Calrissian

481. Kwan Chang

482. AHTU

483. Ethan Page

484. Griffen

485. Barry Hardy

486. Jimmy the Hippy

487. Preston Maxwell

488. Scarry Garry

489. Brandon Bishop

490. Ryot

491. Joey Kings

492. Corey Blaze

493. Ash Walker

494. Justin Sane

495. Brandon Thurston

496. Milo Beasley

497. Peter B. Beautiful

498. Sinister Cross

499. Johnny Adams

500. Gino Martino

Rediculous list. Kane number 4? Punk barely top 10? Roderick Strong 13? Jeff Hardy 16? Christopher Daniles 26? R-Truth way down in 51?:lol:

I am now 100% convinced this list is made up by putting 500 names in a hat and randomly drawing them out.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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PWG Album of the Year

So there's a new champ in PWG and it's the immensly popular El Generico. He comes up against the immensly UNpopular character of Davey Richards in his first defence. There's also some other stuff.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Disco Machine ( **1/2 )

Chris Bosh and Scott Lost vs. Kevin Steen and Frankie the Mobster ( *** )

TJ Perkins vs. Ronin ( ***1/4 )

Nemesis vs. Phoenix Star ( ** )

Karl Anderson vs. Colt Cabana ( *** )

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Rocky Romero ( **** )

El Generico © vs. Davey Richards - PWG Heavyweight Championship ( ***3/4 )

Excalibur has stripped Cape Fear of the tag team titles because they haven't been defended in two shows. This commissioner of food and beverage job is serious business. Dino Winwood confirms that there is going to be a tag team tournament and he and Excalibur will pick the same the same number of teams each. Excalibur already has his first team selected for the tournament. Jay and Mark Briscoe have been picked by Excalibur. "MAN UP!!!". Fans : "They'll no show!" :lol: Frankie Kazarian hits the ring and he says that Human Tornado has taken his ball and gone home. He wants permission to challenge anyone who doesn't have a match. Dino Winwood says yes and Kazarian goes with Disco Machine. Kazarian is sick of the PWG interference and he wants a share of PWG. A fan wants a hair vs. share match. :lol: Good shout from the crowd there.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Disco Machine

So Disco takes the challenge and his share is on the line here. Kaz gets a mixed reaction from the audience after the opening promo. I can only assume he's the heel here, hence why I have put his name first. Kaz with a Waistlock and Disco goes behind and then Kaz finds the ropes quickly there. Lockup and Kaz goes to the Arm Ringer and Disco with the Hammerlock. Headlock from Disco. Against the ropes they go and then Kaz into the ropes and he runs into a pair of Arm Drags. Clothesline from Kaz turns the momentum pretty early here. Uppercut and a Body Slam from Kaz and that gets a two count. Snap Suplex from Kaz and that gets a two count. Disco now comes back with right hands and Kaz into the ropes and he gets a Sunset Flip and then kicks Disco in the arse. Snapmare from Kaz and then a Chinlock with a knee in the back. Back to the feet they go now and Kaz sends Disco to the apron. Kaz charges and ends up on the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM DISCO !!! Disco goes to work on Kaz and then to the top rope. Cross Body and that gets a two count for Disco. CHOKEBREAKER ... Kaz avoids and goes for his move but they counter and Kaz with the Bicycle Kick on Disco and that gets a two count. Disco into the corner and a Clothesline from Kaz and then Disco into another corner and he gets a right hand. HUGE TORNADO DDT FROM DISCO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! He added an extra wee swing to that there. Forearms and chops from both men now. Kaz into the corner and the High Knee from Disco and then a Clothesline. Climbing Dropkick from Disco and that gets a two count. Hammerlock and Kaz rolls through and gets a two count. Kaz counters again and gets a La Magistral Cradle gets two. EXPLODER SUPLEX INTO THE CORNER FROM DISCO !!! CORKSCREW SENTON ... MISSES !!! INVERTED TOMBSTONE FROM KAZ !!! Kaz now heads for the floor and what's he up to here. Disco to the apron and then Kaz brings him in. SLINGSHOT ACE CRUSHER FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! KAZ WIPES OUT THE REFEREE !!! Dino Winwood comes out. WAVE OF THE FUTURE FROM KAZ !!! Dino is waking up the referee here. Kaz hits Dino. DINO KNOCKED OFF THE APRON !!! THE CHOKEBREAKER FROM DISCO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Kaz appeared to be in something of a transitional period at this point. Throwing out some of his bigger moves but midmatch that would become finishers in the future. This was decent opening match fun here. **1/2

Kaz completes his heel turn and kicks Dino Winwood right in the balls.

Chris Bosh and Scott Lost vs. Kevin Steen and Frankie the Mobster

The Mobster? Really? I thought I was done ever seeing that guy again. His promo is so tasteless that even the PWG fans boo him. He looks like he has a severe case of roid rage. Frankie kisses Steen. Frankie then kisses Bosh. Lost is wondering what in the name of shit is going on? Frankie kicks Bosh and then into the ropes and then a Gorilla Press Slam from Frankie and then he just shouts some more. Bosh then sends Frankie into the middle buckle. Steen comes in and then hits the low blow. Bosh into the ropes and he heads for the floor. He's clearly had enough of this already. DIVES FROM STEEN AND FRANKIE !!! Steen feels the need to calm Frankie down. That doesn't work and Frankie has a chair. Steen is like "no!" and that proves to be enough. STEEN WITH THE SLINGSHOT DOUBLE STOMP !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back Rake from Steen and then he takes Bosh's shirt of and rubs it in his face. Steen with the chop to the chest of Bosh. Bosh is sent into the boot. Bosh into the ropes and then the Big Boot from Frankie and then he knocks Lost off of the apron. Frankie then gets in the face of the referee. Big chop from Frankie. More chops and then in comes Steen. Double Back Elbow from the IWS team and then a Double Snot Rocket. Somersault Leg Drop from Steen. Frankie settles for a stomp and that gets a two count for Mr. Wrestling and then Steen bites the arm of Bosh. Clothesline from Steen but then Bosh runs in with a Dropkick and sends Bosh to the floor. Lost heads to the floor and runs back in and hits a boot and then a nice Clothesline and that gets a two count. Suplex from Lost and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Lost. Steen with a comeback and then he lands a chop and hits the ropes and then runs into the knee in the gut and then Lost spits at Frankie, who blatantly doesn't care. Bosh now into the ring and he goes to the tittie twister and he locks that bad boy in with a purpose. Titty Toss from Bosh and then the cocky cover gets a two count. Snapmare from Bosh and then the knee in the back and he rips at the face of Steen. Into the corner and in comes Lost. Kicks to the gut from Lost and then he just unleashes. Steen comes back with forearms and then Lost with a big elbow strike. Into the corner again and in comes Bosh. School Boy from Bosh and that gets a two count. Fisherman Suplex gets a two count for Bosh as Frankie comes in to break the move. Into the corner and in comes Lost. Manhattan Drop and an Enziguri from Steen and then he tags out and this can't be good. Clotheslines from Frankie and then Body Slams. Body Slam again on Bosh. ACE CRUSHER ACROSS THE KNEE FROM ARROGANCE !!! Steen comes in. BRAINBUSTER FROM STEEN TO BOSH !!! Frankie then tags out of the match and Steen unloads. Powerslam on Lost and Bosh then hits his own partner and that can't be good. Bosh heads for the floor and Lost is in there. Gutbuster from Lost. SUPERMAN SPEAR FROM LOST AND THEN THE SPIN KICK TO THE FACE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Kick to the face from Steen and he tags out to Frankie. WHEELBARROW NECKBREAKER FROM FRANKIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Lost avoids a Burning Hammer. PHOTOGENIC STUNNER FROM BOSH !!! Bosh is then tagged into the match. Northern Lariat and then in comes Steen. Frankie and Lost then come in and take each other out. BACKSLIDE BACKBREAKER FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner. STEEN WITH THE MOONSAULT ... MISSES !!! GAMENGIRI FROM LOST !!! SHARPSHOOTER ON FRANKIE !!! SUPERKICK FROM STEEN TO LOST !!! THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM STEEN ... BOSH BREAKS WITH THE STO BACKBREAKER !!! Chops from Frankie now. Bosh runs into an elbow. Steen bites the ass. DOOMSDAY BLOCKBUSTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Frankie is sent to the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM LOST TO FRANKIE !!! THE LOW BLOW FROM BOSH !!! SMALL PACKAGE FROM LOST !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

It's a bit disjointed but the guys in it made sure it remained fun regardless. ***

TJ Perkins vs. Ronin

Ronin has gone through some good wrestlers. Shingo and Matt Sydal in the list of those defeated in his undefeated streak. They lockup and then break. Lockup and then they break again and are we gonna get anything from them here? Headlock from Perkins and then he takes Ronin over. Headlock Takedown again takes Ronin back down to the canvas as Perkins is doing well. Perkins into the ropes and he gets a Clothesline but Ronin doesn't go down. They collide in the middle of the ring and Perkins does not do right. Slap to the face from Perkins and he hits the ropes so Ronin with the big elbow strike. I'm beginning to think I've gotten Ronin wrong. Dropkick from Perkins and then he gets an Arm Drag and an Arm Bar to take Ronin back down. Hammerlock from Perkins and then Ronin manages to find the bottom rope. They now lock hands and Perkins is looking for a way to take Ronin down and does. Perkins rolls over and goes to a form of the Camel Clutch. Perkins takes down Ronin and then locks the legs. THE DELPHIN CLUTCH FROM PERKINS !!! The referee isn't counting the pin. Tit. Anyways Ronin gets out and lands some chops. Kicks to the leg from Perkins and then a kick to the chest. Ronin misses a charge and Perkins gets under him and then lands some more chops and then sets Ronin in the Shattered Dreams position and lands some uppercuts. Running Dropkick to the chest from Perkins there and then he hits the ropes and misses a charge and winds up on the floor. Chop from Ronin and some of the smarter fans decide to make their move. More chops from Ronin and then back into the ring. Ronin's selling is top class btw. Perkins into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Ronin and that gets a two count. Judo DDT from Ronin and that gets a two count. Ronin is wondering why the fans aren't into it. Slap and a Spin Kick from Perkins and then he runs right into the Sidewalk Slam and that gets a two count. Ronin with the Chinlock. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ... Perkins counters for a two count. Ronin runs into the boots. LEAPING SWINGING DDT FROM PERKINS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Ronin then blocks a Suplex. Spin Kick from Perkins and then he kicks the head. ACE CRUSHER FROM PERKINS !!! SPRINGBOARD SPLASH FROM PERKINS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Series of kicks from Perkins. TORNADO DDT ... COUNTERED INTO THE TWISTER FROM RONIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Dropkick from Perkins and then a Spinning Heel Kick and then a Snapmare and a stomp to the face and he heads for the top rope. He misses a move. Sunset Flip gets a two count for Perkins. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM RONIN !!! ANOTHER ONE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM RONIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

It's not really a knock on the guys in the match, but the fans weren't into this because Ronin is no longer the underdog. The work is very solid and both guys do everything they can to build this one. ***1/4

Nemesis vs. Phoenix Star

The fans want to see a show stealer here by the sounds of things. They're hot. Nemesis goes behind and then Star with a kip and a Headlock. Nemesis then fights out and then goes to the arm. Star with some flipping again and then he takes Nemesis over with the Fireman's Carry and goes to the Arm Bar. STO from Nemesis and then a sweep from Sky and we have a pair of two counts and the fans enjoy that. Nemesis then goes to the eyes. Nemesis throws down Star and then hits the ropes and lands a Leg Drop and that gets a two count. Spinebuster and then he lands some chops and this is just weird. Star with the Arm Drag and then he goes around and takes another one. Kick to the gut from Nemesis and then he lands the big chop. Star goes over Nemesis. CODE RED FROM STAR !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Flying Back Elbow from Star and that gets a two count. Nemesis with the Gutbuster and then a Flipping Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. Back Drop Suplex from Nemesis and that gets a two count. Satellite Backbreaker from Nemesis and that gets a two count. Nice Rana from Star and then he winds up on the apron. Chop from Star and then he comes in with lots of springs and then an Arm Drag. CHOKE INTO THE X-FACTOR FROM NEMESIS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Star finds his way to the apron but then gets Dropkicked to the floor and Nemesis goes out there with him. Nemesis then sends Star into the ringpost. Nemesis with a chop. SHOCK TREATMENT FROM NEMESIS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Nemesis then heads for the top rope. Star stops him up there. BACK DROP SUPLEX OFF THE TOP FROM STAR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Some of the moves and execution were very nice indeed. That's the most I can say about that. **

Karl Anderson vs. Colt Cabana

This should be some quality comedy between these two guys. Anderson doesn't have his cap with him tonight by the looks of things. The bell rings and this one is off. Colt points out the fans think Anderson is a fake Goldberg. Lockup and Anderson goes to the arm of Colt. Colt then rolls around a bit and then goes under the legs of Anderson and spanks Anderson. Anderson brings out a "yo mama" joke which pleases the fans. Fans: "You got served!" Anderson: "I'm gonna serve all your mamas!" :lol: Lockup and into the corner they go and we have a clean break because Anderson shites it. Lockup again and into the other corner. Another flinch and then Cabana into the ropes and Anderson just doesn't want to be hit. O'Connor Roll and that gets a two count. Cabana now twists at the leg of Anderson. Cabana works on the leg of Anderson and then Anderson comes back into the match. Cabana with a snot rocket puts a stop to that. Kick to the gut there from Anderson and then a Headlock. Cabana then gets knocked to the canvas and then a second time. Anderson into the ropes and then he lands a Hiptoss. Cabana is back up and he sends Anderson to the ropes and then hits the ropes himself and Anderson with a Body Slam and Cabana is back on his feet. Anderson just keeps shooting with his imaginary machine gun and suddenly Colt has been struck and he falls to his knees. Anderson is wondering what the hell is going on here. School Boy from Cabana and that gets a two count. Anderson gets run into the top buckle and then a second time. Anderson tries to do it, but just gets tripped up. Cabana then offers the leg. Anderson is feeling a bit weird about this as well he should because he got sucked in and Cabana goes to the Arm Bar. Anderson fights out and lands some kicks to the back and then stomps to the gut. Anderson now with an eye poke on the floor and then he rakes the eyes of Cabana. Kick to the face from Anderson and I think he's been all goofed out and he lands some right hands and shoves Cabana over a chair. Headbutt to the gut from Cabana and then he tries to untie the laces of Cabana. Snapmare from Anderson and then he goes to the Chinlock. Cabana hits the ropes and runs right into the Dropkick of Anderson and that gets a two count. Anderson then heads to the middle rope and jumps right into the boot of Cabana but then Anderson just lays in the stomps yet again. ANDERSON WITH THE SENTON SPLASH OFF THE TOP ... MISSES !!! Anderson drools after that which the fans obviously don't approve of. Jabs from Cabana and then the misses a big right hand but lands a Bionic Elbow. Anderson into the ropes and the Flying Butt Bump and then a Hiptoss from Cabana. Into the corner we go and Cabana with a series of right hands. Cabana then just flips Anderson over and that gets a two count and then Cabana sent into the corner. Anderson then misses a charge and gets crotched in the corner and Cabana with more charges and then he gets the tango. Butt Bump. SPINEBUSTER INTO THE BOSTON CRAB FROM ANDERSON AND CABANA TAPS !!!

I'm becoming a big fan of Karl Anderson. He's just such a fun character. The match was just fun. ***

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Rocky Romero

Some real potential to be had in this match. The fans get behind Romero to get us going here. Lockup and into the corner they go. We have a clean break coming out of that. Lockup and Claudio goes behind with the Waistlock. Romero goes to the arm and then takes down Claudio who gets right back up and tries to find his way out of the move and goes to the Arm Ringer. Some dickwad in the crowd shouts "boring" and gets shouted down. Romero kicks the leg and we're back to the feet. Romero now tries to grab a leg, and Claudio grabs the head. Romero tries and fails to escape from that. Romero tries to go to the Cross Armbreaker and Claudio is able to power out of that and then goes behind and Romero finds the bottom rope. That was some very cool wrestling right there. Headlock from Claudio and then into the Side Headlock. Romero into the Head Scissors but Claudio gets away from that pretty quickly. Romero does eventually find his way to the Cross Armbreaker, but Claudio then rolls through and in with a Chinlock while having the neck locked. Knee to the gut from Romero and a Snapmare and he goes for the Cross Armbreaker yet again. Claudio rolls through and then lifts Romero, but he rolls through and gets the Short Arm Scissors, but Claudio escapes and Romero goes with the Waistlock instead and then does a belting Body Scissors. Claudio flips him over and Romero into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. Running Dropkick to the knee but he misses another Dropkick and we have a stalemate between the two guys. That was some cracking stuff. We now have a Test of Strength and obviously Claudio gets the better of that. Romero somehow manages to get the Cross Armbreaker from there. Claudio finds the ropes. Kicks from Romero and down goes Claudio. Lockup and Claudio with the Waistlock Takedown and then into the Front Facelock. Claudio twists at the arm of Romero. Romero now fights out of the move and sweeps down Claudio and goes to the leg. Kick to the leg from Romero and a Spin Kick to the gut. Claudio jumps over Romero but gets taken down and Romero goes to the Head Scissors. Claudio goes to his knees but eats more kicks to the leg. Claudio rolls through and goes to the Mexican Surfboard. Romero is able to escape. ANKLE LOCK FROM ROMERO ... Claudio rolls Romero into the top buckle and then lands a European Uppercut. Forearms from Claudio and then he runs into the boot of Romero. Romero hits the ropes and then a Victory Roll sends Claudio to the floor. That was nice. SUICIDE DIVE FROM ROMERO !!! Romero with a chop and then back into the ring. Springboard Dropkick from Romero to the arm and then Claudio hits the ropes. RANA INTO THE CROSS ARMBREAKER FROM ROMERO !!! Claudio picks up Romero and drives him into the corner. SWINGING DDT FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Chinlock and then Claudio twists at the hand of Romero. Romero into the ropes and a Clothesline from Claudio and that gets a two count. Elbow Drop gets another two count from Claudio and then a La Magistral Cradle gets a two as Claudio is really trying to get out of this match any way he can. Romero knees his way out of a Suplex attempt. SPRINGBOARD SWINGING DDT FROM ROMERO !!! Spin Kick catches Claudio but Romero misses a charge. ROMERO ROLLS THROUGH TO THE CROSS ARMBREAKER !!! Claudio manages to find the bottom rope. Kicks to the arms from Romero but Claudio hits an uppercut. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEX FROM ROMERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back Drop Suplex gets a two count for Romero. Claudio is sent to the floor here. Claudio is then sent into a bunch of chairs and the fans aren't big fans of this tactic as you'd imagine. Fisherman Suplex gets a two count for Romero. Claudio catches a kick. THE RICCOLA BOMB FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SPRINGBOARD EUROPEAN UPPERCUT FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE ALPMARE WATERSLIDE ... countered. ROMERO WITH THE BACKSLIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! HUGE RANA FROM ROMERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KICK TO THE HEAD FROM ROMERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... INTO THE CROSS ARMBREAKER !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM CLAUDIO !!! THE EUROPEAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The execution and counters in this one were both terrific as you would expect from them. Fantastic match. ****

El Generico © vs. Davey Richards - PWG Heavyweight Championship

Richards has a headband on and the fans aren't amused by these antics. Lockup and against the ropes they go and we have a clean break. Richards lets us know that he doesn't need to cheat. Nice to know. He's clearly not a Guerrero. CHEAT TO WIN~~~!!! Anyroads, Richards goes to the arm of Generico and we go against the ropes again and Generico slaps Richards away and he heads for the floor. Very uncharacteristic of Generico there. Richards back into the ring cautiously. Richards is trying to get the fans behind him. Richards heads for the floor and then heads for the back and Generico is wondering what's going on, and then calls Richards a crybaby. Well he doesn't SAY it, but his actions are clear enough. Lockup and a Headlock from Richards. Richards into the ropes and he charges down Generico. Arm Drags now from El Generico and he winds up with the Arm Bar. Arm Ringer from Generico and Richards bridges and tries to kick out, but Generico seen it coming and gets another Arm Drag into the Arm Bar on Richards. Against the ropes they now go and Richards with a big chop and then more of the same. Richards blocks an Arm Drag and sends El Generico to the corner, but he comes out and GETS the Arm Drag. Richards heads for the floor and the back yet again. Back into the ring and the fans try to get behind this match. Lockup and against the ropes and Richards misses a chop and Generico lands some chops of his own. Right hands from Generico. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors and a Drop Toe Hold from Generico and Richards heads for the floor. Richards avoids a dive, and Generico fakes. Back into the ring he now goes. Headlock Takedown from Richards and the Side Headlock. Generico goes to the Head Scissors now. Richards rolls through and then has the legs locked and goes back to the Headlock. To the feet and Richards into the ropes and a Crucifix gets a two count and then back to the Side Headlock. Richards avoids a Suplex and goes back to the Side Headlock and he is really sticking with this at the moment. Richards into the ropes and Generico rolls over him and Dropkicks the back of the head and that gets a one count. Fan: "Go back to the chocolate factory." :lol: Chops from Generico and then face first into the top buckle goes Richards. Generico into the corner and he raises a boot. TOP ROPE GUTBUSTER FROM RICHARDS !!! This is going to give him some major momentum to continue the match here. Slam from Richards and an Elbow Drop and that gets a two count and now Richards goes to the Body Scissors. Camel Clutch from Richards. He lets that go and Elbow Drops the back. Backbreaker from Richards and then a fan breaks out the Oompa Loompa stuff and the fans decide to go with that. Dropkick from Richards. Knee Drop from Richards. Generico is set on the top buckle and then Richards goes up but Generico comes back with chops of his own. Missile Dropkick misses from Generico. Back to the feet they go and a Snap Suplex from Richards and that gets a two count and he goes to the Chinlock. Kick to the chest from Richards and down goes Generico. Back into the corner and Richards goes over Generico and then runs into the Dropkick and that gets a two count for the champ. Back Drop Suplex from Generico and that gets a two count. Forearms now. ALARM CLOCK FROM RICHARDS !!! Back Drop Suplex from Richards now and that gets a two count. Mocking kicks to the back from Richards and then Generico comes back with shots. Front Suplex drops Generico over the top rope. Richards then chokes Generico with the boot. Generico is sent to the floor and Richards now follows. Kicks to the chest from Richards and around the ring they go as the fans get ready to move. Face first into the apron goes Richards. Back into the ring they go and Richards gets a wee cheap shot in there. Snapmare from Richards and then he goes to the Chinlock and then the Head Scissors. Generico finds the bottom rope. Japanese Stranglehold from Richards now and then he puts the knees in the back. Generico back to the feet and he takes Richards over. CROSS ARM BACKBREAKER FROM RICHARDS !!! Out of nowhere that came there. Leg Drop to the back of the head from Richards and that gets a two count. Right hands from Generico but then Richards grabs the arm and then steps over and misses a kick and Generico lands a big DDT and he seems to be coming back into the match now. Forearms and chops from Generico and then Richards hits the ropes and eats a Clothesline and then a chop. Dropkick from Generico. SWINGING DDT FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Knee and then a chop from Richards. BRUTAL BASEMENT DROPKICK TO STOP THE HANDSPRING FROM RICHARDS !!! CRAZY SPECIAL MOONSAULT FROM GENERICO !!! EL GENERICO JUMPS RIGHT INTO A KICK RIGHT IN THE HEAD FROM RICHARDS !!! Back into the ring and Richards to the top rope. Springboard Dropkick to the back of the head from Richards. Series of kicks. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Generico is set on the top rope and then he goes up. TOP ROPE SPLASH FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Richards fights out of the Brainbuster attempt. TOP ROPE GERMAN SUPLEX DROPS GENERICO ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DR DRIVER ... Generico gets over. VICTORY ROLL INTO THE INVERTED CLOVERLEAF FROM RICHARDS !!! THE BRAINBUSTER FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE YAKUZA KICK FROM GENERICO ... COUNTERED INTO A LEG CAPTURE SUPLEX INTO THE CORNER !!! BIG YAKUZA KICK FROM GENERICO !!! BRUTAL LARIAT FROM RICHARDS !!! Into the corner now and Richards heads up. SHOOTING STAR PRESS ... HITS THE KNEES !!! HALF AND HALF SUPLEX !!! YAKUZA KICK !!! BRAINBUSTAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH !!! RICHARDS IS HOLDING ONTO THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... RICHARDS WITH THE ROLLUP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kick to the head of Generico who's on the apron. BRAINBUSTER ON THE APRON FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a good wee main event there. Davey Richards hadn't quite experted the heel act at this point and was breaking the match up with his antics and the fans found it hard to get into the serious final stretch as a result. ***3/4

Solid show. There wasn't anything on the show really built to be a showstealer or anything but there were lots of matches just to keep the fans entertained and I'm sure that it worked.

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I've been watching alot of the "big story" in WWE at the minute all day. I have to say I much prefer this promo to the original "shoot"

Cuttng a shoot is easy, but cutting a belting promo based on the story/angle and making it completely and utterly believeable rather than talking about actual things, where the main reason people love it is because of the shock value. This is a fucking incredible segment.

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I watched Smackdown last night, god that show is pretty rubbish these days eh!.

Booker on the mic made a stinking mistake when he said that Christian done a side walk slam only to be corrected by Cole that it was actually a spine buster haha, I'm pretty sure he said it was more of less the same thing or I may have heard that wrong?.

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