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Mo Wonderboy

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That was pretty shit, wasn't it?

Hmmmm. They've really dropped the ball with Punk already and it's a shame. I'm not moaning because he lost the title or that - far from it - but since his return everything's been a bit "meh"

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It's shocks like that which makes wretling good. It will certainly have more people tuning into RAW tonight!

Yeah and I've got a fucking exam at 9.30 tomorrow so can't stay up to watch it sad.gif

With HHH's reaction, the only thing I can think of is that Del Rio paid him. That would be quite funny to make fun of Nash's willingness to do anything for money.

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Any talk of the ancient, immobile Nash making an active return to wrestling is laughable. He was well past it in his last WWE run and phoned in his entire TNA career. In fact after watching the ‘Best Of Nitro’, he seemed past it in 2000. He has nothing to offer as an active wrestler any longer.

However, I’m sure he would be good as an enforcer type. In fact, what are HBK and Sean Waltman up to these days? Could the Kliq take over the WWE in storyline terms? I would have mentioned Hall but he’s totally fucked seemingly and they wouldn’t want to risk bringing him in. They would be the new Corporation in effect, and could even recruit certain wrestlers (Cena heel turn as Corporate champ at some point?!).

Maybe Punk and Cena could sort of become grudging allies against the powers in charge, only for Cena to turn on Punk? Would put them both over massively as heel and face.

Or perhaps they’ve ruined a great angle with Punk and Cena with what happened? The worst thing is if they try to copy the nWO again. Snore.

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However, I'm sure he would be good as an enforcer type. In fact, what are HBK and Sean Waltman up to these days? Could the Kliq take over the WWE in storyline terms? I would have mentioned Hall but he's totally fucked seemingly and they wouldn't want to risk bringing him in. They would be the new Corporation in effect, and could even recruit certain wrestlers (Cena heel turn as Corporate champ at some point?!).

I was thinking this - Punk has had run-ins with HBK, HHH and now Nash in the last few weeks. However, I think Nash could well be a bodyguard for Del Rio having taken a pay-off. I'm not sure what the WWE's policy is on Hepatitis, which could rule out Waltman.

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Pretty poor!.

They have totally ruined this whole Punk return unless HHH comes out on RAW and says that he screwed over Punk by hiring Nash to run in or something, this would then at least make HHH a Vince type heel and have him come back and face Punk at some point.

Let's face it, it's going to be Del Rio and Cena for the title now, same old same!.

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Any talk of the ancient, immobile Nash making an active return to wrestling is laughable. He was well past it in his last WWE run and phoned in his entire TNA career. In fact after watching the 'Best Of Nitro', he seemed past it in 2000. He has nothing to offer as an active wrestler any longer.

However, I'm sure he would be good as an enforcer type. In fact, what are HBK and Sean Waltman up to these days? Could the Kliq take over the WWE in storyline terms? I would have mentioned Hall but he's totally fucked seemingly and they wouldn't want to risk bringing him in. They would be the new Corporation in effect, and could even recruit certain wrestlers (Cena heel turn as Corporate champ at some point?!).

Maybe Punk and Cena could sort of become grudging allies against the powers in charge, only for Cena to turn on Punk? Would put them both over massively as heel and face.

Or perhaps they've ruined a great angle with Punk and Cena with what happened? The worst thing is if they try to copy the nWO again. Snore.

The only thing is that HHH looked surprised at Nash. If that's what they were doing then I'd rather him just shake hands with Nash, or actually be part of it.

Shawn Michaels is doing some shitty tv show or something(it got advertised during Raw recently.

Would be cool but I fear it'll just be Del Rio's bitch.

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One of the most weird, random things I've seen in a good while.Two of my mates came over to watch it, one of them looked away and me and my other mate just looked at each other to say "Did I just see Kevin fucking Nash climb that guard rail?"

I can only think of a few explanations;

1) HHH/Stephanie hired Nash to take care of Punk


2) Del Rio has Nash as his bodyguard

The WWE title is becoming a bit of a joke tbh. Since MITB there have been FIVE title changes in ONE MONTH. However, with the whole run in, they must have big plans for the Punk/HHH feud.

The match itself was a cracker I thought, excelent match, nothing compared to MITB, but it was never going to be, but I still though it was a great match.

But what does Cena do now after being screwed by HHH and now Nash has screwed Punk?

So tonights match on RAW is a 4 way for the title? Rey gets a shot at the champ.......Cena is due a rematch after losing to Punk and Punk is due a rematch after loosing to ADR?

Baffling, but that is exactly what the want, guaranteed huge numbers will tune in tonight.

The finish to Sheamus/Henry was brutal...I pished myself at the wee security guy going flying and the guy on the right who looked utterly shocked.:lol:

I thought Orton/Christian was pretty boring for the most part to be honest. A bit meh. Absolutely no need for Edge to come back. He's barely just left FFS

On a side note, that Divas match was one of the best matches of the night.

And finally, that commentary last night was as bad a commentary as I've ever heard. Why no JR? Cole ruined it woth his shite input again, but even more annoying. Booker with his loud, weird noises fono reason and naming almost every single move wrong just ruined it.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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I'm not a regular contributer as its many years since I watched WWE on a regular basis, and so apologies if this is already common knowledge, but Perry Saturn is alive!

I don't know quite why, but he was always one of my favourite wrestlers when I was younger, even the moppy stuff towards the end of his time was quite funny. So I'm quite pleased to hear he's not dead after all those years as a MIA.

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Right, to the stuff you give a shit about first. Watched Summerslam last night and was pretty drunk, but I got a pretty good handle on it I think. Watched it in the Walkabout and the atmosphere was good.

* I appreciate that Punk and Cena didn't try and match their first match and went down a totally different kinda old school match. So while it wasn't as good, it felt fresh and you couldn't even notice Triple H most of the time. I clocked it at about ***3/4 but I was drunk.

* Thought Christian/Orton was match of the night. The chemistry between these two guys was amazing as it always is. It built very well and they used their time perfectly. Great ending and I'd call it around ****1/4

* Wade Barrett vs. Daniel Bryan was a decent enough ***+ affair, but am I alone in not seeing the point in him winning? He's essentially a nothing midcarder and Daniel Bryan is supposed to be "going to Wrestlemania" so this made no sense.

* The opening six man tag was really good fun even if it was a bit basic. The action kept going from start to finish.

* Sheamus/Henry was a good fun big man match and Mark Henry shows what he did when he was in ECW. He might be immobile but he can tell a decent story in the ring so long as you don't expect 20 minute classics from him.

* Kelly Kelly is by far the most exciting diva in WWE. Her selling is spot on and she has bags of charisma which in turn makes people give a toss. Match with Beth last night was good fun.

* Went mental when Nash turned up. Then just got pissed off with what it led to.

Right, onto the other show that was on last night. ICW SummerBam. It was a bit mental so it's hard to really remember everything.

* Liam Thomson vs. Andy Wild: The fourth match in their best of five, and what a series of matches it's been. This was no exception. I don't think it was QUITE as good as the match in the Classic Grand.

* Wolfgang vs. Kid Fite: Fallaway Slam over the railing into a pile of fans = win. Kid Fite teabagging Wolfgang = EPIC WIN~~~!!! Fun stuff here if a bit unspectacular.

* Rob Cage vs. Tank vs. Christopher Rampage: Tank is a beast of a man. Christopher is terrific and can take a pure beasting and Rob Cage is great as a ring humper. Not a great match by any stretch.

* Jack Jester vs. Red Lightning: Red Lightning through the whole show really was the star and helped to make The Gold Label the heel stable to end all Scottish heel stables. This match was unspectacular stuff really.

* Johnny Starr vs. James Scott for the ICW Championship: This match was absolutely fucking glorious. When Johnny Starr got ran into the railing and busted hardway, the fans got more and more into it and then we started to believe that he had a chance. Of course, his luck ran out much to the dismay of everyone. Running Powerslam into a solid as f**k railing was the highlight here.

* William Grange's rap = Win. The Bucky Boys vs. STI wasn't quite the high octane mega sprint that their last match was. Still big moves, high impact and nifty double teaming. Good match.

* Lionheart vs. Noam Dar for the Zero G Championship: Lionheart was amazing as the one legged ass kicker and even managed to rally quite a bit of crowd support untill he used the help of the Label to win which turned him heel again. This was as good a match with one guy on one leg as you're likely to see.

* Kay Lee Ray vs TJ Rage: Intergender stuff with Ray coming off looking much better than she had any right to.

* Chris Renfrew vs. BT Gunn: Mental match as you would expect from these two guys. They could have just treaded water untill the big ending but they didn't and put on a proper show for the fans..

* ... and now the ending. The Gold Label come out and having systematically fired pretty much everyone, Mark Dallas comes out and says that since the Glasgow Street Fight wasn't sanctioned... he didn't actually lose The Gold Label. Cue the entire ICW roster coming out and then jumping into the ring at the same time and attacking the Label, sending the place absolutely bezerk. Never experienced anything like this. There was then the icing on the mad cake... MASS TEABAGGING~~~!!! Only in ICW.

So yeah, the show was probably the most mental yet.

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