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Mo Wonderboy

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If this new focus on tag teams last that long, JoMo will team with Rey when he gets back. The Young Bucks are not going to be in WWE having managed to rub the veterans the wrong way with their shitty attitude.

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I'd be quite surprised if Rhodes and Dibiase became a proper tag-team again as they seem to be quite keen on continuing to push him as a singles wrestler from what I've seen recently. Swagger & Ziggler could be an option seeing as how Swagger has just joined up with Vickie and Ziggler doesn't seem to have a feud going, although could be leading to a feud between the two right enough. Would like to see Drew McIntrye given a partner just to get him back on Raw if nothing else. Criminally under-used at the minute in my opinion.

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Actually, thinking about it there, with the reported re-push of the tag-team division, does it not seem slightly odd that they booted Kozlov when himself and Santino were still pretty over (certainly with the youngsters anyway) as a tag-team and Kozlov was apparently pretty well liked backstage?

Edit to add: Anyone know when Goldust is going to be ready for an in-ring return? I know it'd be a re-hash of a re-hash of a re-hash of the odd couple gimmick, but he could be ideal as a partner for McIntyre.

Edited by J_Stewart
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Would be the least charismatic tag team in wrestling history.

Could maybe stick in Regal as their manager / mouth piece? Would keep the British concept going and he's pretty good on the mic as well as still being able to wrestle from time-to-time.

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I'd be quite surprised if Rhodes and Dibiase became a proper tag-team again as they seem to be quite keen on continuing to push him as a singles wrestler from what I've seen recently. Swagger & Ziggler could be an option seeing as how Swagger has just joined up with Vickie and Ziggler doesn't seem to have a feud going, although could be leading to a feud between the two right enough. Would like to see Drew McIntrye given a partner just to get him back on Raw if nothing else. Criminally under-used at the minute in my opinion.

Swagger and Ziggler are definitely going to feud with one another.

Goldust with electric shock induced tourettes and booker t was one of my favourite tag teams ever. Plenty of hilarity.

Goldust is the man. Great team.

I'd quite like to see a Ryder/Regal tag team with Regal playing a really awkward broski.

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Could maybe stick in Regal as their manager / mouth piece? Would keep the British concept going and he's pretty good on the mic as well as still being able to wrestle from time-to-time.

Plus Drew's got a lot more character than he used to have. He's developed quite well. If he was given half the chance that he had when he was a charismaless useless tosspot, he'd be well on the way.

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Plus Drew's got a lot more character than he used to have. He's developed quite well. If he was given half the chance that he had when he was a charismaless useless tosspot, he'd be well on the way.

It's his accent that annoys me....obviously so Americans understand him he has half adopted this weird Glasgow uni accent.

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Plus Drew's got a lot more character than he used to have. He's developed quite well. If he was given half the chance that he had when he was a charismaless useless tosspot, he'd be well on the way.

I get that McIntyre is Scottish and all that, yet lets not beat around the bush, he's as charismatic as Otunga and McGillicutty.

He had his chance to get over and failed spectacularly, he should go back to British Championship Wrestling, as that's where he belongs.

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If they're serious about re-developing the tag team division, unemploy shit like Otunga/McGillicutty, The Usos and Khali and his puppet master, as no-one gives a shit about them.

Kofi/Bourne and Miz/Truth are good teams, as Kofi/Bourne are over with their high flying moves, while Truth/Miz are charismatic and have great chemistry with one another.

Mysterio/Sin Cara will probably be a combination and they could throw in Big Show/Kane as well, only if they're a heel monster tag team, until a younger dominating pair are ready to take their place, when they retire.

Outside of that, the WWE needs to bring in new talent, if they can sign Beer Money though, that would be a great piece of business.

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If they're serious about re-developing the tag team division, unemploy shit like Otunga/McGillicutty, The Usos and Khali and his puppet master, as no-one gives a shit about them.

Kofi/Bourne and Miz/Truth are good teams, as Kofi/Bourne are over with their high flying moves, while Truth/Miz are charismatic and have great chemistry with one another.

Mysterio/Sin Cara will probably be a combination and they could throw in Big Show/Kane as well, only if they're a heel monster tag team, until a younger dominating pair are ready to take their place, when they retire.

Outside of that, the WWE needs to bring in new talent, if they can sign Beer Money though, that would be a great piece of business.

Have you not seen the Usos? They are probably the best tag team in WWE just now.

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Have you not seen the Usos? They are probably the best tag team in WWE just now.

They have fantastic chemistry with each other and all that, but I'd still have a million put together tag team combos ahead of them. They have all the character of a spade.

I get that McIntyre is Scottish and all that, yet lets not beat around the bush, he's as charismatic as Otunga and McGillicutty.

He had his chance to get over and failed spectacularly, he should go back to British Championship Wrestling, as that's where he belongs.

He failed specatularly on one occaision because he was a rookie and completely undeveloped. He failed a second time because, quite simply, WWE didn't have a clue what to do. He looked great in the chamber to the point where the fans booed his elimination, and then on RAW not even that long ago it looked like he was going to get pushed again, and he took that bull by the horns too, only to be sent off of the stage and not seen again outside of Superstars.

To say he has failed spectacularly would be true, but also completely ignorant of what has happened in the last eight months.

And the fact that The Great Khali is somebody that nobody cares about just goes to show that even when WWE have a surefire hit, they haven't got a fucking clue what to do with them.

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They have fantastic chemistry with each other and all that, but I'd still have a million put together tag team combos ahead of them. They have all the character of a spade.

I'm claiming they are the best tag team going.....or the best combination WWE could out together. But of the current tag teams going they are the best WWE have.

Miz/Truth haven't done anything yet. How many matches have Kingston/Bourne had together? Otunga McGilicutty are just dreadful.

If I had a choice, I'd have a division of:







and then just have other "lesser" tag teams....Ryder/Barretta, Tyson Kidd/someone, McIntyre/Regal, Tatsu/Goldust,

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If they're serious about re-developing the tag team division, unemploy shit like Otunga/McGillicutty, The Usos and Khali and his puppet master, as no-one gives a shit about them.

Kofi/Bourne and Miz/Truth are good teams, as Kofi/Bourne are over with their high flying moves, while Truth/Miz are charismatic and have great chemistry with one another.

Mysterio/Sin Cara will probably be a combination and they could throw in Big Show/Kane as well, only if they're a heel monster tag team, until a younger dominating pair are ready to take their place, when they retire.

Outside of that, the WWE needs to bring in new talent, if they can sign Beer Money though, that would be a great piece of business.

I'd like to see Mahal get a singles push to see what he can do, but aye, this current storyline with him and Khali is utter shite.

I doubt we'll see Rhodes and DiBiase as a team; are they not going to start feuding since Rhodes attacked him after his match with Orton?

Anyway, Smackdown continues to be shite. That Khali v Jackson match, terrible. :lol:

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