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Mo Wonderboy

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I feel the need to say Sergio is a stunning addition to this thread. We disagree on shitloads of stuff and he argues his points coherently and backs his points up. I love arguing with people that know their shit. Welcome my good man. Hope to see more of you!

Lex Luger was the man in the late 80s. He rocked on Nitro for about three years too. He became shit at the start of 1998, but the guy was terrific before then.

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I feel the need to say Sergio is a stunning addition to this thread. We disagree on shitloads of stuff and he argues his points coherently and backs his points up. I love arguing with people that know their shit. Welcome my good man. Hope to see more of you!

Here's a link to the Premier Inn http://www.premierinn.com

Maybe the two of you can get a room.

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I feel the need to say Sergio is a stunning addition to this thread. We disagree on shitloads of stuff and he argues his points coherently and backs his points up. I love arguing with people that know their shit. Welcome my good man. Hope to see more of you!

Lex Luger was the man in the late 80s. He rocked on Nitro for about three years too. He became shit at the start of 1998, but the guy was terrific before then.


Here's a link to the Premier Inn http://www.premierinn.com

Maybe the two of you can get a room.

An "I'm jealous of Paulo Sergio" type post IMO. emot-smug.gif

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Yeah, look at Scott Steiner. As much as he's hilarious to watch, he is atrociously bad at promos. All he does is swear and stuff, and TNA are pretty loose with some of the words (crap, bitch, asshole and stuff are let go). I can't say there's anyone who'd pick a Steiner promo over one from the likes of Punk, Christian, Bobby Roode, AJ etc.

I love steiners promos, he's completely insane. All his promos are like the lex luger t-shirt promo.

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I love steiners promos, he's completely insane. All his promos are like the lex luger t-shirt promo.

They're funny, but he's not meaning them to be. It's car-crash tv whenever he's involved these days.

Was just having a youtube session of funny promos, this came up:


I really wished I'd watched the Diva's NXT now.

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ICW Monday Night Braw: Season 2 Episode 4

WATCH HERE: http://blip.tv/insanewrestlingtv/monday-night-braw-episode-4-season-2-5628281

This episode features two matches which came across brilliantly live.

Liam Thomson vs. Andy Wild - Match Four in the Best of Five Series ( **** )

Noam Dar © vs. Lionheart - ICW Zero G Championship ( ***1/2 )

Liam Thomson vs. Andy Wild - Match Four in the Best of Five Series

Lockup and Liam goes behind and takes Wild down. Wild with some counters and then he tries for a pin, but Liam stays with him and we have a stalemate between the two men. Lockup and Andy goes to the arm but then Liam with forearms and he hits the ropes. He jumps over Wild and goes under him. Wild hits the ropes and runs into a knee but then lands a Clothesline. High Knee from Wild and Liam heads for the floor. Wild hits the ropes and Liam comes back in and lands a knee to the gut. Liam to the back of Wild. Front Suplex drops Wild on the apron. LIAM MISSES A SPEAR AND GOES FLYING TO THE FLOOR !!! Running High Knee off of the apron from Wild and the fans are hot for this. Can't see anything but there's chopping going on somewhere and then back into the ring with the Slingshot Senton and that gets a two count for Wild. Front Suplex drops Liam on the apron but then he drops the throat of Wild over the top rope. Top Rope Dropkick from Liam and that gets two. Sidewalk Slam from Liam and that gets a two count as well. Chops from Liam and then forearms from Liam. Liam misses a charge and we wind up on the floor. Wild gets sweeped on the apron which looks quite sore. Head first into the apron goes Wild and then they brawl around the ring. Liam breaks the count. BRUTAL chop back now from Wild and then face first into the apron and back into the ring they go and we have a two count. Liam then chokes Wild some more. Snap Leg Drop from Liam and then he chokes Wild over the middle rope before unleashing the Dropkick to the back and that gets a two count. Wild comes back into the match. Liam hits his Clothesline in the corner but then Wild comes back with the high knee. HUGE SUPLEX FROM WILD DROPS LIAM ON HIS FOREHEAD !!! Wild gets the fans into the match. Liam chops Wild and runs into a Powerslam and that gets a two count for Wild. SUPERKICK ... blocked. BRUTAL SUPERKICK FROM WILD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! The fans had bought into that one hook, line and sinker there. TIGER DRIVER ... Liam escapes with the Back Body Drop. Chop from Liam. LIAM WITH THE LIGER BOMB ON WILD TO ESCAPE THE F-5 !!! WHOA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Liam then heads for the top rope. FALLING HEADBUTT OFF THE TOP FROM LIAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Liam brings the knee pads down. BACKPACK ... COUNTERED TO A JACKNIFE PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Liam runs into a shot. The High Knee from Wild and that gets a two count. Wild sets Liam on the top rope. Wild runs into a boot. TORNADO DDT ... countered. SMALL PACKAGE TO COUNTER THE FISHERMAN ... COUNTERED BY WILD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Not quite on a par with other matches in the fued. The action is still fluid as hell and there's loads of good counters to be had here. The ending is really good I think but I get the feeling that the final match needs a more definitive ending. Still, this is a wee cracker. ****

Post-match, The Gold Label come out and Red Lightning has a lot to say. He says that the champion, James Scott, is not here. "If yer that side of the barrier, there's a reason, so shut the f**k up!" :lol: Red Lightning wants Liam Thomson to replace James Scott in The Gold Label. Wolfgang gets the mic and tries to talk Liam Thomson into it. He says no, so The Gold Label decide to f**k him up. BRUTAL PILEDRIVER FROM WOLFGANG !!! Red Lightning fires Liam Thomson.

Noam Dar © vs. Lionheart - ICW Zero G Championship

Lionheart had a minor leg injury at this point, so they decided to maximise the selling of it and have Lionheart playing the one legged man in the ass kicking contest. Lionheart decides to throw the crutch to the floor and start the fight without the equalizer. Lionheart heads for the floor to try and stall for time as he clearly wants nothing to do with this match. The referee is counting out Lionheart. Lionheart gets back in the ring at the nine and stays there. Noam wants that leg for dinner right about now. Noam then limps around the ring taunting Lionheart. He fakes a kick and Lionheart really isn't in a good place right now. Lockup and Noam goes behind and takes him down and Lionheart moves for the ropes quickly. The fans let Noam Dar that he has a semi. Noam goes to the leg again and gets shaken off. Right hands from Lionheart now and he works over Noam. He tries a slam and his leg gives way and Noam lands a Springboard Kick and gets a two count from that. Stomp to the leg from Noam and now we go to school. Shoulders to the gut from Noam and then big kicks to the chest. Knee over the middle rope and then Noam with a nasty kick to the leg. Lionheart comes back with right hands and Noam just kicks the leg out from underneath him again. Stomp to the head from Noam follows that. Noam continues the work on the leg of Lionheart. THE KNEE BAR FROM NOAM !!! Lionheart reaches the bottom rope, but the damage is done, if it wasn't already. Noam then chokes Lionheart over the middle rope and then sets him in the ropes and lands a brutal pair of kicks to the chest of Lionheart. A third and final kick sends Lionheart back into the ring and gets a two count. The fans want to have a teabag. Noam to the top rope. DOUBLE STOMP ON THE LEG ... avoided. Lionheart comes back into the match with a Neckbreaker. Lionheart now has the crutch and is ready to use it. Noam mocks Lionheart when his leg goes from under him again. Running kick to the leg from Noam and then a kick to the chest. BRUTAL SUPERKICK BRINGS LIONHEART BACK INTO THE MATCH !!! Both guys with strikes. Lionheart gets the better of that. Noam rolls through to the Knee Bar but then some reversals lead to a Roundhouse Kick getting a two count for Noam. SOCCER KICK ... MISSED AND LIONHEART WITH THE ROCK BOTTOM ON NOAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! LIONHEART WITH THE SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE BRUTAL SOCCER KICK FROM NOAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! A SECOND BRUTAL SOCCER KICK FROM NOAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Wolfgang comes in and takes down Noam with the belt and leaves. Lionheart looks unsure of what happened here but decides that with the Zero G Championship on the line, to just end things. FROG SPLASH FROM LIONHEART !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Lionheart was kinda playing the babyface here. Noam Dar played his role absolutely perfectly, and on the night even I found myself rooting for the Gold Label member which is a weird thing for me. They lost the crowd with a hell of a messy section approaching the final stretch. ***1/2

An incredibly solid 40 minutes of wrestling this time out from the ICW machine. The best of five series continues to deliver while the big match on the show is quite good and we also get some of The Gold Label's mental antics.

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New talent? If you're talking about Roode and AJ they're veterans of the company. Roode, as it was mentioned about 56 times on Impact, has been in the business 13 years and he's being made to look a complete rookie with everyone giving him advice etc. Would have made sense if they done that with Crimson.

Coming back to this from a while ago, perhaps "new" wasn't the right word. I meant talent who haven't been in the WWE or WCW main event or midcard scene, ie talent you identify with TNA. Saying that, if they put Hogan-Sting on last at BFG they'll be going against that completely.

Yeah, look at Scott Steiner. As much as he's hilarious to watch, he is atrociously bad at promos. All he does is swear and stuff, and TNA are pretty loose with some of the words (crap, bitch, asshole and stuff are let go). I can't say there's anyone who'd pick a Steiner promo over one from the likes of Punk, Christian, Bobby Roode, AJ etc.

Steiner cuts a fantastic promo and he always has. He's got an incredible level of intensity and as a fan I love to see it. He fires me up.

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

I saw Kevin Nash getting interviewed recently where he gave an idea for a TV show called "Slow Mo Kelly Kelly" which would last two hours. He reckons it would have viewing figures greater than those for Raw at the moment.

RE the anti-PG stuff and its effect on hardcore matches - Chris Masters said in an interview that the WWE would literally have had to kill someone to keep shocking the audience with their hardcore style with the way they were going in order to keep shocking. I agree with that, they've pretty much exhausted all the possibilities with that style.

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See when you look at the TNA PPV on paper, it looks very good.

TNA Heavyweight Championship

Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode

TNA X Division Championship

Austin Aries © vs. Brian Kendrick

TNA Tag Team Championships

Mexican America © vs. Ink Inc.

TNA Knockout's Championship

Winter © vs. Velvet Sky vs. Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne

Full Metal Mayhem

Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn

I Quit Match

Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles

Philadelphia Street Fight

Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson

Sting vs. Hulk Hogan

Even Hogan/Sting has intrigue in it for me. Lots of good stuff on the card, and with the new dimension to it, Styles/Daniels should be better than the shitfest they had last time out on PPV.

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See when you look at the TNA PPV on paper, it looks very good.

TNA Heavyweight Championship

Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode

TNA X Division Championship

Austin Aries © vs. Brian Kendrick

TNA Tag Team Championships

Mexican America © vs. Ink Inc.

TNA Knockout's Championship

Winter © vs. Velvet Sky vs. Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne

Full Metal Mayhem

Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn

I Quit Match

Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles

Philadelphia Street Fight

Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson

Sting vs. Hulk Hogan

Even Hogan/Sting has intrigue in it for me. Lots of good stuff on the card, and with the new dimension to it, Styles/Daniels should be better than the shitfest they had last time out on PPV.

Apart from the Sting/Hogan match and the tag team one, I reckon all of the matches will be really good, hopefully anyway. Just praying that there's a minimum of two ref bumps so at least 3 or 4 of the matches will remain untarnished.

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I can't beleive so many fans on Impact actually thought Hogan was retiring!

Anyway, BFG should be good, although they've not done a terrible job at building some of the matches, and so much of thier talent (Gunner, Storm, British Invasion, Shelley, Kid Kash, Young, Sorenson, D-Von, Pope, Terry, Steiner, Haskins etc) don't even have a match yet. Maybe they'll do what WWE do and just jam them all in a battle royale?! Obviously not everyone can have a match, but surely they'll find something for guys like Storm? Maybe Storm vs Gunner?

Think we may get Crimson/Joe or Morgan/Joe or even Crimson/Joe/Morgan. Also Kazarian/Jarrett will be in there.

Of course we'll have to hope that the ref bumps are kept to a minimum (preferably zero, but this is TNA so that would be amazing if it happened). I would hate for there to be a ref bump in the main event. I have a horrible feeling that Storm may turn on Roode in the main event. If he doesn't, he certainly will at some point. He had Roode beat on the match on Impact only for Kurt's interference to lose it for him. In the character's mind, he could say he had Roode beat and could become obsessed.

And of course there's Jeff Hardy to consider as well. Now a babyface, will be be involved in the Hogan/Sting match? Maybe Bischoff will come down to hit Sting with something only for Jeff to make the save? Also since he's now 'fired', I assume he'll be turning up in the crowd with a ticket (sounds familiar! of course nothing TNA does is original, except the X Division, but they've managed to take the best league going and turn it into a diddy 'cruiserweight' league).

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