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Mo Wonderboy

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Antonio Cesar is no worse than Claudio Castagnoli. Infact, it's fine. Seth Rollins is also better than most of their crappy names. In his case though, the fact that he's fucking crap might hinder him.

TNA thoughts:

I've seen a lot of people going nuts about the ending to the main event, but for me, it makes sense. It means that we can have a drawn out fued between Angle and Roode now. TNA seem to be getting into the habit of not rushing a lot of stuff. It's clear that some of the fueds from last night aren't over. I was more disappointed in the match itself. It's the same Kurt Angle match that we've seen a million times before. It was competent enough, but dull and lifeless.

Sting/Hogan was fun I thought. They took a LOT of shortcuts in the match, but I wasn't surprised. They built it well, and kept the fans in things with their pacing. It felt more "methodical" than "slow". The addition to Ric Flair to ringside only helped things. I'd give pass marks to that match.

I would NOT give pass marks to Daniels vs. Styles however. For the most part it suffered from the same flaws as the Destination X match. Just two guys doing moves to each other, and Styles was just as guilty on this occaision. Then you had the utterly embarrassing mic work from Daniels. Just a complete and utter shitfest, and up there with Cage Taylor vs. Brandan Bonham from PWG as the worst match of the year so far.

And when you consider how bad the Knockouts match was, it took some doing. I think the expectations going in were less and made it less impactful. It was a mess though.

The three way wasn't horrible. Passable filler really. Crimson continues to go over whoever he comes up against, but he's gonna have to make some sort of step up soon. He can't get away with going over glorified jobbers every week and month.

RVD vs. Lynn was nothing but a stuntfest. Lets not pretend it was anything more. However, the stunts were so good that you just couldn't help but get into the match. This was proven by the dead crowd just working their way into things. Some vile stuff as well as some incredibly innovative use of the weapons. Credit where it's due. Really fun stuff.

Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson was a surprise, although given Ray's recent work, it shouldn't have been. Like the above match, this one had lots of sick stuff, but it was complimented by a nice build and good escalation of the spots. It also had good intensity between the two men.

The opener was the best match on the show I thought. Just a terrific X division match, the crowd being hot for Aries helped it along.

Not a bad show, all being told. I think it might be time for me to get back into Impact.

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Trailer is out for the ICW show on Sunday.

This will be the second last plug, with one obviously coming in the weekend. I can';t recommend this lot enough, and can't stress how much I hope some people turn up and give it a shot. Word of mouth has seen the audiences increase every time because anyone that DOES go tends to always go back, and the presales are healthy at the moment.

ICW Championship vs. ICW Ownership: "Darkside" James Scott © vs. BT Gunn

ICW Zero G Championship: Lionheart © vs. Noam Dar

The Final Match in the Best of Five Series: Liam Thomson vs. Andy Wild

ICW Deathmatch: Kay Lee Ray vs. Carmel

Wolfgang and Red Lightning vs. Kid Fite and Chris Renfrew

Jack Jester vs. Mikey Whiplash

The Bucky Boys vs. The STI vs. Sean South and Rob Cage vs. "The Lightning Kid" Mark Andrews and Johnny Starr

Zack Sabre Jr. in action.

It's right next door to the Cineworld in Glasgow's city centre across the road from the bus station. It's easy to get to and it's a tenner, which is more than worth it.

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CM Punk stated during a media interview in Australia that he recently turned down a movie role from WWE Studios during contract negotiations before he re-signed. Punk was offered a role in the new horror movie "No One Lives."

Apparently Stephanie McMahon thought Punk would be perfect playing the role of a "30-something scumbag with dirtbag good looks and soulless eyes." Punk added that he thought the idea was interesting but it came up at a time when he was leaving.

As noted before, WWE was looking to get Punk into one of their movies as a part of the big branding and merchandising push that they're kicking off with Punk. Word is that officials continue to look for a new WWE Studios script that would suit Punk and are hoping to get him in a movie next year.

Great way to try get one of your talents to re-sign....call him a "30-something scumbag with dirtbag good looks and soulless eyes."laugh.gif

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Great way to try get one of your talents to re-sign....call him a "30-something scumbag with dirtbag good looks and soulless eyes."laugh.gif

I'd quite like to see what he can do in a movie role, but for God's sake don't make another film where either the main character is an ex-convict or an ex-marine. They're all the same, and they're all god awful.

Considering how much money they have, they could get someone half-decent to write the story for it, maybe it wouldn't turn out shite. Maybe they'd be able to confidently take a theatre release.

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Garymc, it's 7.00pm doors for it and a 7.30 start for ICW. Tickets on the door, but they've sold upwards of 200 tickets for a 400 venue and most people pay at the door, so it might be worth getting there half an hour early. Just to be on the safe side. I'm gonna be there earlier than that. Dom don't f**k about.

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ICW Monday Night BRAW: Season 2 Episode 5

This episode opens with a fan shouting "f**k YOU KIRKWOOD!!!" :lol:

Jack Jester vs. Red Lightning ( **3/4 )

"Darkside" James Scott © vs. Johnny Starr - ICW Championship ( ****1/2 )

Jack Jester vs. Red Lightning

Lightning is a total legend here. He has become the absolute star of ICW recently and I hope he doesn't pack it in soon. Jester and Lightning have one of the most storied fueds in Scottish wrestling, and they had a genuine classic in East Kilbride six years ago. Clothesline from Jester and he informs Lightning that the match is happening. Lightning goes on the attack and then lands a Back Elbow and some right hands. Into the corner and the bell rings. Bulldog from Jester and then some Clotheslines. Into the ropes and a kick and a Running Knee Lift. Lightning then gets thrown to the floor. Lightning onto the apron and then Jester hits a forearm and now they brawl into the crowd. The fans want to see some shagging. Billy Kirkwood says that Jester can't use weapons and Lightning then uses a chair. Because he can. They brawl to the bar and then Jester threatens something. Back Body Drop on the hard floor from Lightning and then the fans want to see some shagging again. Lightning sends Jester over a toilet. Lightning comes off said table with a Double Axe Handle and then back towards the ring they go. Jester comes back with right hands. Jester sent face first into the apron and then we go back into the ring. Lightning has a go at Jester and then goes around the ring and hits him with the mic. Jester then grabs the balls but Lightning is then back in the match. Lightning: "f**k up ya fuckin' skanky b*****d! Do you want me to come out there and stab ye ya fuckin' boot?" :lol: Lightning is acting the c**t in a big way here. TESTICULAR CLAW FROM JESTER !!! He then beats on Lightning and lands a Body Slam and then a Running Elbow Drop and that gets a slow two and Jester is LIVID with the referee. LOW BLOW FROM LIGHTNING !!! Lightning then brings out the tumbtacks and this is looking bad for Jester. THE TOMBSTONE ON THE TACKS FROM JESTER ... blocked. LIGHTNING SLAMS JESTER ONTO THE TACKS !!! MICHINOKU DRIVER ON THE TACKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

For all of the short cuts and nonsense, this was great fun. Red Lightning has NEVER looked better than this. **3/4

"Darkside" James Scott © vs. Johnny Starr - ICW Championship

The fans chant "YOU FAT f**k!!!" at James Scott. :lol: Here we go people. Starr with a Dropkick early and then he hits the ropes. TILT-A-WHIRL DDT FROM STARR !!! Scott heads for the floor and then for the crowd. CROSS BODY OFF OF THE RAILING FROM STARR !!! Starr with right hands. SCOTT SENT INTO THE RAILING !!! Starr is dominating here. MOONSAULT PRESS OFF OF THE RAILING FROM STARR !!! Scott comes back. RUNNING POWERSLAM INTO THE RAILING FROM SCOTT !!! That is VILE stuff from Scott. They now brawl around the place and Scott gets sent into a wall. Scott even gives me a wee wink. STARR GETS LAUNCHED OVER A WALL !!! Starr then gets sent over the other way but there's loads of security there to catch him. Back into the ring now and Scott has Starr against the ropes. WHEELBARROW BULLDOG FROM STARR !!! He gets the fans behind him in his monumental task. LEAPING RANA ... blocked. BRUTAL KICK TO THE BACK FROM SCOTT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Starr then gets sent to the floor and the fans want to see some shagging again. The fans try and get behind Starr here. Back into the ring Starr tries to get. Scott with some forearms in the corner and then some choking. Scott into the corner and Starr with the roundhouse kick from the apron and he goes to the top rope. HE JUMPS RIGHT INTO THE KICK OF SCOTT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Starr then gets sent to the floor again. Starr says he wants to stay in the fight and Scott is happy for him to be there. SLIDING ELBOW FROM FROM SCOTT !!! He then chokes Starr with the boot. Scott then chokes Starr over the middle rope. THE GO 2 SLEEP ... COUNTERED !!! Starr dropkicks Scott into the ropes and then he goes under the ring and he wants a chair. He opts to just go back into the ring. RINGPOST 619 FROM STARR !!! LEAPING RANA FROM SCOTT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! The fans thought we were going to have a title change there. I was rooted to the action at this point. BRUTAL RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM SCOTT !!! DEADLIFT GERMAN FROM SCOTT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! He is RAGING that it's not over. The fans get behind Starr. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM SCOTT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DARKEST DRIVER ... COUNTERED TO THE STARR MAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Starr. LOW BLOW FROM SCOTT !!! DARKEST DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Utterly, utterly brilliant. Johnny Starr is one of the most under-rated talents in Scotland today. The effort was just mezmerising. Johnny Starr looked like a legit contender and James Scott came across amazing. Another ICW belter. ****1/2

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Garymc, it's 7.00pm doors for it and a 7.30 start for ICW. Tickets on the door, but they've sold upwards of 200 tickets for a 400 venue and most people pay at the door, so it might be worth getting there half an hour early. Just to be on the safe side. I'm gonna be there earlier than that. Dom don't f**k about.

Cheers. I think I'll head along if I can find someone to drag along with me! :P

I've never actually been to a wrestling show ever - well, apart from some shitty thing in Greenock town hall with a fat man attempting to be X-Pac and a random black man trying to be Sexual Chocolate. :lol:

I'm judging from the lack of posts that last week's RAW has driven everyone away from it, or it was just complete and utter shite again? I'm about to watch it now.

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I'm judging from the lack of posts that last week's RAW has driven everyone away from it, or it was just complete and utter shite again? I'm about to watch it now.

It was pish. Punk had a decent match with the Miz. Cant' say I paid much attention to the other matches on it.

Glad I didn't stay up for it.

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Cheers. I think I'll head along if I can find someone to drag along with me!

if you turn up, you won't be on yer own. Unlike VT, I won't runaway from the posters I slag. Just head to the front of the queue and look for thebloke with the CUBA hoodie on. Even then, the ICW crowd must be the most welcoming lot I've ever met. I go to their shows myself all the time and always find strangers to tag along with. That's what makes ICW special. The unreal connection of the fans and the surreal atmosphere.

I've never actually been to a wrestling show ever - well, apart from some shitty thing in Greenock town hall with a fat man attempting to be X-Pac and a random black man trying to be Sexual Chocolate.

I WAS THERE!!! It also had some bald bloke trying to be Tazz. Me and my mate tagged him "The Human Clothesline Machine." X-Pac's match was actually really good, and the guy got his mannerisms down perfect.

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Couple of pieces of news from the Impact taping last night

Gail Kim returned to TNA as a heel enforcer for Karen Jarrett & James Storm not Bobby Roode became Heavyweight Champion after beating Kurt Angle

Roode to turn on Storm

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Roode to turn on Storm

Can't see it to be honest, pretty sure TNA are hoping to make him the top face in the company (or certainly were) and you just know that with the way TNA is booked they'll find some way of turning Storm heel as part of some big (yet stunningly boring and non-sensical) conspiracy involving the finish to Roode's title match with Angle. Far more likely they'll turn Storm I think, although it'd also be the more sensible option, so maybe you're right after all

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Can't see it to be honest, pretty sure TNA are hoping to make him the top face in the company (or certainly were) and you just know that with the way TNA is booked they'll find some way of turning Storm heel as part of some big (yet stunningly boring and non-sensical) conspiracy involving the finish to Roode's title match with Angle. Far more likely they'll turn Storm I think, although it'd also be the more sensible option, so maybe you're right after all

Can see Roode turning heel going down the line of it's his time, he worked, trained etc for this and now he takes what is his. If they do it right could be brilliant

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I now have a spare ticket to the live broadcast of RAW in Liverpool on Nov 7th.

Its a ringside seat (only 3 rows back) so guaranteed to be on tv.

Anyone interested? Face value is £50 so thats what I would be looking for it

If not I'll try flogging it on Ebay. I had 3 tickets but one of my mates pulled out

I have someone else I asked but havent heard back ina couple of days so assuming they arent interested

In the below link - Block A row 3 I think


Edit - if interested drop me a PM

Edited by gordon the gopher
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Been trying to watch BFG inbetween babysitting....saw a few of the matches. Aries vs Kendrick was great match I thought. I saw the start of the 3 way, but it bored me. Just watched Hogan vs Sting and shite as it was, it was fucking brilliant!!! I was marking like f**k for the ending.

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