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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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When are Mysterio, Sin Cara, and Christian due back?

I'm just thinking about who the 'surprise' entrants into this year's Rumble could be.

The Rumble is by far my favourite PPV.

I'm not use if any of these are spoilers but I'll use tags anyway:

I recently read that it's unlikely that Del Rio will be fit in time, he;s being held off until he's completely recovered so he's ready for Mania.

WWE officials are confident Christian will be fit in time and are keen to have him in the Rumble.

Haven't heard anything about Rey but wouldn't be surprised if he showed up given the lack of rumours, just to add tot he surprise.

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"Contractual obligation" or some shite like that. Of course, they'll ignore it completely, but that's an easy trotted out thing.I'm fucking bouncing off the walls with excitement for ICW. Two and a half more shifts at work and then it's off to the Classic Grand. That place is an absolute cauldron. Probably the most intimidating venue in Scottish wrestling because of it's layout.

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Where the fuck is the McIntyre thing going?

I expected 3 weeks of jobbing and then a fluke on his last chance spurring him on or something, but that's him jobbed out for 4 weeks on the trot, and twice to Santino.

Obviously they want to push him again or it wouldn't be getting so much TV time every week, but what are they going to do with him?

Aside from a really good Rumble showing, I can't see much. Though Rudy's idea could be clever. Punted by both brands, but contractually obligated to have a title shot of his choosing, therefore having both brands scrambling for him for Mania......could be a good wee swerve.

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Looking forward to the Rumble for the first time in years. Doubt I'll watch it live but I'll probably sit with a few beers and watch it on Monday afternoon.

Still won't be as good as 92 though.

Edited by Bert Raccoon
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