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Mo Wonderboy

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The best wrestling rivalry of all time, match wise. Another big one with them!


Yeah DomDom, I've watched all six of their matches so far, just a total masterclass. Torn between the last one and the fourth match (both won by Okada) as best, though I like the broadway between the two.

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Getting round to my first full sit down of NJPW King of Pro-Wrestling 2014, so running thoughts....

Togi Makabe, Kota Ibushi, Tomoaki Honma and Yuji Nagata vs Bad Luck Fale, Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows and Tama Tonga (Bullet Club) - This is pretty much an Ibushi showcase for his introduction to the heavyweight division, short opener so loads of sig moves dished out rapidly. I definitely have a case building for my pronouncing of Ibushi as the best wrestler in the world, but i'm not going to unleash it just yet, and not after a 7-minute 8-man tag opener. This gets Ibushi over well enough though for his heavyweight move (one negative about that move btw is that it likely writes-off any chance of a singles feud with the returning Kenny Omega, which i thought might be a nice little feud, but whatever) and plenty offence in for Bullet Club too. Can't ask for more from an opener ***

Chase Owens vs BUSHI - NWA Junior Heavyweight Championship match. Bruce Tharpe-desu is back for a NWA vs New Japan double header after a miserable (kayfabe) 18 months for his company against the Japanese. First up, backing Chase Owens. Owens is the Jr. Heavyweight champion who is barely even Jr. Heavyweight. The guy is not exactly charismatic but let's cut him a break, he can put on a far better match than previous NWA luminaries (Wes Brisco, Big Daddy Yum Yum, Michael Tarver, Rob Conway, Jax Dane) The crowd, pumped from the opener, quickly bottoms out for this one, but they win them back round slowly. Owens has some good stuff in his locker but BUSHI is a far tidier and efficient wrestler here. Nice spot with a BUSHI diagonal sucide dive to the outside before de-masking to reveal another mask below...anyway Owens wraps it up before Jushin 'Thunder' Liger appears, accepting a go at Owens title after previously being challenged to do so by Tharpe. This goes down well with the crowd and it'll be nice to see Owens back for that one. Liger announces his intention to win Owen's title then go after the IWGP version before he jacks it. Cool enough angle. ***1/4

TenCozy (Hiroyoshi Tenzan and Satoshi Kojima) vs Killer Elite Squad (Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Lance Archer (Suzuki-gun)) - NWA Tag-team Championship match. Really entertaining stuff for a good 12-minutes, Smith looks to have dropped a few pounds so has added a bit of agility to his locker and Archer inhabits his role well as always. The North Americans win, taking the titles back to the States before TenCozy get into a shoving match with each other post-match. I'm not usually one for getting excited about tag-team splits but these guys have been together on and off for 16 years so there's a good story to be told here. Tenzan continued to rage backstage so looking forward to see where this goes. ***1/2

Toru Yano and Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Minoru Suzuki and Takashi Iizuka (Suzuki-gun) - No doubt they are building towards a Sakuraba vs Suzuki singles feud after this one, Yano is involved but doesn't feel like he is involved as intensely anymore. Sakuraba is off fighting his millionth Gracie next in shoot submission so don't expect to see that match anytime soon. Nothing note-worthy in this match tbh, but that's not the point here, Yano taking the win with roll-up over Iizuka. Suzuki going on to batter a ring-boy after not being able to catch Sakuraba in the aftermath. **3/4

Time Splitters (Alex Shelley and KUSHIDA) vs Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) vs Forever Hooligans (Alex Koslov and Rocky Romero) - IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag-team Championship match. The bell rang to start this match, there was a botch (Koslov, going for a step-up dive to the outside, gets his foot caught between top and middle ropes and faceplants the apron), the bell rang to end this match. I wouldn't be exaggerating to say that these three were the only moments of this match that were easy to follow. A rematch from the RoH crossover show in Toronto (and was comfortably the match of that night) this gets an 18 minute human highlight reel showing here (after a funny start where the Splitters and Bucks tried to kid on that this was going to be a mat-wrestling contest). The Hooligans do that pretend-annoyance sketch which i hate (it's a fucking TITLE MATCH lads!) but apart from that we get a good cycle of fun spots where there are bodies flying everywhere, loads of avalanche moves and broken pin attempts. Koslov carries on like a trooper despite his dull one on the apron and his ankle twisting gruesomely and all three teams are in it all the way until the Splitters step it up and change tactics from the flipping and diving to gain the advantage, KUSHIDA rolling Koslov up in the horizontal cradle. I've read a translation of KUSHIDA's post-match promo and it appears there is to be no Junior tag tournament this year which is a shame. Anyway...excellent match, which you'd probably need to watch six times just to concentrate on each individual to appreciate properly.****1/4

Halfway through and this is the best start to a NJPW show i can remember.

Ryusuke Taguchi vs El Desperado (Suzuki-gun) - IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship match. Not got hopes for this one at all. Taguchi is a charisma-vacuum and El Desperado has regressed since i've first seen him in NJPW. In Taguchi's defence you do need solid guys who don't try to be to fancy so i'm pinning most of my malaise on this one on Desperado. Novel start to this one though, there are two El Desperados (the interloper turning out to be Taichi) who proceed to beat Taguchi down before the match begins. Apart from the distractions they put on a fine enough performance, not exactly an Ibushi vs Ricochet, but for what it is it was ok. There seemed to be a lot of arse-based offence, Desperado kicking Taguchi up the arse, Taguchi no-selling the arse kicks, Taguchi indeed using his arse to then attack Desperado. Taguchi wins with the ankle lock eventually after a dodon codebreaker type manouevre. Could have been better, but not as bad as i'd feared. ***1/4

Yujiro Takahashi (Bullet Club) vs Tomohiro Ishii (CHAOS) - NEVER Openweight Championship match. This is Ishii's rematch after losing the title to Takahashi in a cheating and interference filled match in the G1 Climax build up. Takahashi taunting Ishii about the title change since. This is structured brilliantly, Takahashi always finding ways to repel Ishii. Ishii playing the raging bull trying to rush Takahashi so he doesn't have time to scheme his cheats, and Takahashi the innovator using his head to fend him off. It's bubbling nicely in the early exchanges. This is fleshed out loads more than the original match and all the better for it. Takahashi will do anything to win, twice going to the turnbuckle with Ishii's crocked neck and shoulder. Ishii takes control down the stretch however, and we're in familiar territory, mirroring some of Ishii's titanic struggles the last couple of years. Takahashi still manages to toss the larger Ishii around though due to his freakish core strength but Ishii is nothing if not belligerent, you'd have to knock him out cold to stop him taking his title back here. Takahashi tries to cheat again at the end but Ishii hits him with a SICK brainbuster and justice is done! Ishii is the two-time NEVER champion and i am marking out furiously! ****1/2

Shinsuke Nakamura and YOSHI-HASHI (CHAOS) vs Meiyu Tag (Katsuyori Shibata and Hirooki Goto) - A fun refresher with the two big bouts ahead. It's a good match to showcase YOSHI-HASHI's elevation and also sew some seeds for Shibata vs Nakamura down the line. Crowd are way into this match and YOSHI-HASHI gets a nice pop when he lariats Goto into the middle of next week. Shibata PKs YOSHI for the fall and Nakamura takes the mic giving Shibata the next shot at his IC title. Really fun match ***3/4

Kazuchika Okada (CHAOS) vs Tetsuya Naito - IWGP Heavyweight championship No1 Contender Match. Okado gets cold-cocked in the opening exchanges here. If it's a shoot then full commendation to Naito for babywalking Okada back into the match and well done to Okada for going 20 minutes after being near sparked out and dazed for a good 5 minutes. This is for sure the best match of their 2014 series. The first i thought didn't quite reach what it aimed for, and the G1 Climax probably not getting the time it deserved for two such genius story tellers. Only criticism i have is that it was obvious there was no way Naito was going to stop Okada vs Tanahashi or Okada vs Styles from occuring. Naito comes out aggresive, leading to that improvised beginning. Okada is on the defensive, pulling moves out from dangerous situations rather than being on the front foot. The execution to lead up to the Rainmaker was wondeful, Naito sat atop Okada's shoulders rolling forward to the rope for the break with his legs still around Okada's head, Okada transitions and lifts Naito all the way over for a beautiful german suplex. The crowd gasps and awaits the inevitable...wonderful match ****1/2

AJ Styles (Bullet Club) vs Hiroshi Tanahashi - IWGP Heavyweight Championship. Jeff Jarrett lurks in the shadows here, carrying his guitar with 'Bullet Club' sprayed on it. Jarrett's GFW are carrying the Wrestle Kingdom 9 Tokyo Dome show on US PPV so the story here is he will try and return his man and star investment AJ Styles into that title match against Kazuchika Okada. A foregone conclusion in every sense, with Tanahashi already gaining victory at the Seibu Dome, this is a match which threatens to derail a rampantly successful night. It's a slow start as both guys are so familar with each other following a strong series down the years. Gradually it picks up, both guys springing surprises on each other and catching each other out with old spots. This is expert stuff from these two, and the respect level is high. Cool spot with a twist on the AJ railings gambit, where Tanahashi catches AJ mid-leap and reverses him for a Nagata-esque throw. Tanahashi has it wrapped up down the stretch with a High Fly Flow but Jarrett scoops the ref out during the count, the crowd deafeningly disapprove. Styles hits the Pele Kick and Devitt's Bloody Sunday and with the ref on the mat Jarrett crawls in loading up the guitar for a devastating ending....BUT WAIT, BAH GAWD, IT'S YOSHI TATSU! Tatsu throws Jarrett out and the match goes for another 5 minutes 1-on-1, Tanahashi hits the High Fly Flow twice, once to a standing Styles, the other to a prone Styles, to win the match and become the 7-time IWGP Heavyweight Champion! Expertly executed match, maybe a touch overlong at 27 minutes. ****1/4

Okada and Gedo come out to hype up the Wrestle Kingom 9 main event... Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Kazuchika Okada. Okada promising a raimnaker in the Tokyo Dome and Tanahashi exclaiming there can only be one sun in NJPW, and he is it.

Phew! Excellent event, probably the best PPV of 2014. i'm going to stew on that for a few days. Tanahashi vs fucking Okada for WK9!

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Was chatting to Alberto Del Rio for a while today in London and he was telling me WWE had planned this year to announce a PPV for the UK in 2015. Apparantly the US PPV people wont let them though because of the time difference and they already believe they are being shafted by the network.

He then went on a separate rant about the "fucking network" and how most of the wrestlers aren't happy it's failing because the network had been written into their revised contracts or something. He didn't go into detail on that part but I assume their salaries or bonuses are linked to network subscriptions. That's what I think he was getting at

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PWG had a show this weekend, and the show had a match between CZW mainstay Biff Busick, and ROH mainstay Tommaso Ciampa. Ronda Rousey was in attendance. During the match, Ciampa had Busick on the floor, and held Busick and urged Rousey to chop him. She was apprehensive. The fans got in on it and urged her, and finally, Rousey chopped Busick.

Good stuff!

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Just watching episode 9 of the Monday night Wars from the network.

Great programme about the Cruiserweights (and the series so far in general has been excellent), but an interesting point when they covered the Radicalz switch to WWE.

Vicki talking about how Eddie, Dean and Perry decided to go is followed by a clip that shows the 3 of them on Raw with a fourth guy, who is clearly named in the commentary by Jim Ross! Said 4th man is not mentioned at any other point in the show or series as far as I can make out!

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Vicki talking about how Eddie, Dean and Perry decided to go is followed by a clip that shows the 3 of them on Raw with a fourth guy, who is clearly named in the commentary by Jim Ross! Said 4th man is not mentioned at any other point in the show or series as far as I can make out!

Dean Malenko by any chance?

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That Rev Pro show i passed on was pretty good by all accounts. Rich Swan and Austin Aries tagging against 2 Unlimited. Mastiff v Anderson, Okada v Redman, would just have been such a pleasure to see Okada doing his thing. Too Cool/Rikishi v Frazier/Samuels/Bodom. I heard Rikishi couldn't even get in the ring without assistance! Guys in no shape to be wrestling. Scurll v Stone for the title was very good apparently, bit of the old fighting-uuu spirit-ahhh there making it border between amazing and beyond ridiculous (1 counting a pedigree, 2 counting an unguarded head shot with chair). Would have been fun!

AJ Styles announced for their February show.

Edited by Christophe
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It looks like WWE are gonna sign Uhaa. Brilliant news. Probably one of the guys out there that's not only really good, but probably better off in WWE, money aside. He's as much an entertainer as he is a credible wrestler.

UUUUUU! HAAAAAAAAAA! I will love any 280 lb wrestler who can do 5 standing shooting star presses in a row!

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