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Mo Wonderboy

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I've said a few times on here that he's simply not very good. I'm beginning to see why WWE just refused to use him for a long time. I don't think his character really works outside of the web show either. He's over though, and that is basically down to how hard he's worked to get to the point he's at. I don't like him, but I still appreciate that he very much deserves to be thrown down our throats. People fucking love the guy.

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Just a heads up that WWE12 for Xbox and PS3 is coming up in 27 minutes on Amazons black friday deals. Don't know what the deal is yet but you'll probably have to be quick.

I'd do some serious reading of reviews before you buy it. Or rent it would be a better option. To be frank, it's fucking shit.

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Completely unrelated to any discussion currently ongoing but i genuinly had goosebumps watching that. The reaction from the crowd when The Rock hits The People's Elbow is amazing! Edited by Father Dougal McGuire
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PWG All Star Weekend 2011 Night One

Time to do a full PBP for this one as it features one of the top matches of 2011 so far. Maybe not on second watch though. It was a fucking thriller when I watched it first time around though. Lets see how it goes this time.

Willie Mack vs. Kevin Steen ( ***1/2 )

Brian Cage-Taylor and Ryan Taylor vs. Scorpio Sky and Joey Ryan ( ***1/4 )

Chuck Taylor vs. Kenny King ( **3/4 )

The Young Bucks © vs. The RockNES Monsters - PWG Tag Team Championships ( **** )

The Cutler Brothes vs. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong ( *** )

Alex Shelley vs. Eddie Edwards ( **1/2 )

Akira Tozawa and Kevin Steen vs. El Generico and Ricochet ( ****1/2 )

Claudio Castagnoli © vs. Chris Hero - PWG Championship ( **3/4 )

Willie Mack vs. Kevin Steen

There is a split crowd here for the opening match. Steen has opened a lot of shows come to think of it! Mack with the Waistlock Takedown and Steen finds the ropes pretty quickly there. Lockup and Steen with the Headlock and then Steen and Mack collide in the middle of the ring. Mack hits the ropes and the same result. Steen hits the ropes and now we have both men charging each other into the ropes. Knee to the gut from Steen puts an end to that, but then he runs into the Dropkick and Steen heads for the floor. Steen has a picture of El Generico and just drops it on the floor. Steen onto the apron and he wants Mack to back off and then he gets back into the ring. Split crowd comes into things again. Kick to the gut and then Steen with the big chop and then forearms and chops and Mack takes it. Mack then with a big chop and then more of the same. Steen into the ropes and he ducks a Clothesline and fakes the knee injury and pokes the eye. Kick to the gut and chops from Steen. Knee to the throat from Steen and then a Snapmare and a kick to the back. Mack wants more and gets kicked in the face. Mack choked over the middle rope. Steen then stands on Mack again. Mack blocks a slam and then Steen bites the arm pit of Mack I think. Headbutt and then a slap from Steen and now they exchange forearms. Enziguri from Steen and the Somersault Leg Drop to the back of the head. Steen is on the apron and takes a kick to the chest and back into the ring. Million Dollar Fist Drops from Mack and then a jumping one gets a two count. Stomps from Mack and then clubs away and then Steen comes back with forearms. Mack hits the breaks and Steen to the floor. Slingshot Senton Splash from Steen back into the ring and that gets a two count. The match is beginning to take a wee turn for the better here. Steen now with the Head Crush. BRUTAL kick to the back from Steen and then he turns Mack around and gets a two count. Steen drags Mack in and then goes to the Chinlock and has it locked in. Mack fights his way back into the match and then elbows and takes a clubbing blow to the back. Mack into the ropes and he counters. Clothesline and a Back Elbow and another Clothesline. MD blocked. BRUTAL EXPLODER FROM MACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The fans getting behind this match now. Steen sends Mack. SUPERKICK FROM STEEN !!! F-5 FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Near the corner goes Mack and Steen heads for the top rope. Mack stops Steen and that looked a bit awkward. Mack knocked back down again. SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT FROM STEEN ... MISSES !!! Mack with the big Clothesline. SLINGSHOT DROPKICK INTO THE RING FROM MACK !!! STANDING MOONSAULT FROM MACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! POWERBOMB FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM STEEN ... MACK COUNTERS AND LOCKS IN ONE OF HIS OWN !!! Steen finds the bottom rope. Mack with a forearm and then Steen into the ropes. Mack beats on Steen a bit. CODEBREAKER FROM STEEN !!! THE SWANTON BOMB FROM STEEN ... HITS THE KNEES !!! CHOCOLATE THUNDER BOMB FROM MACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Mack to the top. Steen stops him up there. INTO THE PACKAGE PILEDRIVER AND MACK IS ON THE FLOOR !!! Back into the ring they now go. MACK WITH THE SCHOOL BOY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Once again, can they not just have Willie Mack win clean against a big name instead of a weird rollup? They seem intent on putting him over but can't seem to do so properly. It is a cracking wee match though. ***1/2

Brian Cage-Taylor and Ryan Taylor vs. Scorpio Sky and Joey Ryan

I've already had one shock from The Dynasty with their absolute belter with the RockNES Monsters. Scorpio Sky is an awesome wrestler though. It's a delight to see him back on a full time basis. Ryan and Sky are in the ring now to open and Sky with the takedown. Ryan tries for pins and that doesn't get him anywhere. Headlock from Sky and the referee wants a break. Ryan misses a kick and Sky hits the ropes. Ryan with a pinfall and both men try for kicks and Dropkicks and we have a stalemate. Into the ring comes Cage and Joey and Cage gets charged down. Joey then hits the ropes. Some reversals and then both men try for big shots and miss. Kick to the gut and then Joey goes to work on Cage. Cage runs into an elbow and then a Northern Lights Suplex gets two for Joey. Right hands from Joey. Cage tries the same pin as Ryan and gets a two count. Basement Downward Spiral gets a two count for Cage and that gets a two count. Into the ring comes Ryan and then Ryan with the Abdominal Stretch. Cage comes back in with the Double Axe Handle and now Cage with work on the arm and Ryan comes back in the ring. Double Stomp to the back from Ryan and then the quick tag again from Cage. F-5 across the knees from the Taylors gets a two count. Chickenwing Chinlock from Cage now on Joey. Jawbreaker from Joey and in comes Sky and then a nice Running Rana. Missile Dropkick off the second from Sky and in comes Ryan. Springboard Cross Body gets a two count for Sky. Into the corner and in comes Joey. Kicks to the gut from Joey. Suplex from Joey and that gets a two count. Ryan and Joey now exchange strikes. Dropkick from Joey and that gets a two count. Into the corner and in comes Sky with a big kick. Snapmare from Sky and then a running kick. A nice stretch from Sky and then Ryan manages to get out of that. Double Stomp to the back of the head from Sky and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Sky with the shoulders and then Ryan fights out of the corner and tags out and Cage with some shots on both guys. Sky to the apron. SUPERPLEX BRINGS SKY BACK INTO THE RING !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! GORY BOMB ... countered. CODEBREAKER FROM SKY !!! Kevin Steen did that in the first match as well. Oh dear. Forearms from Joey and Ryan. SUPERKICK FROM RYAN !!! Powerslam from Joey and that gets a two count. SUPERKICK FROM JOEY ... missed. ROARING ELBOW FROM RYAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! SKY SAVES !!! Forearms from Sky and Ryan now. BRUTAL KICK FROM SKY TO RYAN !!! PUMP HANDLE X-FACTOR FROM CAGE TO SKY !!! Pump Handle Suplex. SNAPMARE DRIVER FROM RYAN TO JOEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Cage and Ryan have Joey. Cage winds up on the floor. BRUTAL DVD FROM SKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Joey to the floor. BRUTAL DOUBLE FLAPJACK ON SKY !!! RUNNING STO FROM JOEY !!! Electric Chair Drop from Joey to Ryan. Joey Runs into the shot. DOOMSDAY SUICIDE DIVE FROM THE TAYLOR BOYS !!! Back into the ring they now go. GO 2 SLEEP FROM RYAN !!! DISCUS LARIAT FROM CAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SKY MAKES THE SAVE !!! Sky into the corner and Ryan onto the apron. DDT ON THE APRON FROM JOEY !!! KICKS FROM THE DYNASTY !!! THE TKO FROM SKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A bit long considering what it meant and it's position on the card, but it sure was a lot of fun. ***1/4

Chuck Taylor vs. Kenny King

King looking for a leg here and they lockup and a Headlock from Taylor and then King with the takedown. Taylor then goes behind and we have reversals and a stalemate. Taylor is quite popular with the PWG fans. Arm Drags from King and he goes to the Arm Bar on Taylor. King now works on the arm of Taylor. Ryan comes in and helps Taylor get the Headlock. King comes back with the Springboard Leg Drop for a two count and then back to the Arm Bar. Taylor back to the feet and then pokes the eyes. Headlock from Taylor and then he is sent into the ropes. Dropkick to the knee from King and then he gets the Front Facelock. Ryan sweeps King and then the referee is fed up and throws Ryan to the back. Taylor uses the chance to get a cheap shot in and then goes to the Head Scissors. King finds the bottom rope and then Taylor with the choke with the boot. Headbutt from Taylor and then he lands a Dropkick after that and gets a two count. Back Rakes on King and then a Front Rake on the ref. King into the corner and he gets over Taylor and gets a Sunset Flip for a two count. Taylor now chokes King. Body Slam from Taylor and then he calls for a Grenade. King now has the grenade. The grenade explodes in the face of Taylor and that starts the comeback. Atomic Drop and a Hurricane Kick gets a two count for King. Into the corner and King runs into the elbow. Spinebuster from King and that gets a two count. Taylor is set on the top rope and King goes up with him. Cross Body misses from Taylor and then the La Magistral Cradle gets two for King. SUPERKICK FROM TAYLOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! STO is blocked. CHOKESLAM FROM TAYLOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! LIONSAULT ... MISSES !!! SOUL FOOD FROM TAYLOR !!! BRIDGING CAPTURE SUPLEX FROM KING !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! King heads for the apron. Cage gets involved and Taylor wins.

This is a good solid match and suited to it's place in the card. Some nice stuff, neither man busts out anything too spectacular. **3/4

The Young Bucks © vs. The RockNES Monsters - PWG Tag Team Championships

The Monsters were seen as major contenders going into this match, but so often you say that of the challenging team going into a match with the Bucks in PWG. Matt and Goodtime in the ring. Matt goes to work on Goodtime and then lands a right hand. Matt runs into a boot and then sends Goodtime to the floor and hits the ropes and Goodtime into the ring and lands a Clothesline. Goodtime runs and lands a Monkey Flip. Goodtime then traps the arms and that is one nasty submission. Drop Toe Hold sends Nick into the balls and then we have some forced dick eating from the Bucks. Matt catches the boot of Nick. There is some low blows from the Bucks. Atomic Drops from the Monsters and Matt is sent to the floor. PESCADO FROM GOODTIME ... MISSES !!! DROPKICK THROUGH THE ROPES FROM MATT !!! Matt beats on Yuma now and chokes him with the t-shirt. Yuma comes back into the match and then Matt with the knee to the face. Slam and Matt and a Slingshot Double Stomp from Nick. Nick then works on the arm of Yuma. Into the ring comes Matt and then into the ropes and a Double Back Elbow. Full Nelson Backbreaker from Matt gets a two count. Yuma with another fightback attempt and them Matt with a shoulder to the gut of Yuma. Nick then taunts the Monsters. Into the ring comes Matt and then he lands some stomps on Yuma. Matt then chokes Yuma with the boot. Double Hiptoss from the Bucks but that misses and Goodtime sends Nick to the floor. Leg Lariat from Goodtime and then into the ropes. Goodtime onto the apron. Slingshot Dropkick from Goodtime and then Nick sent to the floor again. GOODTIME WITH THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE ON NICK !!! SLINGSHOT DROPKICK ON MATT !!! SOMERSAULT PLANCHA ON NICK !!! Top Rope Dropkick gets a two count for Goodtime. Goodtime into the corner and then Matt misses a charge and then gets sent into the corner and Goodtime heads into the corner. BUCKLE BOMB ON YUMA STOPS GOODTIME !!! PELE KICK ON GOODTIME !!! MATT WITH THE SUICIDE DIVE ON YUMA !!! Chinlock from Nick. Goodtime fights back but Nick cuts him off and then a Rana from Goodtime. Goodtime stops a Suplex but he eats a Back Elbow. Goodtime avoids the Suplex. FALCON ARROW FROM GOODTIME !!! Nick makes the tag and Goodtime tags out. Yuma fights off both of the Bucks. TILT-A-WHIRL DDT ON NICK !!! Cactus Clothesline sends Matt to the floor. Rana sends Nick into the corner. SITDOWN STUNNER FROM YUMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Matt back into the ring and the eye rake. Yuma runs into a boot. SLICED BREAD #2 ... misses. DVD SENDS YUMA ONTO NICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! MATT SAVES !!! CHRISTO FROM YUMA !!! GOODTIME WITH THE OCTOPUS ON NICK !!! Backbreaker from Matt but Yuma holds on. Goodtime sent to the floor. SUPERKICK FROM NICK !!! TOMBSTONE FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Matt heads for the apron and kicks to the gut from Nick and then Goodtime sent to the floor. SUPERKICK ... MISSES !!! Yuma with the fightback. Jawbreaker from Yuma. Low blow from Matt. WHEELBARROW X-FACTOR INTO THE WHEELBARROW SUPLEX FROM THE BUCKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Matt heads for the floor and we have a brawl. THE TARANTULA FROM GOODTIME !!! RUNNING SUPERKICK FROM YUMA !!! SUPERKICK FROM MATT !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM YUMA !!! THE SEX FACTOR FROM YUMA !!! GOODTIME WITH THE FROG SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! NICK SENT INTO A MOONSAULT ON MATT !!! THE DVD SENDS YUMA ONTO THE KNEES !!! High Knee from Nick. SUPERKICK INTO THE HANGING DDT FROM THE BUCKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DOUBLE SUPERKICK FROM THE BUCKS TO YUMA !!! DOUBLE BASEMENT SUPERKICK ON GOODTIME !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match comes across better with a second viewing I feel. The Young Bucks are very good at the big long heat segments. They're so much more than meaningless spot monkeys. Goodtime and Yuma are ridiculously lively in any match they're in. ****

The Cutler Brothes vs. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong

Aries and Brandon will get things under way for this one. Lockup and into the corner they go, and Strong appears to be looking for some choppage early. Nah, he just stands away. Oh, that was Aries. Aries with the Front Facelock and then the Arm Ringer, and then Brandon goes to the arm and then Aries with a nice escape and he goes to the Front Facelock and then the fans do their annoying as f**k chant. Brandon goes back to the arm again. This looks like it'll be a nice comedown from the last match. Brandon with push ups on the back of Aries. Brandon then does more push ups and Aries kicks his hand. Arm Drags from Aries and the Arm Bar. Aries with the Dropkick to escape a Head Scissors and then some one handed press ups. Headlock from Brandon and then sent into the ropes and in comes Dustin. Small Package from Dustin gets a two count. Into the corner and then kicks from Dustin. Brandon comes into the ring again and locks in the Seated Abdominal Stretch. Knee to the head from Aries and we haven't seen any Strong yet. Elbow Drop from Brandon. In comes Dustin again and he works on the ribs and then back into the ring comes Brandon. To the top rope and Aries avoids a move and backs into the corner and in comes Strong. The fans want Strong to chop the Cutlers. Hero says that he hasn't been on the end of the chops of Strong. Strong hits the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring yet again. Kick to the shin and then Dustin misses a Dropkick. Dustin with the Arm Drag and then into the corner and a Head Scissor Takedown on Strong and some good stuff from The Cutlers. Strong into the ropes and a Double Rolling Shoulder Block and then Brandon twists at the neck of Strong. Forearms from Brandon in the corner and Strong then fights back and then Brandon with the big forearm and a Body Slam from Brandon and into the ring comes Dustin. Into the corner again and this has been a total domination here. Strong comes back and then lands some chops and then he smacks Brandon off of the apron. Strong to the apron and then he gets dropped on the apron. Aries to the top rope now. Double Axe Handle off of the top rope down onto Dustin and then he gets back into the ring and over to the corner. Back into the ring and a two count for Strong and then into the ring comes Aries. Strong with another one to Dustin and then Aries with some of his own. Tango from Aries and that gets a two count. Into the ring comes Strong again and Dustin fights back. That gets a two count for him. Into the ring comes Aries and this is some weird formula stuff. Dustin over the knees. CORKSCREW ELBOW OVER THE TOP FROM ARIES !!! Brandon makes sure nothing can happen after that. PENDULUM ELBOW FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Aries is back in control of the match and then Dustin sent into the boot of Strong and this is one weird match for build. Suplex from Strong and then that gets a two count. Kick to the back of the head from Strong and more of the same from him. Right hands and kicks in the corner from Strong. Dustin comes back into the match and that ends with a Strong Dropkick and then Aries back into the ring with the Slingshot Senton. THE LAST CHANCERY FROM ARIES !!! Brandon comes into the ring and the commentators have no idea what Aries just did there. Never put it over one bit. Strong unleashes the chops and forearms on Dustin who then comes back with a bunch of chops but then Strong stops the tag being made and into the ring comes Aries. Double Suplex from Dustin and now we have a potential hot tag situation and in comes Brandon. Spinning Heel Kick to Aries and then the Press from Brandon to Strong and then punches to Aries. Forearm from Brandon and then the Half Nelson Backbreaker. Forearms from Brandon and then Strong comes back into the match. Brandon leaps off of the back of Strong with the Elbow Drop. Brandon is then sent to the floor. HEAT SEEKING MISSILE ... RIGHT INTO THE KNEE OF CUTLER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Strong now back onto the apron and this is a long match, but a very well built one so far. Dustin is giving Aries a bit of a doing now and then he adds a Chinlock to the misery here. Into the corner and back into the ring comes Brandon. Strong now comes back with big forearms to both men. Aries then takes over Brandon but eats a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Aries gets driven face first and that gets a two count. Aries wants the tag but he is nowhere near his corner. Into the match comes Dustin yet again. Aries into the ropes and a Double Flapjack from the Cutlers and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Dustin with a couple of shots and then he has Aries up who lands some knees to get away and gets onto the apron and he's on the apron. NECKBREAKER OVER THE MIDDLE ROPE FROM ARIES ON DUSTIN !!! Strong is now tagged in and he lands some kicks and chops on both of the opponents. Running Forearm from Strong. Side Slam from Strong and that gets a two count. Enziguri from Strong. TORTURE RACK DOUBLE KNEE BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! CHOP INTO THE BRAINBUSTER !!! LAST CHANCERY FROM ARIES !!! STRONG HOLD ON DUSTIN !!! Kicks from Aries to Brandon after he escapes. SIX SECOND ABS ON STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! That's a key move and I totally didn't buy into it. SUICIDE DIVE FROM BRANDON !!! DOI 555 ON STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!!IED FROM ARIES !!! THE TANDEM TOMBSTONE ... stopped. STRONG WITH THE ROLLUP !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! GAMENGIRI !!! IED FROM ARIES !!! THE RODDY GUTBUSTER !!! KICK !!! SICK KICK FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The build was a little slow considering they didn't go too mental down the stretch. It was a sound tag team match to that point though and the final stretch wasn't bad. It was just completely uninspiring. ***

Alex Shelley vs. Eddie Edwards

Some c**t distracted me and I've missed a bit of this match. Looks like I've missed a bunch of cool counters from both men, which I'm kinda upset about, because these two guys are brilliant at that kind of thing. Shelley is working on the arm of Eddie and goes to the Headlock and the fans want to see some work from him. Shelley into the ropes and he gets taken down and then a Hiptoss and some more stuff from both men and then a Running Rana from Eddie and then a big chop. The fans are chanting PWG for that. Erm... it wasn't anything special guys. Anyways back to the feet and Eddie with the big chop to take Shelley down and then goes to the Chinlock. Kick to the back there from Eddie and then back comes Shelley with rights and lefts and he hits the ropes. Powerbomb from Eddie. LIONSAULT ... MISSES !!! Shelley thought that was quite funny there. Manhattan Drop and then he misses a Short Arm Clothesline. Eddie taken over and then a nice Swinging Bulldog from Shelley and that gets a two count. Head Scissors now from Shelley. Eddie tries to turn his way out of the move. Eddie manages to escape but misses an Elbow Drop. Into the corner and then a Snapmare and a Knee Drop from Shelley. A second Knee Drop from Shelley and that gets a two count. Neck Twist then from Shelley and then the Head Scissor Face Smash from Shelley. Shelley gets a two count from that. Shelley then with the Arm Breaker and a fan says it's boring, and he gets booed by the rest of the audience. This is Awesome chant. Abdominal Stretch from Shelley and Eddie comes back. Shelley with a sweep and then drops the throat of Eddie on the top rope. Shelley is sent to the floor and Eddie has a look. SUICIDE DIVE FROM EDDIE !!! More chops from Eddie and then back into the ring. Eddie then heads for the top rope. Top Rope Dropkick and Eddie is feeling it. Knees in the corner. Fisherman Buster from Eddie gets a two count. Eddie then signals for the Chokeslam, but Shelley fights back. Shelley is then charged back into the corner. Eddie is sent to the floor. Shelley misses a move. Suicide Dive right into the kick of Shelley and back into the ring. Into the corner where the Running Back Elbow connects. Both men with shots in the corners. Novacaine into the middle buckle and a Dropkick to the ass gets two for Shelley. Crippler Crossface from Shelley. Eddie gets a two count from a pin. Chop from Shelley. SLICED BREAD #2 ... stopped. Shelley gets sent down and then Eddie has him in the Tree of Woe and lands his Dropkick from the floor. Eddie to the top rope and Shelley with headbutts to the shoulder. Headbutt sends down Shelley. DOUBLE STOMP TO THE BACK FROM EDDIE !!! Some reversals from both men now. Shelley hits the ropes. THE ACHILLES LOCK ... stopped. BUZZSAW KICK FROM SHELLEY !!! THE AIR RAID CRASH FROM SHELLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Shelley heads for the top rope now. He misses a move and runs into a shot. CODEBREAKER FROM EDDIE !!! Spin Kick to the head from Shelley. SUPERKICK FROM EDDIE !!! SUPERKICK FROM SHELLEY !!! BRUTAL LARIAT FROM EDDIE !!! POWERBOMB FROM EDDIE !!! DIE HARD DRIVER FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Another very solid match where you thought there could be much better. Both guys were clearly told to hold back. I loved the emphatic ending to the match. **1/2

Akira Tozawa and Kevin Steen vs. El Generico and Ricochet

And here it is. The reason for watching this show again. Generico goes at Steen right away and now this thing is off. The partners seperate them and the fans aren't happy with that. Tozawa and Ricochet are going to open the match. The fans chant for Tozawa. Lockup and a Waistlock from Ric. Some reversals early now. Headlock from Tozawa. Ric then escapes a Headlock and stomps on the arm and then the hand. Headlock from Ric and then he's sent to the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. Ric with a spin kick to the gut and then Tozawa with a kick to the gut of his own. "You're fucking stupid!" :lol: Leaping Arm Drag from Ric and a big kick from Tozawa. Steen then pulls Ric off of the apron and then Steen and Generico brawl on the floor. SUICIDE DIVE ... MISSES !!! Steen caught him. HE THROWS TOZAWA OFF OF THE APRON ONTO THE OTHER TEAM !!! Steen with a chop to Ric and then into the ring. GENERICO POWERBOMBED ONTO RICOCHET !!! Back into the ring and it's Steen and Generico in there. Steen goes for the mask of Generico. Another chop from Steen. Choke with the knee from Steen and then a kick to the back. Generico will not stay down though. Kick to the gut from Tozawa and then into the middle of the ring. Body Slam gets a two count for Tozawa and then a kick to the back. He then clubs on the back of Generico and lands a right hand. Both men exchanging the right hands now. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Generico. Into the ring comes Ric and he drops a leg on Tozawa. Dropkick from Tozawa and that gets a two count. Ric makes Steen flinch and he is not happy with that. Steen then into the match and he lands a series of chops. Into the corner where Steen continues the beating on Ricochet. Tozawa into the ring with a kick to the ass of Ric. Body Slam and a Senton Splash from Tozawa and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Tozawa. Ric finds the bottom rope and then into the match comes Steen. Kick to the back from Steen. Body Slam from Steen. SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT FROM STEEN !!! Tozawa into the ring and he's going to unload you'd think. Chops in the corner from Tozawa and then a big right hand gets a two count. Into the ring comes Steen and he kicks the gut of Ric. Steen then twists at the at the hand of Ricochet and Tozawa comes in purely to add some mocking to things. Snapmare from Steen and a kick to the back. Ricochet comes back with the Head Scissor Takedown but then Tozawa into the ring. Flatliner from Ric and he wants to make the tag. Generico makes the tag and comes in. Back Body Drop on Tozawa. Steen into the ring and he and Generico exchange. GENERICO WITH THE SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ONTO STEEN !!! Ric and Tozawa into the ring. BLUE THUNDER DRIVER FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! STANDING MOONSAULT SENTON FROM RICOCHET !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Generico and Tozawa screams and gets back to his feet. Steen then sweeps Generico. BRUTAL SPRINGBOARD SPLASH FROM RICOCHET !!! MICHINOKU DRIVER FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM TOZAWA !!! BACK DROP DRIVER FROM TOZAWA !!! Steen tagged in. PACKAGE PILEDRIVER ... stopped. STUNNER FROM GENERICO !!! Ricochet tags in. STEEN TOSSES RICOCHET INTO A BACKBREAKER !!! THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM STEEN !!! Generico comes in and kicks Steen. BRUTAL YAKUZA KICK TO THE FACE OF STEEN !!! Tozawa comes into the ring. Forearms from Tozawa. Enziguri from Ricochet. Rana from Tozawa. SHINING WIZARD FROM TOZAWA !!! Tozawa runs into the boot of Ricochet. Both men do battle now. Back Roll Pele Kick from Ricochet. HALF AND HALF SUPLEX FROM GENERICO !!! RICOCHET WITH THE PHOENIX SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! Elbows to the back of the head from Tozawa. DEADLIFT GERMAN SUPLEX FROM TOZAWA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... GENERICO SAVES !!! HALF AND HALF ON STEEN !!! LARIATOOOOOOOOOOO FROM STEEN !!! All four men are down. Generico and Steen now tag in and they exchange some big shots. Steen rakes the eyes of Generico. YAKUZA KICK FROM GENERICO !!! PACKAGE PILEDRIVER !!! SHINING WIZARD FROM TOZAWA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... RICOCHET MAKES THE SAVE !!! BIGGEST POWERBOMB EVER FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! MOONSAULT FROM STEEN ... Generico stops Steen from doing that. SUPER REVERSE RANA ... FROM RICOCHET !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTTT !!! Ricochet then heads back to the top rope. Tozawa into the ring. Generico stops Tozawa. YAKUZA KICK ON THE APRON ... blocked. SUPERKICK ON GENERICO ON THE APRON !!! THE DEADLIFT GERMAN ON THE FUCKING RING APRON FROM TOZAWA !!! THE STEENALIZER FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

That is one fucking amazing match there from these four guys. The build of the match isn't as solid as the two previous tag team matches which takes away from the match just a wee bit, and stops it being a top end contender. When it breaks down it's fantastic though. ****1/2

Claudio Castagnoli © vs. Chris Hero - PWG Championship

Memory tells me this match is nowhere near what you would expect from these two men as far as match quality goes. Claudio looks happy with his title belt. Lockup and Claudio goes behind and a Hammerlock. Hero takes down Claudio and then goes to the Waistlock. Claudio takes Hero and gets a two count and we have a stalemate at the end of that. They lock hands and Hero tries to force Claudio back, but it doesn't work and Claudio gets the better of a test of strength. Hero manages to get Claudio on the mat and gets some two counts but Claudio bridges. Hero uses his knees to take down Claudio, but Claudio bridges back up. Hero goes around and gets another two count. Headlock from Claudio and a takedown and Hero has the arm and goes to the Hammerlock on Claudio. Claudio rolls throuh and goes to the ankle of Hero and has him in the middle of the ring, and Claudio stands on the foot and twists. Hero then flips Claudio. They lock hands and Hero has Claudio and lands a Monkey Flip and then both men bridge and then get back to the feet and Claudio has Hero locked. Both men are on their heads now and they wind up on their fronts and then the referee unties them. Front Facelock from Claudio and then he goes to the Headlock Takedown and the Side Headlock. Some reversals into an Arm Drag from Hero. Claudio with a nice Arm Drag of his own and then a lovely Arm Drag from Hero again and Claudio heads for the floor. Claudio gets out of the way and Hero fakes a dive. Back into the ring and Claudio goes to the arm and then he takes Hero down. Hero manages to find his way into the Cravat. Claudio gets out and goes for a leg and Hero manages to turn and is then locking in the Front Facelock, and then Claudio goes to the arm. Arm Bar from Claudio. Claudio is too heavy for Hero and he goes back to the arm again. We have a new stalemate now. Lockup and into the corner they go and we have Hero into the opposite corner. Hero lands on his feet on a Monkey Flip and then he lands one of his own. Hero gets over Claudio and catches a boot. Running European Uppercut from Claudio and Hero heads for the floor. Back into the ring and Claudio goes to the Chinlock on Hero and he battles to the ropes. Hero now wants to fight back into the match. Gutwrench Suplex from Claudio and that gets a two count. Claudio tries to get behind Hero and now he goes to the arm. He misses a Knee Drop to the arm, but Claudio winds up just getting it back anyways. Claudio with the Fujiwara Armbar and Hero finds the bottom rope. Claudio then goes to the Arm Bar on Hero. Hero backs Claudio into the ropes and then lands a Jawbreaker and then a chop. More of the same from Hero and then Claudio comes back with a shot. Claudio flips over Hero using the arm. Hero kicks Claudio away, but he just goes right back to the Headlock. The feed cuts and we come back to Hero on the floor and Claudio in the ring holding the arm. Claudio snaps the arm over the top rope and that gets a two count. Claudio now has the arm yet again. HUGE Elbow Strike from Hero and that buys him some time. Hero can't get up though and then Hero with some chops. Claudio stops a third chop but then Hero fights out. Hero onto the apron and Claudio with the European Uppercut. Claudio is about to dive but the top rope comes off and we now only have two buckles. CLAUDIO DIVES ONTO HERO OVER THE MIDDLE ROPE !!! This match is going to be a bit weird methinks. Hero into the ring and he lands some chops. ROARING ELBOW ... stopped. Claudio then twists the arm of Hero and lifts him and then just throws him into the middle rope. That gets a two count and then back to the feet they go and Hero tries to fight back, so Claudio kicks him in the face and then a Gorilla Press Slam sends Hero onto the middle rope. Hero gets up and lands a kick, but then Claudio with kicks of his own and then Hero with kicks. They exchange kicks to the face. Hero with a big elbow and now both men are down. Claudio runs right into the chop of Hero. Hero with the Moonsault Press and that gets a two count. ROARING ELBOW FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back Elbow and a kick from Hero and then more of the same. Claudio sweeps down Hero. RELEASE DEADLIFT GERMAN SUPLEX FROM CLAUDIO !!! Back to the feet they go again. GIANT SWING FROM CLAUDIO !!! A big finish to that from Claudio and both guys are out of it. BICYCLE KICK FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! ROARING ELBOW ... stopped. European Uppercuts from Claudio. Hero runs into the boot. THE UFO FROM CLAUDIO ... stopped. European Uppercuts again from Claudio. Kick to the back of the head. ALPAMARE WATERSLIDE FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Hero with a Back Body Drop but Claudio lands a shot. Hero kicks Claudio to the floor and then goes to the apron. SPRINGBOARD ASAI MOONSAULT FROM HERO !!! Into the ring. STOMP INTO THE ROARING ELBOW FROM HERO !!! Hero is looking for some sort of submission now. Hero opts for some kicks to the face and then some chops. Claudio then with a chop and now they exchange. THE POP UP EUROPEAN FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE UFO FROM CLAUDIO WITH NO HANDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Back to the feet and then he is looking to set Hero and this is one weird thing they're trying. Hero's back hits the ringpost. THE CRAVAT CUTTER FROM HERO !!! THE MOONSAULT FROM HERO ... MISSES !!! RUNNING EUROPEAN FROM CLAUDIO !!! ROARING ELBOWS FROM HERO !!! THE CYCLONE KILL FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Claudio battles to his feet now. ROARING ELBOW TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Backslide from Claudio gets a two count. European Uppercut from Claudio. Claudio and Hero now exchanging the big strikes. ROARING ELBOW FROM HERO !!! Claudio with another European Uppercut. Two count from that. Lariat from Claudio gets a one count. Running Lariat gets two. RICCOLA BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! European gets three.

Both guys deal with the broken ring fairly well. It's all just a bit too contrived from these two guys. They don't click that well as singles competitors. **3/4

It's a pretty good show. Not exceptional though, which is the norm for PWG. The main event leaves me feeling pretty flat about things, but the big tag match is a cracker.

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Smackdown was pretty good. First time I've watched it in a while so I might continue to do so. Main event was good, although Bryan was made to look very weak. Never got any attacks going, win came out of nowhere(so to speak, was fairly obvious he was going to win since Orton just had a feud with Henry). And then he gets jumped at the end, only for Orton to save him. So Orton comes out looking good but Bryan looks weak again. Would've made more sense for Booker to run in, starts his feud with Rhodes and D.Bryan is in his "fav five".

I just can't see how you can realistically make it so Bryan beats Henry.

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