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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Me and Broxi/Mr Parstastic have been arguing on facebook for most of the night about something and we are willing to accept the other's reasoning after the P&B folk have weighed in. No arguments, no reasoning just a simple answer;

Who is better, Jack Swagger or Daniel Bryan?

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I've got an awesome gift at the end of this post for you all...

Main Events from PWG Steen Wolf

Two matches which amazed anyone that seen them this year came from this show.

The Young Bucks © vs. Future Shock - PWG Tag Team Championships ( ****1/2 )

Kevin Steen © vs. El Generico, Ladder Match - PWG Championship ( ****3/4 )

The Young Bucks © vs. Future Shock - PWG Tag Team Championships

Headlock from Nick and then he charges down Kyle who comes back with kicks and knees and a sweep and the fans liked that. Cole then into the ring. Knee to the gut and then stereo kicks. Into the ring comes Matt and he runs into a sort of 3D. Future Shock then tie up The Young Bucks and lock in submissions. The Bucks catch a Pescado. SUICIDE DIVE FROM COLE !!! Kyle now onto the apron and he has his sights set. MATT WITH THE SUPERKICK !!! Cole and Matt on the apron. SLICED BREAD #2 ON THE APRON !!! SPRINGBOARD SPLASH FROM NICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Nick works on the head of Kyle and then chokes him over the middle rope. Cole it is that's in there. He comes back with right hands to the gut, but Nick with the Arm Breaker and then rakes the eyes. Choke with the boot from Nick and then Matt adds some choking behind the back of the referee. Matt comes in and elbows down on the arm of Cole and then he mocks him. Cole tries to come back, but winds up getting a right doing for his trouble. Forearm from Matt and then into the corner and in comes Nick with the Slingshot Senton and then he mocks Kyle. Kyle gets sent off of the apron and then a Back Drop Suplex is avoided and in comes Kyle. Dropkick sends Nick to the floor. Kicks to the back and chest of Matt. Into the ring comes Nick. More kicks from Kyle. Double Dragon Screw from Kyle. I hate that move. Kyle then heads for the top rope. The Bucks stop him from doing whatever it is he was planning. Handspring into the Back Rake from Matt and Nick does some strutting on the apron. Matt then with some mocking kicks to the face. Some idiot chants TNA and is rightly booed by the audience. Rake to the eyes from Matt. Hard Irish Whip from Matt and that gets a two count. Cole is raging at what's going on in the ring while more right hands in the corner and then in comes Nick again and he drops the elbow down on the leg of Kyle. Kyle then tries to kick his way back into the match. Nick then with some mocking and he goes for the Figure Four, but Kyle with a Roll Up for two. Into the ring comes Matt and he lands some right hands on the canvas. Matt then with some biting and he has some words for the referee. Kyle tries for another comeback, but then a Dropkick from Matt. Front Facelock from Matt and the fans get behind Kyle and he responds by fighting out of the move. Matt with the Front Suplex and then Nick adds a kick to the head from the floor and that gets a two count. Kyle tries to slap his way back into the match. Richards is the one on commentary I think. Kyle nearly gets to the corner and then the Nash Back Elbow. Back into the ring comes Matt with a Clothesline in the corner, but then Kyle comes back into the match with a Belly 2 Belly Suplex and the fans are going nuts. HOT TAG!!! Double Dropkick and then a Roundhouse Kick. Cole and Nick on the apron and Cole to the floor. WHEELBARROW SUPLEX INTO THE APRON FROM COLE !!! f**k SAKE !!! Matt is in the ring and he eats a kick to the head and Cole to the top rope. Cross Body off the top and that gets a two count. Matt caught. FIREMAN'S CARRY INTO THE NECKBREAKER FROM COLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Nick is sent to the floor. High Knee from Kyle. SOCCER KICK FROM KYLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM KYLE ... countered. SHOULDER CAPTURE SUPLEX FROM KYLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Into the ring comes Cole now. Matt back into the match and he knocks Kyle to the apron. THE HEAD SCISSOR/DROPKICK COMBO !!! DOUBLE STOMP FROM NICK !!! WHEELBARROW X-FACTOR FROM THE BUCKS !!! MOONSAULT PRESS OFF THE APRON FROM NICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Jawbreaker from Cole and then to the middle rope. Rolling Butterfly Suplexes. WHEELBARROW DDT AND THE GERMAN SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... MATT MAKES THE SAVE !!! Forearms from both Kyle and Matt now. SUPERKICK ... BLOCKED !!! SUPERKICK FROM COLE !!! MATT REVERSES AND THERE'S SUPERKICKS ALL OVER THE PLACE !!! BRUTAL DISCUS LARIAT FROM O'REILLY ENDS A FUCKING MAGNIFICENT SEQUENCE OF MOVES !!! All four men are now in the match. Boo/Yeah forearms now from both teams as they are really tired and beaten here. DOUBLE SUPERKICK ON KYLE !!! High Knee from Nick. POWERBOMB FROM MATT AND HE HITS A SECOND AND THEN HITS THE BUCKLE BOMB !!! THE TANDEM TOMBSTONE FROM THE BUCKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KYLE MAKES THE SAVE !!! MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK FROM THE BUCKS ... THE KNEES ARE UP !!! SWINGING DDT FROM KYLE !!! SUPERKICK/BRAINBUSTER COMBO AND O'REILLY LOCKS IN THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE !!! NICK MAKES THE SAVE ... KYLE HOLDS ON AND SPITS AT NICK !!! BRUTAL KICK TO THE FACE AND HE KEEPS THE MOVE LOCKED IN !!! COLE GETS THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE AND NOW THE FANS GO FUCKING MENTAL !!! SUPERKICK FROM NICK TO KYLE !!! ANOTHER SUPERKICK !!! MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

I think this is exactly what people would expect from such a match. You look at what these two teams have done against others and think "this SURELY has to be amazing". Well, it is. This was the debut of Future Shock and the fans were stunned by them so they'll be back for sure. The fans even bought into the false finishes of the debuting team. ****1/2

Kevin Steen © vs. El Generico, Ladder Match - PWG Championship

Generico spits in the face of Steen twice and then a snot rocket and both men explode in the middle of the ring for forearms and the fans love this. Generico hits the ropes and lands Clotheslines. Back Elbow from Steen and then a Clothesline from Generico and Steen to the floor. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM GENERICO !!! Generico then gets back onto the apron. "Whoever booked this match is a dick." :lol: The fans are chanting for a ladder and Generico pulls it out from under the ring. Ask and you shall recieve. Steen comes back into the match though and lands some right hands. They brawl around the ring. Steen then rakes the eyes of Generico and lands a Headbutt. Generico then gets sent into the ringpost. There's a severe lack of goofy Steen here. I hope he keeps this up. Steen seems to be trying to take the mask off and he lands a Back Elbow and goes under the ring and brings out a ladder. Steen licks the ladder which is just weird. Steen is now in the ring. SWINGING DDT FROM GENERICO ... COUNTERED TO THE BACKBREAKER !!! Steen then pushes the ladder down on top of Generico. Steen with right hands and chops. Steen then with forearms and he grabs the ladder and sends it BRUTALLY to the gut of Generico. Ladder then dropped down on the back of Generico. Kick to the gut from Generico and then the ladder to the gut and the back of Steen. LADDER TO THE HEAD OF STEEN !!! HE JUST THROWS THE LADDER FULL PELT AT STEEN !!! Generico then goes to set the ladder up but it winds up propped in the ropes. BACK BODY DROP FROM STEEN AND GENERICO GOES THROUGH THE FUCKING LADDER !!! The fans COMPLETELY lost their shit there, and rightly so. That was absolutely vile. Kicks to the back now from Steen and he has his sights set on that body part. Steen then surfs on the back and drops a knee on the back. BRUTAL LADDER SHOT TO THE BACK OF GENERICO !!! That is just horrible. Excalibur screams like a little girl at it as well. Steen with the right hands and kicks to the face now. Stomp to the fingers now but Generico fights back and Steen rakes the eyes. Steen then bites the fingers. Steen props the ladder in the corner. GENERICO SENT HARD INTO THE LADDER !!! Steen then says he is going to go for the title. OLE KICK WITH THE LADDER IN THE FACE OF STEEN !!! CODEBREAKER WITH THE LADDER FROM STEEN !!! The fans are now getting behind Steen here. Generico then rolls to the apron. Steen is now setting the ladder up and he wants to go for the belt. The ladder breaks as he's going to go for the belt. Generico is now back on his feet. MICHINOKU DRIVER FROM GENERICO !!! Steen pushes the ladder down, which probably wasn't the best idea. SUPERKICK FROM STEEN !!! Generico comes back into the match with a couple of blows. MICHINOKU DRIVER ON THE EDGE OF THE LADDER FROM GENERICO !!! Generico then sets up the ladder and he's going for the belt. Steen with the ladder shot to Generico. THE HALF AND HALF SUPLEX INTO THE FUCKING LADDER FROM GENERICO !!! He then goes for the belt yet again. Steen pushes the ladder and down goes Generico. Fans go under the ring and pulls out another ladder for Steen. Steen goes for the gold and then sees Generico and has him crotched. Ladder is horizontal on the bottom rope. GENERICO WALKS OVER STEEN AND GOES FOR THE BELT !!! STEEN TAKES GENERICO DOWN AND POWERBOMBS HIM INTO THE LADDER IN THE CORNER !!! Steen is now going for the belt again. Steen is going for the belt and Generico is in the ring and he grabs the boot. Both men are now on the ladder. Generico is knocked down. THE EXPLODER INTO THE CORNER FROM GENERICO AND STEEN'S HEAD HITS THE LADDER !!! Generico then goes for the belt but Steen grabs the foot and then drags him to the floor. POWERBOMB ON THE RING APRON FROM STEEN !!! Steen makes a ladder bridge. EL GENERICO JUMPS OVER THE LADDER BRIDGE AND LANDS THE SWINGING DDT ON THE FLOOR !!! WHOA !!! Generico then goes for the belt. Generico then goes for the belt and he has a grip. Low blow from Steen. Oh f**k. Surely not. Generico blocks a Powerbomb. BACK BODY DROP OVER THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE FUCKING LADDER BRIDGE !!! Generico is actually bleeding from the back and he heads for the ladder. Steen into the ring and he throws the ladder. Steen now sets up the ladder horizontally on the bottom rope again. Can Generico take anymore punishment on that back? Ladder to the chest and now he puts another ladder on the one that he set up. Generico onto the apron and he lands some forearms and then heads for the top rope. Steen winds up getting back to his feet. STEEN WITH THE BRAINBUSTAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH !!! Steen is now in the ring. THE YOUNG BUCKS HIT THE RING !!! They work over the knees of Kevin Steen. The fans HATE this. Generico is in the ring and he sees Steen down and he wants to go for the gold. Both men now climb opposite ends of the ladder. THE SUNSET BOMB OFF OF THE LADDER INTO THE LADDERS IN THE CORNER !!! Oh man. Oh fucking man. GENERICO IS GOING FOR THE GOLD !!! HE'S NEARLY THERE !!! GENERICO WINS THE TITLE !!!

The first thing to be noted is just how violent this match is. Both men take absolutely horrific bumps through the course of the match. Generico especially takes some big ones. It's much better than their Fight Without Honor a year previous. It's a lot more intense and vile than that match. The flow is off, which means I can't go full whammy, but they deserve a VERY high rating and they're going to get one. ****3/4


They can be found here... http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Bv1Xg6PgG7Y/ ...along with the rest of the show, which is bloody good. It's all about these two matches and then the big return at the end of the show which seen the hall completely lose their shit.

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Do you understand is a bit too obvious of a hint for Jericho IMO

Aye, it seems Jericho's trying too hard to play it down.

Then again it could be genuine and it's Taker, after all, his 2000 return was along similar lines was it not?

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