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Absolutely not surprised to hear that Martindale and Cole are in cahoots going by what I've heard. We won't have a centre half pairing of Gordon and Neil which is a shame.


Absolutely. I'd be pretty fucked off if I were Neill, who was dropped for an unfit Cole, or Sives, who's been shunted out to Cowden for the rest of the season and not afforded the same opportunity as an inferior player IMO.

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I don't really care if you drink on the bus before a football match, as long as you're not licking the windows and attacking folk then it's fine. The police aren't going to be too fussed to stop a Livi bus to check for drink, they have better things to do. Also we're not going to get a bad reputation because of what happened at Dumbarton I doubt anyone cares.

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You seem to pint the the finger at others the fact of the matter the fans that took drink into Dumbarton were breaking the law and furthermore caused trouble that you have to imagine was drink related. Who care about Sevco we're talking about Livi fans.

In case you have failed to pick it up. I have no issue with having a drink and going to football as you say that's part of some peoples culture. What I have an issue with is you wanting others to just accept that other supporters knowingly just want to break he law that's not acceptable to me and I assume the many others you refer to. I like to think majority of people are law abiding citizens.

The divide is huge to understanding each other's views

Correct the divide is huge and you and I prove it. I still cringe everytime when I think of an old livi song that USED to be sung..."we're the best behaved supporters in the land" what a fookin embarrassment that song was,thank god its gone now,you need to drop the we're holier than thou crap ltg because livi fans quite clearly now aren't.Every Scottish sides away support is always more vocal,more raucous thats the way it's always been,the lads see a good away day coming up,they say hell yeah that'll be a good day out,they plan for it and when the day comes they hop on the bus or train and have a right good day out,win or lose. As with every support your gonna get a couple of village idiots who can't handle their swally but that comes with the territory at an away day fitba style.
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Correct the divide is huge and you and I prove it. I still cringe everytime when I think of an old livi song that USED to be sung..."we're the best behaved supporters in the land" what a fookin embarrassment that song was,thank god its gone now,you need to drop the we're holier than thou crap ltg because livi fans quite clearly now aren't.Every Scottish sides away support is always more vocal,more raucous thats the way it's always been,the lads see a good away day coming up,they say hell yeah that'll be a good day out,they plan for it and when the day comes they hop on the bus or train and have a right good day out,win or lose. As with every support your gonna get a couple of village idiots who can't handle their swally but that comes with the territory at an away day fitba style.

Recently there has been more than a few village idiots and if it is the way you portray then most fans wouldn't bother. Recently there have been some unsavoury behaviour and as a Livi fan I have been embarrassed like others. Dumbarton was the prime example

Not all fans want to turn up every week boozed up ready to shout foul & abusive language at players, other fans, stewards or police but that's what we have had and it is driving the ordinary fans away from the club.

I fear for next years attendances at Almondvale.

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Recently there has been more than a few village idiots and if it is the way you portray then most fans wouldn't bother. Recently there have been some unsavoury behaviour and as a Livi fan I have been embarrassed like others. Dumbarton was the prime example

Not all fans want to turn up every week boozed up ready to shout foul & abusive language at players, other fans, stewards or police but that's what we have had and it is driving the ordinary fans away from the club.

I fear for next years attendances at Almondvale.

I don't really know why what happened at Dumbarton would make you embarrassed? You didn't do it so why would you care. As I've said what happened isn't going to affect any reputation the club has and I don't think it will drive fans away from the club. Darren Cole and Martindale are doing a better job of that than any fans could. Edited by AMC13
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Fucking hell. :mellow:

I was attending that match with a couple of pals including Dundee Barry, his cousin and wendywho - they could verify the tale.

There are photos of her, baby in arms, singing in the front row - opening game of the club 12 season

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Livithegreat if you saw someone boozing on a Livi supporters bus would you tell them off/grass them in?

Be honest.

No. My point is actively encouraging it as well as people that can't handle there drink like we clearly saw at Dumbarton. That was an embarrassment for us all.

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Aye okay...so how many punters on a bus have been charged...I'm guessing very few

Given that no one can tell us here and it's difficult to find any figures online I'd say that barely any have been prosecuted. It's clearly not a massive priority for police.

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Police interest looks to have diminished since my time running buses. I can confirm, it is a criminal offence to drink on a bus travelling to or from a designated sporting event. If caught in possession you will be charged, as will the convener, driver and owner of the bus. Sentence will depend on your plea and previous convictions.

If you draw attention to it, you are more likely to get stopped.

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Police interest looks to have diminished since my time running buses. I can confirm, it is a criminal offence to drink on a bus travelling to or from a designated sporting event. If caught in possession you will be charged, as will the convener, driver and owner of the bus. Sentence will depend on your plea and previous convictions.

If you draw attention to it, you are more likely to get stopped.

I can only assume this differs from being caught drinking in the street for example? That only warrants an on the spot fine, rather than an actual charge.

FWIW the guys I know who were stopped en route to a match received fines rather than being charged.

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I don't really want to get involved in this argument (he says getting involved) but I do remember walking to Westfield 1 fine day when we were about to play Rangers.

The police are absolutely everywhere and a Rangers supporters bus is sitting on the Westfield roundabout.

Clearly visible is several neds downing Buckfast for all to see and the police couldn't give a shit.

In near 30 years watching 90% + of our games, I've seen the police come on the bus once looking for booze. The Scottish cup final in 97.

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My mates son was stewarding at Ibrox and said the police weren't bothered about going into the bogs to arrest Sevco fans doing drugs, they just told his son to go sort it out, to which they got told to do their jobs and get in ther themselves. Where Sevco are concerende the police don't want to know about anything they get up to.

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