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24 minutes ago, LogieLivi said:

One way ticket for Big Chuck back to Birmingham please.
Utter, utter, shite.

This, I'll drive him back down myself. He looks a bit like he's expected to come up and stroll it and he isn't close to good enough, he's either lazy or shite.

Nouble on instead of him while we still had Anderson on the pitch would have made a lot more sense in any case.

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Only Devlin; Pittman and Holt got pass marks today.
You on crack?
Devlin was only brought into the game second half as all balls went to a clearly still injured Penrice down the left in the first.

Pittman was a ghost today.

Holt, agreed was the best centre mid.

Forrest however was the best player on the park for both sides.
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This, I'll drive him back down myself. He looks a bit like he's expected to come up and stroll it and he isn't close to good enough, he's either lazy or shite.
Nouble on instead of him while we still had Anderson on the pitch would have made a lot more sense in any case.
Montano for me would have been the better option as a winger.
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Chuck one-on-one with Stevie fucking May to have a clear shot on goal and he lazily dangles his leg towards the ball as May steamrollers in. Thought this boy was meant to be firing them in in the U23s down south.

Forrest brilliant. Otherwise, too many times we tried to swing them in and it just hit the first man. 

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1 hour ago, DavideFernandezLoveChild said:

Chuck one-on-one with Stevie fucking May to have a clear shot on goal and he lazily dangles his leg towards the ball as May steamrollers in. Thought this boy was meant to be firing them in in the U23s down south.


I thought this was pretty feeble too. He gets there first and slows down as if he'd rather May knocks the ball out than take it in his stride and risk taking a hit.

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Chukwuemeka was trying to do that double heel touch skill he does where he chops the ball behind himself and jinks back inside. May's slide tackle crashed through his left leg though so interrupted it. Just touching it ahead of himself and trusting his pace would've been a better option. Going by his youtube compilation videos, he often chooses a more roundabout route with his dribbling. Hopefully Martindale can get him to have more conviction and be more direct. 

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16 hours ago, ATLIS said:

No chance, Pitts was shite today. Forrest was incredible but overall we were shite

I've managed to calm down a bit now so....

Forest was good but not as good as on Saturday. Basically the team were a huge disappointment on how we were on Saturday however things like Omeonga having two Saints players virtually on his neck the whole time seriously impacted his effectiveness. Likewise Penrice looked seriously off the pact; possible not fully fit or lacking in confidence but this wasn't the boy bursting up the wing we've seen on previous occasions.

Last night we had 61% of the ball (according to the beeb) but at least 50% of that appeared to be passing it around at the back AKA John Hughes style. Hugely frustrating to watch particularly when we rode our luck at times.

Not starting with Nouble was a huge mistake in my opinion. We've seen previously that he takes up the fifteen minutes to totally warm up when coming on; coming on in the last quarter of an hour left the boy trying to make an impression; not a good move with that idiot if a referee. Seeing both incidents on the TV later; neither appeared to be a booking - however the problem is that when we come up against a team with seasoned play-actors; will they roll around on the ground clutching their face etc. whenever he comes close? Unfortunately his very height could put him more at risk for that than most.

All this aside though, one thing that irritated me the most was the lacking drill and organisation that we has against Hibs; whenever we had a set piece or a throw in on Saturday there was a real danger; we presented a real threat. Too often last night it seemed people just milled about without any direction - why the change; it was only four days ago?

Anyway losing to St Johnstone could be worse

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5 hours ago, lichtiekev said:

Nouble should be jailed for them awful fouls, hopefully the 2 st Johnstone players make full recoverys,

That's Hibs and St Johnstone players over egging it to get him bookings, didn't really work on Sat, but the ref last night was shocking. Think his reputation from the Championship has alerted Premiership teams, and so far their tactics are to get him booked and render him less effective with his physicality.

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14 hours ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

That's Hibs and St Johnstone players over egging it to get him bookings, didn't really work on Sat, but the ref last night was shocking. Think his reputation from the Championship has alerted Premiership teams, and so far their tactics are to get him booked and render him less effective with his physicality.

They definitely did their homework on us.  They put pressure on the defence to play the ball back to Max's feet quite often, knowing he has a clanger or two in him.

Fully expecting us to take points off Aberdeen at the weekend.  Raise our game against the big teams, get are bum bums felt by the wee teams.  The Livi way.

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So far Bruce is the top player for Goals/Assists p90. Only other players close to him are Rangers and Celtic players. 

I’m a bit scared he’ll be off in the summer. He’s a natural goal scorer, something we’ve not had for years. Even Dykes wasn’t as prolific as Bruce is in front of goal. Completely different players but Bruce is on some ridiculous form 

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3 hours ago, ol1vercloff said:

They definitely did their homework on us.  They put pressure on the defence to play the ball back to Max's feet quite often, knowing he has a clanger or two in him.

Fully expecting us to take points off Aberdeen at the weekend.  Raise our game against the big teams, get are bum bums felt by the wee teams.  The Livi way.

Yeah we're on a wee pattern of win one lose one, so should be winning on Sat to keep that going, but it's Aberdeen, and they always mug us for the 3pts. Numerous times we've come away saying how did we lose that game. Hopefully Max doesn't chuck one into his own net against them again.


Tbf we've taken 4pts against County, 4pts against Dundee and Dundee Utd, and should've taken 4pts against St Johnstone, only bottom 6 team we've been really shit against is St Mirren, taking 1 point from two games. But we beat them in the cup so it's 1 win a piece and a draw in all comps. 

18 minutes ago, ATLIS said:

So far Bruce is the top player for Goals/Assists p90. Only other players close to him are Rangers and Celtic players. 

I’m a bit scared he’ll be off in the summer. He’s a natural goal scorer, something we’ve not had for years. Even Dykes wasn’t as prolific as Bruce is in front of goal. Completely different players but Bruce is on some ridiculous form 

Bursting to see how he'd do with Nouble pairing up with him in a front 2, big man wee man partnership, Martindale doesn't seem to want to do that though, and keeps subbing Bruce off when Joel comes on. Forrest and Nouble did well together against Hibs too, so even a front three of Nouble-Anderson-Forrest would be interesting.

Also wonder how long he's going to fanny around with Chuck coming on/starting, dunno what he sees in training but we can see he's well out of it in actual competitive games.

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For me, Chukwuemeka looks to be lacking familiarity and confidence but has shown clear promise and ability in his appearances. What does concern me a little, though, is the wider issue around loan players. Chukwuemeka's selection on Tuesday possibly came at the expense of Montaño. Earlier in the season, Williamson and Lewis were being chosen at centre mid only for it to later be discovered McMillan is better than them both in that position. It's possible too that Soto may now eat into Anderson's or Nouble's opportunities somewhat. 

There's longer term benefit to safeguarding the morale and development of the permanent contract players. Any short term benefit loaned players can bring must be carefully weighed against that. Bailey was a necessary and shrewd loan signing as a direct replacement for Mullin. Hopefully Martindale can get important contributions from Chukwuemeka, Soto and Lewis.

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5 hours ago, ATLIS said:

So far Bruce is the top player for Goals/Assists p90. Only other players close to him are Rangers and Celtic players. 

I’m a bit scared he’ll be off in the summer. He’s a natural goal scorer, something we’ve not had for years. Even Dykes wasn’t as prolific as Bruce is in front of goal. Completely different players but Bruce is on some ridiculous form 

The fact we got him in exchange for JET is bordering on robbery.

Wasn't it a 3 year deal as well? So we'd get a good bit of cash if he did head off in the summer.

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1 hour ago, ATLIS said:

Chukwuemeka needs binned asap. I said it before but it's worth saying again.

He's nowhere near good enough


A proper captain's response from Nicky, he's shielding a young player. Caleb is absolutely due criticism for the way he's playing but it's nice to see at least that he has the backing of the squad and their support. 

A proper leader, it was clear since day one he was a future Livi captain.

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20 hours ago, ATLIS said:


A proper captain's response from Nicky, he's shielding a young player. Caleb is absolutely due criticism for the way he's playing but it's nice to see at least that he has the backing of the squad and their support. 

A proper leader, it was clear since day one he was a future Livi captain.

The mini pile-on from Devlin, Maley and Bartley onto that tweet made me a bit uncomfortable. Callum hasn't said anything controversial at all in my opinion and Bartley in particular has criticised him and called it poor. He's a local sports journalist, its literally his job and it's not like he's gone over the top. 

Callum's been open about his mental health struggles and the club's official account a couple days ago promoted the video he's in discussing it, think Marv had a bit of a cheek saying along the lines of "there's a young man who'll read this" when he's part of the management team that put Chuk in that position by subbing him on then taking him straight off, and is piling on to a completely innocent tweet. 


Wound me up a bit but I'll just hope that Chuk has something to show, he's clearly got some talent so hopefully it's just a bit of confidence he needs and he can find it pretty soon.

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