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Rumour in Livi is he has 2 cases at court.

Not confirmed at this stage & is just still a rumour

He has got two unrelated court cases.. One for being intoxicated in charge and one for D&D...I can't remember where I read it but he has one on Thursday and another on Friday I believe (or maybe it was Wednesday/Thursday??)

The man is IMPLODING

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Guest StevenC

Ohohohohoh I KNOW!

How about selling one of the clubs very best young prospects who's been Mr Consistent this year. How about we also throw in one of our most experienced defenders and get this...we'll sell them both for less than 50k!

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This is payback for your antics a few years back when you stole Main, Lowndes etc right from under our noses.

You cannot take the smile of my coupon at signing these 2 players for 50K :D:D:D

What goes around comes around and all that... :P

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This is payback for your antics a few years back when you stole Main, Lowndes etc right from under our noses.

You cannot take the smile of my coupon at signing these 2 players for 50K :D:D:D

What goes around comes around and all that... :P

I see the livilions site has punters saying "the players have now been paid" for last month. If so, that'll be the transfer money from St J gone. It'll be interesting to see if their backroom people have been paid........the ones with no real avenue to instant publicity that playing staff tend to enjoy. Just Griffiths to sell, and that should either a) keep the wolves from the door for a few weeks b ) pay the deposit on a villa in Tuscany c) have 51% of the fans thinking everything is fab again, and Massone is a wondeful chap after all.

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I see the livilions site has punters saying "the players have now been paid" for last month. If so, that'll be the transfer money from St J gone. It'll be interesting to see if their backroom people have been paid........the ones with no real avenue to instant publicity that playing staff tend to enjoy. Just Griffiths to sell, and that should either a) keep the wolves from the door for a few weeks b ) pay the deposit on a villa in Tuscany c) have 51% of the fans thinking everything is fab again, and Massone is a wondeful chap after all.

I spoke to David Thomson at the SFL yesterday, he did not confirm that the players had been paid (in that he didn't say that the wage complaint had been withdrawn.) Not sure who to believe (except not Massone, obviously.)

Incidentally he didn't appear in court for his hit and run charge today.

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Incidentally he didn't appear in court for his hit and run charge today.

Let's be fair.. according to the BBC, "The 37-year-old Italian was not present in court when the case called at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Friday and has yet to make a plea. His solicitor, Richard Soutar, asked for the case to be continued for three weeks".

I'm not a legal expert, but based on how it is reported this seems a legitimate request rather than someone who is ignoring the court. THe full report from the BBC is :

"Livingston Football Club owner Angelo Massone has been charged with failing to stop after a road accident in Edinburgh.

The 37-year-old Italian was not present in court when the case called at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Friday and has yet to make a plea. His solicitor, Richard Soutar, asked for the case to be continued for three weeks.

The alleged incident took place on 29 November at Henderson Row. The charge claims Mr Massone was the driver of a car which collided with and damaged another car but he failed to stop and give his name and address. A further charge alleges he failed to report the accident to police within 24 hours. Mr Massone, from Edinburgh, is also due to stand trial later this year accused of being drunk in charge of a car in Edinburgh's Bonnington Road on the same date."


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Apparently the council will put us into admin if £280k stadium rent is not paid by June. On the positive side though, the council sound like they are willing to be lenient with a bid from the trust.

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Apparently the council will put us into admin if £280k stadium rent is not paid by June. On the positive side though, the council sound like they are willing to be lenient with a bid from the trust.

Yep, your correct. :(


Edited by DeeJay35
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Seems to me that the council is bending over backwards to help Livi:

1. Offering to flog stadium only 'on the basis that professional football is played there' but then stating that they are happy to flog it, then Livi can build a new ground and flog the exiting one as long as the new ground is built beforehand. Great - lets build a cheapie ground on a crap bit of land that fulfils this woolly criteria and then flog the ground for a big profit - any council landfills needing grassed over?

2. Reducing rent to £50k per year.

3. Flogging the ground cheaply to the trust.

If I was a council tax payer, I would wonder how wisely my council tax was being spent given the small attendances at Livi compared to the council tax base. It would appear that the council are forgeting their wider duty to other non football taxpayers.

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Let's be fair.. according to the BBC, "The 37-year-old Italian was not present in court when the case called at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Friday and has yet to make a plea. His solicitor, Richard Soutar, asked for the case to be continued for three weeks".

I'm not a legal expert, but based on how it is reported this seems a legitimate request rather than someone who is ignoring the court. THe full report from the BBC is :

"Livingston Football Club owner Angelo Massone has been charged with failing to stop after a road accident in Edinburgh.

The 37-year-old Italian was not present in court when the case called at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Friday and has yet to make a plea. His solicitor, Richard Soutar, asked for the case to be continued for three weeks.

The alleged incident took place on 29 November at Henderson Row. The charge claims Mr Massone was the driver of a car which collided with and damaged another car but he failed to stop and give his name and address. A further charge alleges he failed to report the accident to police within 24 hours. Mr Massone, from Edinburgh, is also due to stand trial later this year accused of being drunk in charge of a car in Edinburgh's Bonnington Road on the same date."


I am being fair. He wasn't in court for his being charged with a hit-and-run offence. What do you want me to say, exactly?

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Seems to me that the council is bending over backwards to help Livi:

1. Offering to flog stadium only 'on the basis that professional football is played there' but then stating that they are happy to flog it, then Livi can build a new ground and flog the exiting one as long as the new ground is built beforehand. Great - lets build a cheapie ground on a crap bit of land that fulfils this woolly criteria and then flog the ground for a big profit - any council landfills needing grassed over?

2. Reducing rent to £50k per year.

3. Flogging the ground cheaply to the trust.

If I was a council tax payer, I would wonder how wisely my council tax was being spent given the small attendances at Livi compared to the council tax base. It would appear that the council are forgeting their wider duty to other non football taxpayers.

I would think that the council had better tread very carefully. Livingston FC are an organisation with a histroy of financial wrongdoing and mis-management. For the council (or even a couple of members of the council) to try and force something through where an asset is disposed of for a chunk of cash far less than its actual value would be worthy of a public enquiry. If they want to do something with the Trust, and if it can clearly be demonstrated that no council official has any interest or gain in the transaction, then go for it if thats what the towns people want. But to give away the stadium for a fraction of its worth and then watch it being asset stripped would bring about allegations of corruption......and rightly so. If the town council wants to be tarred with the same brush as their football team, that's the way to do it.

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Apparently the council will put us into admin if £280k stadium rent is not paid by June. On the positive side though, the council sound like they are willing to be lenient with a bid from the trust.

Why say they will slash the rent for the "Trust" when other rent payers won't have their rent slashed by a third ? Why not try and help the club just now by writing off 2/3rds of what's due?

Peter Johnston shouldn't be meeting with the Nixon crew planning a takeover when the club is owned by someone else. It's unethical. Then again, he is a politician with his snout in the trough. I wonder what his kickback is ? :rolleyes:

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The council have spent/chucked away ££££££ on this piece of shit for years, they would have been better giving junior clubs from West Lothian the money to spend, at least that way its going to the majority of football supporters in the area, and not to this mickey mouse crap.

PS If the Scottish League hadn't done the dirty on Leith Athletic in the first place, this thread wouldn't be here. :angry:

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The council have spent/chucked away ££££££ on this piece of shit for years, they would have been better giving junior clubs from West Lothian the money to spend, at least that way its going to the majority of football supporters in the area, and not to this mickey mouse crap.

PS If the Scottish League hadn't done the dirty on Leith Athletic in the first place, this thread wouldn't be here. :angry:

Booo hoo hooo

Get a fucking grip mate.

We've been here long enough

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Guest Wall E
If the Scottish League hadn't done the dirty on Leith Athletic in the first place, this thread wouldn't be here. :angry:

You know, you may have a point there. 

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Why say they will slash the rent for the "Trust" when other rent payers won't have their rent slashed by a third ? Why not try and help the club just now by writing off 2/3rds of what's due?

Peter Johnston shouldn't be meeting with the Nixon crew planning a takeover when the club is owned by someone else. It's unethical. Then again, he is a politician with his snout in the trough. I wonder what his kickback is ? :rolleyes:

Oh come on, since when has ethics been a pre-condition with all things Livvy? The council will have the rent they are due booked. It will form part of a budget for someone somewhere. The council choose to write it off, and somewhere, there's a library not getting new stock, wheelchair ramps not being fixed, or half a dozen home helps not being hired. Thats politics and the public purse. LFC are a privately owned company. When public money gets pumped into private companies.......particularly ones with plenty of "previous" in terms of racking up date as quick as its written off, then there will have to be a hell of a compelling reason to do so. With Massone's hands on both the tiller and the till, do you think that's a safe and sensible place to invest public money in the current climate?

Livingston survive by not honouring their debts. The changes that are needed involve those who support and are involved in the club getting off their collective backsides and doing something about it other than endlessly daydreaming of millionaires cueing up to "invest", or government organizations looking down and smiling and offering a statement of "oh OK Livingston, we'll write it off again, but this is the last time".

Look back on LiviLions and you'll find years of talk of organizing, and moving forward. Lots of talk, but nothing ever happens. Then when one group (the Trust) tries to take the bull by the horns, they are accused by every numbnut going that they are stirring up trouble. Stirring up trouble? Who do you think was first to have some sort of grasp of where this was all headed? Was it the trust, or was it the Massone apologists?

Why Livingston should be so awash with appeasement specialists is beyond me, but it is. Lots of talk, but absolutely no backbone when it gets down to showtime.

That most would rather see the debts written off yet again rather than see the club pay what it owes and budget accordingly is shameful. That your Trust people are seen as subversive is shameful. That the majority of your support are all talk and zero action has become something of a Livingston signature dish.

Get off your butts, open your eyes, and do something. Insist that your club functions in a manner that will pay off your debts in full, and show that you are willing to play at whatever level that will bring it about. For once, embrace what you really are, not the fantasy of what you never really were. Get involved, and stay involved. Want Massone out? Then force him out. Rebuild on the ashes of the 15 years of lies and mis management instead of trying to prop up what currently sits in place. The internal structure needs to be destroyed and replaced by something that has a bit of truth and honour in its belly.

Ask yourself why you should be anti-trust. There's usually only one answer. You want a sugar daddy to pump in cash over and above what you the supporters can muster. That;s always the reason.

You've had every crook and comic singer in charge of you, and it's a mess. Trying doing it for yourselves, and maybe it'll still be a mess, but it will be yours to fix. Unplug yourseves just once from the benign dictator drip feed. You might be pleasantly surprised,


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