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Livingston - all the threads merged

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The only thing more we could do is to organise fundraising ideas for any potential trust takeover which is not the most prefered option over McDougall taking over. The reason why we are limited to that is that we are trying to bleed Massone and unfortunately in turn the club dry so that he realises that the club cannot function while he is in charge. That is the reason why the comically bad figure of "£149.50" was raised from the appeal, not because people don't care.

Hopefully the meeting will show him this in an instant rather than how we were dragging it out.

Do you really think Gordon MacDougall has a spare million quid lying in a sock drawer for that purpose?

Because now that legal proceedings have begun, the only way to stop them, as Tonsilitis pointed out yesterday, is for the entire debt and interest and legal fees paid in full.

MacDougall is a man of some means but I just don't believe he has that kind of money. Why do you lot always look to someone else to solve your problems? At the moment your fans seem to have an irrelevant sum of money to bring to the table and there are almost as many fans groups as there are fans- all of whom have spent lavish amounts of time and branding themselves (the "DBM" for crying out loud) and not much time focusing on the clubs obvious structural problems.

I honestly think the fans need a new body- a united committee representing all the different groups- to take the struggle forward. And, in such a short space of time, its not going to happen, given that some fan groups dislike other groups with seemingly the same intensity as they dislike Massone.

As for Rankine and Gemmel's words in the papers, saying the debts are huge and they are doubtful of getting involved/ a deal brokered, I think they are just trying to smoke out any "investor" who has yet to show his hand which may put whatever ghastly proposals they have in mind back on the table. However I think they both realise that they have arrived too late for their scheme to mature, and depending on how events pan out at the weekend could walk away- especially if Massone persists in his absurd stance of refusing to give up majority control of the business.

Livingston have had the luck of the devil so far. It looks like it is finally running out.

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He was going to be owning Airdrie via someone else as he had his stake in Dumbarton. The other guy was then going to transfer Airdrie to Gemmell although still owned by Rankine. He was then going to sell to the Ballantynes for a £200k profit.

what a fcuking whacky plan, given The ballantynes budget was around 200k he must have been planning on getting the club for nothing, Barr wanted the stadium, it all becomes clear now, he's only there to see if there's cash to be had :lol:

mad massone thinks he's bringing him some cash, Rankine thinks he can make some cash and gemmill well he just doesn't have any cash

there's a straight to DVD movie in all of this, get Duvall on the phone.

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What the fcuk? Read this article from the Livvy official website, and take in the nature of the language used. What kind of ignornant, arrogant cnuts are in charge of this shambles of a club? You'd think wee innocent Livvy were being raped up the arse by the big bad world who are all out to sabotage them.

The cnuts in charge need a fcuking slap across the ashet and a police escort to Edinburgh Airport for the first flight out to Italy.

I feel for honest hard working people at Almondvale like the office girls, cleaners, groundsman and the like - but really....fcuk off and die.

Any club with chunts like that in charge deserve to die - as if it wasn't bad enough having a history that embraces Dominic Keane, David Hay, Pearse Flynn, and a dumbass lottery winner who was actually raped up the ass, but didn't realise it until it was too late.

Cheerio and GTF. Take your fcuking drummer and Lion mascot and just GTF.

Thats a bit rich from "Tesco Saved St Mirren" poster

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Time for a bit of logical thought.

They're deid, simple as.

£280k to the Council and £32k to Scottish Power to start with.

Scottish Power will apparently want half of next year's bill on deposit as well as a reconnection charge to get the leccy back on. There is no safety certificate and no real prospect of getting one unless that is done by 30 July when the next inspection is due.

Factor in the 13 days from now for payment of the rent arrears and it simply does not compute, regardless of how you cut it since whilst the council may accept a payment plan, Scottish Power wont. Who in their right mind would pay next year's electricity when there is no firm prospect of ongoing security of tenure?

There's a very slim chance of administration and a rebirth (again) but why on earth would someone like Scottish Power want to allow that to happen?

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Thats a bit rich from "Tesco Saved St Mirren" poster

The comparison isn't accurate. St Mirren had assets to sell to repay the debt. A stadium. Your mob doesn't even have that, your stadium IS your debt. Or at least a significant chunk of it.

As has been repeated over and over, it's hard to empathise with Livi fans when they are still living with their heads in the sand, with intermitent periods of bunging them in the clouds instead.

I don't want to see a football club die off so soon after the Gretna fiasco because it's a horrible reflection of Scottish football as a whole. But what are you guys doing to raise money for the supporters trust? Or the club once/if Massone goes? There should be a fund that can immediately give money to the club if the Italian goes to at least attempt to bail them out from impending doom.

Edited by forkboy
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Thats a bit rich from "Tesco Saved St Mirren" poster

We pay our way - always have done. We built a new stand at Love Street to meet SPL requirements. We installed USH at Love Street to meet SPL requirements, we serviced our debt to the bank at a tune of £160,000 per annum which killed us in the transfer market, yet we won Div 1 twice, won the Bells Cup...got to the SPL and stayed. We owned our last ground, we own this one, we haven't ripped anyone off, and we don't owe the Council a King's ransom that they'll never see.

However, let's leave St Mirren out of it, and let's compare Livvy and that website article to other clubs who also faced financial uncertainty. Gretna, Partick...etc. They at least handled their situation with a degree of dignity and didn't act like complete cnuts.

Cheerio. GTF Ferranti Thistle.

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However, let's leave St Mirren out of it, and let's compare Livvy and that website article to other clubs who also faced financial uncertainty. Gretna, Partick...etc. They at least handled their situation with a degree of dignity and didn't act like complete cnuts.


Gretna were just Livvy on speed.

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Time for a bit of logical thought.

They're deid, simple as.

£280k to the Council and £32k to Scottish Power to start with.

Scottish Power will apparently want half of next year's bill on deposit as well as a reconnection charge to get the leccy back on. There is no safety certificate and no real prospect of getting one unless that is done by 30 July when the next inspection is due.

Sorry, are we really saying that over a week later there's STILL no electricity at the stadium? I simply don't believe that.

How are people who work on the site doing anything? What about the offices that share the bill, have they been shut since? How can they call meetings at the Almondvale Suite tonight if there's no power? There wouldn't be any lights to see by! Or is everyone issued with a miner's helmet and candle on their way in?

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FAO Charles Darwin Esq

I think it's fair to say that Livingston was founded, and have subsequently existed, on an addictive lust for success. The conveyor belt of new owners wanting to make the club the 'third force in Scotland', the endless problems paying players, management staff, transfer fees etc all designed to desperately cling on to this misguided notion that Livingston are a viable option anywhere near the SPL.

Supporters of most clubs see their team go through ups and downs. A large percentage actually don't really enjoy too many ups! Livingston FC, however, was a rather vulgar demand for a place in Scottish football that was never really merited.

Boasts of crowds of 4,000 when around 3,000 were free tickets and asset stripping vulnerable clubs, such as Raith, were never really going to endear the club to its rivals. However, when it's seen that this was all being done with money the club never had - and has happened on at least three occasions now - then it's even harder to take.

From inception Livingston FC has been a parasite. Clubs were forced to stand back, as in the case with Gretna, while Livi swept all before them in a relentless march to where they thought was their rightful position. I recall the pontificating about how other clubs were being run in the dark ages, and how Livi FC deserved their success as they were pioneering innovative and imaginative business models. I recall thinking how nice it must have been to have the Local Authority building the stadium for you, and not be lumbered with the demands of trying to meet the burdens faced over a period encompassing three centuries, ironic now that it's that questionable act of benevolence that could spell the end for the club.

So forgive me if Livingston fans have to go cold turkey, have to face the reality that Scottish football is not one endless League Cup Trophy or soujorn into European football, after another. It's still early enough in the history of the club, that supporters can elect to support yet another club. Perhaps Livingston will regenerate and rise through the ranks to a sustainable level, ensuring the club still have representation in the SFL. To be honest, who cares - Scottish Football will survive without Livingston FC. I wonder if the success junkies will handle it however...

A very well considered and well written post and it's difficult to disgree with many of the points.

One issue it overlooks, however, is how little control fans at any club have over the workings of that club. We all support the clubs owners and directors when things are going well (and criticise them when their going badly) but rarely can we influence them.

I know if Dundee City Council had of offered to build us a new stadium in the past I would have welcomed it and probably not thought to much about any future repercussions. Also most football clubs are parasites as well as victims of bigger parasites and this has been made far easier by Bosman. I feel angry when Zaluska goes to Celtic for nothing but am delighted when we pick up two quality players from Dundee for a song.

For these reasons I feel sorry for Livi fans in the same way I would feel sorry for the fans of any club that is facing extinction.

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Sorry, are we really saying that over a week later there's STILL no electricity at the stadium? I simply don't believe that.

How are people who work on the site doing anything? What about the offices that share the bill, have they been shut since? How can they call meetings at the Almondvale Suite tonight if there's no power? There wouldn't be any lights to see by! Or is everyone issued with a miner's helmet and candle on their way in?

Apparently there's a generator providing the electricity at the moment.

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Sorry, are we really saying that over a week later there's STILL no electricity at the stadium? I simply don't believe that.

How are people who work on the site doing anything? What about the offices that share the bill, have they been shut since? How can they call meetings at the Almondvale Suite tonight if there's no power? There wouldn't be any lights to see by! Or is everyone issued with a miner's helmet and candle on their way in?

They are using generators.

The safety certificate could not be issued due to a lack of a mains power source.

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The only thing more we could do is to organise fundraising ideas for any potential trust takeover which is not the most prefered option over McDougall taking over. The reason why we are limited to that is that we are trying to bleed Massone and unfortunately in turn the club dry so that he realises that the club cannot function while he is in charge. That is the reason why the comically bad figure of "£149.50" was raised from the appeal, not because people don't care.

Hopefully the meeting will show him this in an instant rather than how we were dragging it out.

He is not far wrong, the only hope now is new corporate funds via a takeover or at least substantial investment. Supporters fund raising is not likely to produce enough to dent any debts.

Stirling is different they have been given time to plan and organise and a sympathetic owner who is willing to wait.

Airdrie fans fundraising, while well intentioned was ineffective, all donations prior to liquidation was lost and a very small shareholding was granted for what was left. That shareholding is effectively worthless with regard to any say in running the club. They were very effective in keeping the club in the public eye and did enough to convince investors that there was something worth saving.

Unfortunately Livi are not very good at either. It's simple, not enough people care. More established clubs can provide a bit more passion, but without someone willing to lose a lot of money your fucked.

KFTS will be on shortly reminding you of successful community run clubs, these unfortunately are the exception rather than the rule.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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Gretna were just Livvy on speed.

My theory is never to trust a club that doesn't own their stadium.

Livvy, Clyde, Falkirk, Airdrie-onians Clydebank, Gretna sharing at Fir Park - disaster written all over it. Well, apart from Falkirk so far...but the JVC Council owned stadium implosion timebomb is ticking.

Oh, also, never trust a club with a trumped up chunt like Pearse Flynn in charge. 'SPL 2' Oh dear. Imagine that shyster being allowed to spout about the 'way forward' for Scottish football. Never trust a club with an irritating drummer, or a shit mascot. (See Livvy the Lion, Sammy the Tammy....it's another sign that relegation and financial hardship is on the horizon).

The basic criteria for a semi-stable existence in Scottish football is to own your ground, and don't have a cnut in the boardroom or the mascot's suit.


Edited by pozbaird
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This was one of the points I was trying to make to your friend Mr Darwin. It appears to me that there is just NOT enough people that care enough about Livi to make their point to Massone that he has to go? I am certainly not saying that people such as yourself dont care about the future of Livi, but it appears that there are very few people who feel the same way. It seems that the people of Livingston & West Lothian in general have just not taken Livi FC to heart, seems like most could not give a flying f%*k whether Livi survive or not.

Mr Darwin mentioned that Stirling Albion dont exactly have the biggest fan base, that may be true, but the fans they do have seem to be doing thier utmost to get together and save their club - I am sure that there would be a large turn out at any important meeting regarding the future of Stirling FC as appeasrs to me that their support and the people of Stirling (in the main) actually care about their club.

i guess ultimately it will be about who cares rather than how many care. The important players (currently) are the council. It will be interesting to see if they have one story for Mr Public, but try to work something else behind the scenes and hope that no-one notices.

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My theory is never to trust a club that doesn't own their stadium.

Livvy, Clyde, Falkirk, Airdrie-onians Clydebank, Gretna sharing at Fir Park - disaster written all over it. Well, apart from Falkirk so far...but the JVC Council owned stadium implosion timebomb is ticking.

Oh, also, never trust a club with a trumped up chunt like Pearse Flynn in charge. 'SPL 2' Oh dear. Imagine that shyster being allowed to spout about the 'way forward' for Scottish football. Never trust a club with an irritating drummer, or a shit mascot. (See Livvy the Lion, Sammy the Tammy....it's another sign that relegation and financial hardship is on the horizon).

The basic criteria for a semi-stable existence in Scottish football is to own your ground, and don't have a cnut in the boardroom or the mascot's suit.


Like the Shire? Eventually, the bad boys get in. Livingston's situation coupled to a council who to say the least, are "welcoming" means that the bad lad gang will always come calling.

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Latest pronouncement on BBC from the Mad-one.

"We have endured many attempts to close us down, sidestepped many tactics to sabotage our games, constant threats of administration. "But, through our passion, unity and pride we have taken these challenges head on and battled on with sheer determination and commitment to survive.

"This is the greatest opportunity for all to unite, stand our ground and show our support and love for LFC."


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